992 resultados para UV-vis-NR absorbance spectrocopy


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Une série de dimères composés de thiophène-aniline encombrée stériquement a été synthétisée. Les différents processus de désactivation de l’état singulet excité ont été étudiés par UV-visible, fluorescence, phosphorescence, photolyse par impulsion laser et calculs théoriques. Les graphiques de Stern-Volmer obtenus à partir des expériences de désactivation des états singulet et triplet ont démontré l’efficacité de l’azométhine à désactiver les fluorophores. Les calculs semi-empiriques AM1 examinant l’effet des substituants encombrés ont démontrés que les groupements tert-butyls sur l’aniline ont moins d’influence sur la barrière de rotation N-aryl que les substitutions alkyles en ont sur la rotation de thiophène-C. Les calculs Rehm-Weller basés sur les potentiels d’oxydation et de réduction ont montré que l’autodésactivation de l’état excité des azométhines se fait par transfert d’électron photoinduit menant à une éradication complète de la fluorescence. Des complexes métalliques contenant des ligands azométhines ont aussi été préparés. Le ligand est composé d’une unité hydroxyquinoline lié à un cycle thiophène. Les données photophysiques de ces complexes indiquent un déplacement bathochromique aussi bien en absorbance qu’en fluorescence. Des dispositifs de détection d’ion métallique ont été préparés et un exemple à partir d’une solution de cuivre a montré un déplacement bathochromique.


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La cellulose et ses dérivés sont utilisés dans un vaste nombre d’applications incluant le domaine pharmaceutique pour la fabrication de médicaments en tant qu’excipient. Différents dérivés cellulosiques tels que le carboxyméthylcellulose (CMC) et l’hydroxyéthylcellulose (HEC) sont disponibles sur le commerce. Le degré de polymérisation et de modification diffèrent énormément d’un fournisseur à l’autre tout dépendamment de l’origine de la cellulose et de leur procédé de dérivation, leur conférant ainsi différentes propriétés physico-chimiques qui leurs sont propres, telles que la viscosité et la solubilité. Notre intérêt est de développer une méthode analytique permettant de distinguer la différence entre deux sources d’un produit CMC ou HEC. L’objectif spécifique de cette étude de maitrise était l’obtention d’un profil cartographique de ces biopolymères complexes et ce, par le développement d’une méthode de digestion enzymatique donnant les oligosaccharides de plus petites tailles et par la séparation de ces oligosaccharides par les méthodes chromatographiques simples. La digestion fut étudiée avec différents paramètres, tel que le milieu de l’hydrolyse, le pH, la température, le temps de digestion et le ratio substrat/enzyme. Une cellulase de Trichoderma reesei ATCC 26921 fut utilisée pour la digestion partielle de nos échantillons de cellulose. Les oligosaccharides ne possédant pas de groupements chromophores ou fluorophores, ils ne peuvent donc être détectés ni par absorbance UV-Vis, ni par fluorescence. Il a donc été question d’élaborer une méthode de marquage des oligosaccharides avec différents agents, tels que l’acide 8-aminopyrène-1,3,6-trisulfonique (APTS), le 3-acétylamino-6-aminoacridine (AA-Ac) et la phénylhydrazine (PHN). Enfin, l’utilisation de l’électrophorèse capillaire et la chromatographie liquide à haute performance a permis la séparation des produits de digestion enzymatique des dérivés de cellulose. Pour chacune de ces méthodes analytiques, plusieurs paramètres de séparation ont été étudiés.


