987 resultados para Transtornos da lactação


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A Lista de Verificação em Comunicação e Linguagem aqui apresentada foi elaborada para avaliar as especificidades de dois grupos distintos: os transtornos do espectro autístico e outras alterações de desenvolvimento da linguagem. Com essa finalidade foi aplicada em 60 participantes, divididos em dois grupos: 20 portadores de transtornos do espectro autístico (M=7, 11) e 40 portadores de outras alterações de desenvolvimento da linguagem (M=4, 10). Foi utilizado o teste do Qui-Quadrado para avaliar a validade do conteúdo e determinar quais questões deveriam ser retiradas do instrumento por não serem significativas. Os outros testes utilizados foram o Índice de Concordância Kappa e o teste de Mann-Withney. A Lista também apresentou uma sensibilidade de 90% e uma especificidade de 97,5%, o que demonstra a viabilidade de sua utilização como instrumento auxiliar na detecção de transtornos do espectro autístico.


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Conselho Nacional do Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Estudaram-se o comportamento da curva de lactação em 31 cabras mestiças Saanen e o efeito de duas estratégias de suplementação de concentrado: 30% das exigências em energia líquida da 3ª semana até o final da lactação (ESC.1); 60% das exigências em energia líquida diária da 3ª à 13ª semana, e 15% da 14ª semana até o final da lactação (ESC.2), em sistemas de produção semi-confinamento e pastagem. Os seguintes modelos foram avaliados: Wood linear e não-linear, Morant linear e não-linear, D-set e Grossman. O modelo Wood não linear foi o que melhor descreveu o comportamento da curva de lactação. A resposta da estratégia de suplementação com concentrado variou em função do sistema de produção. A estratégia de suplementação com concentrado afetou mais intensamente o comportamento da curva de lactação no sistema de produção semi-confinamento. A estratégia ESC.2, de suplementação com concentrado, resultou em mais dias para atingir o pico de produção, no sistema semi-confinamento, e maior produção no pico em ambos sistemas.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção e composição do leite de vacas de corte das raças Charolês (C), Nelore (N), mestiças CN filhas de touros C e mestiças NC filhas de touros N, mantidas em pastagem nativa e submetidas a diferentes manejos no pré-desmame: suplementadas com farelo de arroz integral (0,7% do peso vivo) e que desmamaram aos 42 ou 63 dias pós-parto, ou não suplementadas e que desmamaram aos 63 dias. A idade das vacas variou de 3 a 12 anos, sendo agrupadas em quatro classes: primíparas, jovens, adultas e velhas. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, cujo modelo estatístico incluiu os efeitos de manejo, grupo genético e idade da vaca, período e as interações entre esses fatores. Os teores de lactose e gordura não foram influenciados pelos fatores estudados. Houve interação significativa entre idade da vaca e período para a produção de leite e entre manejo e idade da vaca para o teor de proteína. Vacas suplementadas apresentaram maior produção de leite (3,85 contra 3,25 L/dia), teor de extrato seco total - EST (12,18 contra 11,83%) e teor de extrato seco desengordurado - ESD (8,75 contra 8,57%). A produção de leite decresceu com o avanço do período de lactação, sendo a queda mais acentuada nas vacas não suplementadas. Vacas CN produziram mais leite (4,17 L/dia) do que as puras, não diferindo das NC (3,76 L/dia). Vacas N apresentaram produção de leite similar (3,76 L/dia) às C (3,11 L/dia). No entanto, as primeiras apresentaram leite com melhor qualidade, incluindo proteína (3,16 contra 2,86%), EST (12,52 contra 11,46%) e ESD (8,87 contra 8,49%). Vacas adultas apresentaram maior teor de ESD, seguidas das vacas jovens, das primíparas e das velhas, com valores de 8,86; 8,62; 8,62; e 8,54%, respectivamente.


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Mediante exames semanais de palpação retal em 72 vacas leiteiras até o 42°dia pós-parto (p.p.) e dosagens de progesterona através do radioimunoensaio (RIE) e do enzimimunoensaio (EIE) até o 72° dia p.p., verificou-se que 9,7% dos animais portavam cistos foliculares, 6,9% tiveram aciclia completa, 6,9% tinham corpo lúteo persistente ou cisto luteínico, 22,2% foram acometidos de endometrite e 6,9% possuíam endometrite associada com cistos foliculares. Os cistos foliculares tiveram lugar, em média, no 29 ± 8,1° dia p.p., ao passo que o primeiro pico de progesterona ocorreu no 56,4 ± 7,8°dia p.p. Casos de cistos luteínicos ou corpo lúteo persistente ocorreram somente após o 42° dia p.p. Manobras obstétricas indevidas por ocasião do parto podem elevar em muito a incidência de endometrite num dado rebanho.


