980 resultados para Transoceanic dispersion


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We investigate how correlations between the diversity of the connectivity of networks and the dynamics at their nodes affect the macroscopic behavior. In particular, we study the synchronization transition of coupled stochastic phase oscillators that represent the node dynamics. Crucially in our work, the variability in the number of connections of the nodes is correlated with the width of the frequency distribution of the oscillators. By numerical simulations on Erdös-Rényi networks, where the frequencies of the oscillators are Gaussian distributed, we make the counterintuitive observation that an increase in the strength of the correlation is accompanied by an increase in the critical coupling strength for the onset of synchronization. We further observe that the critical coupling can solely depend on the average number of connections or even completely lose its dependence on the network connectivity. Only beyond this state, a weighted mean-field approximation breaks down. If noise is present, the correlations have to be stronger to yield similar observations.


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Global wind patterns influence dispersal and migration processes of aerial organisms, propagules and particles, which ultimately could determine the dynamics of colonizations, invasions or spread of pathogens. However, studying how wind-mediated movements actually happen has been hampered so far by the lack of high resolution global wind data as well as the impossibility to track aerial movements. Using concurrent data on winds and actual pathways of a tracked seabird, here we show that oceanic winds define spatiotemporal pathways and barriers for large-scale aerial movements. We obtained wind data from NASA SeaWinds scatterometer to calculate wind cost (impedance) models reflecting the resistance to the aerial movement near the ocean surface. We also tracked the movements of a model organism, the Cory's shearwater (Calonectris diomedea), a pelagic bird known to perform long distance migrations. Cost models revealed that distant areas can be connected through"wind highways" that do not match the shortest great circle routes. Bird routes closely followed the low-cost"wind-highways" linking breeding and wintering areas. In addition, we found that a potential barrier, the near surface westerlies in the Atlantic sector of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), temporally hindered meridional trans-equatorial movements. Once the westerlies vanished, birds crossed the ITCZ to their winter quarters. This study provides a novel approach to investigate wind-mediated movements in oceanic environments and shows that large-scale migration and dispersal processes over the oceans can be largely driven by spatiotemporal wind patterns.


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The spatial distribution of economic activity has often been analysed for wide geographical areas such as regions or metropolitan areas, but it has rarely been subject to microanalysis, especially outside the U.S. In this paper we focus on what happens within a large European city (Par is), and analyse how the industrial composition of its districts differs and how these districts evolve. We also analyse suburbanization process for both residents and the workforce and provide empirical evidence about the changing roles of the core and intramuros periphery. Keywords: agglomeration, suburbanization, Paris, micropolitan analysis


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A thorough critical analysis of the theoretical relationships between the bond-angle dispersion in a-Si, Δθ, and the width of the transverse optical Raman peak, Γ, is presented. It is shown that the discrepancies between them are drastically reduced when unified definitions for Δθ and Γ are used. This reduced dispersion in the predicted values of Δθ together with the broad agreement with the scarce direct determinations of Δθ is then used to analyze the strain energy in partially relaxed pure a-Si. It is concluded that defect annihilation does not contribute appreciably to the reduction of the a-Si energy during structural relaxation. In contrast, it can account for half of the crystallization energy, which can be as low as 7 kJ/mol in defect-free a-Si


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An evaluation of the pesticides extracted from the soil matrix was conducted using a citrate-buffered solid phase dispersion sample preparation method (QuEChERS). The identification and quantitation of pesticide compounds was performed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Because of the occurrence of the matrix effect in 87% of the analyzed pesticides, the quantification was performed using matrix-matched calibration. The method's quantification limits were between 0.01 and 0.5 mg kg-1. Repeatability and intermediate precision, expressed as a relative standard deviation percentage, were less than 20%. The recoveries in general ranged between 62% and 99%, with a relative standard deviation < 20%. All the responses were linear, with a correlation coefficient (r) ≥0.99.


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The presented thesis is devoted to investigation of wave processes in hybrid ferrite / ferroelectric structures. Spin wave devices based on ferrite films have such disadvantages, as huge size of the magnetic systems, low tuning velocity, considerable power inputs for parameters control that limits possible device applications. The considered layered structures allow to overcome the disadvantages mentioned and to promote the development of novel class of tunable microwave devices. The proposed theoretical analysis is intended to construct a model of hybrid electromagnetic-spin waves. Based on the theoretical analysis the experimental investigations were carried out. The experimental resonance characteristics of ferrite / ferroelectric resonator were obtained and their tunability by means of magnetic and electric field was demonstrated.


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Information about capacity of transport and dispersion of soluble pollutants in natural streams are important in the management of water resources, especially in planning preventive measures to minimize the problems caused by accidental or intentional waste, in public health and economic activities that depend on the use of water. Considering this importance, this study aimed to develop a warning system for rivers, based on experimental techniques using tracers and analytical equations of one-dimensional transport of soluble pollutants conservative, to subsidizing the decision-making in the management of water resources. The system was development in JAVA programming language and MySQL database can predict the travel time of pollutants clouds from a point of eviction and graphically displays the temporal distribution of concentrations of passage clouds, in a particular location, downstream from the point of its launch.


