908 resultados para U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
农药对产地环境,特别是对土壤的广泛污染严重威胁农产品安全和人类健康。因此,本文采用建立的除草剂和有机氯农药(OCPs)残留分析方法,开展了辽北地区土壤农药残留特征、阿特拉津和乙草胺田间消解动力学、土壤农药残留对农产品安全影响等方面研究。主要研究结果如下: 1. 分别建立了土壤、大米、蔬菜、玉米中3种除草剂和8种OCPs多残留分析方法。方法检出限介于0.04~1.30 ng•g-1之间;11种农药在0.01 (0.02)~1.0 (2.0) mg•L-1范围内线性良好,相关系数介于0.9963-0.9998之间;平均回收率介于71%-117%之间、相对标准偏差小于14.4%。 2. 阿特拉津和乙草胺在辽北农田土壤普遍残留;丁草胺、六氯苯、狄氏剂和艾氏剂在部分土壤有残留;乙草胺和丁草胺相对其它农药残留较高;阿特拉津、六氯苯、狄氏剂和艾氏剂残留量与相关报道和标准相比较低。除艾氏剂外,检出农药残留量经Box-Cox变换后,均服从正态分布。阿特拉津、乙草胺、丁草胺、六氯苯在不同土壤利用类型之间存在显著差异(P<0.05)。 3. 玉米地土壤中阿特拉津和乙草胺消解动态符合一级反应动力学模式,阿特拉津消解半衰期在12.2~59.8d之间,乙草胺在18.5~54.6d之间。喷施地阿特拉津和乙草胺消解速率约为对照地的2~5倍,且喷施量越大,消解越快。 4. 11种农药在辽北蔬菜、大米、玉米中残留较低,仅阿特拉津、六氯苯、乙草胺和丁草胺在部分农产品中有残留,其在土壤中残留通过蔬菜、大米和玉米给消费者带来的总膳食风险较低。大田试验进一步说明在试验区域喷施4倍最大推荐剂量阿特拉津或乙草胺也不会对玉米安全产生影响。
Food product safety is one of the most promising areas for the application of electronic noses. The performance of a portable electronic nose has been evaluated in monitoring the spoilage of beef fillet stored aerobically at different storage temperatures (0, 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20°C). This paper proposes a fuzzy-wavelet neural network model which incorporates a clustering pre-processing stage for the definition of fuzzy rules. The dual purpose of the proposed modeling approach is not only to classify beef samples in the respective quality class (i.e. fresh, semi-fresh and spoiled), but also to predict their associated microbiological population directly from volatile compounds fingerprints. Comparison results indicated that the proposed modeling scheme could be considered as a valuable detection methodology in food microbiology
In recent years, several studies have linked sodium intake to hypertension, and the consequent mortality risk due to vascular diseases. Several UE member states and the WHO recommend reducing the salt intake level to a maximum of 5 g per day. Salt is a useful ingredient for meat product processing. A reduction of added salt provokes a decrease in the quality of meat products. As a technological strategy, the reduction of the amount of added salt and the addition of potassium lactate, until a 30% molar substitution (taking into account the salt standard amount (30 g/kg)), have been proposed. This substitution could modify the product evolution during its processing. The knowledge of these effects could make the optimization of the process easier. In dry-cured meat products with a reduced salt content, it could be concluded that the proposed strategy reduces the processing period, as well as the anomalous texture risk; it increases the product safety and it does not modify the visual attributes.
A wide variety of exposure models are currently employed for health risk assessments. Individual models have been developed to meet the chemical exposure assessment needs of Government, industry and academia. These existing exposure models can be broadly categorised according to the following types of exposure source: environmental, dietary, consumer product, occupational, and aggregate and cumulative. Aggregate exposure models consider multiple exposure pathways, while cumulative models consider multiple chemicals. In this paper each of these basic types of exposure model are briefly described, along with any inherent strengths or weaknesses, with the UK as a case study. Examples are given of specific exposure models that are currently used, or that have the potential for future use, and key differences in modelling approaches adopted are discussed. The use of exposure models is currently fragmentary in nature. Specific organisations with exposure assessment responsibilities tend to use a limited range of models. The modelling techniques adopted in current exposure models have evolved along distinct lines for the various types of source. In fact different organisations may be using different models for very similar exposure assessment situations. This lack of consistency between exposure modelling practices can make understanding the exposure assessment process more complex, can lead to inconsistency between organisations in how critical modelling issues are addressed (e.g. variability and uncertainty), and has the potential to communicate mixed messages to the general public. Further work should be conducted to integrate the various approaches and models, where possible and regulatory remits allow, to get a coherent and consistent exposure modelling process. We recommend the development of an overall framework for exposure and risk assessment with common approaches and methodology, a screening tool for exposure assessment, collection of better input data, probabilistic modelling, validation of model input and output and a closer working relationship between scientists and policy makers and staff from different Government departments. A much increased effort is required is required in the UK to address these issues. The result will be a more robust, transparent, valid and more comparable exposure and risk assessment process. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Nos últimos anos, a participação dos especuladores (hedge funds, fundos indexados a commodities e outros agentes financeiros) no mercado de derivativos de commodities aumentou. Este trabalho avalia se a posição destes não-hedgers apresenta uma relação de precedência temporal (no sentido de Granger-causa) com os retornos dos preços futuros das principais commodities agrícolas exportadas pelo Brasil (açúcar, café, soja, milho e algodão). Com base nos dados disponibilizados pelo relatório Supplemental COT (Commitments of Traders) e pelo relatório DCOT (Disaggregated Commitments of Traders Report), divulgados pela CFTC (U.S.Commodity Futures Trading Commission), foi aplicado o teste de causalidade de Granger para essas commodities. Com os resultados observados, não se pode concluir a existência de relação de precedência temporal entre a posição dos especuladores e os retornos dos preços futuros das respectivas commodities.
