990 resultados para Total gaseous mercury


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Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) are exposed to high concentrations of mercury because they are apex predators in the Arctic ecosystem. Although mercury is a potent neurotoxic heavy metal, it is not known whether current exposures are of neurotoxicological concern to polar bears. We tested the hypotheses that polar bears accumulate levels of mercury in their brains that exceed the estimated lowest observable adverse effect level (20 µg/g dry wt) for mammalian wildlife and that such exposures are associated with subtle neurological damage, as determined by measuring neurochemical biomarkers previously shown to be disrupted by mercury in other high-trophic wildlife. Brain stem (medulla oblongata) tissues from 82 polar bears subsistence hunted in East Greenland were studied. Despite surprisingly low levels of mercury in the brain stem region (total mercury = 0.36 ± 0.12 µg/g dry wt), a significant negative correlation was measured between N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor levels and both total mercury (r = -0.34, p < 0.01) and methylmercury (r = -0.89, p < 0.05). No relationships were observed among mercury, selenium, and several other neurochemical biomarkers (dopamine-2, gamma-aminobutyric acid type A, muscarinic cholinergic, and nicotinic cholinergic receptors; cholinesterase and monoamine oxidase enzymes). These data show that East Greenland polar bears do not accumulate high levels of mercury in their brain stems. However, decreased levels of NMDA receptors could be one of the most sensitive indicators of mercury's subclinical and early effects.


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Concentrations of mercury (Hg) have increased slowly in landlocked Arctic char over a 10- to 15-year period in the Arctic. Fluxes of Hg to sediments also show increases in most Arctic lakes. Correlation of Hg with trophic level (TL) was used to investigate and compare biomagnification of Hg in food webs from lakes in the Canadian Arctic sampled from 2002 to 2007. Concentrations of Hg (total Hg and methylmercury [MeHg]) in food webs were compared across longitudinal and latitudinal gradients in relation to d13C and d15N in periphyton, zooplankton, benthic invertebrates, and Arctic char of varying size-classes. Trophic magnification factors (TMFs) were calculated for the food web in each lake and related to available physical and chemical characteristics of the lakes. The relative content of MeHg increased with trophic level from 4.3 to 12.2% in periphyton, 41 to 79% in zooplankton, 59 to 72% in insects, and 74 to 100% in juvenile and adult char. The d13C signatures of adult char indicated coupling with benthic invertebrates. Cannibalism among char lengthened the food chain. Biomagnification was confirmed in all 18 lakes, with TMFs ranging from 3.5 ± 1.1 to 64.3 ± 0.8. Results indicate that TMFs and food chain length (FCL) are key factors in explaining interlake variability in biomagnification of [Hg] among different lakes.


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Total mercury (THg), methylmercury (MeHg) and stable isotopes of nitrogen (d15N) and carbon (d13C) were measured in three invertebrate, five fish, three seabird and three marine mammal species of central West Greenland to investigate trophic transfer of mercury in this Arctic marine food web. The food web magnification factor (FWMF) estimated as the slope of the regression between the natural logarithm of THg or MeHg concentrations (mg/kg dw) and tissue d15N (per mil) was estimated to 0.183 (SE = 0.052) for THg and 0.339 (SE = 0.075) for MeHg. The FWMFs were not only comparable with those reported for other Arctic marine food webs but also with quite different food webs such as freshwater lakes in the sub-Arctic, East Africa and Papua New Guinea. This suggests similar mechanisms of mercury assimilation and isotopic (d15N) discrimination among a broad range of aquatic taxa and underlines the possibility of broad ecosystem comparisons using the combined contaminant and stable isotope approach.


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We examined the use of mercury (Hg) and nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes in teeth of polar bear (Ursus maritimus) from Svalbard as biotracers of temporal changes in Hg pollution exposure between 1964 and 2003. Teeth were regarded as a good matrix of the Hg exposure, and in total 87 teeth of polar bears were analysed. Dental Hg levels ranged from 0.6 to 72.3 ng/g dry weight and increased with age during the first 10 years of life. A decreasing time trend in Hg concentrations was observed over the recent four decades while no temporal changes were found in the stable isotope ratios of nitrogen (d15N) and carbon (d13C). This suggests that the decrease of Hg concentrations over time was more likely due to a lower environmental Hg exposure in this region rather than a shift in the feeding habits of Svalbard polar bears.


