992 resultados para Tropical sandy soil


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The rate of nitrification of several nitrogenous fertilizers (ammonium sulfate, nitre-chalk, ureia, and cottonseed meal) was studied in three soils, namely, "terra roxa legítima", a red soil derived from basalt, "terra roxa misturada", a soil also derived from basalt but with a higher proportion of sand, and "areito Corumbataí", a sandy soil. The effects of the following treatments on nitrification were considered: addition of limestone of micronutrients (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Mo), and inoculation with a suspension of spores of Aspergillus wentii, a heterotrophic nitrifier. The results showed that: in "terra roxa legítima" limestone had no influence on the nitrification rate, whereas the micronutrients estimulated the oxidation of nitre-chalk, cottonseed meal and urea; inoculation with A. wentii helped only the nitrification of ammonium sulfate and of the cottonseed meal; the latter, in all the treatments employed gave use to a smaller amount of nitrates; in "terra roxa misturada", all the fertilizers depending upon the treatments they were subjected to, presented maximum values for nitrification; limestone estimulated the oxidation of ammonium sulfate as well as the mineralization of the cottonseed meal; the addition of micronutrients helped the nitrification of all the fertilizers, except that of urea; inoculation showed a benefical influence on the nitrification of ammonium sulfate and cottonseed meal; in "arenito de Corumbatai", the amounts of nitrates produced was roughly the same for all the fertilizers investigated; limestone estimulated the nitrification of nitro-chalk, ammonium sulfate and cottonseed meal whilst the addition of micronutrients benefited only the latter two; the inoculation with A. wentii helped the oxidation of all the fertilizers. In order to study the availability of the various fertilizers above discussed, two plant growing experiments were carried cut, one in pots, using the three soil types and another one in the field, with "terra roxa misturada". In "arenito de Corumbatai" there was no significant difference in the yield both of straw and rice grains for none of the fertilizers: Chilean nitrate of soda was used as a control; ho marked agreement could be detected between the data concerning nitrification and the yield results. In "terra roxa legítima", ammonium sulfate won the competition and there was a good parallelism between nitrification and yield. In "terra roxa misturada", there was no statistical difference among the various fertilizers; the agreement between nitrification and yields was reasonable. In the field (corn), Chilean nitrate, ammonium sulfate and nitro-chalk were clearly beter than urea and cottonseed meal which did not differ from the minus nitrogen plots.


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Due to the great importance of coffee to the Brazilian economy, a good deal of the work carried out in the "Laboratório de Isótopos", E. E. A. "Luiz de Queiroz", Piracicaba, S. Paulo, Brazil, was dedicated to the study of some problems involving that plant. The first one was designed to verify a few aspects of the control of zinc deficiency which is common in many types of soils in Brazil. An experiment conducted in nutrient solution showed that the leaf absorption of the radiozinc was eight times as high as the root uptake; the lower surface of the leaves is particularly suited for this kind of absorption. Among the heavy metal micronutrients, only iron did not affect the absorption of the radiozinc; manganese, copper, and molybdenum brought about a decrease of fifty per cent in total uptake. In another pot experiment in which two soils typical of the coffee growing regions were used, namely, a sandy soil called "arenito de Bauru" and a heavy one, "terra roxa", only O.l and 0.2 per cent of the activity supplied to the roots was recovered", respectively. This indicates that under field conditions the farmer should not attempt to correct zinc deficiency by applying zinc salts to the soil: leaf sprays should be used wherever necessary. In order to find out the most suitable way to supply phosphatic fertilizers to the coffee plant, under normal farm conditions, an experiment with tagged superphosphate was carried out with the following methods of distribution of this material: (1) topdressed in a circular area around the trees; (2) placed in the bottom of a 15 cm deep furrow made around the plant; (3) placed in a semicircular furrow, as in the previous treatment; (4) sprayed directly to the leaves. It was verified that in the first case, circa 10 per cent of the phosphorus in the leaves came from the superphosphate; for the other treatments, the results ware, respectively: 2.4, 1.7, and 38.0 per cent. It is interesting to mention that the first and the last methods of distribution were those less used by the farmers; now they are being introduced in many coffee plantations. In a previous trial it was demonstrated that urea sprays were an adequate way to correct nitrogen deficiency under field conditions. An experiment was then set up in which urea-C14 was used to study the metabolism of this fertilizer in coffee leaves. In was verified that in a 9 hours period circa 95 per cent of the urea supplied to the leaves had been absorbed. The distribution of the nitrogen of the urea was followed by standard chemical procedures. On the other hand the fate of the carbonic moiety was studied with the aid of the radiochromatographic technique. Thus, the incorporation of C14 in aminoacids, sugars and organic acids was ascertained. Data obtained in this work gave a definite support to the idea that in coffee leaves, as in a few other higher plants, a mechanism similar to the urea cycle of animals does exist.


