960 resultados para UV-light
Exposure to solar ultraviolet (UV) light is the main causative factor for skin cancer. UV exposure depends on environmental and individual factors. Individual exposure data remain scarce and development of alternative assessment methods is greatly needed. We developed a model simulating human exposure to solar UV. The model predicts the dose and distribution of UV exposure received on the basis of ground irradiation and morphological data. Standard 3D computer graphics techniques were adapted to develop a rendering engine that estimates the solar exposure of a virtual manikin depicted as a triangle mesh surface. The amount of solar energy received by each triangle was calculated, taking into account reflected, direct and diffuse radiation, and shading from other body parts. Dosimetric measurements (n = 54) were conducted in field conditions using a foam manikin as surrogate for an exposed individual. Dosimetric results were compared to the model predictions. The model predicted exposure to solar UV adequately. The symmetric mean absolute percentage error was 13%. Half of the predictions were within 17% range of the measurements. This model provides a tool to assess outdoor occupational and recreational UV exposures, without necessitating time-consuming individual dosimetry, with numerous potential uses in skin cancer prevention and research.
Painelajittelussa sellusta poistetaan epäpuhtauksia. Painelajittimien suunnittelussa on tärkeää ymmärtää lajittimessa tapahtuvia ilmiöitä. Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää kuvaamiseen perustuva mittausjärjestelmä kuitujen liikkeiden mittaamista varten. Mittauksen kohteena ovat sellusulpun kuitujen ja epäpuhtauksien nopeudet. Kuvaamisessa käytetyllä kaksoisvalotuksella pystytään mittaamaan kuitujen ja roskien nopeuksia. Nopeuksien mittaamiseen kuvista kehitettiin järjestelmä ja tutkittiin mahdollisuutta automatisoida mittaaminen. Yksittäisten kuitujen havaitsemiseen sellumassasta käytettiin optisella kirkasteella kirkastettuja kuituja ja UV-valoa. Kuituja värjättiin myös mustiksi ja kuvattiin näkyvällä valolla. Kaksoisvalotukseen käytettiin kahta stroboskooppia. Prosessin kuvaamisessa käytettiin ulkoisella herätteellä ohjattavaa kameraa. Kuvan tuomiseen kameralle ja kohteen valaistukseen käytettiin boroskooppia. Saatujen kuvien käsittelyä ja nopeuksien mittausta varten tehtiin tietokoneohjelma. Käytetyn boroskoopin valovoima ei ollut riittävä kuvausten suorittamiseen, mutta muilta osin laitteisto havaittiin toimivaksi. Kuitujen ja roskien nopeuksia pystyttiin laskemaan ohjelmalla kuvista, joita otettiin ilman boroskooppia. Mittaustiedon hankinnan automatisointi näyttää mahdolliselta tekemällä muutoksia kuvauslaitteistoon.
BACKGROUND: Exposure to solar ultraviolet (UV) light is the main causative factor for skin cancer. Outdoor workers are at particular risk because they spend long working hours outside, may have little shade available and be bound to take their lunch at their workplace. Despite epidemiological evidence of a doubling in risk of squamous cell carcinoma in outdoor workers, the recognition of skin cancer as an occupational disease remains scarce. OBJECTIVE: To assess occupational solar UV doses and its contribution to skin cancer risk. METHODS: A numerical model (SimUVEx) was used to assess occupational and lunch break exposures, characterize exposure patterns and anatomical distribution. Risk of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) was estimated from an existing epidemiological model. RESULTS: Horizontal body locations received 2.0-2.5 times more UV than vertical locations. Dose associated to lunch outdoor every day was similar to outdoor work one day per week but only half of a seasonal worker. Outdoor workers are associated with an increased risk of SCC but also of frequent acute episodes. CONCLUSION: Occupational solar exposure contributes largely to the overall lifetime UV dose, resulting in an excess risk of SCC. The magnitude of the estimated excess in risk supports the recognition of SCC as an occupational disease.
