953 resultados para UV microspectrophotometric (UMSP)
Lasers are essential tools for cell isolation and monolithic interconnection in thin-film-silicon photovoltaic technologies. Laser ablation of transparent conductive oxides (TCOs), amorphous silicon structures and back contact removal are standard processes in industry for monolithic device interconnection. However, material ablation with minimum debris and small heat affected zone is one of the main difficulty is to achieve, to reduce costs and to improve device efficiency. In this paper we present recent results in laser ablation of photovoltaic materials using excimer and UV wavelengths of diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) laser sources. We discuss results concerning UV ablation of different TCO and thin-film silicon (a-Si:H and nc-Si:H), focussing our study on ablation threshold measurements and process-quality assessment using advanced optical microscopy techniques. In that way we show the advantages of using UV wavelengths for minimizing the characteristic material thermal affection of laser irradiation in the ns regime at higher wavelengths. Additionally we include preliminary results of selective ablation of film on film structures irradiating from the film side (direct writing configuration) including the problem of selective ablation of ZnO films on a-Si:H layers. In that way we demonstrate the potential use of UV wavelengths of fully commercial laser sources as an alternative to standard backscribing process in device fabrication.
Glucocorticoid-induced tumor necrosis factor receptor (GITR) is a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, is expressed in T lymphocytes, and exerts an anti-apoptotic function in these cells. We reported that GITR is also highly expressed in the skin, specifically in keratinocytes, and that it is under negative transcriptional control of p21(Cip1/WAF1), independently from the cell cycle. Although GITR expression is higher in p21-deficient keratinocytes and skin, it is down-modulated with differentiation and in response to UVB. The combined analysis of keratinocytes with increased GITR expression versus normal keratinocytes and skin of mice with a disruption of the GITR gene indicates that this protein protects keratinocytes from UVB-induced apoptosis both in vitro and in vivo.
Human keratinocytes represent a potent source of the pro-inflammatory cytokines pro-interleukin(IL)-1α and -β. ProIL-1β requires processing by caspase-1 (IL-1β-converting enzyme, ICE) for activation and receptor binding. ProIL-1α and -β lack a signal peptide and leave the cell via the alternative secretion pathway, which is independent of the classical ER/Golgi pathway. Both cytokines are stored in the cytoplasm and can be activated and released upon UV irradiation. In macrophages maturation of proIL-1β requires the activation of inflammasomes, innate multiprotein immune complexes, which are essential for the activation of caspase-1 and thereby for processing of proIL-1β. However, the intracellular pathways, which are responsible for activation of proIL-1β and secretion of IL-1β in keratinocytes, are unknown. We show that human keratinocytes express inflammasome proteins in vitro and in vivo. UVB irradiation of keratinocytes results in an increase of cytoplasmic Ca2+ from intracellular stores. This shift is required for inflammasome-dependent activation of caspase-1 and subsequent processing of proIL-1β and secretion of IL-1β. In contrast to macrophages, caspase-1 cannot activate proIL-18 in keratinocytes, although secretion of this cytokine is also induced by UVB irradiation. In vivo, caspase-1 is also essential for UVB-induced inflammation in the skin, since caspase-1 knockout mice showed a strongly reduced inflammatory response after UVB irradiation. Our results suggest that keratinocytes are important immuno-competent cells under physiological and pathological conditions.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a colonização de Cryptosporiopsis perennans na epiderme de maçãs e a eficiência da aplicação de água aquecida e radiação UV-C no controle desse patógeno. Em maçãs submetidas à inoculação de C. perennans, a colonização de lenticelas e das áreas adjacentes pelo patógeno foi avaliada por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. A sensibilidade dos conídios de C. perennans aos tratamentos foi avaliada em suspensão aquosa, às temperaturas de 28, 45, 50 e 55ºC, por 15 e 30 s, e às doses de radiação UV-C de 0,018, 0,037, 0,075, 0,150, 0,375, 0,750, 1,500 e 3,000 kJ m-2. Em maçãs submetidas à inoculação de C. perennans, foram avaliados os efeitos de 0,375, 0,750 e 1,500 kJ m-2 de radiação UV-C e da aspersão de água aquecida à 50ºC, por 15 e 30 s no controle do patógeno. O fungo produziu abundante micélio e conídios nas lenticelas e nas áreas adjacentes, na epiderme das maçãs. A água aquecida a 50ºC por 15 s e à dose de radiação de UV-C de 0,750 kJ m-2 reduzem em mais de 99% a sobrevivência de conídios. A aspersão de água aquecida a 50ºC por 15 s e à dose de radiação de UV-C de 0,375 kJ m-2, controlam C. perennans em maçãs.