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Among-lake variation in mercury (Hg) concentrations in landlocked Arctic char was examined in 27 char populations from remote lakes across the Canadian Arctic. A total of 520 landlocked Arctic char were collected from 27 lakes, as well as sediments and surface water from a subset of lakes in 1999, 2002, and 2005 to 2007. Size, length, age, and trophic position (d15N) of individual char were determined and relationships with total Hg (THg) concentrations investigated, to identify a common covariate for adjustment using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). A subset of 216 char from 24 populations was used for spatial comparison, after length-adjustment. The influence of trophic position and food web length and abiotic characteristics such as location, geomorphology, lake area, catchment area, catchment-to-lake area ratio of the lakes on adjusted THg concentrations in char muscle tissue were then evaluated. Arctic char from Amituk Lake (Cornwallis Island) had the highest Hg concentrations (1.31 µg/g wet wt), while Tessisoak Lake (Labrador, 0.07 µg/g wet wt) had the lowest. Concentrations of THg were positively correlated with size, d15N, and age, respectively, in 88,71, and 58% of 24 char populations. Length and d15N were correlated in 67% of 24 char populations. Food chain length did not explain the differences in length-adjusted THg concentrations in char. No relationships between adjusted THg concentrations in char and latitude or longitude were found, however, THg concentrations in char showed a positive correlation with catchment-to-lake area ratio. Furthermore, we conclude that inputs from the surrounding environment may influence THg concentrations, and will ultimately affect THg concentrations in char as a result of predicted climate-driven changes that may occur in Arctic lake watersheds.


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Total mercury concentration in waters of the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea measured in January-April 1982 varied from 0.007 to 0.192 µg/l. Particulate form was 1.6-16% of dissolved form. Inorganic mercury accounted for 16-67% of dissolved mercury. Total mercury concentration in the surface film was 0.74-1.85 µg/l, 10-40 times higher than in seawater. Concentration of particulate form in the film was from 100 to 400 times higher than in seawater.


