996 resultados para Vehicle Detection.


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The current state of the practice in Blackspot Identification (BSI) utilizes safety performance functions based on total crash counts to identify transport system sites with potentially high crash risk. This paper postulates that total crash count variation over a transport network is a result of multiple distinct crash generating processes including geometric characteristics of the road, spatial features of the surrounding environment, and driver behaviour factors. However, these multiple sources are ignored in current modelling methodologies in both trying to explain or predict crash frequencies across sites. Instead, current practice employs models that imply that a single underlying crash generating process exists. The model mis-specification may lead to correlating crashes with the incorrect sources of contributing factors (e.g. concluding a crash is predominately caused by a geometric feature when it is a behavioural issue), which may ultimately lead to inefficient use of public funds and misidentification of true blackspots. This study aims to propose a latent class model consistent with a multiple crash process theory, and to investigate the influence this model has on correctly identifying crash blackspots. We first present the theoretical and corresponding methodological approach in which a Bayesian Latent Class (BLC) model is estimated assuming that crashes arise from two distinct risk generating processes including engineering and unobserved spatial factors. The Bayesian model is used to incorporate prior information about the contribution of each underlying process to the total crash count. The methodology is applied to the state-controlled roads in Queensland, Australia and the results are compared to an Empirical Bayesian Negative Binomial (EB-NB) model. A comparison of goodness of fit measures illustrates significantly improved performance of the proposed model compared to the NB model. The detection of blackspots was also improved when compared to the EB-NB model. In addition, modelling crashes as the result of two fundamentally separate underlying processes reveals more detailed information about unobserved crash causes.


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This paper describes the ground target detection, classification and sensor fusion problems in distributed fiber seismic sensor network. Compared with conventional piezoelectric seismic sensor used in UGS, fiber optic sensor has advantages of high sensitivity and resistance to electromagnetic disturbance. We have developed a fiber seismic sensor network for target detection and classification. However, ground target recognition based on seismic sensor is a very challenging problem because of the non-stationary characteristic of seismic signal and complicated real life application environment. To solve these difficulties, we study robust feature extraction and classification algorithms adapted to fiber sensor network. An united multi-feature (UMF) method is used. An adaptive threshold detection algorithm is proposed to minimize the false alarm rate. Three kinds of targets comprise personnel, wheeled vehicle and tracked vehicle are concerned in the system. The classification simulation result shows that the SVM classifier outperforms the GMM and BPNN. The sensor fusion method based on D-S evidence theory is discussed to fully utilize information of fiber sensor array and improve overall performance of the system. A field experiment is organized to test the performance of fiber sensor network and gather real signal of targets for classification testing.


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Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is an integral part of infrastructure maintenance and management systems due to socio-economic, safety and security reasons. The behaviour of a structure under vibration depends on structure characteristics. The change of structure characteristics may suggest the change in system behaviour due to the presence of damage(s) within. Therefore the consistent, output signal guided, and system dependable markers would be convenient tool for the online monitoring, the maintenance, rehabilitation strategies, and optimized decision making policies as required by the engineers, owners, managers, and the users from both safety and serviceability aspects. SHM has a very significant advantage over traditional investigations where tangible and intangible costs of a very high degree are often incurred due to the disruption of service. Additionally, SHM through bridge-vehicle interaction opens up opportunities for continuous tracking of the condition of the structure. Research in this area is still in initial stage and is extremely promising. This PhD focuses on using bridge-vehicle interaction response for SHM of damaged or deteriorating bridges to monitor or assess them under operating conditions. In the present study, a number of damage detection markers have been investigated and proposed in order to identify the existence, location, and the extent of an open crack in the structure. The theoretical and experimental investigation has been conducted on Single Degree of Freedom linear system, simply supported beams. The novel Delay Vector Variance (DVV) methodology has been employed for characterization of structural behaviour by time-domain response analysis. Also, the analysis of responses of actual bridges using DVV method has been for the first time employed for this kind of investigation.


