938 resultados para Variables actitudinals i xarxes socials


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El documental “Vida Sana” mostra diverses activitats a l’Escola Infantil Rosa Fernández (Elx) relacionades amb l’educació per a la salut i l’alimentació infantil. En aquest documental ens trobarem fonamentalment amb una eixida a un mercat i una visita al Centre d’Educació Infantil Miguel Hernández (Elx) per a vore el seu hort escolar. Al mateix temps, en el documental apareixen altres propostes didàctiques, comentaris d’educadores, cuineres i aportacions de les directores dels dos centres mostrant el seu estil educatiu. El projecte “Eixida al mercat” està realitzat amb infants de 2 a 3 anys. Aquest projecte porta implícit no solament el coneixement de les normes i rols socials relacionats amb la compra i venda sinó l’aprenentatge de bons hàbits de salut i alimentació i el treball dels valors relacionats amb la cura i millora del medi ambient.


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This study aimed to quantify correlations between theory of planned behaviour (TPB) variables and (i) intentions to consume alcohol and (ii) alcohol consumption. Systematic literature searches identified 40 eligible studies that were meta-analysed. Three moderator analyses were conducted: pattern of consumption, gender of participants and age of participants. Across studies, intentions had the strongest relationship with attitudes (r+ = .62), followed by subjective norms (r+ = .47) and perceived behavioural control (PBC; r+ = .31). Self-efficacy (SE) had a stronger relationship with intentions (r+ = .48) compared with perceived control (PC; r+ = −.10). Intention had the strongest relationship with alcohol consumption (r+ = .54), followed by SE (r+ = .41). In contrast, PBC and PC had negative relationships with alcohol consumption (r+ = −.05 and −.13, respectively). All moderators affected TPB relationships. Patterns of consumption with clear definitions had stronger TPB relations, females reported stronger attitude–intention relations than males, and adults reported stronger attitude–intention and SE–intention relations than adolescents. Recommendations for future research include targeting attitudes and intentions in interventions to reduce alcohol consumption, using clear definitions of alcohol consumption in TPB items to improve prediction and assessing SE when investigating risk behaviours.


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The recent crisis of the capitalistic economic system has altered the working conditions and occupations in the European Union. The recession situation has accelerated trends and has brought transformations that have been observed before. Changes have not looked the same way in all the countries of the Union. The social occupation norms, labour relations models and the type of global welfare provision can help underline some of these inequalities. Poor working conditions can expose workers to situations of great risk. This is one of the basic assumptions of the theoretical models and analytical studies of the approach to the psychosocial work environment. Changes in working conditions of the population seems to be important to explain in the worst health states. To observe these features in the current period of economic recession it has made a comparative study of trend through the possibilities of the European Working Conditions Survey in the 2005 and 2010 editions. It has also set different multivariate logistic regression models to explore potential partnerships with the worst conditions of employment and work. It seems that the economic crisis has intensified changes in working conditions and highlighted the effects of those conditions on the poor health of the working population. This conclusion can’t be extended for all EU countries; some differences were observed in terms of global welfare models.


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El objetivo del artículo es definir y explicar los tipos de profesionales del Trabajo Social existentes en España mediante una investigación descriptiva, cuantitativa y tipológica. Esta primera aproximación puede servir para iniciar la reflexión sobre la organización profesional del Trabajo Social en España y para identificar las características que definen su labor profesional. Los resultados muestran la existencia de doce tipos de profesionales del Trabajo Social en España.


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Cette recherche porte sur l'analyse causale de la réaction des travailleurs âgés aux nouveaux modes de gestion. Plus précisément, cette étude cherche à identifier certains facteurs personnels qui expliqueraient pourquoi les travailleurs âgés auraient une réaction moins favorable que les jeunes envers ces modes de gestion. A cet effet, la revue de littérature présentée au chapitre 2 ainsi que le cadre théorique décrit au chapitre 3 nous ont permis d'identifier trois variables qui semblent expliquer ladite réaction des travailleurs âgés. Pour tester l'existence des relations causales prédites (hypothèses de recherche), nous avons choisi l'approche de recherche connue sous le nom d'analyse des chemins de causalité (path analysis). Bien que nous ayons démontré statistiquement que l'âge a un impact négatif sur la réaction des travailleurs aux nouveaux modes de gestion, les trois variables sélectionnées (i.e. scolarité, motivation intrinsèque et engagement d'adhésion aux objectifs) ne sont vraisemblablement pas les variables qui expliquent cette relation négative. Il semblerait, selon nos résultats, que le principal facteur à la source de cette relation soit plutôt le besoin de sécurité et de stabilité qui augmente avec l'âge des individus.


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The objectives of this study are to investigate the association between cardiorespiratory fitness and cardiovascular risk factors in schoolchildren and to evaluate the degree of association between overall and abdominal adiposity and cardiorespiratory fitness. A total of 1,875 children and adolescents attending public schools in Bogota, Colombia (56.2% girls; age range of 9–17.9 years). A cardiovascular risk score (Z-score) was calculated and participants were divided into tertiles according to low and high levels of overall (sum of the skinfold thicknesses) and abdominal adiposity. Schoolchildren with a high level of overall adiposity demonstrated significant differences in seven of the 10 variables analyzed (i.e. systolic and diastolic blood pressure, triglycerides, triglycerides/HDL-c ratio, total cholesterol, glucose and cardiovascular risk score). Schoolchildren with high levels of both overall and abdominal adiposity and low cardiorespiratory fitness had the least favorable cardiovascular risk factors score. These findings may be relevant to health promotion in Colombian youth.


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Resumen tomado del autor. Contiene esquemas, gráficas de resultados y mapas de conceptos


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Roche tomography is a technique used for imaging the Roche-lobe-filling secondary stars in cataclysmic variables (CVs). In order to interpret Roche tomograms correctly, one must determine whether features in the reconstruction are real, or the result of statistical or systematic errors. We explore the effects of systematic errors using reconstructions of simulated data sets, and show that systematic errors result in characteristic distortions of the final reconstructions that can be identified and corrected. In addition, we present a new method of estimating statistical errors on tomographic reconstructions using a Monte Carlo bootstrapping algorithm, and show this method to be much more reliable than Monte Carlo methods which 'jiggle' the data points in accordance with the size of their error bars.


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El treball tracta d’ explicar quines són les conseqüències sobre la societat i el medi ambient dels països que reben els processos productius de les empreses tèxtils deslocalitzades. El treball es divideix en: una part teòrica, on es fa un breu recorregut per la història del tèxtil i una relació entre medi ambient -indústria tèxtil i multinacionals tèxtils-societat. I en una part pràctica, on s’ analitzen les deu empreses amb major índex de vendes de roba a Espanya i també es comfigura un índex d’ ètica d’ empresa en termes socials i ambientals. Aquest treball pretén ser una eina per a futurs treballs d’ educació per al consum, per tal que els consumidors puguin escollir uns o altres productes, tenint en compte variables que vagin més enllà del renom de la marca, el preu o els colors atraients dels envasos que els contenen