179 resultados para Trichostatin-a Tsa
Impaired mechanosensing leads to heart failure and we have previously shown that a decreased ratio of cytoplasmic to nuclear CSRP3/Muscle LIM protein (MLP ratio) is associated with a loss of mechanosensitivity. Here we tested whether passive or active stress/strain was important in modulating the MLP ratio and determined whether this correlated with heart function during the transition to failure. We exposed cultured neonatal rat myocytes to 10% cyclic mechanical stretch at 1 Hz, or electrically paced myocytes at 6.8 V (1 Hz) for 48 h. The MLP ratio decreased 50% (P < 0.05, n = 4) only in response to electrical pacing, suggesting impaired mechanosensitivity. Inhibition of contractility with 10 μM blebbistatin resulted in a ∼3 fold increase in the MLP ratio (n = 8, P < 0.05), indicating that myocyte contractility regulates nuclear MLP. Inhibition of histone deacetylase (HDAC) signaling with trichostatin A increased nuclear MLP following passive stretch, suggesting that HDACs block MLP nuclear accumulation. Inhibition of heme-oxygenase1 (HO-1) activity with PPZII blocked MLP nuclear accumulation. To examine how mechanosensitivity changes during the transition to heart failure, we studied a guinea pig model of angiotensin II infusion (400 ng/kg/min) over 12 weeks. Using subcellular fractionation we showed that the MLP ratio increased 88% (n = 4, P < 0.01) during compensated hypertrophy, but decreased significantly during heart failure (P < 0.001, n = 4). The MLP ratio correlated significantly with the E/A ratio (r = 0.71, P < 0.01 n = 12), a clinical measure of diastolic function. These data indicate for the first time that myocyte mechanosensitivity as indicated by the MLP ratio is regulated primarily by myocyte contractility via HO-1 and HDAC signaling.
Most trichothiodystrophy (TTD) patients present mutations in the xeroderma pigmentosum D (XPD) gene, coding for a subunit of the transcription/repair factor IIH (TFHH) complex involved in nucleotide excision repair (NER) and transcription. After UV irradiation, most TTD/XPD patients are more severely affected in the NER of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPD) than of 6-4-photoproducts (6-4PP). The reasons for this differential DNA repair defect are unknown. Here we report the first study of NER in response to CPDs or 6-4PPs separately analyzed in primary fibroblasts. This was done by using heterologous photorepair; recombinant adenovirus vectors carrying photolyases enzymes that repair CPD or 64PP specifically by using the energy of light were introduced in different cell lines. The data presented here reveal that some mutations affect the recruitment of TFHH specifically to CPDs, but not to 6-4PPs. This deficiency is further confirmed by the inability of TTD/XPD cells to recruit, specifically for CPDs, NER factors that arrive in a TFIIH-dependent manner later in the NER pathway. For 6-4PPs, we show that TFHH complexes carrying an NH2-terminal XPD mutated protein are also deficient in recruitment of NER proteins downstream of TFUH. Treatment with the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A allows the recovery of TFHH recruitment to CPDs in the studied TTD cells and, for COOH-terminal XPD mutations, increases the repair synthesis and survival after UV, suggesting that this defect can be partially related with accessibility of DNA damage in closed chromatin regions.
Bacterial isolates from natural sites with high toxic and heavy metal contamination more frequently contain determinants for resistance to antimicrobials. Natural strains were isolated from the ingesta and external slime of Salmo salar (Linnaeus, 1758) and Salvelinusjontinalis (Mitchell, 1814). Fish specimens were acquired from Casco Bay hatcheries, Casco, ME where there is no history of antibiotic use. Seventy-nine bacterial strains, including many well-documented salmonid commensals (an association from which the fish derives no benefit), were identified using 165 rRNA gene sequencing. Mercury resistant isolates were selected for initially on 25μM HgCI2. Strains were then grown at 20-24°C on Trypticase Soy Agar (TSA) plates containing 0-1000μM HgCl2 or 0-130μM Phenyl Mercuric Acetate (PMA). Mercury in the hatchery feed water due to ubiquitous non-point source deposition has selected for the mercury resistance observed in bacterial strains. Antibiotic resistance determinations, as measured by Minimum Inhibitory Concentration MIC) assays were performed on the 79 bacterial isolates using Sensititrel antimicrobial susceptibility panels. A positive linear correlation between the mercury (pMA and HgCl2) MIC's and antibiotic resistance for all observed strains was demonstrated. Conjugation experiments with Pseudomonas, Aeromonas, and Azomonas donors confirmed phenotypic transfer of penicillin and cephem resistances to Escherichia coli DH5a recipients. Conjugation experiments with Pseudomonas donors showed minimal transfer of tetracycline and minoglycoside resistances to Escherichia coli DH5a recipients. Our study suggests that the accumulation of antimicrobial resistances observed in these natural bacterial populations may be due to the indirect selective pressure exerted by environmental mercury.
