889 resultados para Traditional school science


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The partnership form of privatisation is increasingly being used, in particular to carry out complex and evolving bundles of services. These have not previously been privatised because of incomplete contracts and contract management difficulties. Improved performance of the government entity as contract administrator and member of the partnership is crucial to modern service delivery expectations yet the privatisation literature has focused on other aspects of partnerships leaving the understanding of factors impacting the effectiveness of the government entity underdeveloped. This paper proposes the development of knowledge as to the range of factors which impact the effectiveness of the government entity. There is limited data available as to the operation of trust in the partnership relationship, and as to the capability of a range of privatisation forms to achieve stewardship of infrastructure. This research will utilise the findings from that research to build a tentative framework which will be utilised in staged research interrogating first the privatization literature and then the literature of other disciplines and sectors. The combined data will be analysed to provide government and practitioners such as government entity CEO’s with a complete listing of the operation of the factors which impact the effectiveness of the government entity in contributing to improved service delivery.


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This paper reports and discusses the principal findings of an Australian study exploring the decisions of high achieving Year 10 students about taking physics and chemistry courses (Lyons, 2003). The study used a ‘multiple worlds’ framework to explore the diverse background characteristics that previous quantitative research had shown were implicated in these decisions. Based on analyses of questionnaire and interview data, the study found that the students’ decisions involved the complex negotiation of a number of cultural characteristics within their school science and family worlds. Many of the students regarded junior high school science as irrelevant, uninteresting and difficult, leaving them with few intrinsic reasons for enrolling in senior science courses. The study found that decisions about taking physical science courses were associated with the resources of cultural and social capital within their families, and the degree to which these resources were congruent with the advantages of choosing these courses. The paper concludes that the low intrinsic value of school science and the erosion of its strategic value contribute to the reluctance of students to choose physical science courses in the senior school.


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Children and young people as environmental citizens the environmental education perspective to participation This doctoral thesis examines the participation of children and young people in developing their own environment at school, as a part of environmental education. The aim of the research is to assess and consider children and young people s environmentally responsible participation and its effectiveness in relation to the participants own learning and the end results of the participation. The research combines the perspectives of environmental education and citizenship education through the concept of environmental citizenship. Environmental education, which enhances environmental citizenship, offers children and young people the possibility to be active citizens and learn about citizenship in their own lives by taking action themselves. The research is made up of two parts which complement each other. The first part consists of an action research carried out in the Joensuu Lyseo Upper Secondary School, where an environmental education course with a traffic-related theme was planned, developed and evaluated. The second part is made up of an interview survey carried out in Helsinki. In the survey actors from schools and various city offices, who were involved in development projects of school environments, were interviewed. According to the research results, all-round cooperation and more open relations with those outside of the school environment are important ways to support environmental citizenship in schools. Thus, environmentally responsible participation offers a chance to learn competence that an environmental citizen needs the knowledge, skills and willingness to act that have not been successfully taught through traditional school education. The research introduces a model of environmentally responsible participation as a learning process, in which learning is studied through the development of competence, self-empowerment and social empowerment. The model makes the context of environmental education visible and puts emphasis on reflection in the learning process. A central factor in children and young people s self-empowerment is the sense of being heard and taken into consideration. At the moment children and young people s rights to participate are strong, due to legislation, school curricula, and several national and international agreements. Despite this, involving them in developing their own immediate surroundings has not become a part of schools and planning organisations daily life and established methods. Reasons for this situation can be found in the lack of regard and resources for these matters, in the complex nature of planning and a long time frame, and the problems of ownership and of reaching each other. Central to overcoming these obstacles are a gradual change in conduct and mentalities and the strengthening of teachers and officials competence. Children and young people need different ways and methods of varying levels of involvement, structures and arenas which enable participation and in which environmental citizenship can be realized. Key words: environmental citizenship, environmental education, citizenship education, children and young people s participation, social learning, self-empowerment, social empowerment, school, community planning


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Potable water resources are being depleted at an alarming rate worldwide. Storm water is a hugely under-utilized resource that could help as extreme weather events become more frequent...


