160 resultados para Truman Capote


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In holometabolous insects such as Drosophila melanogaster, neuroblasts produce an initial population of diverse neurons during embryogenesis and a much larger set of adult-specific neurons during larval life. In the ventral CNS, many of these secondary neuronal lineages differ significantly from one body segment to another, suggesting a role for anteroposterior patterning genes. Here we systematically characterize the expression pattern and function of the Hox gene Ultrabithorax (Ubx) in all 25 postembryonic lineages. We find that Ubx is expressed in a segment-, lineage-, and hemilineage-specific manner in the thoracic and anterior abdominal segments. When Ubx is removed from neuroblasts via mitotic recombination, neurons in these segments exhibit the morphologies and survival patterns of their anterior thoracic counterparts. Conversely, when Ubx is ectopically expressed in anterior thoracic segments, neurons exhibit complementary posterior transformation phenotypes. Our findings demonstrate that Ubx plays a critical role in conferring segment-appropriate morphology and survival on individual neurons in the adult-specific ventral CNS. Moreover, while always conferring spatial identity in some sense, Ubx has been co-opted during evolution for distinct and even opposite functions in different neuronal hemilineages.


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An often-overlooked aspect of neural plasticity is the plasticity of neuronal composition, in which the numbers of neurons of particular classes are altered in response to environment and experience. The Drosophila brain features several well-characterized lineages in which a single neuroblast gives rise to multiple neuronal classes in a stereotyped sequence during development. We find that in the intrinsic mushroom body neuron lineage, the numbers for each class are highly plastic, depending on the timing of temporal fate transitions and the rate of neuroblast proliferation. For example, mushroom body neuroblast cycling can continue under starvation conditions, uncoupled from temporal fate transitions that depend on extrinsic cues reflecting organismal growth and development. In contrast, the proliferation rates of antennal lobe lineages are closely associated with organismal development, and their temporal fate changes appear to be cell-cycle dependent, such that the same numbers and types of uniglomerular projection neurons innervate the antennal lobe following various perturbations. We propose that this surprising difference in plasticity for these brain lineages is adaptive, given their respective roles as parallel processors versus discrete carriers of olfactory information.


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An often-overlooked aspect of neural plasticity is the plasticity of neuronal composition, in which the numbers of neurons of particular classes are altered in response to environment and experience. The Drosophila brain features several well-characterized lineages in which a single neuroblast gives rise to multiple neuronal classes in a stereotyped sequence during development [1]. We find that in the intrinsic mushroom body neuron lineage, the numbers for each class are highly plastic, depending on the timing of temporal fate transitions and the rate of neuroblast proliferation. For example, mushroom body neuroblast cycling can continue under starvation conditions, uncoupled from temporal fate transitions that depend on extrinsic cues reflecting organismal growth and development. In contrast, the proliferation rates of antennal lobe lineages are closely associated with organismal development, and their temporal fate changes appear to be cell cycle-dependent, such that the same numbers and types of uniglomerular projection neurons innervate the antennal lobe following various perturbations. We propose that this surprising difference in plasticity for these brain lineages is adaptive, given their respective roles as parallel processors versus discrete carriers of olfactory information.


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The effect of induction of parturition with a PGF(2)alpha analog on plasma concentration of prolactin (PRL) and its effects on colostrum concentration of IgG and chitotriosidase (ChT) activity were studied in 16 pregnant Majorera goats. Treated goats, those in which parturition was induced, had greater concentrations of PRL than control goats 24 h before parturition (P < 0.05) and 48 h after parturition (P < 0.05). Control goats had greater concentrations of PRL than treated goats 96 h after parturition (P < 0.05). Plasma concentration of IgG did not differ between groups during the experimental period, but colostrum concentrations of IgG were greater in control goats than in treated goats at parturition (P < 0.05). Plasma ChT activity decreased during the period 72 h before parturition to 24 h after parturition in control and treated goats. Time evolution after partum affected the colostrum ChT activity, being greater at parturition than after parturition in both groups (P < 0.05). In summary, concentration of IgG in colostrum is slightly diminished if parturition is induced. Induction of parturition causes an early increase in PRL, which is most likely responsible for preterm suppression of IgG transport into mammary secretions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Colostrum feeding in small ruminants is crucial during the first hours after birth due to the lack of Ig transfer during pregnancy via the placenta. In addition the immature immune system of the neonate is slow to produce its own Ig during the first weeks of life. Colostrogenesis, i.e. the transfer of Ig from blood into mammary secretions, starts several weeks prepartum. In goat plasma, immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentration decreases by around 38% from the third month of gestation until partum, which coincides with the dry period. Thus, management during the dry period is crucial for the course of colostrogenesis. The colostrum synthesis is determined by the nutrition during the prepartum period, but the transfer of Ig is obviously independent of nutritional influences. The administration of conjugated linoleic acid during the dry period to dairy goats causes a less pronounced decrease of blood plasma IgG concentration (6%) but it did not change colostral IgG levels. In cattle, IgG1 is transported from blood into colostrum by an IgG1 specific receptor located on the surface of alveolar epithelial cells during colostrogenesis, and this is most likely similar in small ruminants. Via inactivation of this receptor, the Ig transfer is downregulated by increasing prolactin (PRL) during lactogenesis. It was recently observed in goats treated with PGF2 alpha, in order to induce parturition, lower colostrum IgG concentrations occurred concomitantly with an earlier increase of plasma PRL as compared to untreated animals. The effect of litter size and number of lactations on colostral IgG concentration in small ruminants has not been made fully clear until now most likely due to the different breeds used in the published studies.


