364 resultados para Underwood
The description reads "(39) Tireless Niagara - Horseshoe Falls from above - U.S.A.". The reverse states "We are standing on the Canadian side of the river, looking S.E. across the enormous curve of the Horseshoe toward the Dufferin Islands on the Canadian side. 'This is close enough. The time will come undoubtedly when no man can reach this point, when the rocks on which we stand will break and crash into the gulf above which they hang. Table Rock one of the best known points about Niagara in the past, used to extend out over the river from the bank just behind us. It was originally very large but great masses, sometimes a hundred feet in length by fifty in width, have broken off at different periods, the last in 1883, until the whole rock is gone. Off to our left is the centre of the Horseshoe. It is easy to see that in that direction the water is going over in a solid mass, thousands of tons each second, to the river 150 feet below. While the amount of water passing over these rocks varies somewhat according to the height of the river. It has been estimated that the average amount is 12,000,000 cubic feet per minute, that is, about 375,000 tons...Since 1842 the whole contour of these falls has been worn away at the rate of about 2 1/10 ft. per year. In the centre of the Horseshoe where the bulk of the water passes, nearly five feet of rock are worn away each year. The falls have receded 100 feet within the memory of the men now living.' From Niagara Through the Stereoscope, with special 'keyed' maps, published by Underwood & Underwood"
The description of the image reads "(4)-8972-General view of Falls from new steel bridge - Maid of the Mist at landing - Niagara, U.S.A." The reverse of the image includes the description, "We are standing on the new steel bridge over Niagara River, 190 feet above the water and looking a little west of south, up the river towards Lake Erie. The high cliff at the extreme left, on the American side, is Prospect Point, where a crowd is gathered at this moment to view the Falls that we see just beyond Prospect Point. That dark, tree-covered mass of rock beyond is Goat Island; and just this side of Goat Island we see a bit of its precipice has been cut off separate from the rest by the powerful current of the waters - the smaller portion is Luna Island, and the Luna Falls go pouring down between the two islands. The face of the precipice curves inward beneath the Luna Falls leaving behind the 160 foot sheet of water the unearthly hollow known as the Cave of the Winds. Beyond Goat Island we see the gigantic curve of the Horseshoe Falls, 3,010 feet long and 158 feet high, reaching around through the clouds of spray to the farther Canadian shore. (The boundary line between British and American territory is in mid-stream.) It has been estimated that every minute 375,000 tons of water pour over these Horseshoe Falls, and they are wearing away the cliffs, moving back up the stream at the rate of 2.4 feet per year. It was probably only about a thousand years ago that they took their plunge just about where we stand now. Down there below us, at the wharf is the Maid of the Mist at the American landing taking on passengers who have come down the steep bank by the inclined railway. Its course takes it through those clouds of spray almost to the very foot of both Falls, - waters falling from 167 feet overhead, and water surging at least as many feet deep under the staunch little vessel. See special 'keyed' maps of Niagara pub. by Underwood and Underwood, also the Niagara Book by Mark Twain, W.D. Howells and others."
The description of the image reads "(16) Looking at the tumbling, foaming waters, below the Falls, Niagara, U.S.A."
The description reads "(14) The rolling, tumbling "Rapids" above the Falls - along Riverside Drive, looking toward Goat Island, - Niagara, U.S.A.".
Payment for Atkins, Schmidt, Crick, Mank, Underwood and Crew accounts Jan. 26, 1886.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff which accompanied the Underwood abstract. It is signed Jarvis, Conklin and Morgan, May 4, 1885.
Nous ne pouvons, dsormais, ignorer limplication des aidants familiaux au sein du dispositif des soins de sant. Lors de lapparition dune maladie chronique, telle une dmence de type Alzheimer, certains aidants prennent considrablement part dans les soins, au risque de sacrifier leur propre sant physique et mentale. Cette population est maintenant considre vulnrable sur les plans physiques, psychologiques et sociaux, et requiert un soutien adapt ses besoins. Par ailleurs, la gestion de la prise en charge, ainsi que les stratgies employes par les aidants, sont loin dtre homognes et varient dun aidant un autre. Objectif : Afin damliorer le soutien destin aux aidants, ce mmoire vise illustrer limportance de considrer les types de soutien adopts et analyser le sens donn par laidant dans le soutien envers un proche atteint de dmence de type Alzheimer. Sujets : Six aidants familiaux soutenant un proche (conjoint(e) ou parent) atteint de dmence de type Alzheimer ont t rencontrs plusieurs reprises, un intervalle dune anne et demi, et ce jusquau dcs du proche. Mthode : Lapproche qualitative longitudinale a permis lanalyse des 16 entretiens afin de mieux cerner les types de soutien employs par les aidants partir des typologies daidants labores par Clment, Gagnon, & Rolland (2005) et Pennec (2002) et lidentit damour de compassion dtaille par Underwood (2009). Les identits dcrites par ces auteurs savrent tre des idaltypes inexistants tels quels dans la ralit. Rsultats : lexception dun sujet, tous les aidants ont adopt des traits et des stratgies de gestion de prise en charge se rapportant plus dune identit daidant. Dans le cas de laidante qui nous navons pas pu apposer une identit, peu dinformation au niveau de ses stratgies dans la gestion de la prise en charge a t partage. Ceci serait probablement d au fait que laidante est trs peu organise dans le soutien et quelle prend peu dinitiatives, tant elle-mme atteinte de dmence de type Alzheimer. Conclusion : Afin de mieux adapter les services et le soutien destins aux aidants familiaux, il importe de mieux comprendre les stratgies de soutien des aidants et leur volution.