OBJECTIVES: Occupational ultraviolet (UV) exposure was evaluated in a population-based sample in France. METHODS: A random survey was conducted in 2012 in individuals aged 25 to 69 years. The median daily standard erythemal UV dose (SED) was estimated from exposure time and place and matched to satellite UV records. RESULTS: A total of 889 individuals were exposed to solar UV with highest doses observed among gardeners (1.19 SED), construction workers (1.13 SED), agricultural workers (0.95 SED), and culture/art/social science workers (0.92 SED). Information and communication technology, industry, and transport workers were highly exposed (>0.70 SED). Significant factors associated with high occupational UV exposure were sex (P < 0.0001), phototype (P = 0.0003), and taking lunch outdoors (P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: This study identified not only expected occupations with high UV exposure but also unexpected occupations with high exposures. This could serve as a basis for future prevention.
Avaliaram-se os efeitos da aspersão hidrotérmica e da radiação UV-C no controle pós-colheita da podridão olho-de-boi (POB) em maçãs 'Fuji', após um e oito meses de armazenamento, e 'Gala', após cinco meses de armazenamento, ambas sob condição de atmosfera controlada (AC). Esses frutos foram inoculados ou mantidos com infecção natural de Cryptosporiopsis perennans. As maçãs 'Fuji' foram submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos, aplicados em uma linha comercial de seleção: sem tratamento (testemunha); aspersão hidrotérmica (água a 50ºC por 12 segundos); radiação UV-C (0,0069 kJ m-2); e aspersão hidrotérmica + radiação UV-C. As maçãs 'Gala' também foram submetidas a estes tratamentos utilizados em 'Fuji', exceto ao tratamento com aspersão hidrotérmica + radiação UV-C. Após os tratamentos, as maçãs foram incubadas a 22ºC por 15 dias e avaliadas quanto à incidência da doença. Nas maçãs 'Fuji', os tratamentos de aspersão hidrotérmica e/ou radiação UV-C reduziram a incidência da POB nos frutos inoculados e com infecção natural, proporcionando controle superior a 56% e 54%, em relação à testemunha, respectivamente. Em maçãs 'Gala' inoculadas, os tratamentos com aspersão hidrotérmica e radiação UV-C também reduziram o número de unidades formadoras de colônias (UFC) nos frutos, com controle superior a 70%, e a incidência da POB, com controle superior a 69% em relação à testemunha. Em maçãs 'Gala', com infecção natural, estes tratamentos apresentaram controle da POB superior a 85% em relação à testemunha. Os resultados obtidos mostram que os tratamentos com aspersão hidrotérmica e/ou radiação UV-C reduzem a incidência da POB em maçãs 'Fuji' e 'Gala', em linha comercial de seleção. Todavia, o uso da radiação UV-C, em ambas as cultivares, foi o tratamento que apresentou maior benefício e retorno econômico.
ZnO nanorods grown by both high temperature vapour phase transport and low temperature chemical bath deposition are very promising sources for UV third harmonic generation. Material grown by both methods show comparable efficiencies, in both cases an order of magnitude higher than surface third harmonic generation at the quartz-air interface of a bare quartz substrate. This result is in stark contrast to the linear optical properties of ZnO nanorods grown by these two methods, which show vastly different PL efficiencies. The third harmonic generated signal is analysed using intensity dependent measurements and interferometric frequency resolved optical gating, allowing extraction of the laser pulse parameters. The comparable levels of efficiency of ZnO grown by these very different methods as sources for third harmonic UV generation provides a broad suite of possible growth methods to suit various substrates, coverage and scalability requirements. Potential application areas range from interferometric frequency resolved optical gating characterization of few cycle fs pulses to single cell UV irradiation for biophysical studies.
Avaliou-se o efeito da radiação UV-C em abacates Hass, quanto ao conteúdo de fenólicos totais, atividade da enzima polifenoloxidase (PPO) e coloração. Os frutos selecionados foram submetidos à radiação em luz UV-C durante 5; 10; 15 e 20 minutos, sendo mantidos sob refrigeração (10 ± 1 ºC e 90±5% UR), e avaliados durante 15 dias. Para o teor fenólicos totais e PPO, não se observou diferença entre os tratamentos dos frutos nos diferentes tempos de exposição à luz UV-C. Os teores fenólicos totais e PPO diminuíram durante o período experimental. Os valores de luminosidade mantiveram-se elevados (85,4 a 88,5) no armazenamento. Os valores de cor a* e b* diminuíram com o armazenamento de forma mais intensa para os frutos submetidos à radiação UV-C. Não houve correlação significativa para a PPO, conteúdo de fenólicos totais e coloração.
Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin painetun paperin ja siitä fenoliformaldehydihartsilla impregnoimalla valmistetun pinnoituskalvon UV-stabiilisuuden parantamis-mahdollisuuksia. Työn kirjallisuusosassa käsitellään painetun pinnoituskalvon valmistusprosessia ja painatuksen UV-valonkestoon vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Painovärin pigmentti, sen määrä ja käsittely, painovärin sideaine sekä fenoliformaldehydihartsi ja sen lisäaineet vaikuttavat pinnoitetun betonoimisvanerin säänkesto-ominaisuuksiin. Erilaisilla epäorgaanisilla valkoisilla pigmenteillä ja kidemuodoilla on erilainen UV-valonkesto ja taitekerroin. Päällystämällä titaanidioksidi esimerkiksi alumiini- tai zirkoniumoksideilla sen UV-valonkestoa voidaan parantaa merkittävästi. UV-hajoaminen voidaan havaita painetun pinnoitteen liituuntumisena. Liituuntumista voidaan pitää veden ja hapen välisenä reaktiona, jota titaanidioksidi ja UV-säteily katalysoivat. Sen takia myös muiden valkoisten epäorgaanisten pigmenttien ominaisuuksia ja käyttöä selvitettiin. Kokeissa käytettiin yhdeksää eri painoväriä, kahta eri paksuista paperia ja kahta eri tyyppistä hartsia. Painovärejä ohennettiin vedellä ja paperin painopuolta vaihdeltiin. Kaikissa painatuksissa käytettiin kolmea eri rasterointiasteen laattaa, jolloin painovärin määrää paperissa saatiin vähennettyä. Painetuista papereista mitattiin densiteetti, värimäärä, pisara-absorptio vedellä ja kontaktikulma hartsilla. Myös painovärin tunkeumaa selvitettiin paperin poikkileikeistä tehtyjen SEM-kuvien avulla. Painetut paperit impregnoitiin fenoliformaldehydihartsilla kalvoksi. Pinnoituskalvot puristettiin vanerin pinnalle laboratoriopuristimella. Koekappaleet altistettiin UV-valolle, sateelle ja pakkaselle sääkaapissa 400 h ajan, mikä vastaa noin 1,5 vuotta ulkona Suomen oloissa. Kappaleista mitattiin kiilto, värinmuutos ja liituuntuminen. Pinnoitteen liituuntumista tapahtui vähiten niissä koepisteissä, joissa painatus oli tehty 30 % rasteroidulla laatallaSäänkestävä TiO2 osoittautui hyväksi, mutta myös ZnO-pigmentillä saatiin hyviä tuloksia. ZnO-koepisteessä liituuntumisreaktio ei ole niin voimakkaasti katalysoitu kuin TiO2-koepisteissä. Paksun paperin painatuspuolella näytti olevan merkitystä säänkestoon. Huopapuolelle painettuna pinnoitteen liituuntuminen oli vähäisempää
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of heat treatment and ultraviolet radiation (UV-C) in the prevention of chilling injury in mangoes cv. Tommy Atkins previously stored or not under injury condition after their transference to ambient condition. Fruits were divided into groups: two were hydrothermally treated (46.1 ºC/90 min; 55 ºC/5 min) and two were exposed to UV-C radiation (1.14 kJ m-2; 2.28 kJ m-2). These groups were stored under chilling injury conditions (5 ºC for 14 days), as established in preliminary tests. Other untreated groups were stored at 12 ºC or 5 ºC. After the storage period, they were transferred to ambient conditions (21.9 ºC; 55% RH) and the quality was evaluated. All the data were submitted to multivariate analysis as the tool to verify the simultaneous effect of the treatments under the quality parameters. The multivariate analysis indicated that the hydrothermal treatments at 46.1 °C/90 min and 55 °C/5 min and the UV-C radiation at doses of 1.14 kJ m-2 and 2.28 kJ m-2 were effective in minimized the symptoms of chilling injury in mangoes ‘Tommy Atkins’ stored at 5 °C for 14 days. However, after their transference to environmental condition at 21.9 °C, only the UV-C kept this control, especially at a dose of 2.28 kJ m-2. This treatment did not prevent the development of the characteristic color or affected the normal ripening and allowed the conservation of fruit for a period of 14 days at 5 °C, plus seven days of storage at environmental condition, which corresponds to the shipping transportation plus the time for sale.