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Partindo da perspectiva evolucionista da psicologia, que oferece uma compreensão filogenética dos comportamentos de cooperação e compartilhamento como decisivos para o processo adaptativo da espécie humana, e de um olhar ontogenético sobre o desenvolvimento moral, que aporta a dimensão cultural na qual esses comportamentos sociais são ainda hoje necessários para a vida harmoniosa em sociedade, o sentido de propriedade se destaca como um tema pouco estudado, porém de grande relevância, uma vez que a inserção da criança na cultura adulta de negociação e de trocas sociais dependerá do desenvolvimento do sentido de propriedade. A depender do ambiente e da intervenção de adultos com quem a criança convive, o desenvolvimento da noção de posse tenderá mais ou menos a comportamentos coletivistas. Com o objetivo de observar o impacto da escola sobre o desenvolvimento do sentido de propriedade em crianças entre cinco e oito anos de idade, foi desenvolvido um estudo correlacional que demonstrou haver diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre o desenvolvimento da noção de posse em crianças que frequentam uma escola de metodologia tradicional e crianças que assitem a uma escola de metodologia alternativa. Foram abordadas 78 crianças divididas em dois grupos. Um grupo de 38 crianças de uma escola tradicional e outro grupo de 40 crianças de uma escola alternativa. O procedimento consistiu na contação de quatro histórias, na quais os personagens se relacionam de diferentes maneiras e acabam por disputar um mesmo objeto. As crianças opinaram de quem elas achavam que era o objeto, quem elas achavam que merecia ficar com o objeto, e, então, entregaram elas mesmas o objeto ao personagem escolhido. Existindo as opções de dar para ninguém ou para ambos. De modo geral, o grupo de crianças da escola alternativa recorreu ao compartilhamento do objeto entre ambos os personagens em um maior número de situações, quando comparadas às crianças da escola tradicional. O que revela ser o contexto da escola alternativa mais propício aos comportamentos sociais de cooperação e compartilhamento, uma vez que eles fazem parte do cotidiano das crianças neste contexto escolar. Os resultados aqui desvendados corroboraram a hipótese inicial do estudo e encontraram respaldo na literatura. Espera-se, com isso, fortalecer o debate sobre os processos de escolarização com argumentação a favor dos contextos escolares inovadores e enriquecer os conhecimentos empíricos acerca do desenvolvimento do sentido de propriedade.


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A presente pesquisa pretende mostrar os desafios que os professores em geral e, em especial, por conta da proposta desta dissertação, os professores do Ensino Fundamental II enfrentam para que seus alunos sejam produtores proficientes de textos orais e escritos. Com base na concepção dos fatores de textualidade desenvolvidos por Beaugrand e Dressler (2002), sustentamos a hipótese de que o texto argumentativo, produzido na escola em condições tradicionais de ensino, sofre de baixo grau de informatividade, entre outros motivos, principalmente por carecerem de um projeto de ensino desta disciplina. A grande questão que se apresenta é como atingir esse propósito. Em geral, redação escolar não é considerada pelas direções, equipes pedagógicas e, algumas vezes, pelos próprios professores como uma disciplina que possa ser ensinada, pois acreditam que o conhecimento gramatical da língua materna e a leitura de textos literários e não literários constituam instrumentos suficientes para que o aluno por si só seja capaz de produzir bons textos. O objetivo maior desta dissertação é refletir acerca dos aspectos relacionados à informatividade nos textos argumentativos produzidos por alunos do nono ano do EF II de uma escola particular do Município do Rio de Janeiro, pertencentes à classe média alta. O corpus da presente pesquisa é constituído de quinze redações com seguintes condições de produção: sete delas foram produzidas com a motivação de um texto apresentado pelo professor, e oito com apenas a apresentação do tema escolhido, também, pelo professor. A partir da análise do corpus e confirmando a hipótese de que é possível e necessário ensinar o aluno a produzir textos, sugere-se uma sequência didática que dá conta do passo a passo pertinente ao aprimoramento da progressão das ideias do tipo textual referido