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En los últimos años, las sociedades industrializadas han tomado una mayor conciencia sobre el problema que suponen las emisiones indiscriminadas de gases de efecto invernadero a la atmósfera. El hormigón, cuyo principal componente es el cemento, es probablemente el material más utilizado en construcción. En la actualidad, las emisiones globales de CO2 debidas a la combustión del CaCO3 del cemento Pórtland representan entre el 5% y el 10% respecto del total. Estos valores son de gran interés si se considera que el compromiso aceptado al firmar el Protocolo de Kioto es de una reducción del 5% antes del año 2020, sobre el total de gases producidos. El principal objetivo del presente trabajo es el estudio microestructural y de los procesos de hidratación de los cementos con adiciones. Para ello se propone contribuir a la investigación sobre nuevos productos cementicios basados en micropartículas esféricas vítreas que pueden adicionarse al cemento antes del proceso de amasado. Los resultados obtenidos se han contrastado con las adiciones convencionales de más uso en la actualidad. El nuevo material basa su composición en la química del aluminio y el silicio. Al disminuir la cantidad de CaCO3, se contribuye al desarrollo sostenible y a la reducción de emisiones de CO2. La patente creada por el Grupo Cementos Pórtland Valderrivas (GCPV), describe el proceso de producción de las cemesferas (WO 2009/007470, 2010). Los productos que forman la materia prima para la elaboración de las cemesferas son arcillas, calizas, margas o productos o subproductos industriales, que tras su molienda, son fundidos mediante un fluido gaseoso a elevada temperatura (entre 1250ºC y 1600ºC). Este proceso permite obtener un producto final en forma esférica maciza o microesfera, que tras estabilizarse mediante un enfriamiento rápido, consigue una alta vitrificación idónea para su reactividad química, con una mínima superficie específica en relación a su masa. El producto final obtenido presenta prácticamente la finura requerida y no precisa ser molido, lo que reduce las emisiones de CO2 por el ahorro de combustible durante el proceso de molienda. El proceso descrito permite obtener un amplio abanico de materiales cementantes que, no solo pueden dar respuesta a los problemas generados por las emisiones de CO2, sino también a la disponibilidad de materiales en países donde hasta el momento no se puede fabricar cemento debido a la falta de calizas. Complementariamente se ha optimizado el método de cálculo del grado de hidratación a partir de los resultados del ensayo de ATD-TG en base a los modelos de cálculo de Bhatty y Pane. El método propuesto permite interpretar el comportamiento futuro del material a partir de la interpolación numérica de la cantidad de agua químicamente enlazada. La evolución del grado de hidratación tiene una relación directa con el desarrollo de la resistencia mecánica del material. Con el fin de caracterizar los materiales de base cemento, se ha llevado a cabo una amplia campaña experimental en pasta de cemento, mortero y hormigón. La investigación abarca tres niveles: caracterización microestructural, macroestructural y caracterización del comportamiento a largo plazo, fundamentalmente durabilidad. En total se han evaluado ocho adiciones diferentes: cuatro adiciones convencionales y cuatro tipos de cemesferas con diferente composición química. Los ensayos a escala microscópica comprenden la caracterización química, granulométrica y de la superficie específica BET de los materiales anhidros, análisis térmico diferencial y termogravimétrico en pasta de cemento y mortero, resonancia magnética de silicio en pasta de cemento, difracción de rayos X de los materiales anhidros y de las probetas de pasta, microscopía electrónica de barrido con analizador de energía dispersiva por rayos X en pasta y mortero, y porosimetría por intrusión de mercurio en mortero. La caracterización macroscópica del material comprende ensayos de determinación del agua de consistencia normal y de los tiempos de inicio y fin de fraguado en pasta de cemento, ensayos de resistencia mecánica a flexión y compresión en probetas prismáticas de mortero, y ensayos de resistencia a compresión en probetas de hormigón. Para caracterizar la durabilidad se han desarrollado ensayos de determinación del coeficiente de migración de cloruros y ensayos de resistividad eléctrica en probetas de mortero. Todos los ensayos enumerados permiten clarificar el comportamiento de las cemesferas y compararlo con las distintas adiciones de uso convencional. Los resultados reflejan un buen comportamiento resistente y durable de los materiales con adición de cemesferas. La caracterización microscópica refleja su relación con las propiedades mesoscópicas y permite comprender mejor la evolución en los procesos de hidratación de las cemesferas. In recent years industrialised societies have become increasingly aware of the problem posed by indiscriminate emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Concrete, with a main component being cement, is arguably the most widely used construction material. At present, global emissions of CO2 due to the combustion of CaCO3 from Portland cement represent between 5% and 10% of the total. If the requirement of the Kyoto Protocol of a reduction of 5% of the total gas produced before 2020 is considered, then such values are of significant interest. The main objective of this work is the assessment of the microstructure and the hydration processes of cements with additions. Such an examination proposes research into new cementitious products based on vitreous spherical microparticles that may be added to the cement before the mixing process. The results are compared with the most commonly used conventional additions. The new material bases its composition on the chemistry of aluminium and silicates. By decreasing the amount of CaCO3, it is possible both to contribute to sustainable development and reduce CO2 emissions. The patent created by Grupo Cementos Portland Valderrivas (GCPV) describes the production process of microspheres (WO 2009/007470, 2010). The products that form the raw material for manufacture are clays, lime-stone, marl and industrial products or by-products that melt after being ground and fed into a gaseous fluid at high temperatures (1250°C and 1600°C). This process allows the obtaining of a product with a solid-spherical or micro-spherical shape and which, after being stabilised in a solid state by rapid cooling, obtains a high vitrification suitable for chemical reactivity, having a minimal surface in relation to its mass. Given that the final product has the fineness required, it prevents grinding that reduces CO2 emissions by saving fuel during this process. The process, which allows a wide range of cementitious materials to be obtained, not only addresses the problems caused by CO2 emissions but also enhances the availability of materials in countries that until the time of writing have not produced cement due to a lack of limestone. In addition, the calculation of the degree of hydration from the test results of DTA-TG is optimised and based on Bhatty and Pane calculation models. The proposed method allows prediction of the performance of the material from numerical interpolation of the amount of chemically bound water. The degree of hydration has a direct relationship with the development of material mechanical strength. In order to characterise the cement-based materials, an extensive experimental campaign in cement paste, concrete and mortar is conducted. The research comprises three levels: micro-structural characterisation, macro-structural and long-term behaviour (mainly durability). In total, eight additions are assessed: four conventional additions and four types of microspheres with different chemical compositions. The micro-scale tests include characterisation of chemical composition, particle size distribution and the BET specific surface area of anhydrous material, differential thermal and thermogravimetric analysis in cement paste and mortar, silicon-29 nuclear magnetic resonance in cement paste, X-ray diffraction of the anhydrous materials and paste specimens, scanning of electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analyser in cement paste and mortar, and mercury intrusion porosimetry in mortar. The macroscopic material characterisation entails determination of water demand for normal consistency, and initial and final setting times of cement paste, flexural and compressive mechanical strength tests in prismatic mortar specimens, and compressive strength tests in concrete specimens. Tests for determining the chloride migration coefficient are performed to characterise durability, together with electrical resistivity tests in mortar specimens. All the tests listed allow clarification of the behaviour of the microspheres and comparison with the various additions of conventional use. The results show good resistance and durable behaviour of materials with a microsphere addition. Microscopic characterisation reflects their relationship with mesoscopic properties and provides insights into the hydration processes of the microspheres.


