INTRODUCTION: In 2009 hypovitaminosis D was highly prevalent in a population of Swiss rheumatology patients (86%). We aimed to evaluate the evolution of vitamin D status in the same population two years later, after the results of the first study were disseminated to local physicians and patients, in order to determine the evolution of the problem and the impact of physician information. METHOD: Patients in our rheumatology clinic were screened for 25-OH vitamin D. Results were categorised as: deficient (<10 ng/ml or <25 nmol/l), insufficient (10 to 30 ng/ml or 25 to 75 nmol/l) or normal (>30 ng/ml or >75 nmol/l). We also used another cut-off of 20 ng/ml (50 nmol/l). We evaluated the evolution of 25-OH vitamin D dosages and vitamin D3 prescriptions between 2008 and 2011 in our institution and the number of publications on vitamin D in three important medical journals of the French speaking part of Switzerland. RESULTS: Compared with 2009, significantly more patients had normal results in 2011. Fifty-two percent of patients had levels >20 ng/ml in 2009 and 66% in 2011, difference statistically significant (p = 0.001). During the years separating the two study periods the number of 25-OH vitamin D dosages and the prescription of high doses of vitamin D3 increased in our hospital. In addition the number of publications on vitamin D increased between 2008 and 2011. CONCLUSION: We concluded that lower prevalence in hypovitaminosis D is certainly related to better adherence to daily supplements, and to better information and awareness of the physicians about hypovitaminosis D.
BACKGROUND: Vitamin D insufficiency has been associated with the occurrence of various types of cancer, but causal relationships remain elusive. We therefore aimed to determine the relationship between genetic determinants of vitamin D serum levels and the risk of developing hepatitis C virus (HCV)-related hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). METHODOLOGYPRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Associations between CYP2R1, GC, and DHCR7 genotypes that are determinants of reduced 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D3) serum levels and the risk of HCV-related HCC development were investigated for 1279 chronic hepatitis C patients with HCC and 4325 without HCC, respectively. The well-known associations between CYP2R1 (rs1993116, rs10741657), GC (rs2282679), and DHCR7 (rs7944926, rs12785878) genotypes and 25(OH)D3 serum levels were also apparent in patients with chronic hepatitis C. The same genotypes of these single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that are associated with reduced 25(OH)D3 serum levels were found to be associated with HCV-related HCC (P = 0.07 [OR = 1.13, 95% CI = 0.99-1.28] for CYP2R1, P = 0.007 [OR = 1.56, 95% CI = 1.12-2.15] for GC, P = 0.003 [OR = 1.42, 95% CI = 1.13-1.78] for DHCR7; ORs for risk genotypes). In contrast, no association between these genetic variations and liver fibrosis progression rate (P>0.2 for each SNP) or outcome of standard therapy with pegylated interferon-α and ribavirin (P>0.2 for each SNP) was observed, suggesting a specific influence of the genetic determinants of 25(OH)D3 serum levels on hepatocarcinogenesis. CONCLUSIONSSIGNIFICANCE: Our data suggest a relatively weak but functionally relevant role for vitamin D in the prevention of HCV-related hepatocarcinogenesis.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Population-based data on urinary calcium excretion are scarce. The association of serum calcium and circulating levels of vitamin D [25(OH)D2 or D3] with urinary calcium excretion in men and women from a population-based study was explored. DESIGN, SETTINGS, PARTICIPANTS, & MEASUREMENTS: Multivariable linear regression was used to explore factors associated with square root-transformed 24-hour urinary calcium excretion (milligrams per 24 hours) taken as the dependent variable with a focus on month-specific vitamin D tertiles and serum calcium in the Swiss Survey on Salt Study. RESULTS: In total, 624 men and 669 women were studied with mean ages of 49.2 and 47.0 years, respectively (age range=15-95 years). Mean urinary calcium excretion was higher in men than in women (183.05 versus 144.60 mg/24 h; P<0.001). In adjusted models, the association (95% confidence interval) of square root urinary calcium excretion with protein-corrected serum calcium was 1.78 (95% confidence interval, 1.21 to 2.34) mg/24 h per milligram per deciliter in women and 0.59 (95% confidence interval, -0.11 to 1.29) mg/24 h per milligram per deciliter in men. Men in the third 25(OH)D3 tertile had higher square root urinary calcium excretion than men in the first tertile (0.99; 95% confidence interval, 0.36 to 1.63 mg/24 h per nanogram per milliliter), and the corresponding association was 0.32 (95% confidence interval, -0.22 to 0.85) mg/24 h per nanogram per milliliter in women. These sex differences were more marked under conditions of high urinary sodium or urea excretions. CONCLUSIONS: There was a positive association of serum calcium with urinary calcium excretion in women but not men. Vitamin 25(OH)D3 was associated with urinary calcium excretion in men but not women. These results suggest important sex differences in the hormonal and dietary control of urinary calcium excretion.