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Network analysis is distinguished from traditional social science by the dyadic nature of the standard data set. Whereas in traditional social science we study monadic attributes of individuals, in network analysis we study dyadic attributes of pairs of individuals. These dyadic attributes (e.g. social relations) may be represented in matrix form by a square 1-mode matrix. In contrast, the data in traditional social science are represented as 2-mode matrices. However, network analysis is not completely divorced from traditional social science, and often has occasion to collect and analyze 2-mode matrices. Furthermore, some of the methods developed in network analysis have uses in analysing non-network data. This paper presents and discusses ways of applying and interpreting traditional network analytic techniques to 2-mode data, as well as developing new techniques. Three areas are covered in detail: displaying 2-mode data as networks, detecting clusters and measuring centrality.


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Sonderpädagogisch orientierter Unterricht thematisiert Hören auf dreierlei Weise: Innerhalb von Artikulationsförderung (Lautproduktion) geht es um die Unterscheidung, Wiederholung einzelner Phoneme oder Phonemgruppen, deren Zusammenbinden zu Wörtern, Sätzen usw. und damit um Aufbau und Stabilisierung auditiv-motorischer Regulationskreise bei der Sprachproduktion. In der Wahrnehmungsförderung geht es um Unterscheidung und Benennung von Klängen oder Geräuschen. Ansätze der Medienerziehung heben den Unterschied konservierter/vermittelter und tatsächlicher Klangereignisse hervor. In allen drei Perspektiven geht es um die Ausbildung, Verbesserung, Schulung des Hörorgans und der darauf bezogenen kognitiven und sprachlichen Leistungen. Was dabei allerdings vernachlässigt bleibt ist der ursprüngliche Weltbezug des Hörens. Denn wir hören nicht an sich, sondernd stets irgendwas. Der Klangcharakter der Welt (Schläft ein Lied in allen Dingen) ist nicht eine unverbindliche Metapher sondern korrespondiert mit unserer Fähigkeit zu hören. Nachfolgend wird deshalb vorgeschlagen, Hören als Anliegen des Sachunterrichts zu begreifen und im Rahmen einer ästhetischen Elementarerziehung zu thematisieren. Einige Unterrichtsbeispiele illustrieren, welchen Ertrag eine solche Sicht hat. Dabei soll auch deutlich werden, daß Hörerziehung kein Additivum sein kann, sondern wichtiges Glied schulischer Kommunikationsförderung. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Despite calls that the school science curriculum should develop among students an ability to understand and respond critically to science-related media reports, very little research has been directed toward an important matter relevant to that aim, namely, how children and young people, untutored, react to science in the news. This study sought, in the context of media coverage of the debate surrounding the planetary status of Pluto, to explore this issue. A questionnaire, completed by 350 students aged between eight and 18, showed just over half of the children and young people were able to write relevantly about the subject though it was the gist not the detail of the story they recounted. There was evidence, nonetheless, that this media-acquired information functioned as active rather than passive knowledge. Students demonstrated relatively few misconceptions and those presented were predominately pre-existing rather than media-derived. As with the wider public, many of the children and young people held strong opinions on Pluto's loss of planethood. Such responses diminished with age, however, with older students expressing a degree of indifference. The paper concludes with a discussion of some implications of the research findings for science instruction.


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What are new interview methods and practices in our new 'interview society' and how do they relate to traditional social science research? This volume interrogates the interview as understood, used - and under-used - by anthropologists. It puts the interview itself in the hotseat by exploring the nature of the interview, interview techniques, and illustrative cases of interview use.

What is a successful and representative interview? How are interviews best transcribed and integrated into our writing? Is interview knowledge production safe, ethical and representative? And how are interviews used by anthropologists in their ethnographic practice?

