327 resultados para Turbidez


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Cutting fluids are lubricants used in metal-mechanical industries. Their complex composition varies according to the type of operation carried out, also depending on the metals under treatment or investigation. Due to the high amount of mineral oil produced in Northeastern Brazil, we have detected the need to better use this class of material. In this work, two novel formulations have been tested, both based on naphthenic mineral oil and additives, such as: an emulsifying agent (A), an anticorrosion agent (B), a biocide (C) and an antifoam agent (D). Each formulation was prepared by mixing the additives in the mineral oil at a 700-rpm stirring velocity for 10 min, at 25°C, employing a 24 factorial planning. The formulations were characterized by means of density, total acid number (TAN), viscosity, flash point and anticorrosion activity. In a subsequent study, oil-in-water emulsions were prepared from these novel formulations. The emulsions were analyzed in terms of stability, corrosion degree, percentage of foam formation, conductivity, accelerated stability and particle size. The samples were appropriately labeled, and, in special, two of them were selected for featuring emulsion properties which were closer to those of the standards chosen as references (commercial cutting oils). Investigations were undertaken on the ability of NaCl and CaCl2 to destabilize the emulsions, at concentrations of 2%, 5% and 10%, at an 800-rpm stirring velocity for 5 min and temperatures of 25º, 40º, 50º and 60ºC. The recovered oils were chemically altered by reincorporating the same additives used in the original formulations, followed by preparation of emulsions with the same concentrations as those of the initial ones. The purpose was to assess the possibility of reusing the recovered oil. The effluents generated during the emulsion destabilization step were characterized via turbidity index, contents of oil and grease, pH, and contents of anions and cations, observing compliance with the parameters established by the current environmental legislation (Brazil s CONAMA 357/05 resolution). It could be concluded that the formulations presented excellent physicochemical properties as compared to commercial cutting fluids, showing that the quality of the newly-prepared fluids is superior to that of the formulations available in the market, enabling technically and environmentally-safe applications


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Sustainable development is a major challenge in the oil industry and has aroused growing interest in research to obtain materials from renewable sources. Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) is a polysaccharide derived from cellulose and becomes attractive because it is water-soluble, renewable, biodegradable and inexpensive, as well as may be chemically modified to gain new properties. Among the derivatives of carboxymethylcellulose, systems have been developed to induce stimuli-responsive properties and extend the applicability of multiple-responsive materials. Although these new materials have been the subject of study, understanding of their physicochemical properties, such as viscosity, solubility and particle size as a function of pH and temperature, is still very limited. This study describes systems of physical blends and copolymers based on carboxymethylcellulose and poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM), with different feed percentage compositions of the reaction (25CMC, 50CMC e 75CMC), in aqueous solution. The chemical structure of the polymers was investigated by infrared and CHN elementary analysis. The physical blends were analyzed by rheology and the copolymers by UV-visible spectroscopy, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), dynamic light scattering (DLS) and zeta potential. CMC and copolymer were assessed as scale inhibitors of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) using dynamic tube blocking tests and chemical compatibility tests, as well as scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Thermothickening behavior was observed for the 50 % CMC_50 % PNIPAM and 25 % CMC_75 % PNIPAM physical blends in aqueous solution at concentrations of 6 and 2 g/L, respectively, depending on polymer concentration and composition. For the copolymers, the increase in temperature and amount of PNIPAM favored polymer-polymer interactions through hydrophobic groups, resulting in increased turbidity of polymer solutions. Particle size decreased with the rise in copolymer PNIPAM content as a function of pH (3-12), at 25 °C. Larger amounts of CMC result in a stronger effect of pH on particle size, indicating pH-responsive behavior. Thus, 25CMC was not affected by the change in pH, exhibiting similar behavior to PNIPAM. In addition, the presence of acidic or basic additives influenced particle size, which was smaller in the presence of the additives than in distilled water. The results of zeta potential also showed greater variation for polymers in distilled water than in the presence of acids and bases. The lower critical solution temperature (LCST) of PNIPAM determined by DLS corroborated the value obtained by UV-visible spectroscopy. SAXS data for PNIPAM and 50CMC indicated phase transition when the temperature increased from 32 to 34 °C. A reduction in or absence of electrostatic properties was observed as a function of increased PNIPAM in copolymer composition. Assessment of samples as scale inhibitors showed that CMC performed better than the copolymers. This was attributed to the higher charge density present in CMC. The SEM micrographs confirmed morphological changes in the CaCO3 crystals, demonstrating the scale inhibiting potential of these polymers


