991 resultados para Traffic engineering.


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The world of communication has changed quickly in the last decade resulting in the the rapid increase in the pace of peoples’ lives. This is due to the explosion of mobile communication and the internet which has now reached all levels of society. With such pressure for access to communication there is increased demand for bandwidth. Photonic technology is the right solution for high speed networks that have to supply wide bandwidth to new communication service providers. In particular this Ph.D. dissertation deals with DWDM optical packet-switched networks. The issue introduces a huge quantity of problems from physical layer up to transport layer. Here this subject is tackled from the network level perspective. The long term solution represented by optical packet switching has been fully explored in this years together with the Network Research Group at the department of Electronics, Computer Science and System of the University of Bologna. Some national as well as international projects supported this research like the Network of Excellence (NoE) e-Photon/ONe, funded by the European Commission in the Sixth Framework Programme and INTREPIDO project (End-to-end Traffic Engineering and Protection for IP over DWDM Optical Networks) funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research. Optical packet switching for DWDM networks is studied at single node level as well as at network level. In particular the techniques discussed are thought to be implemented for a long-haul transport network that connects local and metropolitan networks around the world. The main issues faced are contention resolution in a asynchronous variable packet length environment, adaptive routing, wavelength conversion and node architecture. Characteristics that a network must assure as quality of service and resilience are also explored at both node and network level. Results are mainly evaluated via simulation and through analysis.


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Le intersezioni stradali, sono le aree individuate da tre o più tronchi stradali (archi) che convergono in uno stesso punto, nonchè dai dispositivi e dagli apprestamenti atti a consentire ed agevolare le manovre per il passaggio da un tronco all'altro. Rappresentano punti critici della rete viaria per effetto delle mutue interferenze tra le diverse correnti di traffico durante il loro attraversamento. Si acuiscono pertanto, nella loro "area di influenza", i problemi legati alla sicurezza e quelli relativi alla regolarità  ed efficienza della circolazione. Dalla numerosità  dei fattori da cui dipende la configurazione di un incrocio (numero e tipo di strade, entità  dei flussi, situazioni locali, ecc.) deriva una ancor più vasta gamma di tipologie e di schemi. La rotatoria, come particolare configurazione di intersezione a raso, è lo schema che viene considerato nel presente lavoro di tesi, sia nei suoi caratteri essenziali e generali, sia nel particolare di una intersezione che, nel Comune di Bologna, è stata realizzata in luogo dell'intersezione semaforizzata precedente.