This important volume leads the reader from an initial scrutiny of the interview to interview techniques and illustrative case studies. It is experimental, innovative, and covers in detail matters such as awkwardness, silence and censorship in interviews that do not feature in general interview textbooks. It will appeal to social scientists engaged in qualitative research methods in general, and anthropology and sociology students using interviews in their research and writing in particular.


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Existe um crescente reconhecimento nacional e internacional do papel da Educação Pré-Escolar (EPE) no desenvolvimento e aprendizagem das crianças dos 3 aos 6 anos. As mais recentes orientações curriculares de diversos países para este nível de educação definem linhas de orientação para as aprendizagens das crianças que contemplam uma área das ciências. Em Portugal as Orientações Curriculares para a Educação Pré-Escolar (OCEPE) constituem-se como eixo estruturante das práticas didático-pedagógicas dos educadores. Este documento integra várias áreas de conteúdo, sendo a sensibilização às ciências considerada na área de Conhecimento do Mundo. A perspetiva que defende a educação em ciências (EC) desde os primeiros anos de escolaridade tem vindo a consolidar-se, dados os resultados alcançados em diversas investigações que demonstram que esta tem tido um impacte positivo relevante na promoção da literacia científica (LC), bem como no desenvolvimento de atitudes positivas face à ciência e à aprendizagem das ciências. Várias investigações, um pouco por todo o mundo, conferiram uma nova abrangência e profundidade à EC, tendo-se vindo a consolidar a ideia de que as crianças conseguem fazer construções cognitivas, ainda que elementares, acerca de fenómenos e conceitos alegadamente difíceis pela sua abstração e que também são muito competentes em processos de descoberta científica. O conceito de competência tem vindo a conquistar uma relevância cada vez mais acentuada nos contextos educativos, constituindo um pilar central em documentos curriculares de diversos níveis de ensino. Tem-se revelado vital na caracterização da interação dos indivíduos nas suas esferas pessoal, social e profissional. Concomitantemente, o caráter eminentemente científico e tecnológico das sociedades atuais exige cidadãos competentes e cientificamente literados, capazes de interagir com o mundo, sendo essa LC imprescindível para que as sociedades continuem a evoluir. Assumindo-se que a EC se implementa através de atividades práticas, importa conhecer formas específicas de abordar os conceitos e explorar os fenómenos com as crianças, em contexto de EPE. Os educadores devem ter acesso a estratégias didáticas (ED) especialmente concebidas para este nível de escolaridade, que suportem práticas inovadoras neste domínio e promovam a mobilização de competências científicas pelas crianças, contribuindo para a promoção da LC. A presente investigação pretende ser um contributo para a operacionalização da EC em contexto pré-escolar. O percurso de investigação desenvolvido, de natureza qualitativa, incidiu em dois focos estruturais que se consubstanciam nas suas duas grandes finalidades: (1) o desenvolvimento de ED para operacionalizar a EC, e (2) o desenvolvimento do quadro teórico referente à mobilização de competências pelas crianças e relativo ao processo de conceção de ED. Assim, o percurso investigativo suportou-se numa metodologia de Investigação Baseada em Design que integrou 15 fases multicontextuais articuladas entre si, envolvendo especialistas da área educativa e científica em processos cíclicos de design, produção, validação, revisão e avaliação das ED. A avaliação dos processos e produtos desta investigação efetuou-se tendo por base a análise dos dados recolhidos e o seu tratamento através de diversos métodos, técnicas e instrumentos, tendo possibilitado: (1) identificar as limitações das OCEPE nas suas linhas de orientação para a EC; (2) desenvolver um conjunto de ED validadas como instrumentos de inovação curricular e como instrumentos de mobilização e desenvolvimento de competências pelas crianças; (3) definir um Quadro de referência conceptual que permite clarificar as interações das crianças em termos de mobilização de capacidades e atitudes/valores e construção de conhecimento; (4) definir Princípios de conceção de estratégias didáticas que permitem replicar o seu processo de desenvolvimento, e (5) clarificar orientações para uma perspetiva integrada de EC. Assumindo-se como um contributo para impulsionar a educação em ciências em contexto pré-escolar, esta investigação fundamenta a necessidade de nela se investir de forma intencional, sistemática e contextualizada neste nível educativo.