This exploratory research aims to find out the extent to which Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) impacts the purchasing behavior of Peruvian consumers when it comes to convenience food products. The study includes qualitative and quantitative analysis. Qualitative analysis consists of in-depth interviews with CSR representatives from consumer product companies, CSR practitioners and some consumers from the quantitative sample. That group’s composition was selected in order to obtain a wide picture of the consumers’ perception towards CSR, including their understanding of the concept and the relevance in their decision making process when buying convenience food products. The quantitative analysis portion consists of an on-line survey focused on Peruvian consumers who live in Lima during the year 2015. Consumers included in the sample were selected by convenience. After analyzing the 134 completed surveys, the results obtained suggest that even though there is an increasing interest in CSR, including CSR as an attribute of the purchased goods, interest is not fully demonstrated by the purchasing behavior of consumers. The main breach leading to this inconsistency appears to be the lack of or failure in the companies’ CSR communication towards consumers. Consumers demand reliable information which socially responsible companies usually provide; however at this stage, the target audiences of such information are mostly corporations and communities surrounding the manufacturing plants of convenience food products.
Aiming to consumer s safety the presence of pathogenic contaminants in foods must be monitored because they are responsible for foodborne outbreaks that depending on the level of contamination can ultimately cause the death of those who consume them. In industry is necessary that this identification be fast and profitable. This study shows the utility and application of near-infrared (NIR) transflectance spectroscopy as an alternative method for the identification and classification of Escherichia coli and Salmonella Enteritidis in commercial fruit pulp (pineapple). Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Independent Modeling of Class Analogy (SIMCA) and Discriminant Analysis Partial Least Squares (PLS-DA) were used in the analysis. It was not possible to obtain total separation between samples using PCA and SIMCA. The PLS-DA showed good performance in prediction capacity reaching 87.5% for E. coli and 88.3% for S. Enteritides, respectively. The best models were obtained for the PLS-DA with second derivative spectra treated with a sensitivity and specificity of 0.87 and 0.83, respectively. These results suggest that the NIR spectroscopy and PLS-DA can be used to discriminate and detect bacteria in the fruit pulp
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This article presents an overview of relevant issues to be considered in the development of standardized phytochemical preparations, focusing on the use of the spouted bed as a drying method. Aspects related to the effects of feed composition properties and processing parameters on system performance and product quality are addressed. From the information presented, it can be concluded that the spouted bed technology can be successfully applied for production of high-quality phytochemical preparations suitable for food and pharmaceutical purposes, considering the requirements for product safety, quality, and efficacy. Nevertheless, it should be emphasized that, at this time, the proposed technology is appropriate for small-scale production, mainly due to difficulties concerning scale-up, modeling, and the simulation of spouted bed systems, and also for predicting product properties and system behavior during operation.