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In order to find out the best way to supply phosphorus to coffee plants when growing in "terra roxa misturada", a red soil with a high fixing capacity, tagged superphosphate was applied by the following procedures: (1) topdressed in a circular strip around the trees; (2) placed in the bottom of a circular furrow 15 cm deep; (3) placed in a semicircular furrow also 15 cm deep; (4) sprayed directly to the leaves. In each case 150 gms. of ordinary superphosphate tagged with H3 P32 O4 to give 5 X 10(9) c.p.m. were given to the two and half year old coffee plants. It was found that for the several treatments of the total phosphorus in the leaves the following values, on a per cent basis, came from the applied superphosphates: (1) topdressed 10.2 per cent, (2) circular furrow 2.4 per cent, (3) semicircular furrow 1.7 per cent, (4) sprayed 38.0 per cent; one can see, then, that methods (2) and (3) commonly used by the coffee planters are a very inefficient way to supply phosphorus in this type of soil. The remarkable foliar absorption was checked twice: a water culture experiment was carried out, the radiophosphorus being supplied by brushing it in the upper and lower surfaces of a given leaf; radioactivity was detected all over the plant as a result both of absorption and translocation; on the other hand, leaves collected from the sprayed trees were radioautographed; the radioautographs showed the pattern of distribution of the P32 which indicates true absorption rather than a surface contamination. In another locality, an experiment was caried out with 8 year old plants growing in "arenito de Bauru" which is a sandy soil with much less phosphorus fixing capacity. In this experiment the aim was to compare absorption of tagged superphosphate by trees growin under mulch against plants not receiving this treatment, The uptake of phosphorus was the same for both sets of plants. In both field experiments soil samples down to 15 cm in the profile were collected and its 0.2NHC1 soluble phosphorus was counted; rather significant values were observed mainly in the upper 5 cm layers.


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This paper deal with one experiment carried out in order to study the correlation between petioles analysis and seed cotton yield. A 3X3X3 factorial with respect to N, P2 0(5) and K2 O was installed in a sandy soil with low potash content and medium amounts of total N and easily extractable P. Two kinds of petioles, newly mature were collected for analysis: those attached to fruit hearing branches, and petioles located on the stem; the first group is conventionally named "productive petioles"; The second one is called "not productive petioles". Petioles' sampling was done when the first blossoms appeared. Yield date showed a marked response to potash, both nitrogen and phosphorus having no effect. Very good correlation was found between petioles potash and yield. Both types of petioles samples were equally good indicators of the potash status of the plants. By mathematical treatment of the date it followes that the highed yield which was possible under experimental conditions, 1.562 kg of seed cotton per hectare would be reacher by using 128 kg of K2O per hectare. With this amount of potash supplied to the plants the following K levels would be expected in the petioles: "productive petioles" "not productive petioles" 1,93 % K 1,85 % K


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This paper deals with the mineral composition fresh and dry matter production of different organs of 4, 5 old guava (Psidium guajava L.) growth on sandy soil (Savanna) without fertilizer. The data obtained for fresh and dry matter productior are present in table 2 (in Portuguese). The concentration of the elements are presented in table 3 (in Portuguese). Finally, the total amounts of elements absorbed by guava are given in the following table: Element Plant (grams) Fruits (grams) Nitrogen (N) 42,55 20,4 Phosphorus (P) 3,84 2,3 Potassium (K) 52,01 31,3 Calcium (Ca) 47,81 0,2 Magnesium (Mg) — 2,4