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A non isotropic turbulence model is extended and applied to three dimensional stably stratified flows and dispersion calculations. The model is derived from the algebraic stress model (including wall proximity effects), but it retains the simplicity of the "eddy viscosity" concept of first order models. The "modified k-epsilon" is implemented in a three dimensional numerical code. Once the flow is resolved, the predicted velocity and turbulence fields are interpolated into a second grid and used to solve the concentration equation. To evaluate the model, various steady state numerical solutions are compared with small scale dispersion experiments which were conducted at the wind tunnel of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, in Japan. Stably stratified flows and plume dispersion over three distinct idealized complex topographies (flat and hilly terrain) are studied. Vertical profiles of velocity and pollutant concentration are shown and discussed. Also, comparisons are made against the results obtained with the standard k-epsilon model.


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Microstructural changes, that is an important feature for the understanding of the velocity variance in sedimentation is investigated with numerical simulations. The simulations are used to describe velocity fluctuations and hydrodynamic dispersion in a suspension of interacting point-particles sedimenting in a rectangular box with periodic sides and impenetrable bottom and top. It is observed how the positions of the particles evolve in a finite container. The suspension that was initially random in the gravity direction only, tends to be fully randomized as a result of the relative arrangements of the particles and the hydrodynamic interactions between them. The computer simulations, based on statistics over a significant number of particle configurations, suggest velocity variances and diffusivities dependent on the size of the simulated system but with anisotropy in velocity fluctuations and diffusion coefficients nearly independent of the box size.


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Reliable predictions of remaining lives of civil or mechanical structures subjected to fatigue damage are very difficult to be made. In general, fatigue damage is extremely sensitive to the random variations of material mechanical properties, environment and loading. These variations may induce large dispersions when the structural fatigue life has to be predicted. Wirsching (1970) mentions dispersions of the order of 30 to 70 % of the mean calculated life. The presented paper introduces a model to estimate the fatigue damage dispersion based on known statistical distributions of the fatigue parameters (material properties and loading). The model is developed by expanding into Taylor series the set of equations that describe fatigue damage for crack initiation.


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Finansanalytiker har en stor betydelse för finansmarknaderna, speciellt igenom att förmedla information genom resultatprognoser. Typiskt är att analytiker i viss grad är oeniga i sina resultatprognoser, och det är just denna oenighet analytiker emellan som denna avhandling studerar. Då ett företag rapporterar förluster tenderar oenigheten gällande ett företags framtid att öka. På ett intuitivt plan är det lätt att tolka detta som ökad osäkerhet. Det är även detta man finner då man studerar analytikerrapporter - analytiker ser ut att bli mer osäkra då företag börjar gå med förlust, och det är precis då som även oenigheten mellan analytikerna ökar. De matematisk-teoretiska modeller som beskriver analytikers beslutsprocesser har däremot en motsatt konsekvens - en ökad oenighet analytiker emellan kan endast uppkomma ifall analytikerna blir säkrare på ett individuellt plan, där den drivande kraften är asymmetrisk information. Denna avhandling löser motsägelsen mellan ökad säkerhet/osäkerhet som drivkraft bakom spridningen i analytikerprognoser. Genom att beakta mängden publik information som blir tillgänglig via resultatrapporter är det inte möjligt för modellerna för analytikers beslutsprocesser att ge upphov till de nivåer av prognosspridning som kan observeras i data. Slutsatsen blir därmed att de underliggande teoretiska modellerna för prognosspridning är delvis bristande och att spridning i prognoser istället mer troligt följer av en ökad osäkerhet bland analytikerna, i enlighet med vad analytiker de facto nämner i sina rapporter. Resultaten är viktiga eftersom en förståelse av osäkerhet runt t.ex. resultatrapportering bidrar till en allmän förståelse för resultatrapporteringsmiljön som i sin tur är av ytterst stor betydelse för prisbildning på finansmarknader. Vidare används typiskt ökad prognosspridning som en indikation på ökad informationsasymmetri i redovisningsforskning, ett fenomen som denna avhandling därmed ifrågasätter.


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Fluid particle breakup and coalescence are important phenomena in a number of industrial flow systems. This study deals with a gas-liquid bubbly flow in one wastewater cleaning application. Three-dimensional geometric model of a dispersion water system was created in ANSYS CFD meshing software. Then, numerical study of the system was carried out by means of unsteady simulations performed in ANSYS FLUENT CFD software. Single-phase water flow case was setup to calculate the entire flow field using the RNG k-epsilon turbulence model based on the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations. Bubbly flow case was based on a computational fluid dynamics - population balance model (CFD-PBM) coupled approach. Bubble breakup and coalescence were considered to determine the evolution of the bubble size distribution. Obtained results are considered as steps toward optimization of the cleaning process and will be analyzed in order to make the process more efficient.