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La cartographie peptidique est une méthode qui permet entre autre d’identifier les modifications post-traductionnelles des protéines. Elle comprend trois étapes : 1) la protéolyse enzymatique, 2) la séparation par électrophorèse capillaire (CE) ou chromatographie en phase liquide à haute performance (HPLC) des fragments peptidiques et 3) l’identification de ces derniers. Cette dernière étape peut se faire par des méthodes photométriques ou par spectrométrie de masse (MS). Au cours de la dernière décennie, les enzymes protéolytiques immobilisées ont acquis une grande popularité parce qu’elles peuvent être réutilisées et permettent une digestion rapide des protéines due à un rapport élevé d’enzyme/substrat. Pour étudier les nouvelles techniques d’immobilisation qui ont été développées dans le laboratoire du Professeur Waldron, la cartographie peptidique par CE est souvent utilisée pour déterminer le nombre total de peptides détectés et leurs abondances. La CE nous permet d’avoir des séparations très efficaces et lorsque couplée à la fluorescence induite par laser (LIF), elle donne des limites de détection qui sont 1000 fois plus basses que celles obtenues avec l’absorbance UV-Vis. Dans la méthode typique, les peptides venant de l’étape 1) sont marqués avec un fluorophore avant l’analyse par CE-LIF. Bien que la sensibilité de détection LIF puisse approcher 10-12 M pour un fluorophore, la réaction de marquage nécessite un analyte dont la concentration est d’au moins 10-7 M, ce qui représente son principal désavantage. Donc, il n’est pas facile d’étudier les enzymes des peptides dérivés après la protéolyse en utilisant la technique CE-LIF si la concentration du substrat protéique initial est inférieure à 10-7 M. Ceci est attribué à la dilution supplémentaire lors de la protéolyse. Alors, afin d’utiliser le CE-LIF pour évaluer l’efficacité de la digestion par enzyme immobilisée à faible concentration de substrat,nous proposons d’utiliser des substrats protéiques marqués de fluorophores pouvant être purifiés et dilués. Trois méthodes de marquage fluorescent de protéine sont décrites dans ce mémoire pour étudier les enzymes solubles et immobilisées. Les fluorophores étudiés pour le marquage de protéine standard incluent le naphtalène-2,3-dicarboxaldéhyde (NDA), la fluorescéine-5-isothiocyanate (FITC) et l’ester de 6-carboxyfluorescéine N-succinimidyl (FAMSE). Le FAMSE est un excellent réactif puisqu’il se conjugue rapidement avec les amines primaires des peptides. Aussi, le substrat marqué est stable dans le temps. Les protéines étudiées étaient l’-lactalbumine (LACT), l’anhydrase carbonique (CA) et l’insuline chaîne B (INB). Les protéines sont digérées à l’aide de la trypsine (T), la chymotrypsine (CT) ou la pepsine (PEP) dans leurs formes solubles ou insolubles. La forme soluble est plus active que celle immobilisée. Cela nous a permis de vérifier que les protéines marquées sont encore reconnues par chaque enzyme. Nous avons comparé les digestions des protéines par différentes enzymes telles la chymotrypsine libre (i.e., soluble), la chymotrypsine immobilisée (i.e., insoluble) par réticulation avec le glutaraldéhyde (GACT) et la chymotrypsine immobilisée sur billes d’agarose en gel (GELCT). Cette dernière était disponible sur le marché. Selon la chymotrypsine utilisée, nos études ont démontré que les cartes peptidiques avaient des différences significatives selon le nombre de pics et leurs intensités correspondantes. De plus, ces études nous ont permis de constater que les digestions effectuées avec l’enzyme immobilisée avaient une bonne reproductibilité. Plusieurs paramètres quantitatifs ont été étudiés afin d’évaluer l’efficacité des méthodes développées. La limite de détection par CE-LIF obtenue était de 3,010-10 M (S/N = 2,7) pour la CA-FAM digérée par GACT et de 2,010-10 M (S/N = 4,3) pour la CA-FAM digérée par la chymotrypsine libre. Nos études ont aussi démontrées que la courbe d’étalonnage était linéaire dans la région de travail (1,0×10-9-1,0×10-6 M) avec un coefficient de corrélation (R2) de 0,9991.


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We report on the formation of Langmuir films of 5,10,15,20-tetra(4-pyridyl) 21H,23H-porphine,hereafter named tetrapyridyl porphyrins with distinct central ions (2H(+), Zn(2+), Cu(2+), Ni(2+)). The films were characterized with surface pressure and surface potential isotherms and in situ UV-vis absorbance. The measurements indicated strong aggregation of porphyrin monomers at the air-water interface, with a red shift of the Soret band in comparison with the spectrum obtained from CHCl(3) solutions. The shift was larger for the non-substituted H(2)TPyP, and depended on the metal ion. Significantly, aggregation occurred right after spreading of the Langmuir film, with on further shifts in the UV-vis spectra upon compression of the film, or even after transferring them onto solid substrates in the form of Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films. The buildup of LB films from H(2)TPyP and ZnTPyP was monitored with UV-vis spectroscopy, indicating an equal amount of material deposited in each deposition step. Using FTIR in the transmission and reflection modes, we inferred that the H(2)TPyP molecules exhibit no preferential orientation in the LB films, while for ZnTPyP there is preferential orientation, with the porphyrin molecules anchored to the substrate by the lateral pyridyl groups. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nanostructured films comprising a 3-n-propylpyridiniunn silsesquioxane polymer (designated as SiPy(+)Cl(-)) and copper (II) tetrasulfophthalocyanine (CuTsPc) were produced using the Layer-by-Layer technique (LbL). To our knowledge this is the first report on the use of silsesquioxane derivative polymers as building blocks for nanostructured thin films fabrication. Deposition of the multilayers were monitored by UV-Vis spectroscopy revealing the linear increment in the absorbance of the Q-band from CuTsPc at 617 nm with the number of SiPy(+)Cl(-)/CuTsPc or CuTsPc/SiPy(+)Cl(-) bilayers. FTIR analyses showed that specific interactions between SiPy+Cl- and CuTsPc occurred between SO(3)(-) groups of tetrasulfophthalocyanine and the pyridinium groups of the polycation. Morphological studies were carried out using the AFM technique, which showed that the roughness and thickness of the films increase with the number of bilayers. The films displayed electroactivity and were employed to detection of dopamine (DA) and ascorbic acid (AA) using cyclic voltammetry, at concentrations ranging from 1.96 x 10(-4) to 1.31 x 10(-3) molL(-1). The number and the sequence of bilayers deposition influenced the electrochemical response in presence of DA and AA. Using differential pulse technique, films comprising SiPy(+)/CuTsPc were able to distinguish between DA and ascorbic acid (AA), with a potential difference of approximately with 500 mV, in the concentration range of 9.0 x 10(-5) to 2.0 x 10(-4) molL(-1), in pH 3.0.


