960 resultados para Vias Urbanas Acesso


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O objetivo deste estudo prospectivo foi verificar os efeitos dos aparelhos Twin Force Bite Corrector e Forsus Fatigue Resistant Device na juno temporomandibular e nas vias areas. Para tanto, foram selecionados 21 pacientes adultos jovens, m ocluso de Classe II 1. diviso, bilateral, mnimo de 1/2 Classe II, padro de crescimento horizontal. Para tanto, a amostra foi dividida em 2 grupos: grupo A, com mdia de idade inicial de 14,55 anos, tratado com o aparelho ortopdico fixo Twin ForceR por um perodo mdio de 3,7 meses e o grupo B com mdia de idade inicial de 15,45 anos, tratado com o aparelho Forsus, por um perodo mdio de 7,4 meses, ambos associados aparelhagem fixa com mecnica straight-wire, prescrio MBT. Os pacientes do grupo A realizaram TCFC em trs tempos: T1A (inicial - sem instalao do aparelho), T2A (no dia da i nstalao do aparelho ortopdico fixo), T3A (aps a remoo do aparelho ortopdico fixo). J o grupo 2 realizou TCFC em dois tempos: T2B (no dia da instalao do aparelho ortopdico fixo) e T3B (aps a remoo do aparelho ForsusTM). Aps a obteno das imagens 3Dforam realizados cortes sagitais e coronais na ATM para avaliao do tamanho do cndilo e avaliao dos espaos articulares e vias areas. Para comparao intergrupos foi utilizado o teste "t" independente e correlao de Pearson e para comparao intragrupos, anlise de varincia a um critrio e teste t pareado. O nvel de significncia adotado foi de p<0,05%. No houve alterao significante na avaliao intergrupos, para as dimenses condilares, espaos articulares, e vias areas. Por outro lado, na avaliao intragrupo, houve alterao significante no comprimento efetivo da mandbula (Co-Gn) para o grupo B, supostamente devido a um maior tempo de tratamento, pois houve correlao significante da largura coronal esquerda e direita com Co-Gn, embora clinicamente tenha sido irrelevante. Sendo assim, conclui-se que no houve diferena entre o desempenho dos dois aparelhos estudados na remodelao ssea condilar em pacientes jovens adultos e no houve alterao das vias areas aps o tratamento com os aparelhos ortopdicos funcionais fixos e Forsus e Twin Force.


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This thesis relates to issues present in the hip hop movement. Thus it includes youngsters grouped in different levels such as local, regional and national. The research deals with this broad segment. The analysis is made on those called peripheral youth It encompasses the juvenile segment, that is committed to a movement defined by these youngsters and activists, the so called hip hop movement. The research aims to analyze poetics present in rap, considered as an expression of resistance and inventiveness. The analysis was of micro politic nature and it dealt with the peripheral scenario present in hip hop Lelo Melodia in the Guarapes neighborhood in Natal-Rio Grande do Norte-Brazil. In this community, the group in known for their resistance attitude. The groups opinion is not of opposition or force but it is seen in the sense of reinventing life that is currently attached to the persisting social inequality condition. In these terms, the research also deals with this committed poetic rap understood here as expressions towards resistance and inventiveness that is produced by these youth groups that belong to this hip hop movement. The focal group was the Lelo Melodia Group of the Posse de Hip Hop in the Guarapes neighborhood in Natal/Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil.


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Garanhuns City, in Pernambuco, undergoes a rapid, polluting and non-organized urban development affecting its freshwater springs around the urban environment. These sources are of great importance to the district as well as to the hydrographic basin of the Munda River. In this view, this paper aims at analyzing the socio-environmental problems resulting from the urban expansion surrounding the Garanhuns sources. The study considers the social and environmental dynamics and follows the theoretical contributions of socio-environmental geography proposed by Mendonas Urban Environmental System methodological and theoretical model (2004), as well as the conceptual values of Santos space theory (2002a). The data treatment included bibliographical and documental research, evaluation of environmental impact, and water analysis. It revealed that Garanhuns possesses many local environmental traits favoring the coming out of freshwater springs and that these sources have played an important role in the making and development of that village. The environmental impacts on freshwater springs, like Olho Dgua, Bom Pastor, Vila Maria, Pau Amarelo and Pau Pombo have been evaluated through the environmental impact score IIAN. It put alight serious cases of socio-environmental impacts on the dynamics of the freshwater springs. In the period of April 2013 and April 2014, it monitored the superficial water quality expelled by the Pau Pombo, Pau Amarelo e Vila Maria water sources, and the analyses of the contents followed the determinations of the Environmental National Board, whose parameters are dissolved oxygen, biochemical demand of oxygen, nitrate, total coliforms, faecal coliforms, and electrical conductivity. The results recollected suggest the existence of organic pollution and deep alteration in the water coming out from the sources. In consequence, it seems important the putting out of measures destined to stop those impacts and guaranteeing protection and maintenance of the freshwater springs and their micro-basins.


