341 resultados para Transpiration
铁杆蒿(Artemisia sacrorum)是菊科(Compositae)蒿属(Artemisia)半灌木状草本,主根木质,生长于我国西北部陕西、甘肃、宁夏、青海、新疆和西南部的西藏等省区海拔1500~4900m的山坡、半荒漠草原、滩地,而且在局部地区为植物群落优势种的主要伴生种(林有润,1991)。铁杆蒿群落是半干旱黄土丘陵沟壑区一种较稳定的地带性植被,也是黄土高原生态脆弱带植被恢复中需要重点研究的天然植物群落之一(王国梁等,2002)。至今对铁杆蒿的研究还不多,主要集中于精油的化学成分(顾静文等,1999)、群落种间联结性(王国梁等,2002)、群落生物量及地上部数量特征(张娜等,1999a;1999b)上,而对铁杆蒿的光合蒸腾特性研究尚未见报道。本文利用Li-6400便携式光合测定系统在野外测定了自然条件下铁杆蒿的光合作用及其对光的响应曲线,旨在了解铁杆蒿的光合与蒸腾特性,为黄土高原植被建设提供理论依据。1试验区自然概况试验地设于陕西延安燕沟流域的康家屹崂沟小流域内。位于109°16′10″E,36°26′36″N,海拔1000~1200m,属暖温带半湿润偏干旱季风气候区,位于黄土丘陵区森林草原地带,...
在大田不同供肥条件下 ,于小麦灌浆后期对小麦旗叶光合特性参数进行了连续测定。结果表明 ,小麦叶片气体交换参数均有明显的日变化趋势 ,肥力条件对其日变化进程具有明显的调控作用。不施肥处理小麦叶片 Pn有明显午休现象 ,而低肥处理第一高峰不明显 ,没有明显午休现象 ;高肥处理的 Pn呈单峰曲线 ,峰值来得也较晚。养分条件可改善小麦叶片水分利用效率
研究了黄土丘陵区引种草种柳枝稷 ( Panicum virgatum)的光合生理生态特性 ,比较了不同叶位叶片光合速率 ( Pn)、蒸腾速率 ( Tr)、水分利用效率 ( WUE)的日变化以及环境因子的作用。结果表明 ,柳枝稷叶片 Pn日变化曲线为双峰型 ,中午“光合降低”主要是由于叶温过高导致呼吸高引起的净光合速率降低。叶龄增大 ,叶片 Pn日变化相对较平缓 ,其中壮龄叶Pn日变化最为平缓。幼龄叶 Tr的日变化为双峰型 ,随叶龄增大 (叶位下降 )而成为单峰型。WUE的日变化可划分为上午的降低和下午的波动 2个阶段 ,最上充分展开叶 (旗叶 )的WUE始终最高。
在详细描述土壤干层现象和类型的基础上 ,分析了土壤干层的成因 ,即低降水高蒸发、水土流失、植被类型选择失当、群落生产力过高和群落密度过大等 ,指出土壤干层的危害主要表现为使局部小气候环境趋于旱化、土地退化、植被生长衰退、天然下种更新不良及加大造林难度等 ,最后提出了缓解土壤干层对黄土高原生态环境的恢复和重建的意义和重要性。
作物蒸腾量的计算是水资源开发利用和农业生产运筹的关键参数之一 .本文以彭曼 -蒙特斯方程为基础 ,通过引入临界阻力 ,根据实测资料建立冠层阻力和空气动力学阻力比值与临界阻力和空气动力学阻力比值二者之间的函数关系 ,得到一个只需气象参数就能计算作物蒸腾量的简单方法 .文章对该方法进行了理论分析 ,并用实例给予验证 .结果表明 ,该方法在理论上和实践上都是可行的 ,是一个值得研究和发展的新方法 .作物蒸腾量的日变化表明 ,炎热夏季晴天中午遮光处理后作物蒸腾量的增大是可能的
Potted seadlings of Pinus koraiensis , Fraxinus mandshurica,Juglans mandshurica,Tilia amurensis, and Quercus mongolica ,which are five dominant species in the Korean pine broadleaf forest at Changbai mountain,were grown in different soil moistures.We designed three soil moisture scenarios:85%~100%(high water,CK),65%~85% (medium water,MW) and 45%~65% (low water,LW) of field water holding capacity.The results show that characteristics of typical drought resistance on the leaves are significantly developed.The net photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency of F. mandshurica were higher compared with CK at MW.The net photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency of other 4 tree species at CK were lower than those at MW and LW.The transpiration rate of 5 tree species responses differently to various soil water status.