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This study aimed to analyse several factors of variation of slurry composition and to establish prediction equations for potential methane (CH4) and ammonia (NH3) emissions. Seventy-nine feed and slurry samples were collected at two seasons (summer and winter) from commercial pig farms sited at two Spanish regions (Centre and Mediterranean). Nursery, growing-fattening, gestating and lactating facilities were sampled. Feed and slurry composition were determined, and potential CH4 and NH3 emissions measured at laboratory. Feed nutrient contents were used as covariates in the analysis. Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) was evaluated as a predicting tool for slurry composition and potential gaseous emissions. A wide variability was found both in feed and slurry composition. Mediterranean farms had a higher pH (p<0.001) and ash (p=0.02) concentration than those located at the Centre of Spain. Also, type of farm affected ether extract content of the slurry (p=0.02), with highest values obtained for the youngest animal facilities. Results suggested a buffer effect of dietary fibre on slurry pH and a direct relationship (p<0.05) with fibre constituents of manure. Dietary protein content did not affect slurry nitrogen content but decreased (p=0.003) total and volatile solids concentration. Prediction models of potential NH3 emissions (R2=0.89) and CH4 yield (R2=0.61) were obtained from slurry composition. Predictions from NIRS showed a high accuracy for most slurry constituents (R2>0.90) and similar accuracy of prediction of potential NH3 and CH4 emissions (R2=0.84 and 0.68, respectively) to models using slurry characteristics, which can be of interest to estimate emissions from commercial farms and establish mitigation strategies or optimize biogas production.


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An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of increasing the level of two sources of fibrous by-products, orange pulp (OP) and carob meal (CM), in iso-NDF growing-finishing pig diets on nutrient balance, slurry composition and potential ammonia (NH3) and methane (CH4) emissions. Thirty pigs (85.4 ± 12.3 kg) were fed five iso-nutritive diets: a commercial control wheat/barley (C) and four experimental diets including two sources of fibrous by-products (OP and CM) and two dietary levels (75 and 150 g/kg) in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. After a 14-day adaptation period, faeces and urine were collected separately for 7 days to measure nutrient digestibility and the excretory patterns of N from pigs (6 replicates per diet) housed individually in metabolic pens. For each animal, the derived NH3 and CH4 emissions were measured in samples of slurry over an 11- and 100-day storage periods, respectively. Source and level of the fibrous by-products affected digestion efficiency in a different way as the coefficients of total tract apparent digestibility (CTTAD) for dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), fibre fractions and gross energy increased with OP but decreased with CM (P < 0.05). Crude protein CTTAD decreased with the inclusion of both sources of fibre, being lower at the highest dietary level. Faecal concentration of fibre fractions increased (P < 0.05) with the level of inclusion of CM but decreased with that of OP (P < 0.01). High dietary level for both sources of fibre increased (P < 0.02) CP faecal content but urine N content decreased (from 205 to 168 g/kg DM, P < 0.05) in all the fibre-supplemented compared to C diet. Additionally, the proportions of undigested dietary, water soluble, and bacterial and endogenous debris of faecal N excretion were not affected by treatments. The initial slurry characteristics did not differ among different fibre sources and dietary levels, except pH, which decreased at the highest by-product inclusion levels. Ammonia emission per kg of slurry was lower in all the fibre-supplemented diets than in C diet (from 2.44 to 1.81 g, P < 0.05). Additionally, slurries from the highest dietary level of by-products tended (P < 0.06) to emit less NH3 per kg of initial total Kjeldahl N and showed a lower B0, independently of the fibre source. Thus, the fibre sources and their dietary levels affected pig nutrient digestion and composition of urine and faeces, showing potential to decrease NH3 and CH4 emissions at high levels of inclusion, independently of type of fibre.