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The atomic mean square displacement (MSD) and the phonon dispersion curves (PDC's) of a number of face-centred cubic (fcc) and body-centred cubic (bcc) materials have been calclllated from the quasiharmonic (QH) theory, the lowest order (A2 ) perturbation theory (PT) and a recently proposed Green's function (GF) method by Shukla and Hiibschle. The latter method includes certain anharmonic effects to all orders of anharmonicity. In order to determine the effect of the range of the interatomic interaction upon the anharmonic contributions to the MSD we have carried out our calculations for a Lennard-Jones (L-J) solid in the nearest-neighbour (NN) and next-nearest neighbour (NNN) approximations. These results can be presented in dimensionless units but if the NN and NNN results are to be compared with each other they must be converted to that of a real solid. When this is done for Xe, the QH MSD for the NN and NNN approximations are found to differ from each other by about 2%. For the A2 and GF results this difference amounts to 8% and 7% respectively. For the NN case we have also compared our PT results, which have been calculated exactly, with PT results calculated using a frequency-shift approximation. We conclude that this frequency-shift approximation is a poor approximation. We have calculated the MSD of five alkali metals, five bcc transition metals and seven fcc transition metals. The model potentials we have used include the Morse, modified Morse, and Rydberg potentials. In general the results obtained from the Green's function method are in the best agreement with experiment. However, this improvement is mostly qualitative and the values of MSD calculated from the Green's function method are not in much better agreement with the experimental data than those calculated from the QH theory. We have calculated the phonon dispersion curves (PDC's) of Na and Cu, using the 4 parameter modified Morse potential. In the case of Na, our results for the PDC's are in poor agreement with experiment. In the case of eu, the agreement between the tlleory and experiment is much better and in addition the results for the PDC's calclliated from the GF method are in better agreement with experiment that those obtained from the QH theory.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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La variabilité génétique actuelle est influencée par une combinaison complexe de variables historiques et contemporaines. Dès lors, une interprétation juste de l’impact des processus actuels nécessite une compréhension profonde des processus historiques ayant influencé la variabilité génétique. En se basant sur la prémisse que des populations proches devraient partager une histoire commune récente, nombreuses études, effectuées à petite échelle spatiale, ne prennent pas en considération l’effet potentiel des processus historiques. Cette thèse avait pour but de vérifier la validité de cette prémisse en estimant l’effet de la dispersion historique à grande et à petite échelle spatiale. Le premier volet de cette thèse avait pour but d’évaluer l’impact de la dispersion historique sur la répartition des organismes à grande échelle spatiale. Pour ce faire, les moules d’eau douce du genre flotteurs (Pyganodon spp.) ont servies de modèle biologique. Les moules d'eau douce se dispersent principalement au stade larvaire en tant que parasites des poissons. Une série de modèles nuls ont été développés pour évaluer la co-occurrence entre des parasites et leurs hôtes potenitels. Les associations distinctes du flotteur de Terre-Neuve (P. fragilis) avec des espèces de poissons euryhalins permettent d’expliquer sa répartition. Ces associations distinctes ont également pu favoriser la différenciation entre le flotteur de Terre-Neuve et son taxon soeur : le flotteur de l’Est (P. cataracta). Cette étude a démontré les effets des associations biologiques historiques sur les répartitions à grande échelle spatiale. Le second volet de cette thèse avait pour but d’évaluer l’impact de la dispersion historique sur la variabilité génétique, à petite échelle spatiale. Cette fois, différentes populations de crapet de roche (Ambloplites rupestris) et de crapet soleil (Lepomis gibbosus), dans des drainages adjacents ont servies de modèle biologique. Les différences frappantes observées entre les deux espèces suggèrent des patrons de colonisation opposés. La faible diversité génétique observée en amont des drainages et la forte différenciation observée entre les drainages pour les populations de crapet de roche suggèrent que cette espèce aurait colonisé les drainages à partir d'une source en aval. Au contraire, la faible différenciation et la forte diversité génétique observées en amont des drainages pour les populations de crapet soleil suggèrent une colonisation depuis l’amont, induisant du même coup un faux signal de flux génique entre les drainages. La présente étude a démontré que la dispersion historique peut entraver la capacité d'estimer la connectivité actuelle, à petite échelle spatiale, invalidant ainsi la prémisse testée dans cette thèse. Les impacts des processus historiques sur la variabilité génétique ne sont pas faciles à démontrer. Le troisième volet de cette thèse avait pour but de développer une méthode permettant de les détecter. La méthode proposée est très souple et favorise la comparaison entre la variabilité génétique et plusieurs hypothèses de dispersion. La méthode pourrait donc être utilisée pour comparer des hypothèses de dispersion basées sur le paysage historique et sur le paysage actuel et ainsi permettre l’évaluation des impacts historiques et contemporains sur la variabilité génétique. Les performances de la méthode sont présentées pour plusieurs scénarios de simulations, d’une complexité croissante. Malgré un impact de la différentiation globale, du nombre d’individus ou du nombre de loci échantillonné, la méthode apparaît hautement efficace. Afin d’illustrer le potentiel de la méthode, deux jeux de données empiriques très contrastés, publiés précédemment, ont été ré analysés. Cette thèse a démontré les impacts de la dispersion historique sur la variabilité génétique à différentes échelles spatiales. Les effets historiques potentiels doivent être pris en considération avant d’évaluer les impacts des processus écologiques sur la variabilité génétique. Bref, il faut intégrer l’évolution à l’écologie.