An easy experiment on the synthesis of 3,3-diphenyl-3H-naphtho[2,1-b]pyran and characterization of its photochromic behaviour is reported. Upon irradiation of an uncoloured toluene solution of 3,3-diphenyl-3H-naphtho[2,1-b]pyran with near UV light, an intense yellow colouration is produced due to the formation of two coloured open forms. When the irradiation source is removed the coloured open forms return to the uncoloured state. The analysis of the absorbance decay with time allows the determination of the discoloration rate constants of each open form. The reversibility of the photochromic phenomenon, well demonstrated by the exposure of the solution to sunlight for a few seconds, is particularly attractive to the students.
Bisphenol A (BPA) is a monomer used in epoxy resin and polycarbonate manufacture. This molecule is considered as an endocrine disruptor that causes different diseases. The human exposition to this non biodegrable substance is increasing in the time; in particular, water is contaminated by industrial remainder flow. In this article heterogeneous photo degradation of a solution of BPA in water solution using a catalytic photo reactor with UV light and titanium dioxide (TiO2) was evaluated. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to analyze the photo degradation of BPA solutions. The influence of titanium dioxide amount, BPA concentration, reaction temperature and the catalyst state like suspension and immobilized were also determinated. The highest elimination of BPA was 83.2%, in 240 min, beginning with 0.05 mM of BPA and 100 mg/L of TiO2 in suspension.
Dibenzalacetone and other aldol condensation products are known sunscreens commonly used in cosmetics. This type of compounds can easily be prepared in an Organic Chemistry Lab by reaction of aldehydes with ketones in basic medium. These compounds can be incorporated in poly(methyl methacrylate) and used as UV light absorbers, for example in sunglasses. This project has the advantage of using inexpensive reagents which are readily available in Chemistry Laboratories. This experiment can also be a base starting point for discussions of organic, polymer and photochemistry topics.
This work involved the study of degradation of the herbicide bentazone in aqueous solution by different routes, in order to search a method that generates safe products to the environment. It was tested electrochemical polarization methods involving positive and negative potential, irradiation with UV light and deposition of TiO2 on the electrode surface, seeking a catalytic effect. After different times of degradation, aliquots were removed and the scan of molecular absorption spectrum of UV-Vis was performed. From the spectra decay of bentazone, the kinetics of different processes was accompanied and the rate constants were determined.
Taivekartongilta vaaditaan nykyisin korkealaatuista ja tasaista ulkonäköä. Pakkauksen tehtävänä on parantaa myyntiä hyvällä ulkonäöllä ja siisteydellä sekä antaa informaatiota ja käyttöohjeita. Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin taivekartongin sävyttämistä, optisia ominaisuuksia sekä vaaleuden ja sävyjen pysyvyyttä. Kirjallisuusosassa käsiteltiin paperin ja kartongin optisia ominaisuuksia sekä esiteltiin Kubelka-Munkin teoria. Teoriaa voidaan käyttää mm. monikerroskartongin vaaleuden ja sävyjen mallintamisessa. Esillä oli paljon eri prosessitekijöitä, massoja ja kemikaaleja, jotka vaikuttavat kartongin vaaleuteen ja sävyyn. Työssä kärsiteltiin myös keinoja vaikuttaa kartongin sävyyn sävytyksellä ja sävytyksen eri tapoja. Toisaalta vaaleuden ja sävyn pysyvyyteen vaikuttaa kartongin jälkikellertyminen. Työssä tarkasteltiin jälkikellertymisen mekanismeja ja siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä esitettiin keinoja ennalta ehkäistä ja estää kellertymistä. Kokeellisessa osassa käsiteltiin massan ja päällystyspastan värjäyksen vaikutuksia ulkonäköön ja optisiin ominaisuuksiin. Sinertävillä tai violeteilla sävyväreillä voidaan pienentää mekaanisten massojen luonnollista kellertyvyyttä, jolloin valkoisuuden vaikutelma lisääntyy. Värien lisääminen heikentää vaaleutta, koska värien lisäys nostaa valon absorptiota. Tämän takia on tärkeää lisätä väri mielellään siihen kerrokseen, jossa kellertävä massa on, joka on tyypillisesti kartongin keskikerros. Pintakerrokset ovat valkaistua sellua ja niillä on tärkeä merkitys kartongin vaaleudelle, joten värin lisäys pintaan alentaisi vielä merkittävämmin kartongin kokonaisvaaleutta. Pastan värjäyksellä saadaan tasaisuutta värjäykseen, mutta sävyn säätö on tehtävä edelleen massavärjäyksellä. Pigmenttivärien käytöllä pystytään lisäämään mm. valonkestoa kartongille. Kartongin ja paperituotteiden valonkeston tutkimiseen ei ole olemassa standardia. Työssä tutkittiin laboratorio-olosuhteissa ja huonevalossa vanhentuneiden kartonkinäytteiden vertailtavuutta. Materiaalivalinnoilla pystytään vaikuttamaan valon-kestoon. Siihen vaikuttavat mm. massan laatu, lateksivalinta sekä pigmenttivärin käyttö. Mekaanista massaa sisältävät tuotteet kellertyvät pääasiassa ligniinin takia. Ligniini sisältää paljon UV-säteilyyn reagoivia ryhmiä, jotka muuttuvat värilliseksi lisäten kellertymistä. Valkaistujen sellujen vanhentuminen on suhteessa mekaaniseen massaan erittäin vähäistä. SA-lateksin havaittiin suojaavan vaaleuden menetykseltä ja lisäävän sävyn pysyvyyttä paremmin kuin SB-lateksi.