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The aim of this study was to establish the relationships between faecal fat concentration and gaseous emissions from pig slurry. Five diets were designed to meet essential nutrient requirements: a control and four experimental feeds including two levels (35 or 70 g/kg) of calcium soap fatty acids distillate (CSP) and 0 or 200 g/kg of orange pulp (OP) combined in a 2 × 2 factorial structure. Thirty growing pigs (six per treatment) were used to measure dry matter (DM) and N balance, coefficients of total tract apparent digestibility (CTTAD) of nutrients, faecal and urine composition and potential emissions of ammonia (NH3) and methane (CH4). Increasing dietary CSP level decreased DM, ether extract (EE) and crude protein (CP) CTTAD (by 4.0, 11.1 and 3.5%, respectively, P < 0.05), but did not influence those of fibrous constituents. It also led to a decrease (from 475 to 412 g/kg DM, P < 0.001) of faecal concentration of neutral detergent fibre (aNDFom) and to an increment (from 138 to 204 g/kg, P < 0.001) of EE in faecal DM that was related to greater CH4 emissions, both per gram of organic matter (P = 0.021) or on a daily basis (P < 0.001). Level of CSP did not affect N content in faeces or urine, but increased daily DM (P < 0.001), and N (P = 0.031) faecal excretion with no effect on urine N excretion. This resulted in lesser (P = 0.036) NH3 potential emission per kg of slurry. Addition of OP decreased CTTAD of EE (by 7.9%, P = 0.044), but increased (P < 0.05) that of all the fibrous fractions. As a consequence, faecal EE content increased (from 165 to 177 g/kg DM; P = 0.012), and aNDFom decreased greatly (from 483 to 404 g/kg DM, P < 0.001), which in all resulted in a lack of effect of OP on CH4 potential emission. Inclusion of OP in the diet also led to a significant decrease of CP CTTAD (by 6.85%, P < 0.001), and to an increase of faecal CP concentration (from 174 to 226 g/kg DM, P < 0.001), with no significant influence on urine N content. These effects resulted in higher N faecal losses, especially those of the undigested dietary origin, without significant effects on potential NH3 emission. No significant interactions between CSP and OP supplementation were observed for the gaseous emissions measured.


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Mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) has been widely used to evaluate the quality of concrete through the pore size distribution parameters. Two of these parameters are the critical pore diameter (Dcrit) and the percentage of the most interconnected net of pores compared to the total volume of pores. Some researchers consider Dcrit as the diameter obtained from the inflexion point of the cumulative mercury intrusion curve while others consider Dcrit as the diameter obtained from the point of abrupt variation in the same curve. This study aims to analyze two groups of concretes of varying w/c ratios, one cast with pozzolanic cement and another with high initial strength cement, in order to determine which of these diameters feature a better correlation with the quality parameters of the concretes. The concrete quality parameters used for the evaluations were (1) the w/c ratios and (2) chloride diffusion coefficients measured at approximately 90 days. MIP cumulative distributions of the same concretes were also measured at about 90 days, and Dcrit values were determined (1) from the point of abrupt variation and alternatively, (2) from the inflexion point of each of these plots. It was found that Dcrit values measured from the point of abrupt variation were useful indicators of the quality of the concrete, but the Dcrit values based on the inflexion points were not. Hence, it is recommended that Dcrit and the percentage of the most interconnected volume of pores should be obtained considering the point of abrupt variation of the cumulative curve of pore size distribution.


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This project examined the pathways of mercury (Hg) bioaccumulation and its relation to trophic position and hydroperiod in the Everglades. I described fish-diet differences across habitats and seasons by analyzing stomach contents of 4,000 fishes of 32 native and introduced species. Major foods included periphyton, detritus/algal conglomerate, small invertebrates, aquatic insects, decapods, and fishes. Florida gar, largemouth bass, pike killifish, and bowfin were at the top of the piscine food web. Using prey volumes, I quantitatively classified the fishes into trophic groups of herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores. Stable-isotope analysis of fishes and invertebrates gave an independent and similar assessment of trophic placement. Trophic patterns were similar to those from tropical communities. I tested for correlations of trophic position and total mercury. Over 4,000 fish, 620 invertebrate, and 46 plant samples were analyzed for mercury with an atomic-fluorescence spectrometer. Mercury varied within and among taxa. Invertebrates ranged from 25–200 ng g −1 ww. Small-bodied fishes varied from 78–>400 ng g −1 ww. Large predatory fishes were highest, reaching a maximum of 1,515 ng−1 ww. Hg concentrations in both fishes and invertebrates were positively correlated with trophic position. I examined the effects of season and hydroperiod on mercury in wild and caged mosquitofish at three pairs of marshes. Nine monthly collections of wild mosquitofish were analyzed. Hydroperiod-within-site significantly affected concentrations but it interacted with sampling period. To control for wild-fish dispersal, and to measure in situ uptake and growth, I placed captive-reared, neonate mosquitofish with mercury levels from 7–14 ng g−1 ww into field cages in the six study marshes in six trials. Uptake rates ranged from 0.25–3.61 ng g−1 ww d −1. As with the wild fish, hydroperiod-within-site was a significant main effect that also interacted with sampling period. Survival exceeded 80%. Growth varied with season and hydroperiod, with greatest growth in short-hydroperiod marshes. The results suggest that dietary bioaccumulation determined mercury levels in Everglades aquatic animals, and that, although hydroperiod affected mercury uptake, its effect varied with season. ^