Este es un estudio observacional descriptivo, longitudinal y prospectivo realizado con el fin de describir la evolucin de de la mecnica ventilatoria, la gasometra y los tiempos de ventilacin en los pacientes en ventilacin mecnica en modo ASV en la UCI del Hospital San Rafael de Tunja durante los meses de Agosto a Diciembre de 2014 y encontrando que es un mtodo seguro y eficiente para el manejo de la ventilacin en pacientes sin mayores comorbilidades ni compromiso orgnico mltiple que bien podra ser utilizado desde el inicio de la ventilacin hasta el destete de la misma con el beneficio adicional de menores requerimientos de sedacin durante la ventilacin pero teniendo en cuenta que factores como hipotensin sostenida, hiperlactatemia, falla renal e hipoxia severa pueden indicar la necesidad de cambio de modo ventilatorio.
El presente trabajo de grado es una revisin de la literatura que permite hacer un recorrido desde el psicoanlisis acerca de la compleja problemtica de las adicciones. Para ello, se revisaron las bases de datos PepWeb, Ebsco, y Jstor, revisando las posiciones del psicoanlisis freudiano, lacaniano y otras corrientes psicoanalticas respondiendo a las siguientes preguntas de investigacin: (a) Cmo se comprenden las adicciones desde un marco de referencia psicoanaltico? (b) Cmo desde la teora freudiana y la teora lacaniana - se aborda la comprensin de la adiccin? (c) Qu dice el psicoanlisis contemporneo sobre sta problemtica? Se abordan temas como la concepcin de una adiccin desde la perspectiva de Freud y Lacan hasta psicoanalistas contemporneos, el rol que juega el goce en la adiccin y, finalmente, el complejo debate incipiente sobre la legalidad del txico. Se encontr que es un campo de constante publicacin y es necesario que los clnicos y los psicoanalistas aborden este campo de estudio clnico permanentemente y sigan produciendo investigaciones sobre el fenmeno.
Se analiza la eficaci de la tecnologa en la educaicn, en primer lugar, se describe una breve historia de la tecnologa digital y de su impacto en el mundo educativo; en segundo lugar, se reflexiona sobre las repercusiones que pueden provocar en el futuro ms all del mero desarrollo tecnolgico y, por ltimo, se propone para su integracin, entre otras estrategias: minimizar su uso y utilizarla como un recurso en la prctica actual.
Libro orientado a nios y adolescentes con informacin bsica sobre frica. Estructurado en ocho captulos, cubre los siguientes temas: qu es un continente, cmo es frica, el clima, animales y plantas, recursos naturales, pases y ciudades, habitantes y lugares famosos. Incluye mapas y fotografas en color, una tabla comparativa de continentes (con su superficie, poblacin, nmero de pases, punto ms alto y ro ms largo), un glosario de trminos y una seccin final con bibliografa adicional y pginas web para ampliar la informacin.
This paper examines the mainstreaming of hearing-impaired students in regular education classrooms. It evaluates the areas where teachers need more information regarding deafness, hearing loss and the teaching of hearing-impaired students. The paper also presents a list of resources to assist teachers in the education of hearing-impaired students in the mainstream classroom.
Global climate change and its impacts are being increasingly studied and precipitation trends are one of the measures of quantifying climate change especially in the tropics. This study uses daily rainfall data to determine if there are changes in the long-term trends in rainfall variability in the East Coast Mountains of Mauritius during the last few decades, and to investigate the factors influencing the trends in the inter-annual to inter-decadal rainfall variability. Statistical modelling has been used to investigate the trends in total seasonal rainfall, the number of rain days and the mean amount of rain per rainy days and the local, regional and large-scale factors that affect them on inter-annual to inter-decadal time scales. The strongest inter-decadal trend was found in the number of rain days for both rainfall seasons, and the other variables were found to have weak or insignificant trends. Both local factors, such as the surrounding sea surface temperatures and large-scale phenomena such as Indian Monsoon and the El Nio Southern Oscillation were found to influence rainfall patterns.