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This dissertation addresses issues considered essential for sustainable development of urban waterfronts and beaches. Many of these spaces, even though they are of public authorities, economic market and general population interests - due to its landscape, its importance for recreation purposes and as a basis of " Sun and beach Tourism " (Turismo de Sol e Praia), among other factors - have shown aesthetic, health and cultural degradation, entailing environmental, economic and social losses and conflicts. Based on this perception, the research aims to understand the main reasons for these negative results for beach spaces. To this end, it was chosen the case study of a typical urban beach, Ponta Negra Beach, located in Natal, RN. Ponta Negra is associated with the "postcard" of the city and it has been deserving of municipal urban planning legislation that legally recognizes the importance of its landscape. Also it has received constant investments by the Government through urban projects, arguing to leave the site attractive to its users. Nevertheless, in the last fifteen years, the beach has lived with the expansion of its problems, such as those related to bathing water, to coastal erosion, and to the mangling of its natural surroundings. Social conflicts have also been frequent in this time frame: conflicts between residents of the waterfront and traders who work on the beach, between the traders themselves, between the managers of space and fishermen, between managers and formal and informal traders. Many of these social and environmental conflicts have taken such grand proportions that became legal matters. Assuming that the problems identified are related to the issue of rationality - understood as a system of values, norms and actions that relate means and ends - and upholding the need for focused research on "environmental rationality" to understand and interpret the dynamics of social and environmental problems encountered on site, the research that guides the study relies on the Mexican economist Enrique Leff's theory on "environmental rationality" which, briefly, can be defined as a system of values, norms, actions and means and ends relations based on the principles of environmental management and sustainable development. Among other aspects, rationality encompasses cross-sectional planning of public administration, the participation of society in the management of environmental resources, interdisciplinary reorganization of knowledge, the clash of opposing interests and the conciliation of common goals of different social actors. The study evaluates the relationship between "environmental rationality", as proposed by Enrique Leff, with the management, urban interventions and uses observed in Ponta Negra Beach. For that, some benchmarks were established and considered in the research as related to sustainable development of the "beachy" atmosphere. Analytical instruments chosen were the urban transformations and the environmental and social problems that have been the target of lawsuits. Also part of the study, the problems that were the subject of civil investigations, which are investigation procedures carried out by the Prosecutor's Office.


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This dissertation addresses issues considered essential for sustainable development of urban waterfronts and beaches. Many of these spaces, even though they are of public authorities, economic market and general population interests - due to its landscape, its importance for recreation purposes and as a basis of " Sun and beach Tourism " (Turismo de Sol e Praia), among other factors - have shown aesthetic, health and cultural degradation, entailing environmental, economic and social losses and conflicts. Based on this perception, the research aims to understand the main reasons for these negative results for beach spaces. To this end, it was chosen the case study of a typical urban beach, Ponta Negra Beach, located in Natal, RN. Ponta Negra is associated with the "postcard" of the city and it has been deserving of municipal urban planning legislation that legally recognizes the importance of its landscape. Also it has received constant investments by the Government through urban projects, arguing to leave the site attractive to its users. Nevertheless, in the last fifteen years, the beach has lived with the expansion of its problems, such as those related to bathing water, to coastal erosion, and to the mangling of its natural surroundings. Social conflicts have also been frequent in this time frame: conflicts between residents of the waterfront and traders who work on the beach, between the traders themselves, between the managers of space and fishermen, between managers and formal and informal traders. Many of these social and environmental conflicts have taken such grand proportions that became legal matters. Assuming that the problems identified are related to the issue of rationality - understood as a system of values, norms and actions that relate means and ends - and upholding the need for focused research on "environmental rationality" to understand and interpret the dynamics of social and environmental problems encountered on site, the research that guides the study relies on the Mexican economist Enrique Leff's theory on "environmental rationality" which, briefly, can be defined as a system of values, norms, actions and means and ends relations based on the principles of environmental management and sustainable development. Among other aspects, rationality encompasses cross-sectional planning of public administration, the participation of society in the management of environmental resources, interdisciplinary reorganization of knowledge, the clash of opposing interests and the conciliation of common goals of different social actors. The study evaluates the relationship between "environmental rationality", as proposed by Enrique Leff, with the management, urban interventions and uses observed in Ponta Negra Beach. For that, some benchmarks were established and considered in the research as related to sustainable development of the "beachy" atmosphere. Analytical instruments chosen were the urban transformations and the environmental and social problems that have been the target of lawsuits. Also part of the study, the problems that were the subject of civil investigations, which are investigation procedures carried out by the Prosecutor's Office.