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Telecommunications networks have been always expanding and thanks to it, new services have appeared. The old mechanisms for carrying packets have become obsolete due to the new service requirements, which have begun working in real time. Real time traffic requires strict service guarantees. When this traffic is sent through the network, enough resources must be given in order to avoid delays and information losses. When browsing through the Internet and requesting web pages, data must be sent from a server to the user. If during the transmission there is any packet drop, the packet is sent again. For the end user, it does not matter if the webpage loads in one or two seconds more. But if the user is maintaining a conversation with a VoIP program, such as Skype, one or two seconds of delay in the conversation may be catastrophic, and none of them can understand the other. In order to provide support for this new services, the networks have to evolve. For this purpose MPLS and QoS were developed. MPLS is a packet carrying mechanism used in high performance telecommunication networks which directs and carries data using pre-established paths. Now, packets are forwarded on the basis of labels, making this process faster than routing the packets with the IP addresses. MPLS also supports Traffic Engineering (TE). This refers to the process of selecting the best paths for data traffic in order to balance the traffic load between the different links. In a network with multiple paths, routing algorithms calculate the shortest one, and most of the times all traffic is directed through it, causing overload and packet drops, without distributing the packets in the other paths that the network offers and do not have any traffic. But this is not enough in order to provide the real time traffic the guarantees it needs. In fact, those mechanisms improve the network, but they do not make changes in how the traffic is treated. That is why Quality of Service (QoS) was developed. Quality of service is the ability to provide different priority to different applications, users, or data flows, or to guarantee a certain level of performance to a data flow. Traffic is distributed into different classes and each of them is treated differently, according to its Service Level Agreement (SLA). Traffic with the highest priority will have the preference over lower classes, but this does not mean it will monopolize all the resources. In order to achieve this goal, a set policies are defined to control and alter how the traffic flows. Possibilities are endless, and it depends in how the network must be structured. By using those mechanisms it is possible to provide the necessary guarantees to the real-time traffic, distributing it between categories inside the network and offering the best service for both real time data and non real time data. Las Redes de Telecomunicaciones siempre han estado en expansión y han propiciado la aparición de nuevos servicios. Los viejos mecanismos para transportar paquetes se han quedado obsoletos debido a las exigencias de los nuevos servicios, que han comenzado a operar en tiempo real. El tráfico en tiempo real requiere de unas estrictas garantías de servicio. Cuando este tráfico se envía a través de la red, necesita disponer de suficientes recursos para evitar retrasos y pérdidas de información. Cuando se navega por la red y se solicitan páginas web, los datos viajan desde un servidor hasta el usuario. Si durante la transmisión se pierde algún paquete, éste se vuelve a mandar de nuevo. Para el usuario final, no importa si la página tarda uno o dos segundos más en cargar. Ahora bien, si el usuario está manteniendo una conversación usando algún programa de VoIP (como por ejemplo Skype) uno o dos segundos de retardo en la conversación podrían ser catastróficos, y ninguno de los interlocutores sería capaz de entender al otro. Para poder dar soporte a estos nuevos servicios, las redes deben evolucionar. Para este propósito se han concebido MPLS y QoS MPLS es un mecanismo de transporte de paquetes que se usa en redes de telecomunicaciones de alto rendimiento que dirige y transporta los datos de acuerdo a caminos preestablecidos. Ahora los paquetes se encaminan en función de unas etiquetas, lo cual hace que sea mucho más rápido que encaminar los paquetes usando las direcciones IP. MPLS también soporta Ingeniería de Tráfico (TE). Consiste en seleccionar los mejores caminos para el tráfico de datos con el objetivo de balancear la carga entre los diferentes enlaces. En una red con múltiples caminos, los algoritmos de enrutamiento actuales calculan el camino más corto, y muchas veces el tráfico se dirige sólo por éste, saturando el canal, mientras que otras rutas se quedan completamente desocupadas. Ahora bien, esto no es suficiente para ofrecer al tráfico en tiempo real las garantías que necesita. De hecho, estos mecanismos mejoran la red, pero no realizan cambios a la hora de tratar el tráfico. Por esto es por lo que se ha desarrollado el concepto de Calidad de Servicio (QoS). La calidad de servicio es la capacidad para ofrecer diferentes prioridades a las diferentes aplicaciones, usuarios o flujos de datos, y para garantizar un cierto nivel de rendimiento en un flujo de datos. El tráfico se distribuye en diferentes clases y cada una de ellas se trata de forma diferente, de acuerdo a las especificaciones que se indiquen en su Contrato de Tráfico (SLA). EL tráfico con mayor prioridad tendrá preferencia sobre el resto, pero esto no significa que acapare la totalidad de los recursos. Para poder alcanzar estos objetivos se definen una serie de políticas para controlar y alterar el comportamiento del tráfico. Las posibilidades son inmensas dependiendo de cómo se quiera estructurar la red. Usando estos mecanismos se pueden proporcionar las garantías necesarias al tráfico en tiempo real, distribuyéndolo en categorías dentro de la red y ofreciendo el mejor servicio posible tanto a los datos en tiempo real como a los que no lo son.