The incidence of malignant melanoma of the skin has been steadily rising worldwide during the past decades. Most early detected primary tumors can be removed surgically and the prognosis is good. However, at the same time there still is no permanent cure for metastatic melanoma and its prognosis is poor, although lately new effective drugs have emerged. In this thesis, four different approaches of experimental therapy for metastatic melanoma were studied. Endogenous cis-Urocanic acid (UCA) is found in every individual’s skin, where exposure to UV light from the sun generates it from its inactive trans conformation. Cis- UCA was found to destroy malignant melanoma cells in culture under an acidified pH and sufficient concentration through caspase-3 mediated apoptosis. Furthermore, cis-UCA is able to considerably diminish the growth rate in human melanoma tumors on living SCID mice. Using replication-competent Semliki Forest viruses, human melanoma tumors grown in SCID mice were dramatically shrunken as the fulminant production of viruses in melanoma cells leads them to apoptosis within 72 hours. Small oligopeptides attaching to melanoma cells were identified using in vivo phage display. The melanoma-specific peptides found were further tested in vitro on adenoviruses. Ultimately, the adenoviral retargeting using the peptides was tested in vivo. One peptide homed to human transferring receptor upregulated on melanoma cells. In order to kill the malignant melanoma cells with the retargeted adenoviruses, the viruses should carry genetic material producing apoptotic proteins in the cancer tissue. TIMP-3 has been identified as a good candidate for such a protein, as it inhibits malignant cell adhesion as well as promotes apoptosis through a caspase-8 pathway. It is further shown here that adenovirally delivered TIMP-3 is even more potent, as it could kill non-adherent cancer cells, lacking the fully functional death receptor signalling pathway. Adenovirally delivered TIMP-2 also showed marked antitumor effects in human malignant melanoma xenografts on SCID mice both in ex vivo and systemic delivery.
Incidence of nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) is increasing. Ultraviolet (UV) –light is a major risk factor for the development of cutaneous SCC. Cutaneous SCCs that develop to chronic ulcers are known to progress and metastasize more easily than UV-induced SCCs. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a group of proteolytic enzymes which are suggested to have a role in cancer growth and invasion. The molecular background for progression of cutaneous SCC was examined by immunohistochemistry (IHC) using tissue samples of recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB) –associated SCC, sporadic UV-induced SCC, and SCC precursors. IHC studies using tissue microarray (TMA) technique revealed overexpression of MMP-7 and MMP-13 in SCC tumor cells. MMP-7 expression was enhanced especially in the SCC tumor cells of the RDEB –associated SCCs. Studies with SCC cell lines showed that tumor cell derived MMP-7 activated heparin binding epidermal growth factor –like growth factor (HB-EGF) which enhanced the growth of SCC tumor cells. Further, it was shown that type VII collagen (COL7) is expressed in sporadic SCC tumor cells. Interestingly, it was shown that SCC –associated MMP-13 is capable of cleaving COL7 in vitro. COL7 cleavage may have a role in the progression of cutaneous SCC. Studies on serine proteinase inhibitor gene family using SCC tumor cell gene array, quantitative real-time PCR, SCC cell lines, normal human epidermal keratinocytes and IHC of TMA samples showed that serine proteinase inhibitor clade A, member 1 (serpinA1, alpha-1-antitrypsin) is expressed and produced by human SCC tumor cells but not by normal keratinocytes. Moreover, serpinA1 expression was shown to correlate with the progression of cutaneous SCC using transformed HaCaT-cell lines and mouse chemically induced skin SCC model. SerpinA1 may serve as a novel biomarker for the progression of cutaneous SCC. This study elucidated putative mechanisms of the progression of cutaneous SCC and revealed novel biomarker candidates for the progression of SCC of the skin.