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The worldwide transformations that took place in the 20th century redefined the cities fate in this new century. The consolidation of urbanization, the technological revolution that fostered globalization, the economic restructuration and informalization, modified space and time concepts, bringing populations closer together and provoking political transformations. They made contemporaries cities protagonists of world events and as a consequence of such processes, worthlessness spaces appeared and cities all over the world started to bet on the strategy of acting in this problematic areas through initiatives aimed at promoting intentional transformations to obtain a multidimensional valorization urban, financial, environmental, cultural and social. In short, such urban initiatives intend to make cities more competitive, sustainable, creative, productive and fair. Also in Brazil, countless worthless spaces appeared in waterfronts, central areas, and deactivated industrial/urbanized areas, as well as in sub-used or misused areas lacking infrastructure and public services where it is imperative and urgent to perform urban initiatives. This research proposes as a thesis that urban initiatives, when carried out based on an adequate politicalinstitutional model, transform and give value to worthless spaces in their multiple dimensions, offering better quality of life to their residents and helping to fulfill the social role of the city. We intend to prove this thesis through the analysis of national and international cases and by introducing thoughts, critique and guidelines as a contribution to the improvement of the urban initiatives implementation processes, in particular to those regarding worthless areas of Brazilian cities


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The railroad, from 1870 and on, becomes an usual complaining in the press s and politician elite s speeches, especially because of Natal s geographic isolation. The implantation of two railroads in the capital territory Estrada de Ferro de Natal a Nova Cruz, afterwards part of Great Western Railway Company network, and Estrada de Ferro Central do Rio Grande do Norte had serious implications in the urban environment. While railroad s structures were already consolidated, other transportation mechanisms were being implanted in the first decades of the 20th century, such as trams lines, which, by the way, was a transport modal that also used rails as a dislocation meaning. Considering these questions, we may ask: how come railroads and tramways demands, roads and buildings had influenced the internal organization of Natal? We work with the general hypothesis that the influence of technical networks, composed by tramways and railroads, over Natal s urban space happened in a diversified way, sometimes consolidating social aspects in certain areas, sometimes improving the occupation of others. The impact over the city s territory also happens in a diversified way between the buildings/railroad s complexes and the pathways. The different scale of the train in comparison to the trams velocity, size, noise level, flow, among others is also a cause to the different consequences in urban environment. The main objective of this work is to understand the role of circulation technical networks in the construction process of urban space in Natal, as a way to contribute to the urban historiography about the subject. The time frame adopted, between 1881 and 1937, marks the time path of railroads and tramways in Rio Grande do Norte: 1881 is the year of railroad s first section inauguration from Natal to So Jos do Mipibu as well of the railroad complex in the Republic Square in Natal; the year of 1937 marks the beginning of tramways declination process in the city. At this time railroads and tramways had to face more intensively the competition of motor vehicles. The theory reference adopted is based on concepts and analysis of authors, such as Flvio Villaa and Roberto Lobato Corra references to the concepts of urban structure , localization and accessibility and Gabriel Dupuy to explain the concept of urban technical networks . These references reveal the conflict of different realities in the urban universe interests and values which is an important factor about the construction of urban space. The information sources used were from two distinctive natures: primary, journals of the time studied and official government reports, and secondary, based on other works about the subject. It was also used by this study iconographic source, especially images from the data base of the research group Histria da Cidade, do Territrio e do Urbanismo .