Introduction Vitamin D plays a major role in bone metabolismand neuromuscular function. Supplementation with vitamin D iseffective to reduce the risk of fall and of fracture. However adherenceto oral daily vitamin D is low. Screening and correcting vitamin Dinsufficiency in a rheumatologic population could improve bothmorbidity and quality of life. After determining the prevalence ofvitamin D deficiency in this population, we evaluated if supplementationwith a single high dose of oral 25-OH vitamin D3 wassufficient to correct this abnormality.Methods During one month (November 2009), levels of 25-OHvitamin D were systematically determined in our rheumatology outpatientclinic and classified in: vitamin D deficiency (< 10 μg/l),vitamin D insufficiency (10 to 30 μg/l) or normal vitamin D (> 30 μg/l).Patients with insufficiency or deficiency received respectively a singlehigh dose of 300'000 IU or 600'000 IU oral vitamin D3. In addition,all patients with osteoporosis were prescribed daily supplement ofcalcium (1 g) and vitamin D (800 IU). 25-OH vitamin D levels werereevaluated after 3 months.Results Vitamin D levels were initially determined in 292 patients(mean age 53, 211 women, 87 % Caucasian). 77 % had inflammatoryrheumatologic disease (IRD), 20 % osteoporosis (OP) and 12 %degenerative disease (DD). Vitamin D deficiency was present in 20(6.8 %), while 225 (77.1 %) had insufficiency. Of the 245 patientswith levels < 30μg/l, a new determination of vitamin D level wasavailable in 173 (71 %) at 3 months.Conclusion Vitamin D insufficiency is highly prevalent in ourrheumatologic population (84 %), and is not adequately correctedby a single high dose of oral vitamin D3 in > 50 % of the patientswith IRD and DD. In patients with OP, despite association of asingle high dose with daily oral vitamin D supplementation, 40 %of patients are still deficient when reevaluated at 3 months.
This leaflet highlights the importance of Vitamin D supplements for those who may not get enough, including women who are pregnant or breastfeeding; infants and young children under five; people aged 65 years and over; people who are confined indoors or cover their skin for cultural reasons; and those with darker skins (eg African and African-Caribbean).�
The functional interaction between fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF-23) and Klotho in the control of vitamin D and phosphate homeostasis is manifested by the largely overlapping phenotypes of Fgf23- and Klotho-deficient mouse models. However, to date, targeted inactivation of FGF receptors (FGFRs) has not provided clear evidence for an analogous function of FGFRs in this process. Here, by means of pharmacologic inhibition of FGFRs, we demonstrate their involvement in renal FGF-23/Klotho signaling and elicit their role in the control of phosphate and vitamin D homeostasis. Specifically, FGFR loss of function counteracts renal FGF-23/Klotho signaling, leading to deregulation of Cyp27b1 and Cyp24a1 and the induction of hypervitaminosis D and hyperphosphatemia. In turn, this initiates a feedback response leading to high serum levels of FGF-23. Further, we show that FGFR inhibition blocks Fgf23 transcription in bone and that this is dominant over vitamin D-induced Fgf23 expression, ultimately impinging on systemic FGF-23 protein levels. Additionally, we identify Fgf23 as a specific target gene of FGF signaling in vitro. Thus, in line with Fgf23- and Klotho-deficient mouse models, our study illustrates the essential function of FGFRs in the regulation of vitamin D and phosphate levels. Further, we reveal FGFR signaling as a novel in vivo control mechanism for Fgf23 expression in bone, suggesting a dual function of FGFRs in the FGF-23/Klotho pathway leading to vitamin D and phosphate homeostasis.
