992 resultados para VARIATIONAL METHODS


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En esta tesis presentamos una teoría adaptada a la simulación de fenómenos lentos de transporte en sistemas atomísticos. En primer lugar, desarrollamos el marco teórico para modelizar colectividades estadísticas de equilibrio. A continuación, lo adaptamos para construir modelos de colectividades estadísticas fuera de equilibrio. Esta teoría reposa sobre los principios de la mecánica estadística, en particular el principio de máxima entropía de Jaynes, utilizado tanto para sistemas en equilibrio como fuera de equilibrio, y la teoría de las aproximaciones del campo medio. Expresamos matemáticamente el problema como un principio variacional en el que maximizamos una entropía libre, en lugar de una energía libre. La formulación propuesta permite definir equivalentes atomísticos de variables macroscópicas como la temperatura y la fracción molar. De esta forma podemos considerar campos macroscópicos no uniformes. Completamos el marco teórico con reglas de cuadratura de Monte Carlo, gracias a las cuales obtenemos modelos computables. A continuación, desarrollamos el conjunto completo de ecuaciones que gobiernan procesos de transporte. Deducimos la desigualdad de disipación entrópica a partir de fuerzas y flujos termodinámicos discretos. Esta desigualdad nos permite identificar la estructura que deben cumplir los potenciales cinéticos discretos. Dichos potenciales acoplan las tasas de variación en el tiempo de las variables microscópicas con las fuerzas correspondientes. Estos potenciales cinéticos deben ser completados con una relación fenomenológica, del tipo definido por la teoría de Onsanger. Por último, aportamos validaciones numéricas. Con ellas ilustramos la capacidad de la teoría presentada para simular propiedades de equilibrio y segregación superficial en aleaciones metálicas. Primero, simulamos propiedades termodinámicas de equilibrio en el sistema atomístico. A continuación evaluamos la habilidad del modelo para reproducir procesos de transporte en sistemas complejos que duran tiempos largos con respecto a los tiempos característicos a escala atómica. ABSTRACT In this work, we formulate a theory to address simulations of slow time transport effects in atomic systems. We first develop this theoretical framework in the context of equilibrium of atomic ensembles, based on statistical mechanics. We then adapt it to model ensembles away from equilibrium. The theory stands on Jaynes' maximum entropy principle, valid for the treatment of both, systems in equilibrium and away from equilibrium and on meanfield approximation theory. It is expressed in the entropy formulation as a variational principle. We interpret atomistic equivalents of macroscopic variables such as the temperature and the molar fractions, wich are not required to be uniform, but can vary from particle to particle. We complement this theory with Monte Carlo summation rules for further approximation. In addition, we provide a framework for studying transport processes with the full set of equations driving the evolution of the system. We first derive a dissipation inequality for the entropic production involving discrete thermodynamic forces and fluxes. This discrete dissipation inequality identifies the adequate structure for discrete kinetic potentials which couple the microscopic field rates to the corresponding driving forces. Those kinetic potentials must finally be expressed as a phenomenological rule of the Onsanger Type. We present several validation cases, illustrating equilibrium properties and surface segregation of metallic alloys. We first assess the ability of a simple meanfield model to reproduce thermodynamic equilibrium properties in systems with atomic resolution. Then, we evaluate the ability of the model to reproduce a long-term transport process in complex systems.


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Validating modern oceanographic theories using models produced through stereo computer vision principles has recently emerged. Space-time (4-D) models of the ocean surface may be generated by stacking a series of 3-D reconstructions independently generated for each time instant or, in a more robust manner, by simultaneously processing several snapshots coherently in a true ?4-D reconstruction.? However, the accuracy of these computer-vision-generated models is subject to the estimations of camera parameters, which may be corrupted under the influence of natural factors such as wind and vibrations. Therefore, removing the unpredictable errors of the camera parameters is necessary for an accurate reconstruction. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm that can jointly perform a 4-D reconstruction as well as correct the camera parameter errors introduced by external factors. The technique is founded upon variational optimization methods to benefit from their numerous advantages: continuity of the estimated surface in space and time, robustness, and accuracy. The performance of the proposed algorithm is tested using synthetic data produced through computer graphics techniques, based on which the errors of the camera parameters arising from natural factors can be simulated.