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From January to October of 1995, somatic cell countings were accomplished in 2,218 milk samples collected from 67 quarters of 17 lactating cows at the initial, middle and final stages of lactation, in the morning and evening milkings. The highest means of cell countings were observed among the milk samples collected at the Final stage of lactation 15.652cell/ml), in the winter (5.358cell/ml) and the afternoon milking (5.199cell/ml). The differences observed amongst the cell countings in samples obtained at the different stages of lactation and the morning and afternoon milkings were statistically significant (P < 0.0001). In contrast differences observed amongst the seasons of the year, showed to be non-significant at the level of 5% probability. Higher occurrence of samples with cell countings superior to 500,000cell/ml was verified at the final stage of lactation (34.9%), in the winter (23.6%) and the afternoon milking (21.3%). These findings show the influence of physiologic and management factors (stage of Lactation and milking time) on milk cell concentrations.


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The main objectives of this work were to determine the physiological patterns of progesterone on pregnancy and lactation in ewes, and to verify whether the hormone presents a 24h secretion rhythm. Serum levels of progesterone increased during gestation with an abrupt decrease by two days preterm. The autocorrelation analysis showed that this hormone, had a more evident circadian rhythm on preterm, than during early pregnancy and lactation.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Objective: to review and describe the different organic and psychic consequences of sexual abuse. Methodology: 71 papers were sorted in a ten-year literature search (1987-1997) in MedLine and Lilacs (South American Literature Index), besides 14 books in the subject. Results: sexual abuse is much less frequent (or less reported) in Brazil: 7% of the population, while in the USA the prevalence is 12.9% to 28% of women and 2% to 9% of men. Results showed women being more frequently sexually abused but less differences in physical abuse were found between genders. There was a significant association between sexual abuse and the following: eating disorders, depression, irritable bowel, chronic pain (mainly pelvic), neurological, rheumatic and venereal disorders. This association was not observed in chronic constipation, Chron disease and dissociative disorders. Conclusions: although it is important to think of sexual/physical abuse as a predisposing factor to several illnesses, caution is necessary specially in cultures with different moral and ethical values. Research in this subject in Brazil should be conducted with patients in treatment, using control groups, in order to take advantage of the existing rapport. It would be also quite important to separate acute and chronic abuse effects, as well as getting to know the meaning of the experienced abuse to each person.


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There are a large number of institutions, proposals and publications in the field of disorders resulting from the use of psychoactive substances. There is no corresponding progress in results obtained in clinical treatments. Concepts and appropriate points of view are indispensable. The vision of the world drug addicts is not only determined by the biochemical effects of intoxication, but also by the experience they go through, by their own way of living. By accepting such postulate, we may conceptualize the problem, thus benefiting research studies and more efficient treatments. Preventing intoxication, upon the onset of dependence, depends on educational, social, legal and other measures, which can neither be studied nor practiced by medicine.


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This article describes the Reflecting Practitioners Program developed by Instituto Familiae at GRATA (Grupo de Assistência em Transtornos Alimentares) placed at the Clinical Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto - University of Sao Paulo (HC-FMRP-USP). The aim of this program was to take care of the caretakers - the GRATA interdisciplinary team - through the development of their reflecting ability, the appropriation of their own resources and the support on constructing alternative histories and on solving situations defined by them as problematic. Thirteen monthly meeting had been carried out among Familiae members and GRATA interdisciplinary team. The changes described by the participants had occurred through sessions developed with interdisciplinary pairs and through the development of their capacity to construct more comfortable positions - as members of the team and in the relationship among professional/client/ family. This triad became to be seen by the team through its resources and abilities, instead of its flaws and lacks. As a result, horizontal relationships could be privileged instead of hierarchical ones.


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Economic evaluation of the treatment bovine subclinical mastitis caused by S. aureus was evaluated. Two hundred and seventy udder quarters with or without subclinical mastitis were distributed into four groups, in conformity to lactational stage and treatments. Group 1 included animals treated between 10 and 60 days of lactation; group 2 included animals treated from 61 days of lactation to two months before drying; group 3 included animals no treated between 10 and 60 days of lactation; group 4 included animals no treated from 61 days of lactation to two months before drying. Treatment with gentamicin (150mg) was accomplished by intramammary doses, once a day, after performing sensitivity tests. The mammary quarters were re-evaluated after 30 days. The costs with the treatment were calculated considering a S. aureus prevalence of 5% as well as expenses with antibiotic, milk disposal, tests of drug sensitivity and workload. There was loss of income of 2% and 14% in the groups 1 and 2, respectively, when compared with the values before the treatment. In such case, the treatment of bovine subclinical mastitis caused by S. aureus in the lactation was economically unviable.


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Aiming to compare milk yield, residual milk and behavioral responses of Holstein cows during milking, fourteen experimental cows were mechanically milked twice a day, and evaluated during the first six weeks of lactation. Milk yield was measured daily, and residual milk volume weekly. Body (ribs region), udder and teat temperatures and respiratory frequency were measured twice a week. Animal behavior at the milking parlor was registered using ethograms and interviews with the milkers. During the first weeks of lactation, a higher percentage of kicks, over-steps, milking cups being knocked down, urinations and vocalizations in primiparous cows (p < 0.05) was observed, which were also considered more reactive by the parlors compared to multiparous cows. Multiparous cows produced more milk than primiparous (p < 0.05). However, there were no significant differences in residual milk percentage (p > 0.05), which suggests adaptation of both groups to the milking environment.