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At a time of changes on the territory during the 19th century, the political and socioeconomic elites of the province and later State of Rio Grande do Norte evolved a discourse in order to justify the permanence of Natal as a city holding a status of capital. In this work we analyze the means employed by the ruling classes to impose their wish to raise Natal to an outstanding position among the existing cities by intervening on the territory during a period of one hundred years (1820-1920). During that time, which was characterized by changing commercial flows and technological development, the elites interventions were essentially directed to the implementation of modes of transportation, especially the railway. We try to understand the reinforcement of Natal as a capital city not only in political and administrative terms, but mainly in a commercial and symbolic manner, through the discourse and interventions undertaken by the local administrative elites, who stimulated the creation of a set of relations on the territory that also imprinted visible marks in the capital s urban fabric. These interventions were based upon the establishment of an infrastructure for exporting the State s production, firstly through and despite the Potengi River, and later on by the construction of railways. Although the project of Natal s hegemony had been outlined before the establishment of the railway network, in both cases the ultimate objective was to reinforce and develop the capital city as a commercial urban center to the detriment of other cities


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Os atuais esquemas de modulao e acesso ao meio, tais como o Wide- Band Code-Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) ou Orthogonal Frequency- Division Multiple Access (OFDMA), que so otimizados para a gesto eficiente do espetro electromagntico e elevada taxa de transmisso, originam sinais de elevado Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) e requisitos de linearidade rigorosos. As arquiteturas de amplificao tradicionais, i.e. baseadas no operao em modo de corrente do dispositivo ativo, so incapazes de satisfazer estes requisitos em simultneo. Assim, o amplificador de potncia (do ingls, Power Ampli_er (PA)) incorre numa degradao significativa de rendimento energtico em favor de maior linearidade, aumentando simultaneamente os custos de operao das estaces base para os operadores de telecomunicaes mveis e o impacte ambiental. Este trabalho foca-se no estudo da arquitetura Doherty, a principal soluo encontrada para melhorar o compromisso linearidade/rendimento para aplicaes em estaes-base de comunicaes mveis. Para tal, so expostos os princpios bsicos de amplificadores de rdio frequncia assim como a anlise terica do tradicional PA Doherty (do ingls, Doherty Power Amplifier (DhPA)) de duas vias e suas variantes. O estudo _e complementado com o projeto e implementao de um PA excitador, em classe-AB, e de um DhPA de elevada potncia, colocando-se em prtica a teoria e tcnicas de projeto estudadas ao longo deste trabalho, aliadas aos desafios da implementao com dispositivos reais de elevada potncia.


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The worldwide transformations that took place in the 20th century redefined the cities fate in this new century. The consolidation of urbanization, the technological revolution that fostered globalization, the economic restructuration and informalization, modified space and time concepts, bringing populations closer together and provoking political transformations. They made contemporaries cities protagonists of world events and as a consequence of such processes, worthlessness spaces appeared and cities all over the world started to bet on the strategy of acting in this problematic areas through initiatives aimed at promoting intentional transformations to obtain a multidimensional valorization urban, financial, environmental, cultural and social. In short, such urban initiatives intend to make cities more competitive, sustainable, creative, productive and fair. Also in Brazil, countless worthless spaces appeared in waterfronts, central areas, and deactivated industrial/urbanized areas, as well as in sub-used or misused areas lacking infrastructure and public services where it is imperative and urgent to perform urban initiatives. This research proposes as a thesis that urban initiatives, when carried out based on an adequate politicalinstitutional model, transform and give value to worthless spaces in their multiple dimensions, offering better quality of life to their residents and helping to fulfill the social role of the city. We intend to prove this thesis through the analysis of national and international cases and by introducing thoughts, critique and guidelines as a contribution to the improvement of the urban initiatives implementation processes, in particular to those regarding worthless areas of Brazilian cities


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The railroad, from 1870 and on, becomes an usual complaining in the press s and politician elite s speeches, especially because of Natal s geographic isolation. The implantation of two railroads in the capital territory Estrada de Ferro de Natal a Nova Cruz, afterwards part of Great Western Railway Company network, and Estrada de Ferro Central do Rio Grande do Norte had serious implications in the urban environment. While railroad s structures were already consolidated, other transportation mechanisms were being implanted in the first decades of the 20th century, such as trams lines, which, by the way, was a transport modal that also used rails as a dislocation meaning. Considering these questions, we may ask: how come railroads and tramways demands, roads and buildings had influenced the internal organization of Natal? We work with the general hypothesis that the influence of technical networks, composed by tramways and railroads, over Natal s urban space happened in a diversified way, sometimes consolidating social aspects in certain areas, sometimes improving the occupation of others. The impact over the city s territory also happens in a diversified way between the buildings/railroad s complexes and the pathways. The different scale of the train in comparison to the trams velocity, size, noise level, flow, among others is also a cause to the different consequences in urban environment. The main objective of this work is to understand the role of circulation technical networks in the construction process of urban space in Natal, as a way to contribute to the urban historiography about the subject. The time frame adopted, between 1881 and 1937, marks the time path of railroads and tramways in Rio Grande do Norte: 1881 is the year of railroad s first section inauguration from Natal to So Jos do Mipibu as well of the railroad complex in the Republic Square in Natal; the year of 1937 marks the beginning of tramways declination process in the city. At this time railroads and tramways had to face more intensively the competition of motor vehicles. The theory reference adopted is based on concepts and analysis of authors, such as Flvio Villaa and Roberto Lobato Corra references to the concepts of urban structure , localization and accessibility and Gabriel Dupuy to explain the concept of urban technical networks . These references reveal the conflict of different realities in the urban universe interests and values which is an important factor about the construction of urban space. The information sources used were from two distinctive natures: primary, journals of the time studied and official government reports, and secondary, based on other works about the subject. It was also used by this study iconographic source, especially images from the data base of the research group Histria da Cidade, do Territrio e do Urbanismo .


