937 resultados para Upland cotton
EL presente trabajo se hizo con el objeto de recopilar la información sobre el comportamiento de las variedades que se vinieron probando entre 1953 a 1962 en las condiciones ambientales de la Estación Experimental Agropecuaria "La Calera". Para tal fin, se recopilaron y analizaron los datos experimentales a partir de 1953 y se obtuvo ademas, un promedio general de todas las características tomadas a las variedades probadas. Ademas se sembró un ensayo en 1962 en el que figuraron las variedades que se tenían como las que mejor se habían adaptado a la zona entre 1953 y 1961 y de las que se obtenía semilla fácilmente. De las notas tomadas en el ensayo de 1962 y de la recopilación de datos, fue posible concluir que: En 10 años que se probaron las variedades Deltapine 15, Delfos 9169 y Acala 1517-C no mostraron diferencias significativas en rendimiento en rama, aunque si hubieron diferencias significativas entre los promedios de rendimiento de estas 3 variedades de cada año. Las variedades Delfos 9169 y Empire WR rindieron significativamente menos que la variedad Stoneville 3202 cuando se compararon los datos de 8 años. En este mismo informe se presenta el origen y descripción de cada una de las variedades; así como la expresión de las características agronomicas en las condiciones ambientales de la Estación Experimental Agropecuaria "La Calera"; estas características pueden tomarse como guía para la escogencia de la variedad a sembrarse en áreas similares.
Many locally available fish feeds have been tried in fish culture. These include guinea corn, soya bean, groundnut cake and rice bran. Cotton seed cake has been successfully used as a fishpond organic fertilizer at Ado-Ekiti Government fish farm. Three fishponds stocked respectively with common carps, Heterotis, Tilapia spp., Clarias lazera and Heterobranchus were fed with cotton seed cake. Carps, Tilapia and Heterotis increased rapidly in weight and length while the catifishes did not grow
Upland stream systems have been extensively investigated in Europe, North America and Australasia and many of the central ideas concerning their function are based on these systems. One central paradigm, the river continuum concept is ultimately derived from those North American streams whose catchments remain forested with native vegetation. Streams of the tropics may or may not fit the model. They have been little studied. The Amani Nature Reserve in the East Usambara Mountains of north-eastern Tanzania offers an opportunity to bring these naturally forested systems to the attention of the ecological community. This article describes a comparison made between two lengths of the River Dodwe in this area. The work was carried out by a group of postgraduate students from eighteen European and African countries with advice from five staff members, as part of a course organised by the Tropical Biology Association. Rigorous efforts were made to standardise techniques, in a situation where equipment and laboratory facilities were very basic, through a management structure and deliberate allocation of work to specialists in each area.The article offers a summary of invertebrate communities found in the stream and its biomass. Crabs seem to be the key organism in both sections of the streams.
The economic, environmental and social benefits of more sensitive land use practices that protect or restore the natural functions of river catchments have been widely discussed. Changing land use has implications for a wide range of other biological communities. Some studies have already been undertaken on the benefits of sensitive farming at the catchment scale in England and Wales. However, there is a gap in these studies at the local scale, and particularly for upland farms from which headwaters arise. This article documents a case study relating to a successful partnership in Cumbria, UK, set within the wider context of catchment management. Whilst the case study is not highly detailed, and some costs have been described in outline only to protect confidentiality and commercial sensitivity, it provides some generic lessons and may therefore be useful in informing more sustainable policy-making. High Hullockhowe Farm near Haweswater, which was used a the case study highlighting changes in farm practise, costs and benefits, water resources and biodiversity. The authors relate the case study to wider policy implications.
Studies by the Freshwater Biological Association over the last 25 years have supplied data relevant to the levels of acidity in local soils and water before the onset of industrial pollution and current interest in acid rain. This article reviews published analysis from cores of lake sediments, in or near the catchment of the River Duddon. Electron spin resonance spectra of humic acids and iodine values confirm evidence from pollen analysis for a history of progressive acidification of the source material of lake sediments since before 5000 radiocarbon years, in upland catchments of the Lake District. Processes involved included: removal of basic ions from soils by rainfall, the effects of which were intensified by removal by man of deciduous forest; acidification of soils and waters by decomposition products of Calluna and further acidification of waters by Sphagnum species which colonized habitats where drainage became impeded by paludification processes.
Samples of tannin-containing preservatives used by fishermen in India for treating cotton nets were collected and qualitative and quantitative characterisation of the tannins made. The concentrations of different tannins required to impart optimum periods of preservation to the net were worked out and found to be 2% in 8 out of 10 materials studied.
The authors conducted a series of experiments to evaluate the relative efficiency of nylon over cotton in tropical waters, particularly in reservoir fishing. The experiments were conducted in the Gobindsagar reservoir (Himachal Pradesh/Punjab). The nets made with both materials were identical in essential details like twine size, mesh size, number of floats arid sinkers and hanging coefficients.
Fixative behaviour of tannin belonging to three functional groups was stud1ed m deta1l using copper sulphate and potassium dichromate as oxidising agents.
The merits and demerits of cotton, polyethylene and combination of the two materials ascertained on the basis of cost, wear and tear, maintenance, total catch and qualitative analysis of the catch are discussed by making comparative fishing experiments with the three trawl gears made of these materials. The study can be concluded with a suggestion for switching over to polyethylene twisted monofilaments for better, in case of bottom trawls without in any way adversely affecting the catch of shrimps and at the same time for enhanced fish catch. Even though the combination net is found to be equal in efficiency as the polyethylene net this idea cannot be conveniently adopted from the point of view of economy.