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In this paper, we introduce and study a new system of variational inclusions involving (H, eta)-monotone operators in Hilbert space. Using the resolvent operator associated with (H, eta)monotone operators, we prove the existence and uniqueness of solutions for this new system of variational inclusions. We also construct a new algorithm for approximating the solution of this system and discuss the convergence of the sequence of iterates generated by the algorithm. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A major problem in modern probabilistic modeling is the huge computational complexity involved in typical calculations with multivariate probability distributions when the number of random variables is large. Because exact computations are infeasible in such cases and Monte Carlo sampling techniques may reach their limits, there is a need for methods that allow for efficient approximate computations. One of the simplest approximations is based on the mean field method, which has a long history in statistical physics. The method is widely used, particularly in the growing field of graphical models. Researchers from disciplines such as statistical physics, computer science, and mathematical statistics are studying ways to improve this and related methods and are exploring novel application areas. Leading approaches include the variational approach, which goes beyond factorizable distributions to achieve systematic improvements; the TAP (Thouless-Anderson-Palmer) approach, which incorporates correlations by including effective reaction terms in the mean field theory; and the more general methods of graphical models. Bringing together ideas and techniques from these diverse disciplines, this book covers the theoretical foundations of advanced mean field methods, explores the relation between the different approaches, examines the quality of the approximation obtained, and demonstrates their application to various areas of probabilistic modeling.


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This work is concerned with approximate inference in dynamical systems, from a variational Bayesian perspective. When modelling real world dynamical systems, stochastic differential equations appear as a natural choice, mainly because of their ability to model the noise of the system by adding a variation of some stochastic process to the deterministic dynamics. Hence, inference in such processes has drawn much attention. Here a new extended framework is derived that is based on a local polynomial approximation of a recently proposed variational Bayesian algorithm. The paper begins by showing that the new extension of this variational algorithm can be used for state estimation (smoothing) and converges to the original algorithm. However, the main focus is on estimating the (hyper-) parameters of these systems (i.e. drift parameters and diffusion coefficients). The new approach is validated on a range of different systems which vary in dimensionality and non-linearity. These are the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process, the exact likelihood of which can be computed analytically, the univariate and highly non-linear, stochastic double well and the multivariate chaotic stochastic Lorenz ’63 (3D model). As a special case the algorithm is also applied to the 40 dimensional stochastic Lorenz ’96 system. In our investigation we compare this new approach with a variety of other well known methods, such as the hybrid Monte Carlo, dual unscented Kalman filter, full weak-constraint 4D-Var algorithm and analyse empirically their asymptotic behaviour as a function of observation density or length of time window increases. In particular we show that we are able to estimate parameters in both the drift (deterministic) and the diffusion (stochastic) part of the model evolution equations using our new methods.


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We deal with a class of elliptic eigenvalue problems (EVPs) on a rectangle Ω ⊂ R^2 , with periodic or semi–periodic boundary conditions (BCs) on ∂Ω. First, for both types of EVPs, we pass to a proper variational formulation which is shown to fit into the general framework of abstract EVPs for symmetric, bounded, strongly coercive bilinear forms in Hilbert spaces, see, e.g., [13, §6.2]. Next, we consider finite element methods (FEMs) without and with numerical quadrature. The aim of the paper is to show that well–known error estimates, established for the finite element approximation of elliptic EVPs with classical BCs, hold for the present types of EVPs too. Some attention is also paid to the computational aspects of the resulting algebraic EVP. Finally, the analysis is illustrated by two non-trivial numerical examples, the exact eigenpairs of which can be determined.


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The generalized Wiener-Hopf equation and the approximation methods are used to propose a perturbed iterative method to compute the solutions of a general class of nonlinear variational inequalities.