The separation of ethyl acetate and ethanol (EtOH) is important but difficult due to their close boiling points and formation of an azeotropic mixture. The separation of the azeotropic mixture of ethyl acetate and EtOH using the hydrophilic ionic liquids (ILs) 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride (alkyl = butyl, hexyl, and octyl) ([C(n)mim]Cl, n = 4, 6, 8) and 1-allyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride and bromide ([Amim]Cl and [Amim]Br) has been investigated. Triangle phase diagrams of five ILs with ethyl acetate and EtOH were constructed, and the biphasic regions were found as follows: [Amim]Cl > [Amim]Br > [C(4)mim]Cl > [C(6)mim]Cl > [C(8)mim]Cl. The mechanisms of the ILs including cation, anion, and polarity effect were discussed.
Through 2-3-year (2003-2005) continuous eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide and water vapor fluxes, we examined the seasonal, inter-annual, and inter-ecosystem variations in the ecosystem-level water use efficiency (WUE, defined as the ratio of gross primary production, GPP, to evapotranspiration, ET) at four Chinese grassland ecosystems in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and North China. Representing the most prevalent grassland types in China, the four ecosystems are an alpine swamp meadow ecosystem, an alpine shrub-meadow ecosystem, an alpine meadow-steppe ecosystem, and a temperate steppe ecosystem, which illustrate a water availability gradient and thus provide us an opportunity to quantify environmental and biological controls on ecosystem WUE at different spatiotemporal scales. Seasonally, WUE tracked closely with GPP at the four ecosystems, being low at the beginning and the end of the growing seasons and high during the active periods of plant growth. Such consistent correspondence between WUE and GPP suggested that photosynthetic processes were the dominant regulator of the seasonal variations in WUE. Further investigation indicated that the regulations were mainly due to the effect of leaf area index (LAI) on carbon assimilation and on the ratio of transpiration to ET (T/ET). Besides, except for the swamp meadow, LAI also controlled the year-to-year and site-to-site variations in WUE in the same way, resulting in the years or sites with high productivity being accompanied by high WUE. The general good correlation between LAI and ecosystem WUE indicates that it may be possible to predict grassland ecosystem WUE simply with LAI. Our results also imply that climate change-induced shifts in vegetation structure, and consequently LAI may have a significant impact on the relationship between ecosystem carbon and water cycles in grasslands.
J. H. Macduff and A. K. Bakken. (2003). Diurnal variation in uptake and xylem contents of inorganic and assimilated N under continuous and interrupted N supply to Phleum pratense and Festuca pratensis. Journal of Experimental Botany, 54 (381) pp.431-444 Sponsorship: BBSRC / Norwegian Crop Research Institute RAE2008
*Hydraulic redistribution (HR) of water via roots from moist to drier portions of the soil occurs in many ecosystems, potentially influencing both water use and carbon assimilation. *By measuring soil water content, sap flow and eddy covariance, we investigated the temporal variability of HR in a loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantation during months of normal and below-normal precipitation, and examined its effects on tree transpiration, ecosystem water use and carbon exchange. *The occurrence of HR was explained by courses of reverse flow through roots. As the drought progressed, HR maintained soil moisture above 0.15 cm(3) cm(-3) and increased transpiration by 30-50%. HR accounted for 15-25% of measured total site water depletion seasonally, peaking at 1.05 mm d(-1). The understory species depended on water redistributed by the deep-rooted overstory pine trees for their early summer water supply. Modeling carbon flux showed that in the absence of HR, gross ecosystem productivity and net ecosystem exchange could be reduced by 750 and 400 g C m(-2) yr(-1), respectively. *Hydraulic redistribution mitigated the effects of soil drying on understory and stand evapotranspiration and had important implications for net primary productivity by maintaining this whole ecosystem as a carbon sink.