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WATER-CULTURE EXPERIMENTS. Two water-culture experiments were carried out to study the absorption and the translocation of radiozinc in young coffee plants as influenced by two factors, namely, concentration of heavy metals (iron, man ganese, copper and molybdenum) and method of application. Inert zinc was supplied at an uniform rate of 0. 05 p. p. m.; the levels of iron supply were 0, 1.0, and 10.0 p. p.m.; manganese was supplied in three doses 0, 0.5, and 5.0 p. p.m.; copper- 0, 0. 02, and 0. 2 p. p. m.; molybdenum- 0, 0. 01, and 0. 1 p. p. m. When applied to the nutrient solution the activity os the radiozinc (as zinc chloride) was 0. 15 microcuries per plant. In the study of the leaf absorption, Zn65 was supplied at the level of 0. 10 microcuries per plant; in this case the radioative material was brushed either on the lower or on the upper surface or both two pairs of mature leaves. The absorption period was 8 weeks. The radioactivity assay showed the following results: 1 - Among the heavy metals herein investigated the iron concentration did not affect the uptake of the radiozinc; by raising the level of Mn, Cu and Mo ten times, the absorption dropped to 50 per cent and even more when compared with the control plants; when, however, these micronutrients were omitted from the nutrient solution, an increase in the uptake of zinc was registered in the minus Cu treatment only. The effects of high levels of Mn, Cu and Mo probably indicate an interionic competition for a same site on a common binding substance in the cell surface. 2 - The absorption of the radiozinc directly applied to the leaf surface reached levels as high as 8 times that registered when the root uptake took place. Among the three methods of application which have been tried, brushing the lower surface of the leaves proved to be the most effective; this result is easily understood since the stomatal openings of the coffee leaves an preferentially located in the lower surface - in this treatment, about 40 per cent of the activity was absorved and around 12 per cent were translocated either to the old or to the newer organs. Chemical analyses for heavy metals, were carried out only in the plants received Zn65Cl2 in the nutrient solution; the results were as follows; 1 - Control plants had, per 1,000 gm, of dry weight the following amounts in mg.: Zn- 48 in the roots and 29 in the tops; Fe- 165 in the roots and 9 in the tops; Mn- 58 in the roots and 15 in the tops, Cu- 15 in the roots and 1. 2 in the tops; Mo- 2. 8 in the roots and 0. 45 in the tops. 2 - The effect of different levels of micronutrients in the composition of the plants can be summarized as follows: Fe and Zn- when omitted from the nutrient solution, the iron and zinc contents in the roots decreased, no variation being noted in the tops; the higher dosis caused an accumulation in the roots but no apparent effect in the tops; Mn- by omitting this micronutrient a decrease in its content in the roots was noted, where as the concentration in the tops was the same; Mo- no variation in roots and tops contents when molybdenum was omitted; higher dosis of manganese and molybdenum increased the amounts formed both in the roots and in the tops. 3 - The influence of the different concentrations of micronutrients heavy metals on the zinc content of the coffee plants can be described by saying that: Fe and Mo- no marked variation; Mn- no effect when omitted, reduced amount when the high dosis was supplied; Mn- when the plants did not receive manganese the zinc content in roots and tops was the same as in the control plants; a decrease in the zinc content of the total plant occurred when the high dosis was employed; Cu -the situation is similar to that described for manganese. Hence, results showed by the chemical analyses roughly correspond to those of the radioactivity assay; the use of the tracer technique, however, gave best informations along this line. SOIL-POTS EXPERIMENTS. The two types of soils which when selected support the most extensive coffee plantations in the State of São Paulo, Brazil: "arenito de Bauru", a light sandy soil and "terra roxa legitima", a red soil derived from basalt. Besides NPK containing salts, the coffee plants were given two doses of inert zinc (65 and 130 mg ZnCl2 per pot) and radiozinc at a total activity of 10(6) counts/minute. The results of the countings can be summarized as follows: 1 - When plants were grown in "arenito de Bauru" the activity absorbed as per cent of the total activity supplied was not affected by the dosis of inert zinc. The highest value found was around 0. 1 per cent. 2 - For the "terra roxa" plants, the situation is almost the same; there was, however, a slight increase in the absorption of the radiozinc when 130 mgm of ZnClg2 was given: a little above 0. 2 per cent of the activity supplied was absorbed. The results clearly show that the young coffee plants practically did not absorb none of the zinc supplied; two reasons at least could be pointed out to explain such a fact: 1 - Zinc fixation by an exchange with magnesium or by filling holes in the octahedral layer of aluminosilicates, probably kaolinite; 2 - No need for fertilizer zinc in the particular stage of life cycle under which the experiment was set up. The data from chemical analysis are roughly parallel to the above mentioned. When one attempts to compare - by taking data herein reported zinc uptake from nutrient solution, leaf brushing or from fertilizers in the soil, a practical conclusion can be drawn: the control of zinc deficiency in coffee plants should not be done by adding the zinc salts to the soil; in other words: the soil applications used so extensively in other countries seem not to be suitable for our conditions; hence zinc sprays should be used wherever necessary.