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O risco de Incndio em zonas urbanas antigas um assunto que preocupa bastante as entidades responsveis pela proteo civil, e tambm toda a populao residente. Estas preocupaes vo desde a degradao das estruturas, deficientes instalaes eltricas, ausncia de meios de deteo e combate a incndios, dificuldade de acesso das viaturas de bombeiros, entre outras. Outra grande preocupao o facto destes centros urbanos apresentarem grandes valores patrimoniais e culturais. O presente estudo assenta numa anlise de risco de incndio ao centro histrico de Coimbra (Alta de Coimbra), em que numa primeira fase, foi feito o levamento e diagnstico da situao a 25 edifcios. Numa segunda fase, utilizaram-se metodologias de clculo com o objetivo de obter valores do nvel de segurana contra incndio dos edifcios. A dois dos edifcios estudados foi tambm aplicado o programa Pyrosim, onde se realizou a simulao de incndio para obter resultados de temperaturas, de propagao de chamas e de fumos. Aps a realizao deste estudo e conhecendo todos os valores dos mtodos e programa estudados, o trabalho teve igualmente como objetivo o de apontar medidas de interveno e segurana contra incndio a serem implementadas.


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At a time of changes on the territory during the 19th century, the political and socioeconomic elites of the province and later State of Rio Grande do Norte evolved a discourse in order to justify the permanence of Natal as a city holding a status of capital. In this work we analyze the means employed by the ruling classes to impose their wish to raise Natal to an outstanding position among the existing cities by intervening on the territory during a period of one hundred years (1820-1920). During that time, which was characterized by changing commercial flows and technological development, the elites interventions were essentially directed to the implementation of modes of transportation, especially the railway. We try to understand the reinforcement of Natal as a capital city not only in political and administrative terms, but mainly in a commercial and symbolic manner, through the discourse and interventions undertaken by the local administrative elites, who stimulated the creation of a set of relations on the territory that also imprinted visible marks in the capital s urban fabric. These interventions were based upon the establishment of an infrastructure for exporting the State s production, firstly through and despite the Potengi River, and later on by the construction of railways. Although the project of Natal s hegemony had been outlined before the establishment of the railway network, in both cases the ultimate objective was to reinforce and develop the capital city as a commercial urban center to the detriment of other cities


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An integration scheme for carbon nanotube via interconnects is described to produce nanotube densities of 2.5 1012 tubes/cm2 or 8 1012 walls/cm2 on metallic Al-Cu lines, an order of magnitude beyond the previous state of art, and, for first time, close to that needed for implementation. 2010 Crown.


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Las MIPYMES son organizaciones que forman parte fundamental de las actividades productivas, sociales y econmicas tanto en los pases desarrollados como en vas de desarrollo, ya que constituyen una parte sustancial econmica por su capacidad para emprender proyectos innovadores y la flexibilidad para adaptarse a los cambios del mercado. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la contribucin social y econmica que tienen las MIPYMES urbanas, para brindar informacin a los lectores interesados en el tema a fin de contribuir en la toma de decisiones. La metodologa utilizada para la recoleccin de datos fue a travs de las bases de datos del BCN, CEPAL e INIDE, lo que facilit el anlisis de los resultados. Mediante los datos analizados se encontr que las MIPYMES contribuyen en un 40% al PIB, aportan a las exportaciones del pas 938,557.9 mil dlares y son la mayor fuente generadora de empleos en el pas, con el 72.88% del total de empleos a nivel nacional y con una mayor participacin femenina del 54%, concentrndose la mayor cantidad de empleos en los departamentos de Managua con 163,918 personas empleadas, Chinandega con 30,494, Len 27,748 y Masaya con 22,725, debido a que estos poseen la mayor cantidad de MIPYMES del pas.