© 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.Throughout the southern US, past forest management practices have replaced large areas of native forests with loblolly pine plantations and have resulted in changes in forest response to extreme weather conditions. However, uncertainty remains about the response of planted versus natural species to drought across the geographical range of these forests. Taking advantage of a cluster of unmanaged stands (85-130year-old hardwoods) and managed plantations (17-20year-old loblolly pine) in coastal and Piedmont areas of North Carolina, tree water use, cavitation resistance, whole-tree hydraulic (Ktree) and stomatal (Gs) conductances were measured in four sites covering representative forests growing in the region. We also used a hydraulic model to predict the resilience of those sites to extreme soil drying. Our objectives were to determine: (1) if Ktree and stomatal regulation in response to atmospheric and soil droughts differ between species and sites; (2) how ecosystem type, through tree water use, resistance to cavitation and rooting profiles, affects the water uptake limit that can be reached under drought; and (3) the influence of stand species composition on critical transpiration that sets a functional water uptake limit under drought conditions. The results show that across sites, water stress affected the coordination between Ktree and Gs. As soil water content dropped below 20% relative extractable water, Ktree declined faster and thus explained the decrease in Gs and in its sensitivity to vapor pressure deficit. Compared to branches, the capability of roots to resist high xylem tension has a great impact on tree-level water use and ultimately had important implications for pine plantations resistance to future summer droughts. Model simulations revealed that the decline in Ktree due to xylem cavitation aggravated the effects of soil drying on tree transpiration. The critical transpiration rate (Ecrit), which corresponds to the maximum rate at which transpiration begins to level off to prevent irreversible hydraulic failure, was higher in managed forest plantations than in their unmanaged counterparts. However, even with this higher Ecrit, the pine plantations operated very close to their critical leaf water potentials (i.e. to their permissible water potentials without total hydraulic failure), suggesting that intensively managed plantations are more drought-sensitive and can withstand less severe drought than natural forests.
The chemical equilibrium of mutual interconversions of tert-butylbenzenes was studied in the temperature range 286 to 423 K using chloroaluminate ionic liquids as a catalyst. Enthalpies of five reactions of isomerization and transalkylation of tert-butylbenzenes were obtained from temperature dependences of the corresponding equilibrium constants in the liquid phase. Molar enthalpies of vaporization of methyl-tert-butylbenzenes and 1,4-ditert-butylbenzene were obtained by the transpiration method and were used for a recalculation of enthalpies of reactions and equilibrium constants into the gaseous phase. Using these experimental results, ab initio methods (B3LYP and G3MP2) have been tested for prediction thermodynamic functions of the five reactions under study successfully. Thermochemical investigations of tert-butyl benzenes available in the literature combined with experimental results have helped to resolve contradictions in the available thermochemical data for tert-butylbenzene and to recommend consistent and reliable enthalpies of formation for this compound in the liquid and the gaseous state.
Adequate silicon fertilization greatly boosts rice yield and mitigates biotic and abiotic stress, and improves grain quality through lowering the content of cadmium and inorganic arsenic. This review on silicon dynamics in rice considers recent advances in our understanding of the role of silicon in rice, and the challenges of maintaining adequate silicon fertility within rice paddy systems. Silicon is increasingly considered as an element required for optimal plant performance, particularly in rice. Plants can survive with very low silicon under laboratory/glasshouse conditions, but this is highly artificial and, thus, silicon can be considered as essential for proper plant function in its environment. Silicon is incorporated into structural components of rice cell walls were it increases cell and tissue rigidity in the plant. Structural silicon provides physical protection to plants against microbial infection and insect attack as well as reducing the quality of the tissue to the predating organisms. The abiotic benefits are due to silicon's effect on overall organ strength. This helps protect against lodging, drought stress, high temperature (through efficient maintenance of transpiration), and photosynthesis by protecting against high UV. Furthermore, silicon also protects the plant from saline stress and against a range of toxic metal stresses (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel and zinc). Added to this, silicon application decreases grain concentrations of various human carcinogens, in particular arsenic, antimony and cadmium. As rice is efficient at stripping bioavailable silicon from the soil, recycling of silicon rich rice straw biomass or addition of inorganic silicon fertilizer, primarily obtained from iron and steel slag, needs careful management. Silicon in the soil may be lost if the silicon-cycle, traditionally achieved via composting of rice straw and returning it to the land, is being broken. As composting of rice straw and incorporation of composted or non-composted straw back to land are resource intensive activities, these activities are declining due to population shifts from the countryside to cities. Processes that accelerate rice straw composting, therefore, need to be identified to aid more efficient use of this resource. In addition, rice genetics may help address declining available silicon in paddy soils: for example by selecting for characteristics during breeding that lead to an increased ability of roots to access recalcitrant silicon sources from soil and/or via selection for traits that aid the maintenance of a high silicon status in shoots. Recent advances in understanding the genetic regulation of silicon uptake and transport by rice plants will aid these goals.