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La formación de postgrado en ingeniería es muy importante para mejorar la competitividad y lograr el desarrollo en los países. Para ello es necesaria una fuerte vinculación de la universidad con su entorno socio económico de modo que los objetivos que se plantea en sus programas formativos sean coherentes con las necesidades reales de los beneficiarios: los estudiantes, la universidad y la comunidad. Es decir, los programas deben ser pertinentes. Y en los países en vías de desarrollo este tema es aún más importante. Se necesita modelos de evaluación que midan este grado de adecuación entre los objetivos de los programas con las necesidades de los estudiantes y las partes interesadas. Sin embargo, los modelos de evaluación existentes tienen principalmente fines de acreditación y están diseñados para evaluar la eficacia, es decir si los resultados obtenidos están de acuerdo con la misión y los objetivos planteados. Su objetivo no es medir la pertinencia. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo diseñar un modelo de evaluación de la pertinencia de maestrías en ingeniería y aplicarlo a un caso concreto. Se trata de maestrías que ya están en funcionamiento y son dictadas en una universidad en un país en desarrollo. Para diseñar el modelo se define primero el concepto de pertinencia de una maestría en ingeniería haciendo una revisión bibliográfica y consultando a expertos en los temas de pertinencia de la educación superior y formación en postgrado en ingeniería. Se utiliza una definición operativa que facilita luego la identificación de factores e indicadores de evaluación. Se identifica dos tipos de pertinencia: local y global. La pertinencia global está relacionada con la inserción de la maestría en el sistema global de producción de conocimiento. La pertinencia local tiene tres dimensiones: la personal, relacionada con la satisfacción de necesidades de los estudiantes, la institucional, relacionada con las necesidades e intereses de la universidad que acoge a la maestría y la pertinencia social, ligada a la satisfacción de necesidades y demandas de la comunidad local y nacional. El modelo diseñado es aplicado en la maestría en Ingeniería Civil con mención en Ingeniería Vial de la Universidad de Piura, Perú lo que permite obtener conclusiones para su aplicación en otras maestrías. ABSTRACT Graduate engineering education is very important to improve competitiveness and achieve development in countries. It is necessary a strong linkage between university and its socio economic environment, so that programs objectives are consistent with the real needs of the students, university and community. That is to say programs must be relevant. And in developing countries this issue is very important. Evaluation models to measure the degree of adequacy between the programs objectives with the needs of students and stakeholders is needed. However, existing evaluation models have mainly the purpose of accreditation and are designed to evaluate the efficacy. They evaluate if the results are consistent with the mission and objectives. Their goal is not to measure the relevance. This work aimed to design a model for evaluating the relevance of master's degrees in engineering and applied to a specific case. They must be masters already in operation and are taught at a university in a developing country. In order to build the model, first concept of relevance of a master's degree in engineering was defined. Literature was reviewed and we consulted experts on issues of relevance of higher education and graduate engineering education. An operational definition is used to facilitate the identification of factors and evaluation indicators. Local and global: two types of relevance were identified. The global relevance is related to the inclusion of Master in the global system of knowledge production. The local relevance has three dimensions: personal, related to meeting students' needs, institutional, related to the needs and interests of university that houses the Master and social relevance, linked to the satisfaction of needs and demands of local and national community. The designed model is applied to the Master degree in Civil Engineering with a major in Traffic Engineering of Universidad de Piura, Peru which allowed to obtain conclusions for application in other masters.


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In recent years, the topic of car-following has experimented an increased importance in traffic engineering and safety research. This has become a very interesting topic because of the development of driverless cars (Google driverless cars, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_driverless_car). Driving models which describe the interaction between adjacent vehicles in the same lane have a big interest in simulation modeling, such as the Quick-Thinking-Driver model. A non-linear version of it can be given using the logistic map, and then chaos appears. We show that an infinite-dimensional version of the linear model presents a chaotic behaviour using the same approach as for studying chaos of death models of cell growth.


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National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D.C.


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Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D.C.


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"HPIP/10-00(10M)EW"--P. [4] of cover.


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"HRDS-02/04-05(500)E"--P. [4] of cover.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Supplements accompany some volumes.