The aim of this study was to evaluate different spray nozzles for land applications in high speed on the coverage and deposit in soybean plants pulverization. It was evaluated the AXI 110 04 plane jet nozzles operated at speed of 4.17m.s-1 (control), the grey APE and the AXI 110 08 plane jets, and the TD HiSpeed 110 06 and AXI TWIN 120 06 twin jets, at speed of 9.72m.s-1. The application volume was fixed in 120L ha-1. The application efficiency was evaluated by two different methods: analysis of the coverage area using fluorescent pigment and UV light and analysis of deposits through the recovery and quantification of FD&C N°1 brilliant blue marker by spectrophotometry. Both analyses were done in samples collected from top, middle and bottom parts of the plants. The spray nozzles showed differences in coverage and deposit pattern, so in the top part, the coverage was increased with smaller drops and the deposits were increased with medium drops. In the other parts of the plants, there were no statistical differences between the treatments for both coverage and deposits. The displacement speed did not influence the application efficiency for nozzles with the same drop pattern, and the obtained spray coverage and deposits at the medium and bottom parts of the plants were less than 50% of that found at the top of the soybean plants.
Fotokatalyysillä tarkoitetaan spontaania kemiallista reaktiota, joka tapahtuu fotokatalyytin absorboidessa valoa. Reaktio voi tapahtua joko katalyytin pinnalla tai sen läheisyydessä, mutta fotokatalyytti pysyy reaktiossa muuttumattomana. Ominaisuuksiltaan paras ja eniten tutkittu fotokatalyyttinen materiaali on titaanidioksidi, jolla on säteilytettynä kyky hajottaa orgaanisia molekyylejä hiilidioksidiksi ja vedeksi. Fotokatalyysin käyttömahdollisuuksia tutkitaan membraanikalvojen puhdistamisessa kalvojen käyttöiän ja erotustehokkuuden parantamiseksi. Nykyisin kalvojen puhdistamiseen käytetään useimmiten kemiallista pesua, jonka tuloksena on usein haitallisia yhdisteitä sisältävä liuos. Fotokatalyyttinen puhdistus voisi olla ratkaisu ongelmaan, sillä sen avulla voitaisiin puhdistamisessa käytettävien kemikaalien ja siinä muodostuvien jätteiden määrää vähentää. Tämän työn kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin polyvinyylideenifluoridikalvon (PVDF) kestävyyttä ja puhdistumista fotokatalyyttisissä reaktioissa. PVDF:n on todettu olevan erinomainen kalvomateriaali, koska se on termisesti stabiili ja se kestää hyvin kemikaaleja, kuten orgaanisia liuottimia, happoja ja emäksiä. Työssä todettiin PVDF-kalvon puhdistuvan UV/TiO2-käsittelyn avulla. Kalvo puhdistui parhaiten, kun käytettiin 0,425 m- % TiO2-liuosta. Puhdistumista havainnoitiin sekä puhtaan veden vuon mittauksilla että värjäämällä käsiteltyjä kalvoja ja mittaamalla niiden värinintensiteetti.