Objective. To examine the association between pre-diagnostic circulating vitamin D concentration, dietary intake of vitamin D and calcium, and the risk of colorectal cancer in European populations. Design Nested case-control study. Setting. The study was conducted within the EPIC study, a cohort of more than 520 000 participants from 10 western European countries. Participants: 1248 cases of incident colorectal cancer, which developed after enrolment into the cohort, were matched to 1248 controls. Main outcome measures. Circulating vitamin D concentration (25-hydroxy-vitamin-D, 25-(OH)D) was measured by enzyme immunoassay. Dietary and lifestyle data were obtained from questionnaires. Incidence rate ratios and 95% confidence intervals for the risk of colorectal cancer by 25-(OH)D concentration and levels of dietary calcium and vitamin D intake were estimated from multivariate conditional logistic regression models, with adjustment for potential dietary and other confounders. Results. 25-(OH)D concentration showed a strong inverse linear dose-response association with risk of colorectal cancer (P for trend <0.001). Compared with a pre-defined mid-level concentration of 25-(OH)D (50.0-75.0 nmol/l), lower levels were associated with higher colorectal cancer risk (<25.0 nmol/l: incidence rate ratio 1.32 (95% confidence interval 0.87 to 2.01); 25.0-49.9 nmol/l: 1.28 (1.05 to 1.56), and higher concentrations associated with lower risk (75.0-99.9 nmol/l: 0.88 (0.68 to 1.13); ≥100.0 nmol/l: 0.77 (0.56 to 1.06)). In analyses by quintile of 25-(OH)D concentration, patients in the highest quintile had a 40% lower risk of colorectal cancer than did those in the lowest quintile (P<0.001). Subgroup analyses showed a strong association for colon but not rectal cancer (P for heterogeneity=0.048). Greater dietary intake of calcium was associated with a lower colorectal cancer risk. Dietary vitamin D was not associated with disease risk. Findings did not vary by sex and were not altered by corrections for season or month of blood donation. Conclusions The results of this large observational study indicate a strong inverse association between levels of pre-diagnostic 25-(OH)D concentration and risk of colorectal cancer in western European populations. Further randomised trials are needed to assess whether increases in circulating 25-(OH)D concentration can effectively decrease the risk of colorectal cancer.
RATIONALE: The aim of the work was to develop and validate a method for the quantification of vitamin D metabolites in serum using ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC/MS), and to validate a high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC/HRMS) approach against a tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) approach using a large clinical sample set. METHODS: A fast, accurate and reliable method for the quantification of the vitamin D metabolites, 25-hydroxyvitamin D2 (25OH-D2) and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25OH-D3), in human serum was developed and validated. The C3 epimer of 25OH-D3 (3-epi-25OH-D3) was also separated from 25OH-D3. The samples were rapidly prepared via a protein precipitation step followed by solid-phase extraction (SPE) using an HLB μelution plate. Quantification was performed using both LC/MS/MS and LC/HRMS systems. RESULTS: Recovery, matrix effect, inter- and intra-day reproducibility were assessed. Lower limits of quantification (LLOQs) were determined for both 25OH-D2 and 25OH-D3 for the LC/MS/MS approach (6.2 and 3.4 µg/L, respectively) and the LC/HRMS approach (2.1 and 1.7 µg/L, respectively). A Passing & Bablok fit was determined between both approaches for 25OH-D3 on 662 clinical samples (1.11 + 1.06x). It was also shown that results can be affected by the inclusion of the isomer 3-epi-25OH-D3. CONCLUSIONS: Quantification of the relevant vitamin D metabolites was successfully developed and validated here. It was shown that LC/HRMS is an accurate, powerful and easy to use approach for quantification within clinical laboratories. Finally, the results here suggest that it is important to separate 3-epi-25OH-D3 from 25OH-D3. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The purpose was to determine the prevalence and related factors of vitamin D (VitD) insufficiency in adolescents and young adults with perinatally acquired human immunodeficiency virus. A cohort of 65 patients (17.6 ± 2 years) at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, were examined for pubertal development, nutrition, serum parathormone and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [s25(OH)D]. s25(OH)D levels < 30 ng/mL (< 75 nmol/L) were defined as VitD insufficiency. CD4+ T-cell counts and viral load, history of worst clinical status, immunologic status as nadir, current immunologic status, and antiretroviral (ART) regimen were also evaluated as risk factors for VitD insufficiency. Mean s25(OH)D was 37.7 ± 13.9 ng/mL and 29.2% had VitD insufficiency. There was no difference between VitD status and gender, age, nutritional status, clinical and immunological classification, and type of ART. Only VitD consumption showed tendency of association with s25(OH)D (p = 0.064). Individuals analysed in summer/autumn season had a higher s25(OH)D compared to the ones analysed in winter/spring (42.6 ± 14.9 vs. 34.0 ± 11.9, p = 0.011). Although, the frequency of VitD insufficiency did not differ statistically between the groups (summer/autumn 17.9% vs. winter/spring 37.8%, p = 0.102), we suggest to monitor s25(OH)D in seropositive adolescents and young adults, especially during winter/spring months, even in sunny regions.