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The concern related to the environmental degradation and to the exhaustion of natural resources has induced the research on biodegradable materials obtained from renewable sources, which involves fundamental properties and general application. In this context, we have fabricated thin films of lignins, which were extracted from sugar cane bagasse via modified organosolv process using ethanol as organic solvent. The films were made using the vacuum thermal evaporation technique (PVD, physical vapor deposition) grown up to 120 nm. The main objective was to explore basic properties such as electrical and surface morphology and the sensing performance of these lignins as transducers. The PVD film growth was monitored via ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) absorption spectroscopy and quartz crystal microbalance, revealing a linear relationship between absorbance and film thickness. The 120 nm lignin PVD film morphology presented small aggregates spread all over the film surface on the nanometer scale (atomic force microscopy, AFM) and homogeneous on the micrometer scale (optical microscopy). The PVD films were deposited onto Au interdigitated electrode (IDE) for both electrical characterization and sensing experiments. In the case of electrical characterization, current versus voltage (I vs V) dc measurements were carried out for the Au IDE coated with 120 nm lignin PVD film, leading to a conductivity of 3.6 x 10(-10) S/m. Using impedance spectroscopy, also for the Au IDE coated with the 120 nm lignin PVD film, dielectric constant of 8.0, tan delta of 3.9 x 10(-3)) and conductivity of 1.75 x 10(-9) S/m were calculated at 1 kHz. As a proof-of-principle, the application of these lignins as transducers in sensing devices was monitored by both impedance spectroscopy (capacitance vs frequency) and I versus time dc measurements toward aniline vapor (saturated atmosphere). The electrical responses showed that the sensing units are sensible to aniline vapor with the process being reversible. AFM images conducted directly onto the sensing units (Au IDE coated with 120 nm lignin PVD film) before and after the sensing experiments showed a decrease in the PVD film roughness from 5.8 to 3.2 nm after exposing to aniline.


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In the ceramics industry are becoming more predominantly inorganic nature pigments. Studies in this area allow you to develop pigments with more advanced properties and qualities to be used in the industrial context. Studies on synthesis and characterization of cobalt aluminate has been widely researched, cobalt aluminate behavior at different temperatures of calcinations, highlighting especially the temperatures of 700, 800 and 900° C that served as a basis in the development of this study, using the method of polymerization of complex (CPM), economic, and this method applied in ceramic pigment synthesis. The procedure was developed from a fractional factorial design 2 (5-2) in order to optimize the process of realization of the cobalt aluminate (CoAl2O4), having as response surfaces the batch analysis data of Uv-vis spectroscopy conducted from the statistic software 7.0, for this were chosen five factors as input variables: citric acid (stoichiometric manner), puff or pyrolysis time (h), temperature (° C), and calcinations (° C/min), at levels determined for this study. By applying statistics in the process of obtaining the CoAl2O4 is possible the study of these factors and which may have greater influence in getting the synthesis. The pigments characterized TG/DSC analyses, and x-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM/EDS) in order to establish the structural and morphological aspects of pigment CoAl2O4, among the factors studied it were found to statically with increasing calcinations temperature 700°< 800 <900 °C, the bands of Uv-vis decrease with increasing intensity of absorbance and that with increasing time of puff or pyrolysis (h) there is an increase in bands of Uv-vis proportionally, the generated model set for the conditions proposed in this study because the coefficient of determination can explain about 99.9% of the variance (R²), response surfaces generated were satisfactory, so it s possible applicability in the ceramics industry of pigments


