361 resultados para ULTRATHIN


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Ultrathin bimetallic layers create unusual magnetic and surface chemical effects through the modification of electronic structure brought on by low dimensionality, polymorphism, reduced screening, and epitaxial strain. Previous studies have related valence and core-level shifts to surface reactivity through the d-band model of Hammer and Nørskov, and in heteroepitaxial films this band position is determined by competing effects of coordination, strain, and hybridization of substrate and overlayer states. In this study we employ the epitaxially matched Pd on Re{0001} system to grow films with no lateral strain. We use a recent advancement in low-energy electron diffraction to expand the data range sufficiently for a reliable determination of the growth sequence and out-of-plane surface relaxation as a function of film thickness. The results are supported by scanning tunneling microscopy and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, which show that the growth is layer-by-layer with significant core-level shifts due to changes in film structure, morphology, and bonding.


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A new class of carbon structure is reported, which consists of microscale graphitic shells bounded by curved and faceted planes containing two to five layers. These structures were originally found in a commercial graphite produced by the Acheson process, followed by a purification treatment. The particles, which could be several hundreds of nanometres in size, were frequently decorated with nanoscale carbon particles, or short nanotubes. In some cases, nanotubes were found to be seamlessly connected to the thin shells, indicating that the formation of the shells and that of the nanotubes are intimately connected. The structures are believed to form during a purification process which involves passing an electric current through the graphite in the presence of a reactive gas. In support of this, it is shown that similar particles can be produced in a standard carbon arc apparatus. With their extremely thin graphene walls and high surface areas, the new structures may have a range of useful properties.


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Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are essential for the innate immune system of eukaryotes, imparting protection against pathogens and their proliferation in host organisms. The recent interest in AMPs as active materials in bionanostructures is due to the properties shown by these biological molecules, such as the presence of an alpha-helix structure and distribution of positive charges along the chain. In this study the antimicrobial peptide dermaseptin 01 (DS 01), from the skin secretion of Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis frogs was immobilized in nanostructured layered films in conjunction with nickel tetrasulfonated phthalocyanines. The leishmanicidal activity of DS 01 was confirmed using kinetic essays, in which DS 01 promoted death of all metacyclic promastigote cells in 45 minutes. Surprisingly, the immobilized DS 01 molecules displayed electroactivity, as revealed by electrochemical experiments, in which an oxidation peak at about 0.61 V was observed for a DS 01 monolayer deposited on top of a conductive electrode. Such electroactivity was used to investigate the sensing abilities of the nanostructured films toward Leishmania. We observed an increase in the oxidation current as a function of number of Leishmania cells in the electrolytic solution at concentrations down to 10(3) cells/mL. The latter is indicative that the use of AMPs immobilized in electroactive nanostructured films may be of interest for applications in the pharmaceutical industry and diagnosis.


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In this work, the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectra of pyridine (py) on thin films of Co and Ni electrodeposited on an Ag electrode activated by oxidation-reduction cycles (ORC) are presented. The SERS spectra from the thin films were compared to those of py on activated bare transition metal electrodes. It was verified that the SERS spectra of py on 3 monolayers (ML)-thick films of Ni and Co presented only bands assignable to the py adsorbed on transition metal surfaces. It was also observed that even for 50 ML-thick transition metal films, the py SERS intensity was ca. 40% of the intensity from the 3 ML-thick films. The relative intensities of the SERS bands depended on the thickness of the films, and for films thicker than 7 ML for Co and 9 ML for Ni they were very similar to those of the bare transition metal electrodes. The transition metal thin films over Ag activated electrodes presented SERS intensities 3 orders of magnitude higher than the ones from bare transition metal electrodes. These films are more suitable to study the adsorption of low Raman cross-section molecules than are ORC-activated transition metal electrodes.