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The research is developed in areas of horticulture in the city of Natal, in the neighborhoods of Lagoa Azul, Pajuçara and Redinha, along the Doce River, border area with Extremoz city, Rio Grande do Norte State. The region of the fluvial plain of Doce River is located in an Environmental Protection Zone (ZPA-9). This is one of the ZPA which is not under the regulatory marks and there are several environmental problems caused by use and land occupation, featuring an evident disregard of environmental laws and whose protection is hindered by the lack of specific legal mechanisms. This study aims to provide an overview of the use of pesticides in the lower course of the Doce River, in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, and to assess environmental degradation in the area through chronic toxicity tests using the microcrustaceous Ceriodaphnia dubia Richard 1894 (Cladocera, Crustacea) as test organism. Visits were made to the area in 2009 and 2010. To obtain information a diagnosis of the local situation was accomplished based on personal observation and non-participatory photographic record, with the aim of assessing the environmental characteristics, population diversity and work processes of horticulturists. During the visits four different points of the Doce River were chosen to collect water for ecotoxicological tests and survey of physico-chemical parameters (dissolved oxygen, pH, chloride, turbidity, conductivity and temperature), which were measured in the field using Multiparameter Probe (TROLL 9500). The adverse effects of pesticide use in the lower course of the Doce River is a major problem for both the environmental and human health, since many of the substances and active principles that enter in the composition of the products are synthesized molecules whose effects can only be evaluated through different studies on their actions and behavior at short, medium or long term


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Water scarcity is a reality for the inhabitants of the Brazilian semiarid region. The problem, in quantitative terms , is caused due to local climatic conditions due mostly to a water deficit. Qualitatively, results of multiple uses and resulting contamination by human activities. Eutrophication is presented as a threat to the sustainable use of water resources, in order to favor the predominance of dense populations of cyanobacteria, which can be potentially harmful to human health. The aim of this study is to understand the population dynamics of phytoplankton and cyanobacteria to assess water quality of reservoirs Santa Cruz do Apodi and Pau dos Ferros belonging to bacia Apodi Mossoró-RN . Water samples were collected monthly between October 2011 and May 2012 in reservoirs Santa Cruz do Apodi and Pau dos Ferros, in this latter , in Jan/12 we performed a diel profile . The abiotic variables obtained in the field and in the laboratory were: water temperature , dissolved oxygen , pH , turbidity , transparency , total nitrogen and total phosphorus . Phytoplankton samples were collected with a plankton net and bottle of Van dorn . Were performed : identification , quantification , calculation of biovolume , classification into functional groups and index calculation phytoplankton assembly ( Q ) , cyanotoxins were quantified by ELISA . Statistical analyzes supported the evaluation of the dynamics between biotic and abiotic factors. A questionnaire was conducted to examine the conceptions of the population, education professionals and students. The reservoir of Pau dos Ferros, shallow , turbid and eutrophic showed dominance of the functional group SN throughout the sample period . The phytoplankton biomass ranged from 20 to 70 mm ³ . L - 1, the lowest values coincided with the increase of the mixing zone and transparency, which contributed to the occurrence of a change in species composition phytoplankton . The application of the index Q proved relevant, the reservoir of Pau dos Ferros , depending on the species present , was classified ecologically as bad for almost the entire sample period . The reservoir Santa Cruz do Apodi showed low biomass ( 0.04 and 4.31 mm ³ . L - 1 ) and greater diversity in the phytoplankton composition . According to the index assembly (Q ), it showed moderate condition during most of the period influenced by different functional groups of typical meso- eutrophic environment (K S0, H1, C, F , J , E, D and N) . Associations of diatoms and green algae D and X1 succeeded populations of cyanobacteria in periods marked by greater instability in the system , caused by wind or rain. In summary , the occurrence of drought has a direct influence on the hydrological conditions of the reservoirs , in general, these events, reducing the reservoir level is directly related to decreased water quality and increased density of phytoplankton occurring predominance of cyanobacteria , the index Q reflected well to changes in phytoplankton composition , being a good indicator for biomonitoring of reservoirs in this study and survey of previous conceptions showed the need to work on environmental awareness for the preservation of water resources by conducting workshops for Environmental Education


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This study is conducted in the estuary of the rivers Jundiaí and Potengi, one of the most important estuaries of Rio Grande do Norte, which suffers a strong anthropogenic influence from neighboring cities. According to Resolution 344/2005 environments that have high concentrations of metals such as arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury need ecotoxicological tests. This study aims to evaluate the heavy metals contamination in the estuary through analysis of sediment collected at four points distributed from Macaíba to Natal city, and in the crab Uçá, Ucides cordatus. The study aims also to evaluate the effects of sediment toxicity in the tests organisms Leptocheirus plumulosus. To obtain data about the concentrations of heavy metals in the environment, sediments were collected in January and May 2011 and crab Uçá was collected in June 2011. On the other hand the monitoring was carried out through toxicological tests with sediment collected from July to October 2011. During the collection of sediment samples the physico-chemical parameters of water (dissolved oxygen, pH, chloride, turbidity, conductivity and temperature) were measured by using multi-parametric probe (TROLL 9500). It was possible to identify contamination by metals such as lead, cadmium, arsenic and copper both in the sediment and in the Uçá crab, which characterizes that the consumption of this crustacean may be a risk to human health. Once the concentrations of metals were identified, toxicology tests were performed and revealed toxic effect to organisms in at least one of the four months studied. Point 2 was classified as toxic in three of the four months studied . The heavy metal contamination is a risk to the environment, to aquatic organisms and to the community which survives of resources taken from the environment