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A major unresolved question in developmental neurobiology is how the nervous system is adapted to the specific needs of the organism at different life stages. In the holometabolous insect Drosophila melanogaster, the larval ventral nervous system (VNS) is comprised of similar repeating segments, as opposed to the adult VNS, which varies greatly from segment to segment both in number and types of neurons. The adult-specific neurons of each segment are generated by 25 distinct types of neuronal progenitor cells called neuroblasts (NBs) that appear in a stereotyped array (Truman et al., 2004). Each NB divides repeatedly to produce a distinct set of daughter cells termed a lineage, which is bilaterally symmetric but present to varying degrees in each segment. These daughter cells can be distinguished by their position within the nervous system as well as by their axonal projections. Each of the 25 NBs produces neurons; if both daughter cells are present in a lineage then both sibling populations survived, whereas if only one projection is seen cell death occurred, leaving a hemilineage (half lineage). In some lineages, the same sibling type survives in all segments in which the lineage appears, but in others, the surviving sibling type varies across segments, resulting in a different morphology for the same lineage in different segments. How are these differences in survival and morphology controlled? The Hox genes provide positional information for developing structures along the anterior-posterior (AP) axis of animals. They encode transcription factors, thereby controlling the activity of genes down stream. In the postembryonic VNS, each NB lineage features its own characteristic expression pattern of Hox genes Antp and Ubx, which can vary from segment-to-segment, and can thereby cause variation in the number of neural cells and axonal projections that survive. This study defines the wild-type expression pattern of Antp and elucidates the role of Antp in gain of function studies. These studies are possible due to the MARCM (Mosaic Analysis with a Repressible Cell Marker) method, which allows the genetically manipulated cells to be specifically labeled in an otherwise normal, unlabeled organism. The results indicate that Antp is expressed in a segment-, lineage-, and hemilineage-specific manner. Antp is sufficient for both anterior and posterior transformations of particular lineages, including promotion of cell death and/or survival as well as axon guidance.


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Die enge Verflechtung mit dem Weltgeschehen ist seit langer Zeit fester Bestandteil der Geschichte der modernen Schweiz. Auf politischer, kultureller und wirtschaftlicher Ebene waren die Grenzen stets äusserst durchlässig. Als «kleine, offene Wirtschaftsmacht» orientierte sich das Land bereits seit Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts stark am Welthandel und spezialisierte sich früh auf die Ausfuhr von Qualitätsprodukten mit hoher Gewinnmarge, wobei der Anteil des Aussenhandels an der nationalen Wirtschaft signifikant hoch war. Auch der schweizerische Finanzplatz positionierte sich spätestens nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg an der Weltspitze. Diese starke Ausrichtung auf die Weltmärkte brachte von Anfang an ein grosses Interesse der schweizerischen Eliten an diplomatischen und politischen Entwicklungen und Verschiebungen in den internationalen Beziehungen zwischen den Grossmächten mit sich. Die Neuorientierung der weltweiten Machtverhältnisse während der Epoche des Kalten Krieges – das heisst während der etwas mehr als vier Jahrzehnte, die zwischen der Verkündung der Truman-Doktrin 1947 und der Gründung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1949 einerseits und der Auflösung des Ostblocks 1989/90 andererseits liegen – betraf deshalb die schweizerische Aussenpolitik und Wirtschaft in besonderem Masse. Die spätestens seit dem Kriegseintritt der (bislang neutralen) USA im Dezember 1941 unter massivem Druck stehende schweizerische Neutralität konnte sich mit der Entfaltung des Kalten Krieges auf dem bipolaren Schachbrett der beiden Machtblöcke neue Tätigkeitsfelder eröffnen, welche die schweizerische Innen- und Aussenpolitik in der Folge stark bestimmen sollten.