Filmes de polianilina (PAni) puros não apresentam propriedades mecânicas satisfatórias quando depositados sobre metais e mergulhados em soluções aquosas. Propriedades mecânicas melhoradas podem ser obtidas adicionando um plastificante ao polímero. Neste caso foi utilizado o dodecilfenol (DDPh) e as condições mais adequadas de adição do DDPh a PAni previamente solubilizada em N-metilpirrolidinona (NMP) foram determinadas a partir da avaliação das propriedades dos filmes depositados sobre eletrodos metálicos de aço carbono. As melhores condições foram: adição de 5% de DDPh á PAni seguido de aquecimento sob vácuo a 200o C durante uma hora. A PAni sintetizada quimicamente foi utilizada nas condições dedopada e dopada com 5% de ácido para-toluenosulfônico (TSA). Também foi preparada uma mistura de PAni com poli(orto-metóxianilina) (POMA) em diversas proporções e igualmente dedopadas e dopadas com 5% de TSA. Os filmes obtidos nestas condições foram analisados por técnicas variadas (espectroscopia infravermelho, Raman e de massa), testados por técnicas eletroquímicas (voltametria cíclica e medida do potencial de corrosão ao longo do tempo) e ensaios acelerados de corrosão (névoa salina e câmara úmida) O melhor desempenho como filme protetor contra a corrosão foi apresentado pela PAni plastificada com 5% de DDPh e dopada com 5% de TSA. No ensaio de potencial de corrosão contra o tempo, este filme foi capaz de manter o potencial do sistema PAni-DDPh-TSA / aço carbono durante sete dias num valor positivo. Filmes da mistura PAni-POMA plastificados e dopados com TSA também atuaram conforme um mecanismo do mesmo tipo, porém por um período de tempo inferior, demonstrando a influência da POMA nas propriedades da PAni. Os ensaios acelerados de corrosão mostraram que os filmes de PAni plastificados com 5% de DDPh e dopados com 5% de TSA são muito superiores na proteção contra a corrosão do aço quando comparados ao filme de PAni pura. No ensaio de névoa salina o aço revestido pelo filme de PAni plastificado com 5% de DDPh e dopado com 5% de TSA, não apresentou corrosão por um período de sete dias.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The influence of different media and incubation temperatures on the quantification of microbial populations in sorghum, eucalyptus and forest soils was evaluated. Microbial growth was compared by using complex (tryptone soybean agar, TSA, casein-starch, CS, and Martin) and saline (Thorton, M3, Czapeck) media and incubation temperatures of 25 and 30&DEG; C. Higher numbers of total bacterial. and fungal colony-forming units (CFU) were observed in sorghum soils, and of spore-forming and Gram-negative bacteria in forest soils than other soils. Actinomycetes counts were highest in forest soil when using CS medium at 30&DEG; C and in sorghum soil at 25&DEG; C in M3 medium. Microorganism counts were dependent on the media and incubation temperatures. The counts at temperatures of 30&DEG; C were significantly higher than at 25&DEG; C. Microbial quantification was best when using TSA medium for total. and spore-forming bacteria, Thorton for Gram-negative bacteria, M3 for actinomycetes, and Martin for fungi. © 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
The real (epsilon') and imaginary (epsilon) components of the complex permittivity of blends of PVDF [poly(vinylidene fluoride)] with POMA [poly(o-methoxyaniline)] doped with toluenosulfonic acid (TSA) containing 1, 2.5, and 5 wt % POMA-TSA were determined in the frequency interval between 10(2) and 3 X 10(6) Hz and in the temperature range from -120 up to 120degreesC. It was observed that the values of epsilon' and epsilon had a greater increase with the POMA-TSA content and with a temperature in the region of frequencies below 10 kHz. This effect decreased with frequency and it was attributed to interfacial polarization. This polarization was caused by the blend heterogeneity, formed by conductive POMA-TSA agglomerates dispersed in an insulating matrix of PVDF. The equation of Maxwell-Garnett, modified by Cohen, was used to evaluate the permittivity and conductivity behavior of POMA-TSA in the blends. A strong decrease was observed in POMA-TSA conductivity in the blend, which was bigger the lower the POMA-TSA content in the blend. This decrease could have been caused either by the POMA dedoping during the blend preparation process or by its dispersion into the insulating matrix. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Blends of poly(vinylidene fluoride), PVDF, and poly(o-methoxyaniline), POMA doped with toluene sulfonic acid, TSA, were prepared by casting at various compositions and studied by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry. The blend composition has a great influence on the morphology obtained. As the concentration of POMA-TSA is increased in the blend an interconnecting fibrillar-like morphology is formed and the spherulites characteristic of pure PVDF are destroyed. The variation of blend morphology is further discussed based on X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry analysis. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Flexible and free-standing films from blends of polyurethane, based on castor oil, and polyaniline were obtained with various compositions by casting. Significant increase on conductivity followed by a considerable decrease on doping time was obtained by doping the films in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) solution with p-toluene sulphonic acid (TSA) or HCl instead of the conventional doping in aqueous solution. This doping efficiency is proposed to be due to an improved swelling of the blend structure caused by the solvent. The electrical conductivity increases significantly upon polyaniline content increase reaching 10(-2) S/cm for a polyaniline content of about 10% (w/w).