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The stocking of exotic fish, especially the tilapia, has become a common practice in the public reservoirs of the Brazilian semi-arid region. The stocking of tilapias has had as its main aim the improvement of the fisheries in the reservoirs and consequently the improvement of the socio-economic conditions of the families that have fishing as the main source of income. However, the environmental risks associated with this practice are high and can lead to a loss in aquatic biodiversity and to changes in the quality of the water. The object of this work was to quantify the socio-economic and environmental effects of the introduction of the Nile tilapia in the public reservoirs of the semi-arid northeastern Brazil. The analysis of the fish yield of 100 public reservoirs from 1970 to 2000 demonstrated that the introduction of the Nile tilapia apparently contributed to an increase in the total fish yield from the late 1970 s until the mid-1980 s. Nevertheless, from that time onwards the fish yield in these reservoirs has fallen into decline to levels inferior to those observed prior to the introduction of the tilápia. The analysis of the fishing activity statistics of the Gargalheiras reservoir located in the city of Acari, Rio Grande do Norte, demonstrated that the introduction of the Nile tilapia in the reservoir has not significantly increased the fish yield, the gross overall income, the gross per capita income nor the number of fishermen actively fishing in the reservoir. On the other hand, the analysis of the fishing activity statistics of the Gargalheiras reservoir has revealed a significant reduction in the captures of other commercially important fish species after the introduction of the tilapia. This result suggests that the Nile tilapia could have negatively affected other species of fish in the reservoir, contributing to the decline in their stocks. In order to assess the perception of the fishermen concerning the effects of the Nile tilapia over other species of fish and the quality of the water, questionnaires containing open and multiple choice questions were applied with 30 fishermen from the colony of the Gargalheiras reservoir. The great majority of the local fishermen stated that the tilapia is currently the most important species of fish to those who depend on fishing as a source of income and that they have not caused damage to other species of fish nor to the quality of the water in the reservoir. However, the results of the present work indicate that the alleged socio-economic benefits, employed to justify the introduction of the Nile tilapia in the reservoirs, are overestimated while the environmental impacts of the introduction of this exotic species are underestimated


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The main factors that influence the species distribution are related mainly with the dispersion capacity, behavior, presence of other species and to the factors physicist-chemistries. Had been evaluated ecological factors that affect the distribution of the genus Astyanax in Chapada dos Guimaraes headstreams, Cuiaba River basin, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Samples in 27 streams had been made in Chapada dos Guimaraes, and the fish had been collected through the method of electric fish, and the ambient data had been analyzed with one technique of called ordinance of Principal Components Analysis (PCA). 250 individuals had been collect, being 95 A. asuncionensis, 62 A. abramis, 36 A. lineatus and 57 individuals had been captured identified like A. scabripinnis (Jenyns, 1842) sensu Eigenmann, 1927. In relation the ambient characteristics, the variables gotten allowed two axes of the PCA, who explain 53,114 % of the variance of the seven variables analyzed. Axle 1, Main Component 1, explained 31,147 % and Axle 2, Main Component 2, explained 21,967 % of the variation of the ambient data. The formation of axle 1 was influenced positively by the depth and negative by the conductivity and pH. The formation of axle 2 was influenced positively by the Turbidity and negative to the Dissolved Oxygen. The ordinance of the species throughout for the axes corroborated for the understanding of the distribution of specimens.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Estudou-se o reuso de água de um sistema composto por estação de tratamento de esgoto (ETE) com aeração prolongada e lodo ativado, e em uma estação compacta de tratamento de água (ECTA) de uma indústria metalúrgica. Os processos para obtenção da água de reuso foram: microbiológico e físico-químico. O esgoto doméstico foi bombeado para a ETE, onde houve formação de flocos biológicos e água clarificada. Avaliou-se a eficiência do processo microbiológico da ETE mediante a remoção de demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO), demanda química de oxigênio (DQO) e sólidos sedimentáveis (SS). A eficiência do processo físico-químico de clarificação e desinfecção foi avaliada mediante análises de pH, turbidez, cor, contagem de bactérias heterotróficas aeróbias, cloro livre, dureza, alcalinidade, cloretos, sulfatos, sólidos totais dissolvidos (STD). Na água de reuso além desses parâmetros avaliou-se a toxicidade aguda ao microcrustáceo Daphnia similis.