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The Drosophila homolog of the retinoid X receptor, ultraspiracle (USP), heterodimerizes with the ecdysone receptor (EcR) to form a functional complex that mediates the effects of the steroid molting hormone ecdysone by activating and repressing expression of ecdysone response genes. As with other retinoid X receptor heterodimers, EcR/USP affects gene transcription in a ligand-modulated manner. We used in vivo, cell culture, and biochemical approaches to analyze the functions of two usp alleles, usp3 and usp4, which encode stable proteins with defective DNA-binding domains. We observed that USP is able to activate as well as repress the Z1 isoform of the ecdysone-responsive broad complex (BrC-Z1). Activation of BrC-Z1 as well as EcR, itself an ecdysone response gene, can be mediated by both the USP3 and USP4 mutant proteins. USP3 and USP4 also activate an ecdysone-responsive element, hsp27EcRE, in cultured cells. These results differ from the protein null allele, usp2, which is unable to mediate activation [Schubiger, M. & Truman, J. W. (2000) Development 127, 1151–1159]. BrC-Z1 repression is compromised in all three usp alleles, suggesting that repression involves the association of USP with DNA. Our results distinguish two mechanisms by which USP modulates the properties of EcR: one that involves the USP DNA-binding domain and one that can be achieved solely through the ligand-binding domain. These newly revealed properties of USP might implicate similar properties for retinoid X receptor.


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For 50 years, the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission (ABCC) and its successor, the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF), have conducted epidemiological and genetic studies of the survivors of the atomic bombs and of their children. This research program has provided the primary basis for radiation health standards. Both ABCC (1947–1975) and RERF (1975 to date) have been a joint enterprise of the United States (through the National Academy of Sciences) and of Japan. ABCC began in devastated, occupied Japan. Its mission had to be defined and refined. Early research revealed the urgent need for long term study. In 1946, a Directive of President Truman enjoined the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences to develop the program. By 1950, ABCC staff exceeded 1,000, and clinical and genetic studies were underway. Budgetary difficulties and other problems almost forced closure in 1953. In 1955, the Francis Report led to a unified epidemiological study. Much progress was made in the next decade, but changing times required founding of a binational nonprofit organization (RERF) with equal participation by Japan and the United States. New programs have been developed and existing ones have been extended in what is the longest continuing health survey ever undertaken.


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La presente Tesis Doctoral lleva por título Estado de esfuerzos en la Corteza a partir del análisis de mecanismos focales. La determinación del estado de esfuerzos es un aspecto muy importante en varios aspectos de la sociedad y su estudio se ha abordado desde distintos parámetros en los últimos años. Los mecanismos focales son los datos más fiables para conocer el estado de esfuerzos en la corteza, ya que cubren el rango completo de profundidades de la propia corteza y registran eventos en cualquier punto del planeta. De Vicente (1988) desarrolla el Modelo de Deslizamiento originalmente para el análisis de paleoesfuerzos a partir de estructuras frágiles y posteriormente se ha aplicado a mecanismos focales (Capote et al., 1991). Esta metodología permite calcular de forma independiente para cada mecanismo focal la dirección de máximo acortamiento en la horizontal (Dey) y el régimen de esfuerzo-deformación definido por el factor de forma (ḱ), que es la relación entre la deformación en la vertical y la horizontal. A partir de estos datos puntuales se generan mapas continuos en distintas regiones, que se desarrollan en cada uno de los capítulos que componen esta Tesis Doctoral. El análisis del catálogo del Centroid Moment Tensor permite estudiar de forma global la distribución de esfuerzos en la Corteza. Éstos están principalmente controlados por las fuerzas originadas en los límites primarios de placas y se transmiten de forma continua a lo largo de cientos de kilómetros, que sufren perturbaciones a escala regional o local, asociadas a distintas estructuras geológicas. Además se observa que en las zonas intraplaca domina el régimen tipo desgarre, quedando los máximos compresivos y extensionales localizados principalmente a las zonas de subducción y de dorsal o rift respectivamente. Además el análisis estadístico del catálogo revela que la mayor parte de los terremotos que se generan en la Corteza se caracterizan por ser de deformación casi pura, es decir con ángulos de cabeceo y/o buzamiento próximos a 0° o a 90°, que es la forma más eficiente de disipar la energía...


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Tese de doutoramento, Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016