Porphyrias are a family of inherited diseases, each associated with a partial defect in one of the enzymes of the heme biosynthetic pathway. In six of the eight porphyrias described, the main clinical manifestation is skin photosensitivity brought about by the action of light on porphyrins, which are deposited in the upper epidermal layer of the skin. Porphyrins absorb light energy intensively in the UV region, and to a lesser extent in the long visible bands, resulting in transitions to excited electronic states. The excited porphyrin may react directly with biological structures (type I reactions) or with molecular oxygen, generating excited singlet oxygen (type II reactions). Besides this well-known photodynamic action of porphyrins, a novel light-independent effect of porphyrins has been described. Irradiation of enzymes in the presence of porphyrins mainly induces type I reactions, although type II reactions could also occur, further increasing the direct non-photodynamic effect of porphyrins on proteins and macromolecules. Conformational changes of protein structure are induced by porphyrins in the dark or under UV light, resulting in reduced enzyme activity and increased proteolytic susceptibility. The effect of porphyrins depends not only on their physico-chemical properties but also on the specific site on the protein on which they act. Porphyrin action alters the functionality of the enzymes of the heme biosynthetic pathway exacerbating the metabolic deficiencies in porphyrias. Light energy absorption by porphyrins results in the generation of oxygen reactive species, overcoming the protective cellular mechanisms and leading to molecular, cell and tissue damage, thus amplifying the porphyric picture.
Point-of-care (POC) –diagnostics is a field with rapidly growing market share. As these applications become more widely used, there is an increasing pressure to improve their performance to match the one of a central laboratory tests. Lanthanide luminescence has been widely utilized in diagnostics because of the numerous advantages gained by the utilization of time-resolved or anti-Stokes detection. So far the use of lanthanide labels in POC has been scarce due to limitations set by the instrumentation required for their detection and the shortcomings, e.g. low brightness, of these labels. Along with the advances in the research of lanthanide luminescence, and in the field of semiconductors, these materials are becoming a feasible alternative for the signal generation also in the future POC assays. The aim of this thesis was to explore ways of utilizing time-resolved detection or anti-Stokes detection in POC applications. The long-lived fluorescence for the time-resolved measurement can be produced with lanthanide chelates. The ultraviolet (UV) excitation required by these chelates is cumbersome to produce with POC compatible fluorescence readers. In this thesis the use of a novel light-harvesting ligand was studied. This molecule can be used to excite Eu(III)-ions at wavelengths extending up to visible part of the spectrum. An enhancement solution based on this ligand showed a good performance in a proof-of-concept -bioaffinity assay and produced a bright signal upon 365 nm excitation thanks to the high molar absorptivity of the chelate. These features are crucial when developing miniaturized readers for the time-resolved detection of fluorescence. Upconverting phosphors (UCPs) were studied as an internal light source in glucose-sensing dry chemistry test strips and ways of utilizing their various emission wavelengths and near-infrared excitation were explored. The use of nanosized NaYF :Yb3+,Tm3+-particles enabled the replacement of an external UV-light source with a NIR-laser and gave an additional degree of freedom in the optical setup of the detector instrument. The new method enabled a blood glucose measurement with results comparable to a current standard method of measuring reflectance. Microsized visible emitting UCPs were used in a similar manner, but with a broad absorbing indicator compound filtering the excitation and emission wavelengths of the UCP. This approach resulted in a novel way of benefitting from the non-linear relationship between the excitation power and emission intensity of the UCPs, and enabled the amplification of the signal response from the indicator dye.
Microscopic visualization, especially in transparent micromodels, can provide valuable information to understand the transport phenomena at pore scale in different process occurring in porous materials (food, timber, soils, etc.). Micromodels studies focus mainly on the observation of multi-phase flow, which presents a greater proximity to reality. The aim of this study was to study the process of flexography and its application in the manufacture of polyester resin transparent micromodels and its application to carrots. Materials used to implement a flexo station for micromodels construction were thermoregulated water bath, exposure chamber to UV light, photosensitive substance (photopolymer), RTV silicone polyester resin, and glass plates. In this paper, data on size distribution of a particular kind of carrot we used, and a transparent micromodel with square cross-section as well as a Log-normal pore size distribution with pore radii ranging from 10 to 110 µm (average of 22 µm and micromodel size of 10 × 10 cm) were built. Finally, it stresses that it has successfully implemented the protocol processing 2D polyester resin transparent micromodels.