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Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) causes Johne's disease in cattle and other ruminants and has been implicated as a possible cause of Crohn's disease in humans. The organism gains access to raw milk directly through excretion into the milk within the udder and indirectly through faecal contamination during milking. MAP has been shown to survive commercial pasteurization in naturally infected milk, even at the extended holding time of 25 s. Pasteurized milk must therefore be considered a vehicle of transmission of MAP to humans. isolation methods for MAP from milk are problematical, chiefly because of the absence of a suitable selective medium. This makes food surveillance programs and research on this topic difficult. The MAP problem can be addressed in two main ways: by devising a milk-processing strategy that ensures the death of the organism: and/or strategies at farm level to prevent access of the organism into raw milk. Much of the research to date has been devoted to determining ifa problem exists and, if so, the extent of the problem. Little has been directed at possible solutions. Given the current state of information on this topic and the potential consequences for the dairy industry research is urgently needed so that a better understanding of the risks and the efficacy of possible processing solutions can be determined.


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Ground vehicle tests have been performed to evaluate the performance of a Passive Millimeter Wave (PMMW) imager in reduced visibility conditions and in particular, the ability to detect power lines and cables. A PMMW imager was
compared with Long Wave Infrared (LWIR) and visible imaging cameras. The three sensors were mounted on a Land Rover, together with GPS and digital recording system. All three sensors plus the GPS data were recorded simultaneously in order to provide direct comparisons. The vehicle collected imagery from a number of sites in the vicinity of Malvern, UK, in January, 2008. Imagery was collected both while the vehicle was stationary at specific sites
and while it was moving. Weather conditions during the data collection included clear, drizzle, rain and fog. Imagery was collected during the day, at night, and during dusk/dawn transition periods. The PMMW imager was a prototype which operated at 94 GHz and was based on a conically scanned folded Schmidt camera and the LWIR and visible sensors were commercial off the shelf items.


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Unmanned surface vehicles are becoming increasingly vital tools in a variety of maritime applications. Unfortunately, their usability is severely constrained by the lack of a reliable obstacle detection and avoidance system. In this article, one such experimental platform is proposed, which performs obstacle detection, risk assessment and path planning (avoidance) tasks autonomously in an integrated manner. The detection system is based on a vision-LIDAR (light detection and ranging) system, whereas a heuristic path planner is utilised. A unique property of the path planner is its compliance with the marine collision regulations. It is demonstrated through hardware-in-the-loop simulations that the proposed system can be useful for both uninhabited and manned vessels.


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Previous research on damage detection based on the response of a structure to a moving load has reported decay in accuracy with increasing load speed. Using a 3D vehicle – bridge interaction model, this paper shows that the area under the filtered acceleration response of the bridge increases with increasing damage, even at highway load speeds. Once a datum reading is established, the area under subsequent readings can be monitored and compared with the baseline reading, if an increase is observed it may indicate the presence of damage. The sensitivity of the proposed approach to road roughness and noise is tested in several damage scenarios. The possibility of identifying damage in the bridge by analysing the acceleration response of the vehicle traversing it is also investigated. While vehicle acceleration is shown to be more sensitive to road roughness and noise and therefore less reliable than direct bridge measurements, damage is successfully identified in favourable scenarios.


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This study discusses structural damage diagnosis of real steel truss bridges by measuring trafficinduced vibration of bridges and utilizing a damage indicator derived from linear system parameters of a time series model. On-site damage experiments were carried out on real steel truss bridges. Artificial damage was applied to the bridge by severing a truss member with a cutting machine.Vehicle-induced vibrations of the bridges before and after applying damagewere measured and used in structural damage diagnosis of the bridges. Changes in the damage indicator are detected by Mahalanobis-Taguchi system (MTS) which is one of multivariate outlier analyses. The damage indicator and outlier detection was successfully applied to detect anomalies in the steel truss bridges utilizing vehicle-induced vibrations. Observations through this study demonstrate feasibility of the proposed approach for real world applications.


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Damage detection in bridges using vibration-based methods is an area of growing research interest. Improved assessment
methodologies combined with state-of-the-art sensor technology are rapidly making these approaches applicable for real-world
structures. Applying these techniques to the detection and monitoring of scour around bridge foundations has remained
challenging; however this area has gained attraction in recent years. Several authors have investigated a range of methods but
there is still significant work required to achieve a rounded and widely applicable methodology to detect and monitor scour.This
paper presents a novel Vehicle-Bridge-Soil Dynamic Interaction (VBSDI) model which can be used to simulate the effect of scour
on an integral bridge. The model outputs dynamic signals which can be analysed to determine modal parameters and the variation
of these parameters with respect to scour can be examined.The key novelty of this model is that it is the first numerical model for
simulating scour that combines a realistic vehicle loadingmodel with a robust foundation soil responsemodel.This paper provides a
description of the model development and explains the mathematical theory underlying themodel. Finally a case study application
of the model using typical bridge, soil, and vehicle properties is provided.