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Learning games such as role-play (which we refer to as “simulated interaction rituals”) are commonly used as social tools to develop trainee health practitioners. However, the effect of such rituals on individual and group participant emotions has not been carefully studied. Using a heuristic approach, we explore the experiences of complementary therapy practitioner trainees (and their trainers) participating in a personal development course. Ten trainees and two tutors were interviewed, observational notes taken, and a secondary qualitative analysis undertaken. Participants and tutors described a medley of disparate emotional and moral responses to group rituals, conceptualized in this article as “jumbled emotions.” Such emotions required disentangling, and both trainees and staff perceived participating in unfamiliar rituals “with relative strangers” as challenging. Front of stage effects are frequently processed “backstage,” as rituals threaten social embarrassment and confusion. Concerns around emotional triggers, authenticity, and outcomes of rituals arise at the time, yet trainees can find ways to work through these issues in time.


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The current study sought to explore the impact of suicidal behaviours on probation staff, in relation to their experiences of working with probation service users who have carried out suicide, attempted suicide or self-harm. Thirteen in-depth interviews were carried out with probation staff who had direct contact with probation service users in one probation area, and had varying degrees of experience of managing suicidal or self-injurious service users. These were analysed using thematic analysis and five themes were identified. Findings indicate that staff felt that suicide and self-harm by service users are serious issues which need to be recognized and dealt with in an effective yet compassionate manner. Not attending the suicide prevention training, or lack of experience, were perceived as restricting their ability to know how to deal with these individuals, and offer support. Furthermore, staff were emotionally affected by these incidents and it is recommended that they should continue to be provided with access to appropriate support services after an incident.


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Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar


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Temple Grandin was born in Boston, Massachusetts on August 29,1947 to Richard Grandin and Eustacia Cutler. She was diagnosed with autism at age 2. She suffered from delayed speech development and did not begin to speak until the age of 4. Temple’s mother defied the doctors and kept her out of institutions. Temple was given speech therapy as well as an intensive education. Her high school science teacher and her aunt on a ranch in Arizona inspired Temple to continue her studies and pursue a career as a scientist and livestock equipment designer.She graduated from Hampshire Country School (a boarding school for gifted children) in Ridge, New Hampshire in 1966, and earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Franklin Pierce College in 1970. In 1975, she received a master’s degree in animal science from Arizona State University and then a doctoral degree in animal science from the University of Illinois in 1989. She is currently a professor at Colorado State University. Dr. Grandin is one of the world’s leaders in the design of livestock handling facilities. She has done extensive work in design of handling facilities for animals and has developed animal welfare guidelines for the meat industries. Dr. Grandin is a past member of the board of directors of the Autism Society of America. She lectures to parents and teachers throughout the U.S. on her experiences with autism. She makes the case that the world needs people on the autism spectrum: visual thinkers, pattern thinkers and verbal thinkers. Some of Temple Grandin’s books include: Animals Make Us Human, Animals in Translation, The Way I See It, The Autistic Brain, and Different…Not Less. In 2010, a movie entitled “Temple Grandin” starring Clare Danes was released. The movie was based on Grandin’s own writings. Temple Grandin is an expert on animal behavior, a bestselling author, and an autism activist. In 2010, she was listed in the “Heroes” category in the “Time” list of the world’s 100 most influential people. She has received numerous awards including an honorary doctorate from McGill, the University of Illinois and Duke University. Temple Granin is a philosophical leader of both the animal welfare and autism advocacy movements. sources: http://www.templegrandin.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_Grandin