“Difetto di Informazione e danno da prodotto” è un tema di grande interesse ed attualità, in un momento storico in cui si è riacceso il dibattito sulla disciplina della responsabilità per danni da prodotto difettoso. Complice è “il difetto di informazione”, da sempre rimasto ai margini della casistica giurisprudenziale, ma che improvvisamente “ruba la scena” imponendosi all'attenzione della Cassazione (nn. 6007/2007 e 20985/2007) e rivelando nodi interpretativi di forte impatto pratico nelle cause di responsabilità del produttore. Di qui l’esigenza di approfondire la complessa tematica degli information defects, sotto il profilo della nozione di “difetto” e della sua prova, nonché dell’incidenza di eventuali carenze informative sulla responsabilità del produttore. Muovendo dall’analisi della Direttiva e della sua attuazione italiana, il lavoro individua i punti nodali di tale disciplina ed i vari limiti posti – sia a livello interpretativo che applicativo - alla tutela del danneggiato, suscettibili di renderla meno “appetibile” di quanto potrebbe sembrare. Affronta, quindi, criticamente le questioni trattate nelle due sentenze di legittimità del 2007 in ordine sia alla distribuzione tra le parti dell'onere probatorio, sia alla rilevanza delle informazioni fornite dal produttore. Peculiare interrogativo cui si cerca di dare risposta è se, ed in che misura, l’“informazione” consenta al produttore di andare esente da responsabilità. Il lavoro passa ad esplorare i nuovi scenari offerti dalla interazione tra la disciplina della responsabilità del produttore e quella sulla sicurezza generale dei prodotti, la cui coesistenza all’interno del medesimo corpo di norme pone nuovi interrogativi, quali la sussistenza della responsabilità del produttore di un bene “conforme” ed il ruolo dell’informazione nell’ipotesi di prodotti non difettosi e/o “conformi”. La ricerca affronta tali interrogativi con sguardo critico e provocatorio sollevando il dubbio se la “conformità alle norme armonizzate” non rischi di diventare una “nuova” clausola di esonero della responsabilità del produttore.
La tesi si propone l’obiettivo di indagare le modalità di interazione tra conoscenze tecnico-scientifiche e dato normativo, a partire dallo studio delle c.d. norme tecniche, ossia le norme, dotate di forza giuridica o meno, elaborate sulla base di conoscenze tecnico-scientifiche. La ricerca analizza diversi settori dell’ordinamento, accomunati da un’elevata influenza di saperi tecnici e al tempo stesso da un’indubbia rilevanza dal punto di vista costituzionale (la disciplina delle sperimentazioni cliniche dei farmaci, quella delle emissioni inquinanti di origine industriale e quella relativa agli standard di sicurezza dei prodotti), individuando quelle che al loro interno si possono considerare norme tecniche e mettendone in luce sia i profili formali (in quali atti-fonte sono contenute, quale natura giuridica presentano) che il procedimento di formazione, con particolare attenzione ai soggetti che vi prendono parte. Si propone quindi una sistematizzazione degli elementi emersi dall’indagine a partire da due diverse prospettive: in primo luogo tali dati vengono analizzati dal punto di vista dogmatico, individuando i diversi meccanismi di ingresso del dato tecnico-scientifico nel tessuto normativo (incorporazione nella norma giuridica, impiego di clausole generali, rinvio a norme extra-giuridiche), al fine di mettere in luce eventuali profili problematici per quanto riguarda il sistema delle fonti. La seconda prospettiva prende invece quale punto di riferimento il “centro di elaborazione sostanziale” delle norme considerate, al fine di evidenziarne i diversi fattori di legittimazione: a partire da esigenze di armonizzazione della disciplina e dall’assunto della neutralità delle conoscenze tecnico-scientifiche rispetto agli interessi coinvolti, l’elaborazione delle norme tecniche vede infatti un significativo ripensamento degli equilibri non solo fra attori pubblici e privati, ma anche tra legittimazione politica e legittimazione “tecnica” della scelta normativa. A tali aspetti è dedicata la parte conclusiva del lavoro, in particolare per quanto riguarda la conformità rispetto al disegno costituzionale.
BACKGROUND The variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease incidence peaked a decade ago and has since declined. Based on epidemiologic evidence, the causative agent, pathogenic prion, has not constituted a tangible contamination threat to large-scale manufacturing of human plasma-derived proteins. Nonetheless, manufacturers have studied the prion removal capabilities of various manufacturing steps to better understand product safety. Collectively analyzing the results could reveal experimental reproducibility and detect trends and mechanisms driving prion removal. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association member companies collected more than 200 prion removal studies on plasma protein manufacturing steps, including precipitation, adsorption, chromatography, and filtration, as well as combined steps. The studies used a range of model spiking agents and bench-scale process replicas. The results were grouped based on key manufacturing variables to identify factors impacting removal. The log reduction values of a group are presented for comparison. RESULTS Overall prion removal capacities evaluated by independent groups were in good agreement. The removal capacity evaluated using biochemical assays was consistent with prion infectivity removal measured by animal bioassays. Similar reduction values were observed for a given step using various spiking agents, except highly purified prion protein in some circumstances. Comparison between combined and single-step studies revealed complementary or overlapping removal mechanisms. Steps with high removal capacities represent the conditions where the physiochemical differences between prions and therapeutic proteins are most significant. CONCLUSION The results support the intrinsic ability of certain plasma protein manufacturing steps to remove prions in case of an unlikely contamination, providing a safeguard to products.