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It is confirmed that a layer of vacuum-evaporated carbon on the surface of a preoriented ultrathin polymer film can lead to an oriented recrystallization of the polymer film. This has been attributed to a strong fixing effect of vacuum-evaporated carbon layer on the film surface of the polymer. To study the origin of the strong fixing effect of vacuum-evaporated carbon layer on the polymer films, the melting and recrystallization behaviors of the preoriented ultrathin PE film with a vacuum-evaporated carbon layer were studied by using atomic force microscopy, electron diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. We found that there exists some extent of chain orientation of carbon-coated polyethylene (PE) preoriented ultrathin film above its melting temperature. These oriented PE chain sequences act as nucleation sites and induce the oriented recrystallization of preoriented PE film from melt. Raman spectroscopy results suggest that new carbon-carbon bonds between the carbon layer and the oriented PE film are created during the process of vacuum carbon evaporation. As a result, some of the PE chain stems are fixed to the coated carbon substrate via covalent bond. Such a bonding has retarded the relaxation of the PE chains at the spot and, therefore, preserves the original orientation of the PE stems at high temperature, which in turn derives the recrystallization of the PE chains in an oriented structure.


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Electrospun polyelectrolyte hydrogel nanofibres are being developed for many applications including artificial muscles, scaffolds for tissue engineering, wound dressings and controlled drug release. For electrospun polyelectrolytes, a post-spinning crosslinking process is necessary for producing a hydrogel. Typically, radiation or thermal crosslinking routines are employed that require multifunctional crosslinking molecules and crosslink reaction initiators (free radical producers). Here, ultraviolet subtype-C (UVC) radiation was employed to crosslink neat poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) nanofibres and films to different crosslink densities. Specific crosslink initiators or crosslinking molecules are not necessary in this fast and simple process providing an advantage for biological applications. Scanning probe microscopy was used for the first time to measure the dry and wet dimensions of hydrogel nanofibres. The diameters of the swollen fibres decrease monotonically with increasing UVC radiation time. The fibres could be reversibly swollen/contracted by treatment with solutions of varying pH, demonstrating their potential as artificial muscles. The surprising success of UVC radiation exposure to achieve chemical crosslinks without a specific initiator molecule exploits the ultrathin dimensions of the PAA samples and will not work with relatively thick samples.


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A novel hierarchical MnO2/carbon strip (MnO2/C) microsphere is synthesized via galvanostatic charge-discharge of a MnO@C matrix precursor where the carbon is from a low-cost citric acid. This hierarchical structure is composed of manganese oxides nanoflakes and inlaid carbon strips. The ultrathin nanoflakes assemble to form porous microspheres with a rippled surface superstructure. Due to its improved conductivity and remarkable increased phase contact area, this novel structure exhibits an excellent electrochemical performance with a specific capacitance of 485.6 F g -1 at a current density of 0.5 A g-1 and an area capacitance as high as 4.23 F cm-2 at a mass loading of 8.7 mg cm-2. It also shows an excellent cycling stability with 88.9% capacity retention after 1000 cycles. It is speculated that the present low-cost novel hierarchical porous microspheres can serve as a promising electrode material for pseudocapacitors. © 2014 American Chemical Society.


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Lignins extracted from sugar cane bagasse using different alcohols in the organosolv-CO(2) supercritical pulping process have been applied in the fabrication of ultrathin films through the Langmuir-Blodgett technique. Langmuir films were characterized by surface pressure versus mean molecular area (Pi-A) isotherms to exploit the sensitivity of nanostructured lignin films to metallic ions (Cu(2+), Cd(2+) and Pb(2+)). The Pi-A isotherms were shifted to larger molecular areas when heavy metal ions are present into the subphase, which might be related to electrostatic repulsions between metallic ions entrapped within the lignin molecular structure. Taking the advantage of metal incorporation, Langmuir monolayers were transferred onto solid substrates forming Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films to be used as a transducer in an "electronic tongue" system to detect Cu(2+) in aqueous solution below threshold standard established by the Brazilian regulation. Both techniques impedance spectroscopy and electrochemistry have been used in these experiments. Complementary, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy recorded for LB films before and after soaking into Cu(2+) aqueous solution revealed an interaction between the lignin phenyl groups and the metallic ion. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A representative study is reported on the electrical properties of SnO2: Sb. ultrathin films (thickness of 40-70 nm) produced by a deposition method based on aqueous colloidal suspensions of 3-5 nm crystalline oxides. The results revealed the films' electrical behavior in a range of 10-300 K, showing a strong dependence on dopant incorporation, with minimum resistivity values in 10 mol % of Sb content. All the samples displayed semiconductor behavior, but the transport mechanism showed a strong dependence on thickness, making it difficult to fit it to well-known models. In thicker films, the mechanism proved to be an intermediary system, with thermally activated and hopping features. Electron hopping was estimated in the range of 0.4-1.9 nm, i.e., in the same order as the particle size. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The technological interest in transparent conductive oxide films (TCOs) has motivated several works in processing techniques, in order to obtain adequate routes to application. In this way, this work describes a new route to obtain antimony-doped tin oxide (ATO) films, based in colloidal dispersions of oxide nanocrystals. The nanoparticles were obtained by a hydrolisis method, using SnCl2 and SbCl3 in ethanolic solutions. The residual halides were removed by dyalisis, obtaining a limpid and transparent colloidal suspension. By this, the method offers the advantage of producing ultrathin films without organic contaminants. This route was employed to produce films with 5, 10, 14, and 18 mol% Sb doping, with thickness ranging from 40 to 70 nm. The physical characterization of the samples showed a uniform layer deposition, resulting in good packing density and high transmittance. A preliminar electrical study confirmed the low electrical resistivity even in the ultrathin films, in such level similar of reported data. The method described is similar in some aspects to layer-by-layer (LbL) techniques, allowing fine control of thickness and interesting properties for ultrathin films, however, with low cost when compared to similar routes.