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Thin commercial aluminum electrolytic and passed through reactions was obtained with anodic alumina membranes nanopores. These materials have applications in areas recognized electronic, biomedical, chemical and biological weapons, especially in obtaining nanostructures using these membranes as a substrate or template for processing nanowires, nanodots and nanofibers for applications noble. Previous studies showed that the membranes that have undergone heat treatment temperature to 1300° C underwent changes in morphology, crystal structure and optical properties. This aim, this thesis, a study of the heat treatment of porous anodic alumina membranes, in order to obtain and to characterize the behavior changes structures during the crystallization process of the membranes, at temperatures ranging between 300 and 1700° C. It was therefore necessary to mount a system formed by a tubular furnace resistive alumina tube and controlled environment, applying flux with special blend of Ag-87% and 13% N2, in which argon had the role of carrying out the oxygen nitrogen system and induce the closing of the pores during the densification of the membrane. The duration of heat treatment ranged from 60 to 15 minutes, at temperatures from 300 to 1700° C respectively. With the heat treatment occurred: a drastic reduction of porosity, grain growth and increased translucency of the membrane. For the characterization of the membranes were analyzed properties: Physical - thermogravimetric, X-ray diffraction, BET surface area; morphological - SEM, EDS through compositional and, optical absorbance, and transmittance in the UV-VIS, and FTIR. The results using the SEM showed that crystallization has occurred, densification and significant changes in membrane structure, as well as obtaining microtube, the BET analysis showed a decrease in specific surface area of the membranes has to 44.381 m2.g-1 to less than 1.8 m2.g-1 and in the analysis of transmittance and absorbance was found a value of 16.5% in the range of 800 nm, characteristic of the near infrared and FTIR have confirmed the molecular groups of the material. Thus, one can say that the membranes were mixed characteristics and properties which qualify for use in gas filtration system, as well as applications in the range of optical wavelength of the infra-red, and as a substrate of nanomaterials. This requires the continuation and deepening of additional study


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We report on the formation of Langmuir films of 5,10,15,20-tetra(4-pyridyl) 21H,23H-porphine,hereafter named tetrapyridyl porphyrins with distinct central ions (2H(+), Zn(2+), Cu(2+), Ni(2+)). The films were characterized with surface pressure and surface potential isotherms and in situ UV-vis absorbance. The measurements indicated strong aggregation of porphyrin monomers at the air-water interface, with a red shift of the Soret band in comparison with the spectrum obtained from CHCl(3) solutions. The shift was larger for the non-substituted H(2)TPyP, and depended on the metal ion. Significantly, aggregation occurred right after spreading of the Langmuir film, with on further shifts in the UV-vis spectra upon compression of the film, or even after transferring them onto solid substrates in the form of Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films. The buildup of LB films from H(2)TPyP and ZnTPyP was monitored with UV-vis spectroscopy, indicating an equal amount of material deposited in each deposition step. Using FTIR in the transmission and reflection modes, we inferred that the H(2)TPyP molecules exhibit no preferential orientation in the LB films, while for ZnTPyP there is preferential orientation, with the porphyrin molecules anchored to the substrate by the lateral pyridyl groups. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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N-1-acetyl-N-2-formyl-5-methoxykynuramine (AFMK) and N-1-acetyl-5-methoxykynuramine (AMK), two melatonin catabolites, have been described as potent antioxidants. We aimed to follow the kinetics of AFMK and AMK formation when melatonin is oxidized by phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-activated leukocytes. An HPLC-based method was used for AFMK and AMK determination in neutrophil and peripheral blood mononuclear cell cultures supernatants. Samples were separated isocratically on a C18 reverse-phase column using acetonitrile/H2O (25:75) as the mobile phase. AFMK was detected by fluorescence (excitation 340 nm and emission 460 nm) and AMK by UV-VIS absorbance (254 nm). Activation of neutrophils and mononuclear cells with PMA produces larger amounts of AFMK than activation with LPS, probably due to the lower levels of reactive oxygen species formation and myeloperoxidase (MPO) degranulation that occurs when cells are stimulated with LPS. The concentration of AMK found in the supernatant was about 5-10% (from 18-hr cultures) compared with AFMK. This result may reflect its reactivity. Indeed AMK, but not AFMK, is easily oxidized by activated neutrophils in a MPO and hydrogen peroxide-dependent reaction. In conclusion, we defined a simple procedure for the determination of AFMK and AMK in biological samples and demonstrated the capacity of leukocytes to oxidize melatonin and AMK.