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Cotton (variety I. A. C. 11) was grown on a sandy soil under two treatments, namely: (1) NPK + lime and (2) no fertilizers. Three weeks after planting a systematic sampling of entire plants was done every other week. In the laboratory determinations of dry weight were made and afterwards the various plant partes were submitted to chemical analyses, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S) being determined. The aim of this work was to obtain information on the periods in which the absorption of the several macronutrients was more intense, this providing a clue for time of application of certain mineral fertilizers. Data obtained hereby allowed for the following main conclusions. The initial rate of growth of the cotton plant, judged by the determinations of dry weight, is rather slow. Seven weeks after planting and again five weeks two distinct periods of rapid growth take place. The uptake of macronutrients is rather small until the first flowers show up. From there on the absorption of minerals is intensified. From the time in which fruits are being formed to full maturity, the crop draws from the soil nearly 75 percent of the total amount of elements required to complet life cycle. This seams to point out the need for late dressings of fertilizers, particularly of those containing N and K. The following amounts of element in Kg/ha were absorbed by the fertilized plants: N - 83.2 P - 8.1 K - 65.5 Ca - 61.7 Mg - 12.8 and S - 33.2. The three major macronutrients, namely, N. P and K are exported as seed cotton in the following proportions with respect to the total amounts taken up by the entire crop: N - 1/3, P - 1/2 and K - 1/3.


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Tannery wastes generation is increasing every year and a suitable method for tannery sludge management is necessary in order to decrease this environmental problem. The composting is recognized as a suitable method for sludge recycling.. The effect of tannery sludge compost (TSC) rates on growth, nodulation and N fixation of cowpea was investigated. Sandy and clayey soils were amended with TSC at rates of 0, 7.5, 15, 30, and 60 t ha-1. The shoot dry weight of cowpea plants 45 days after emergence (DAE) was greater in the TSC-amended than in the unamended soil. In the sandy soil, nodule dry weight increased with TSC application 45 DAE. In the clayey soil, 45 DAE, nodule dry weight decreased with TSC amendment levels greater than 7.5 t ha-1 compared to the unamended control. The application of TSC increased N accumulation in the cowpea plants. The results suggest that cowpea responds differently to TSC depending on the amendment rate and initial soil type.


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The response of sugarcane to application of micronutrients is still not very well known. In view of the need for this information, the aim of this study was to evaluate the application of the micronutrients Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe, B, and Mo to plant cane in three soils, with and without application of filter cake. This study consisted of three experiments performed in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, (in Igaraçu do Tiete, on an Oxisol; in Santa Maria da Serra, on an Entisol, both in the 2008/2009 growing season; and in Mirassol, on an Ultisol, in the 2009/2010 growing season) in a randomized block design with four replications with a 8 x 2 factorial combination of micronutrients (1 - no application/control, 2 - addition of Zn, 3 - addition of Cu, 4 - addition of Mn 5 - addition of Fe, 6 - addition of B, 7 - addition of Mo, 8 - Addition of Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe, B, and Mo) and filter cake (0 and 30 t ha-1 of filter cake) in the furrow at planting. The application of filter cake was more efficient than of Borax in raising leaf B concentration to sufficiency levels for sugarcane in the Entisol, and it increased mean stalk yield in the Oxisol. In areas without filter cake application, leaf concentrations were not affected by the application of Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe, B, and Mo in the furrow at planting; however, Zn and B induced an increase in stalk and sugar yield in micronutrient-poor sandy soil.


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Can vinasse accelerate the change of minerals in rock dust to obtain fertilizers, using residues from alcohol agro-industries and mining? Answering this question was the main objective of this study. Therefore, an experiment was set up in the laboratory in a completely randomized design using Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) columns, in which the 0-50 cm layers of a clayey soil (eutroferric Red Oxisol) and sandy soil (Typic Quartzipsamment) were reproduced. We applied three different rates of basalt powder (0.0; 2.0, and 4.0 t ha-1) and one rate of vinasse (200 m³ ha-1) to the soils. The control was made by treatments with water (200 m³ ha-1) with the same rates of rock powder. Samples were first collected on the surface of each column (1, 15, 30, 45, 60, and 90 days after the application of vinasse and rock powder), and, at the end of the experiment, at the various depths and in leached water, to determine pH and the concentration of soluble Ca2+, Mg2+, and K+. There was a significant effect of the solvent and the soil on the surface layer, with higher concentrations found in the treatments with vinasse and in clayey soil, confirming the potential of vinasse to alter minerals in basalt powder. The resulting levels from the beginning to the end of the experiment suggest that sorption phenomena with neoformed mineral phases or organic acids may have occurred. It may be concluded that the use of rock powder and vinasse mixtures is a promising alternative for soil fertilization and recycling of waste from the sugarcane and mining industries.