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We study N-layer samples (N ≤ 10) for the Heisenberg model, with ferro- and antiferromagnetic exchange couplings, using a modified version of the Onsager reaction field approximation. The present scheme includes short-range spin-spin correlations, and allows for layer-dependent order parameters when free surface boundary conditions are imposed. The limits N = 1 (two dimensions) and N → ∞ (three dimensions) can be solved analytically, while systems with several layers have to be numerically calculated. We found no indication of a phase transition at finite temperature up to the sizes investigated (N = 10), the layered systems behaving essentially as two-dimensional. A phase transition is only obtained for the three-dimensional limit. © 1993.


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Multilayered nanocomposite films (thickness 50-90 nm) of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles (np-CoFe2O4, 18 nm) were deposited on top of interdigitated microelectrodes by the layer-by-layer technique in order to study their dielectric properties. For that purpose, two different types of nanocomposite films were prepared by assembling np-CoFe2O4 either with poly(3,4-ethylenedioxy thiophene):poly(styrene sulfonic acid) or with polyaniline and sulfonated lignin. Despite the different film architectures, the morphology of both was dominated by densely-packed layers of nanoparticles surrounded by polyelectrolytes. The dominant effect of np-CoFe2O4 was also observed after impedance spectroscopy measurements, which revealed that dielectric behavior of the nanocomposites was largely influenced by the charge transport across nanoparticle-polyelectrolyte interfaces. For example, nanocomposites containing np-CoFe2O4 exhibited a single low-frequency relaxation process, with time constants exceeding 15 ms. At 1 kHz, the dielectric constant and the dissipation factor (tan ᵟ) of these nanocomposites were 15 and 0.15, respectively. These values are substantially inferior to those reported for pressed pellets made exclusively of similar nanoparticles. Impedance data were further fitted with equivalent circuit models from which individual contributions of particle's bulk and interfaces to the charge transport within the nanocomposites could be evaluated. The present study evidences that such nanocomposites display a dielectric behavior dissimilar from that exhibited by their individual counterparts much likely due to enlarged nanoparticle- polyelectrolyte interfaces.


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Many studies on the morphology, molecular orientation, device performance, substrate nature and growth parameter dependence have been carried out since the proposal of Sexithiophene (6T) for organic electronics [ ] However, these studies were mostly performed on films thicker than 20nm and without specifically addressing the relationship between morphology and molecular orientation within the nano and micro structures of ultrathin films of 0-3 monolayers. In 2004, the observation that in OFETs only the first few monolayers at the interface in contact with the gate insulator contribute to the charge transport [ ], underlined the importance to study submonolayer films and their evolution up to a few monolayers of thickness with appropriate experimental techniques. We present here a detailed Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy study on various substrates aiming at the investigation of growth mechanisms. Most reported similar studies are performed on ideal metals in UHV. However it is important to investigate the details of organic film growth on less ideal and even technological surfaces and device testpatterns. The present work addresses the growth of ultra thin organic films in-situ and quasi real-time by NC-AFM. An organic effusion cell is installed to evaporate the organic material directly onto the SPM sample scanning stage.