Electrically conductive poly(vinylidene fluoride)(PVDF) - polyaniline blends of different composition were synthesized by chemical polymerization of aniline in a mixture of PVDF and dimethylformamide (DMF) and studied by electrical conductivity measurement, UV-Vis-NIR and FTIR spectroscopy. The samples were obtained as flexible films by pressing the powder at 180 degrees C for 5 min. The electrical conductivity showed a great dependence on the syntheses parameters. The higher value of the electrical conductivity was obtained for the oxidant/aniline molar ratio equal to 1 and p-toluenesulfonic acid-TSA/aniline ratio between 3 and 6. UV-Vis-NIR and FTIR spectra of the blend are similar to the doped PANI, indicating that the PANI is responsible for the high electrical conductivity of the blend. The electrical conductivity of blend proved to be stable as a function of temperature decreasing about one order at temperature of 100 degrees C. The route used to obtain the polymer blend showed to be a suitable alternative in order to obtain PVDF/PANI-TSA blends with high electrical conductivity. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Este estudo avaliou, in vitro, a atividade antibacteriana de soluções irrigadoras convencionais e experimentais sobre Enterecoccus faecalis. As seguintes substâncias foram avaliadas por teste de contato direto: hipoclorito de sódio (NaOCl) a 2,5%, clorexidina (CHX) a 2%, ácido peracético a 1%. Após diferentes períodos de contato (30 s, 1, 3 e 10 min), um agente neutralizante foi empregado. Diluições decimais seriadas foram realizadas e semeadas em placas de tryptic soy agar (TSA). O número de unidades formadoras de colônia por mililitro (UFC/mL) foi determinado. Solução salina foi utilizada como controle negativo. Ambos, NaOCl a 2,5% e CHX a 2%, eliminaram E. faecalis após 30 s de contato. O ácido peracético reduziu a contagem bacteriana em 86% após 3 min e eliminou completamente E. faecalis após 10 min. Estes resultados permitem concluir que o ácido peracético a 1% é efetivo sobre E. faecalis, apesar de sua ação mais lenta quando comparado ao NaOCl a 2,5% e CHX a 2%.
Efeito dos ácidos hexenurônicos e da lignina no desempenho da ozonólize, em diferentes pHs da reação
The effect of pH on the performance of the ozonolysis stage in pulp production was evaluated for conventional and acid treated brown and oxygen delignified eucalyptus kraft pulps. The objective was to determine separately the effects of lignin and hexenuronic acid on the performance of the ozonolysis stage. The reaction of ozone with hexenuronic acid is less sensitive to pH than the reaction of ozone with lignin. The efficiency and the selectivity of the reaction of ozone with pulp decreases after removal of hexenuronic acids. Increasing up to 7.0 the pH during the ozonolysis is viable in the sequence Z/D(EOP)D, resulting in savings of H2SO4 (8,5 kg/tsa) and NaOH (5 kg/tsa), but is not recommended in the sequence Z/ED(PO).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Flexibilidade anterior do tronco (FAT) é um componente importante dos exames clínico e de aptidão física utilizado como indicador da função vertebral. O teste mais utilizado para sua quantificação é o sentar-e-alcançar (TSA), que considerara como padrão de normalidade o toque das mãos nos pés, com critérios e parâmetros de análise que independem das variáveis. Neste estudo, investigou-se a FAT em adolescentes, após o pico da velocidade de crescimento em estatura, em função do sexo, da velocidade de execução e dos dados antropométricos. Os índices foram obtidos em centímetros; o peso corporal em kg. Participaram 102 adolescentes, sendo 45 mulheres e 57 homens, entre 16 e 20 anos de idade. Resultados indicam que o fator sexo, dados antropométricos e a velocidade de execução do teste influenciam os índices de flexibilidade; a avaliação da função vertebral não pode ter como critério de normalidade atingir os pés pelo TSA, e que a velocidade rápida leva a melhores resultados. em resumo, os resultados indicam que tocar os pés, é um critério que exclui da normalidade da função vertebral aproximadamente 50% dos adolescentes. Assim, o critério para tomada de decisão quanto ao encaminhamento do adolescente para recuperação de maiores índices de flexibilidade precisa ser revisto.