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In orange commercial farms, Zn deficiencies symptoms and small fruits were observed in Corrientes, Argentine. During four years (1995 to 1998), Valencia orange (Citrus sinensis Osb.) on Rough lemon (C. jambhiri Lush.) rootstock, implanted in 1974 in sandy soil, where six treatments were tested. Treatments varied from 1 to 3 Kg KCl.tree-1.year-1 (applied in April and December) with and without Zineb 80, 0,35%. year-1, 20 L. tree-1 (13,3 g Zn.tree-1 applied in December). The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replications, with a single tree and borders in the experimental plot. Foliar sample were taken every year in Autumn and Summer, foliar concentrations of Zn and K were determined by atomic spectrum absorption. Harvested fruits were classified into small, medium and big. Analysis of Variance, Tukey test and Pearson correlations between production and foliar concentrations were performed. Higher fertilization levels of K with Zn increased medium and big fruits production (Kg and percentage). Foliar concentrations of K and Zn were positively correlated with big and medium fruit production and negatively correlated with small one. Chemical names used: Ethilenbis-ditiocarbamate of Zn (Zineb).


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The experiment was carried out at the Embrapa Semi-Árido, Petrolina-PE, Brazil, in order to study the physiological responses of umbu plants propagated by seeds and by stem cuttings under water stress conditions, based on leaf water potential and gas exchange measurements. Data were collected in one-year plants established in pots containing 30 kg of a sandy soil and submitted to twenty-day progressive soil water deficit. The evaluations were based on leaf water potential and gas exchange data collection using psychrometric chambers and a portable infra-red gas analyzer, respectively. Plants propagated by seeds maintained a significantly higher water potential, stomatal conductance, transpiration and photosynthesis under decreasing soil water availability. However, plants propagated by stem cuttings were unable to maintain a favorable internal water balance, reflecting negatively on stomatal conductance and leaf gas exchange. This fact is probably because umbu plants propagated by stem cuttings are not prone to formation of root tubers which are reservoirs for water and solutes. Thus, the establishing of umbu plants propagated by stem cuttings must be avoided in areas subjected to soil water deficit.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of sucrose concentration in the culture medium on growth and on the establishment of mycorrhizas during the acclimatization of pineapple cv. Pérola. The plantlets were micropropagated in MS culture medium with 0, 10, 20 and 30 g L-1 of sucrose and then they were acclimatized during 12 weeks under greenhouse conditions, in a sandy soil - compost mixture, uninoculated or inoculated with a Rhizophagus clarus isolate. Plantlets from the culture medium with 20 g and 30 g of sucrose L-1 showed higher shoot and root biomass than those from sugar-free medium. Mycorrhizal colonization was lower in plantlets micropropagated in sucrose-free medium, but the intensity of arbuscules did not differ among treatments. In the 12-week period of acclimatization, mycorrhizal colonization had no effect on plant biomass.


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The concern related to environment is growing. Due to this, it is needed to determine chemical elements in a large range of concentration. The neutron activation technique (NAA) determines the elemental composition by the measurement of artificial radioactivity in a sample that was submitted to a neutron flux. NAA is a sensitive and accurate technique with low detection limits. An example of application of NAA was the measurement of concentrations of rare earth elements (REE) in waste samples of phosphogypsum (PG) and cerrado soil samples (clayey and sandy soils). Additionally, a soil reference material of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was also analyzed. The REE concentration in PG samples was two times higher than those found in national fertilizers, (total of 4,000 mg kg-1 ), 154 times greater than the values found in the sandy soil (26 mg kg-1 ) and 14 times greater than the in clayey soil (280 mg kg-1 ). The experimental results for the reference material were inside the uncertainty of the certified values pointing out the accuracy of the method (95%). The determination of La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb and Lu in the samples and reference material confirmed the versatility of the technique on REE determination in soil and phosphogypsum samples that are matrices for agricultural interest.


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The aim of this study is to investigate the floristic composition of an Atlantic rain forest fragment located in Cananéia, São Paulo, Brazil, and to contribute to the knowledge on Atlantic forest through the comparative analysis of this and other floristic surveys both on the southern and southeastern Brazil, in different soil and relief types. We surveyed 215 species in 132 genera and 51 families. Classification and ordination analysis were applied to a binary matrix in order to analyze the similarity among 24 surveys, including the present one, of Atlantic forest from the south and southeast coast of Brazil. Higher floristic similarity was observed among this area and the ones where there was marine influence and more rugged relief. The surveys in areas with greater marine influence (sandy soil) were separated from those in other conditions, possibly indicating a species replacement gradient from the steep slopes towards the lowland and were probably related to different edaphic conditions. A latitudinal gradient was found among the surveys apparently confirming a continuous species replacement along the Atlantic forest, related to a restricted distribution of the species. This suggests that it is essential to preserve areas from the whole Atlantic coast. Atlantic forest distribution is quite complex and its composition cannot be adequately represented by small localized areas.