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In this paper we present a set of field tests for detection of human in the water with an unmanned surface vehicle using infrared and color cameras. These experiments aimed to contribute in the development of victim target tracking and obstacle avoidance for unmanned surface vehicles operating in marine search and rescue missions. This research is integrated in the work conducted in the European FP7 research project Icarus aiming to develop robotic tools for large scale rescue operations. The tests consisted in the use of the ROAZ unmanned surface vehicle equipped with a precision GPS system for localization and both visible spectrum and IR cameras to detect the target. In the experimental setup, the test human target was deployed in the water wearing a life vest and a diver suit (thus having lower temperature signature in the body except hands and head) and was equipped with a GPS logger. Multiple target approaches were performed in order to test the system with different sun incidence relative angles. The experimental setup, detection method and preliminary results from the field trials performed in the summer of 2013 in Sesimbra, Portugal and in La Spezia, Italy are also presented in this work.


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Oceans - San Diego, 2013


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This paper presents an automatic vision-based system for UUV station keeping. The vehicle is equipped with a down-looking camera, which provides images of the sea-floor. The station keeping system is based on a feature-based motion detection algorithm, which exploits standard correlation and explicit textural analysis to solve the correspondence problem. A visual map of the area surveyed by the vehicle is constructed to increase the flexibility of the system, allowing the vehicle to position itself when it has lost the reference image. The testing platform is the URIS underwater vehicle. Experimental results demonstrating the behavior of the system on a real environment are presented


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Mosaics have been commonly used as visual maps for undersea exploration and navigation. The position and orientation of an underwater vehicle can be calculated by integrating the apparent motion of the images which form the mosaic. A feature-based mosaicking method is proposed in this paper. The creation of the mosaic is accomplished in four stages: feature selection and matching, detection of points describing the dominant motion, homography computation and mosaic construction. In this work we demonstrate that the use of color and textures as discriminative properties of the image can improve, to a large extent, the accuracy of the constructed mosaic. The system is able to provide 3D metric information concerning the vehicle motion using the knowledge of the intrinsic parameters of the camera while integrating the measurements of an ultrasonic sensor. The experimental results of real images have been tested on the GARBI underwater vehicle


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Aims: To make a preliminary assessment of the incidence of Salmonella in Egyptian dairy products, and to investigate the effectiveness of various protocols for the detection of the pathogen in these products. Methods and Results: Samples of milk and related dairy products were randomly collected from local markets and examined for the presence of Salmonella. While most samples were free of the organism, isolates of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium PT 8 could be recovered from 'matared' cream specimens. These isolates were susceptible to antibiotics usually used to challenge infections caused by Salmonella. A combination of buffered peptone water, Muller-Kauffman tetrathionate broth, and brilliant green phenol red agar gave the best results for the detection of the pathogen. Selenite-cystine broth and Hektoen enteric agar were ineffective as an enrichment and a plating medium, respectively, in the isolation of Salmonella. A modified identification strategy that reduces the burden of serological testing of presumptive isolates is proposed. Conclusions, Significance and Impact of the Study: 'Matared' cream could be a vehicle for transmitting Salmonella. Using the above combination of media, beside the suggested modified confirmatory procedure, should increase the effectiveness and ease of the detection of Salmonella in milk and dairy products.


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In this paper, we present a novel scene change detection algorithm for mobile camera platforms. Our approach integrates sparse 3D scene background modelling and dense 2D image background modelling into a unified framework. The 3D scene background modelling identifies inconsistent clusters over time in a set of 3D cloud points as the scene changes. The 2D image background modelling further confirms the scene changes by finding inconsistent appearances in a set of aligned images using the classical MRF background subtraction technique. We evaluate the performance of our proposed system on a number of challenging video datasets obtained from a camera placed on a moving vehicle and the experiments show that our proposed method outperforms previous works in scene change detection, which suggested the feasibility of our approach.