OBJECTIVE: Vitamin D deficiency is frequent in the general population and might be even more prevalent among populations with kidney failure. We compared serum vitamin D levels, vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency status, and vitamin D level determinants in populations without chronic kidney disease (CKD) and with CKD not requiring renal dialysis. DESIGN AND METHODS: This was a cross-sectional, multicenter, population-based study conducted from 2010 to 2011. Participants were from 10 centers that represent the geographical and cultural diversity of the Swiss adult population (≥15 years old). INTERVENTION: CKD was defined using estimated glomerular filtration rate and 24-hour albuminuria. Serum vitamin D was measured by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Statistical procedures adapted for survey data were used. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: We compared 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25(OH)D) levels and the prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency (serum 25(OH)D < 30 ng/mL) in participants with and without CKD. We tested the interaction of CKD status with 6 a priori defined attributes (age, sex, body mass index, walking activity, serum albumin-corrected calcium, and altitude) on serum vitamin D level or insufficiency/deficiency status taking into account potential confounders. RESULTS: Overall, 11.8% (135 of 1,145) participants had CKD. The 25(OH)D adjusted means (95% confidence interval [CI]) were 23.1 (22.6-23.7) and 23.5 (21.7-25.3) ng/mL in participants without and with CKD, respectively (P = .70). Vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency was frequent among participants without and with CKD (75.3% [95% CI 69.3-81.5] and 69.1 [95% CI 53.9-86.1], P = .054). CKD status did not interact with major determinants of vitamin D, including age, sex, BMI, walking minutes, serum albumin-corrected calcium, or altitude for its effect on vitamin D status or levels. CONCLUSION: Vitamin D concentration and insufficiency/deficiency status are similar in people with or without CKD not requiring renal dialysis.
BACKGROUND: To perform a comprehensive study on the relationship between vitamin D metabolism and the response to interferon-α-based therapy of chronic hepatitis C. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Associations between a functionally relevant polymorphism in the gene encoding the vitamin D 1α-hydroxylase (CYP27B1-1260 rs10877012) and the response to treatment with pegylated interferon-α (PEG-IFN-α) and ribavirin were determined in 701 patients with chronic hepatitis C. In addition, associations between serum concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D(3) (25[OH]D(3)) and treatment outcome were analysed. CYP27B1-1260 rs10877012 was found to be an independent predictor of sustained virologic response (SVR) in patients with poor-response IL28B genotypes (15% difference in SVR for rs10877012 genotype AA vs. CC, p = 0.02, OR = 1.52, 95% CI = 1.061-2.188), but not in patients with favourable IL28B genotype. Patients with chronic hepatitis C showed a high prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency (25[OH]D(3)<20 ng/mL) during all seasons, but 25(OH)D(3) serum levels were not associated with treatment outcome. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our study suggests a role of bioactive vitamin D (1,25[OH](2)D(3), calcitriol) in the response to treatment of chronic hepatitis C. However, serum concentration of the calcitriol precursor 25(OH)D(3) is not a suitable predictor of treatment outcome.
The number of studies related to vitamin D has increased exponentially in recent years and it becomes difficult to integrate these data into daily practice. This article focuses on the practice by offering an overview on screening, needs, treatment and consequences of deficiency. While in some areas, a consensus seems to emerge, other issues still require a lot of research in order to have an impact on practice. Independently of the threshold values we use, there is an increased prevalence, which makes vitamin D deficiency the most common and also the most underdiagnosed deficiency. Vitamin D is like a marker of good health and a marker of the evolution of our society. How can be used this marker by the practitioner?
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: To update the prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency and to identify factors associated with vitamin D status in the Swiss adult population. METHODS: Data from the 2010-2011 Swiss Study on Salt intake, a population-based study in the Swiss population, was used. Vitamin D concentration in serum was measured by liquid chromatography- tandem mass spectrometry. Major factors that influence vitamin D levels were taken into account. Survey statistical procedures were used to estimate means and prevalences of vitamin D levels and status. Monthly-specific tertiles of vitamin D and ordinal logistic regression were used to determine the associations of covariates of interest with vitamin D status. RESULTS: The prevalences of vitamin D insufficiency (serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D: 20-29.9 ng/ml) and deficiency (<20 ng/ml) were the highest in the January-March period; 26.4% (95%CI: 21.6-31.7) and 61.6% (95%CI: 56.0-67.0), respectively. In the same period, more than 9 of ten men were vitamin D insufficient or deficient. Each unit increase of Body Mass Index was associated with an 8% decreased likelihood of being in a higher vitamin D tertiles. Oral contraceptive, altitude, urinary excretion of calcium, use of vitamin D supplement or treatment, high wine consumption, physical activity were associated with vitamin D tertiles. Compared to the French-speaking region, the Italian-speaking region was independently associated with a higher likelihood of being in higher vitamin D tertiles (OR: 1.66, 95%CI: 1.14-2.43). CONCLUSIONS: Low levels of vitamin D are common among Swiss adults, in particular during winter months and outside the Italian-speaking region.