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: The risk of transfusion-transmitted HBV remains significant in Switzerland, where routine screening for hepatitis B virus (HBV) in blood donations relies solely on serological hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) testing. This study was designed to determine the prevalence of anti-hepatitis B core (anti-HBc) and HBV nucleic acid testing (NAT) positive donations in two different Swiss donor populations, to help in deciding whether supplemental testing may bring additional safety to blood products. METHODS: In a first population of donors, 18143 consecutive donations were screened initially for HBsAg, anti-HBc (with one EIA assay) and with HBV NAT in minipools of 24 donations. The screening repeatedly reactive anti-HBc donations were then "confirmed" with two supplemental anti-HBc assays, an anti-hepatitis B surface assay (anti-HBs) and with single donation HBV NAT. In a second population of donors, 4186 consecutive donations were screened initially with two different anti-HBc assays in addition to the mandatory HBsAg screening test. The screening repeatedly reactive donations with at least one anti-HBc assay were tested for anti-HBs. RESULTS: In the first subset of 18143 donations, 17593 (97.0%) were negative for HBsAg, anti-HBc and HBV NAT in minipools. 549 (3.0%) were HBsAg and HBV NAT negative, but repeatedly reactive for anti-HBc. Of these 549 donations, 287 could not be "confirmed" with two additional anti-HBc assays and were negative with an anti-HBs assay, as well as with single donation HBV NAT. Only 211 (1.2% of the total screened donations) were "confirmed" positive with at least one of two supplemental anti-HBc assays. One repeatedly reactive HBsAg donation, from a first-time donor, was confirmed positive for HBsAg and anti-HBc, as well as with single donation HBV NAT. In the second subset of 4186 donations, 4014 (95.9%) were screened negative for HBsAg and for anti-HBc, tested with two independent anti-HBc assays. 172 donations (4.1%) were HBsAg negative but repeatedly reactive with at least one of the two anti-HBc assays. Of these 172 samples, 86 were reactive with the first anti-HBc assay only, 13 were reactive with the second anti-HBc assay only and 73 (1.7% of the total screened donations) were "confirmed" positive with both anti-HBc assays. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of anti-HBc "confirmed" positive donations in the two Swiss blood donor populations studied was low (<2%) and we found only one HBV NAT positive (HBsAg positive) donation among more than 18000. Concerning blood product safety, an increase in the deferral rate of less than 2% of anti-HBc positive, potentially infectious donors, would in our opinion make routine anti-HBc testing of blood donations cost-effective. There is however still a need for more specific assays to avoid an unacceptably high deferral rate of "false" positive donors. In contrast, the introduction of HBV NAT in minipools gives minimal benefit due to the inadequate sensitivity of the assay. It remains to evaluate more extensively the value of individual donation NAT, alone or in addition to anti-HBc, as supplemental testing in the context of several Swiss blood donor populations.
The objectives of this research dissertation were to develop and present novel analytical methods for the quantification of surface binding interactions between aqueous nanoparticles and water-soluble organic solutes. Quantification of nanoparticle surface interactions are presented in this work as association constants where the solutes have interacted with the surface of the nanoparticles. By understanding these nanoparticle-solute interactions, in part through association constants, the scientific community will better understand how organic drugs and nanomaterials interact in the environment, as well as to understand their eventual environmental fate. The biological community, pharmaceutical, and consumer product industries also have vested interests in nanoparticle-drug interactions for nanoparticle toxicity research and in using nanomaterials as drug delivery vesicles. The presented novel analytical methods, applied to nanoparticle surface association chemistry, may prove to be useful in assisting the scientific community to understand the risks, benefits, and opportunities of nanoparticles. The development of the analytical methods presented uses a model nanoparticle, Laponite-RD (LRD). LRD was the proposed nanoparticle used to model the system and technique because of its size, 25 nm in diameter. The solutes selected to model for these studies were chosen because they are also environmentally important. Caffeine, oxytetracycline (OTC), and quinine were selected to use as models because of their environmental importance and chemical properties that can be exploited in the system. All of these chemicals are found in the environment; thus, how they interact with nanoparticles and are transported through the environment is important. The analytical methods developed utilize and a wide-bore hydrodynamic chromatography to induce a partial hydrodynamic separation between nanoparticles and dissolved solutes. Then, using deconvolution techniques, two separate elution profiles for the nanoparticle and organic solute can be obtained. Followed by a mass balance approach, association constants between LRD, our model nanoparticle, and organic solutes are calculated. These findings are the first of their kind for LRD and nanoclays in dilute dispersions.