995 resultados para Velocity Dispersions


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The existingm odels of drop breakage in stirred dispersions grossly overpredict the maximum drop size when surface active agents are present inspite of using the lowered value of interfacial tension. It is shown that the difference in the values of dynamic and static interfacial tension, aids the turbulent stresses in drop breakage. When the difference is zero, e.g. for pure liquids and for high concentration of surfactants, the influence of the addition of surfactant is merely to reduce the interfacial tension and can be accounted for by existingm odels. A modified model has been developed, where the drop breakage is assumed to be represented by a Voigt element. The deforming stresses are due to turbulence and the difference between dynamic and static interfacial tensions. The resisting stresses arise due to interfacial tension and the viscous flow inside the drop. The model yields the existing expressions for dmax as special cases. The model has been found to be satisfactory when tested against experimental results using the styrene-water-teepol system.


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The energy input to giant molecular clouds is recalculated, using the proper linearized equations of motion, including the Coriolis force and allowing for changes in the guiding center. Perturbation theory yields a result in the limit of distant encounters and small initial epicyclic amplitudes. Direct integration of the motion equations allows the strong encounter regime to be studied. The present perturbation theory result differs by a factor of order unity from that of Jog and Ostriker (1988). The result of present numerical integrations for the 2D (planar) velocity dispersion is presented. The accretion rate for a molecular cloud in the Galactic disk is calculated.


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Ion transport in a polymer-ionic liquid (IL) soft matter composite electrolyte is discussed here in detail in the context of polymer-ionic liquid interaction and glass transition temperature The dispersion of polymethylmetacrylate (PMMA) in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate (BMIPF6) and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (BMITFSI) resulted in transparent composite electrolytes with a jelly-like consistency The composite ionic conductivity measured over the range -30 C to 60 C was always lower than that of the neat BMITFSI/BMIPF6 and LiTFSI-BMITFSI/LiTFSI-BMIPF6 electrolytes but still very high (>1 mS/cm at 25 degrees C up to 50 wt% PMMA) While addition of LiTFSI to IL does not influence the glass T-g and T-m melting temperature significantly dispersion of PMMA (especially at higher contents) resulted in increase in T-g and disappearance of T-m In general the profile of temperature-dependent ionic conductivity could be fitted to Vogel-Tamman-Fulcher (VTF) suggesting a solvent assisted ion transport However for higher PMMA concentration sharp demarcation of temperature regimes between thermally activated and solvent assisted ion transport were observed with the glass transition temperature acting as the reference point for transformation from one form of transport mechanism to the other Because of the beneficial physico-chemical properties and interesting ion transport mechanism we envisage the present soft matter electrolytes to be promising for application in electrochromic devices (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved


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The various existing models for predicting the maximum stable drop diameterd max in turbulent stirred dispersions have been reviewed. Variations in the basic framework dictated by additional complexities such as the presence of drag reducing agents in the continuous phase, or viscoelasticity of the dispersed phase have been outlined. Drop breakage in the presence of surfactants in the continuous phase has also been analysed. Finally, the various approaches to obtaining expressions for the breakage and coalescence frequencies, needed to solve the population balance equation for the number density function of the dispersed phase droplets, have been discussed.


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A model of drop breakage in turbulent stirred dispersions based on interaction of a drop with eddies of a length scale smaller than the drop diameter has been developed. It predicts that, unlike the equal breakage assumed by earlier models, a large drop reduces in size due to stripping of smaller segments off it through unequal breakage. It is only when the drop nears the value of the maximum stable drop diameter that it breaks into equal parts. This new model of drop breakage, coupled with the pattern of interaction of drops with eddies of different sizes existing in the vessel, has been used to evaluate not only the breakage frequency, but also the size distribution of the daughter droplets(which was hitherto assumed). The model has been incorporated in the population balance equation and the resulting cumulative size distributions compared with those availble in the literature.


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A model for coalescence efficiency of two drops embedded in an eddy has been developed. Unlike the other models which consider only head-on collisions, the model considers the droplets to approach at an arbitrary angle. The drop pair is permitted to undergo rotation while they approach each other. For coalescence to occur, the drops are assumed to approach each other under a squeezing force acting over the life time of eddy but which can vary with time depending upon the angle of approach. The model accounts for the deformation of tip regions of the approaching drops and, describes the rupture of the intervening film, based on stability considerations while film drainage is continuing under the combined influence of the hydrodynamic and van der Waals forces. The coalescence efficiency is defined as the ratio of the range of angles resulting in coalescence to the total range of all possible approach angles. The model not only reconciles the contradictory predictions made by the earlier models based on similar framework but also brings out the important role of dispersed-phase viscosity. It further predicts that the dispersions involving pure phases can be stabilized at high rps values. Apart from explaining the hitherto unexplained experimental data of Konno et al. qualitatively, the model also offers an alternate explanation for the interesting observations of Shinnar.


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Investigations of vortex velocity fluctuation in time domain have revealed a presence of low frequency velocity fluctuations which evolve with the different driven phases of the vortex state in a single crystal of 2H-NbSe2. The observation of velocity fluctuations with a characteristic low frequency is associated with the onset of nonlinear nature of vortex flow deep in the driven elastic vortex state. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The use of the shear wave velocity data as a field index for evaluating the liquefaction potential of sands is receiving increased attention because both shear wave velocity and liquefaction resistance are similarly influenced by many of the same factors such as void ratio, state of stress, stress history and geologic age. In this paper, the potential of support vector machine (SVM) based classification approach has been used to assess the liquefaction potential from actual shear wave velocity data. In this approach, an approximate implementation of a structural risk minimization (SRM) induction principle is done, which aims at minimizing a bound on the generalization error of a model rather than minimizing only the mean square error over the data set. Here SVM has been used as a classification tool to predict liquefaction potential of a soil based on shear wave velocity. The dataset consists the information of soil characteristics such as effective vertical stress (sigma'(v0)), soil type, shear wave velocity (V-s) and earthquake parameters such as peak horizontal acceleration (a(max)) and earthquake magnitude (M). Out of the available 186 datasets, 130 are considered for training and remaining 56 are used for testing the model. The study indicated that SVM can successfully model the complex relationship between seismic parameters, soil parameters and the liquefaction potential. In the model based on soil characteristics, the input parameters used are sigma'(v0), soil type. V-s, a(max) and M. In the other model based on shear wave velocity alone uses V-s, a(max) and M as input parameters. In this paper, it has been demonstrated that Vs alone can be used to predict the liquefaction potential of a soil using a support vector machine model. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.