In this work methods for the multiresidue determination of the series of quinolones include in the European regulation in food of animal origin are de veloped and validated in line with Commission Decision 2002/657/EC in terms of linearity, decision limit, capability detection, precision and stability. Mult iresidue methods were established to allow the determination of quinolones covered by EU legislation in 2377/90/EC in muscle of chicken, turkey, pig and cow, plasma of cow and pig, liver of pig and milk of cow. First an extraction step was optimized and a SPE step was applied to clean!up and preconcentrate quinolones prior to their separation by CE or LC and determination by CE!UV, LC!UV, LC!Fl, LC!MS with different ion sources (ESI ,ApCI) and different mass analyser (Q, ToF) and LC!E SI!QqQ tandem mass spectrometry. The limits of quantification obtained are always lower than Maxim um Residue Limit (MRL) established by EU for quinolones in animal products and they can be applied to the control of quinolones in foodstuffs of animal origin . Finally the proposed methods were applied to determine quinolones in samples of turkey and pig muscle, pig plasma and milk of cow. Excellent quality parameters and reduced time of analysis were obtained when LC!ESI!MS/MS is used, although the others techniques presented too satisfactory results.
BACKGROUND: Solar ultraviolet has been recognized as the main causative factor for skin cancer and is currently classified as a carcinogenic agent by International Agency for Research on Cancer. METHOD: Results from a previous phone survey conducted in 2012 in France were used to assess exposure conditions to sun among outdoor workers. Satellite data were used in combination with an exposure model to assess anatomical exposure. RESULT: The yearly median exposure of the outdoor worker population is 77 kJ/m2 to 116 kJ/m2. Road workers, building workers, and gardeners are the more exposed. About 70% of the yearly dose estimate is due to the cumulative summer and spring exposures. CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the role of individual factors in anatomical exposure and ranks the most exposed body parts and outdoor occupations. Prevention messages should put emphasis on spring exposure, which is an important contributor to the yearly dose.
The increase in seafood production, especially in mariculture worldwide, has brought out the need of continued monitoring of shellfish production areas in order to ensure safety to human consumption. The purpose of this research was to evaluate pathogenic protozoa, viruses and bacteria contamination in oysters before and after UV depuration procedure, in brackish waters at all stages of cultivation and treatment steps and to enumerate microbiological indicators of fecal contamination from production site up to depuration site in an oyster cooperative located at the Southeastern estuarine area of Brazil. Oysters and brackish water were collected monthly from September 2009 to November 2010. Four sampling sites were selected for enteropathogens analysis: site 1- oyster growth, site 2- catchment water (before UV depuration procedure), site 3 - filtration stage of water treatment (only for protozoa analysis) and site 4- oyster's depuration tank. Three microbiological indicators ! were examined at sites 1, 2 and 4. The following pathogenic microorganisms were searched: Giardia cysts, Cryptosporidium oocysts, Human Adenovirus (HAdV), Hepatitis A virus (HAV), Human Norovirus (HnoV) (genogroups I and II), JC strain Polyomavirus (JCPyV) and Salmonella sp. Analysis consisted of molecular detection (qPCR) for viruses (oysters and water samples); immunomagnetic separation followed by direct immunofluorescence assay for Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts and also molecular detection (PCR) for the latter (oysters and water samples); commercial kit (Reveal-Neogee (R)) for Salmonella analysis (oysters). Giardia was the most prevalent pathogen in all sites where it was detected: 36.3%, 18.1%, 36.3% and 27.2% of water from sites 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively; 36.3% of oysters from site 1 and 54.5% of depurated oysters were harboring Giardia cysts. The huge majority of contaminated samples were classified as Giardia duodenalis. HAdv was detected in water and o! ysters from growth site and HnoV GI in two batches of oysters ! (site 1) in huge concentrations (2.11 x 10(13), 3.10 x 10(12) gc/g). In depuration tank site, Salmonella sp., HAV (4.84 x 10(3)) and HnoV GII (7.97 x 10(14)) were detected once in different batches of oysters. Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts were present in 9.0% of water samples from site four. These results reflect the contamination of oysters even when UV depuration procedures are employed in this shellfish treatment plant. Moreover, the molecular comprehension of the sources of contamination is necessary to develop an efficient management strategy allied to shellfish treatment improvement to prevent foodborne illnesses. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This review presents the evolution of simultaneous multicomponent analysis by absorption spectrophotometry in the ultraviolet and visual regions in terms of some qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques, otimization methods, as well as applications and modern trends.