814 resultados para Topological deformation


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The magnetic-field dependence of the magnetization of cylinders, disks, and spheres of pure type-I superconducting lead was investigated by means of isothermal measurements of first magnetization curves and hysteresis cycles. Depending on the geometry of the sample and the direction and intensity of the applied magnetic field, the intermediate state exhibits different irreversible features that become particularly highlighted in minor hysteresis cycles. The irreversibility is noticeably observed in cylinders and disks only when the magnetic field is parallel to the axis of revolution and is very subtle in spheres. When the magnetic field decreases from the normal state, the irreversibility appears at a temperature-dependent value whose distance to the thermodynamic critical field depends on the sample geometry. The irreversible features in the disks are altered when they are submitted to an annealing process. These results agree well with very recent high-resolution magneto-optical experiments in similar materials that were interpreted in terms of transitions between different topological structures for the flux configuration in the intermediate state. A discussion of the relative role of geometrical barriers for flux entry and exit and pinning effects as responsible for the magnetic irreversibility is given.


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Understanding the structure of interphase chromosomes is essential to elucidate regulatory mechanisms of gene expression. During recent years, high-throughput DNA sequencing expanded the power of chromosome conformation capture (3C) methods that provide information about reciprocal spatial proximity of chromosomal loci. Since 2012, it is known that entire chromatin in interphase chromosomes is organized into regions with strongly increased frequency of internal contacts. These regions, with the average size of ∼1 Mb, were named topological domains. More recent studies demonstrated presence of unconstrained supercoiling in interphase chromosomes. Using Brownian dynamics simulations, we show here that by including supercoiling into models of topological domains one can reproduce and thus provide possible explanations of several experimentally observed characteristics of interphase chromosomes, such as their complex contact maps.


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We describe simulations of an elastic filament immersed in a fluid and subjected to a body force. The coupling between the fluid flow and the friction that the filament experiences induces bending and alignment perpendicular to the force. With increasing force there are four shape regimes, ranging from slight distortion to an unsteady tumbling motion. We also find marginally stable structures. The instability of these shapes and the alignment are explained by induced bending and nonlocal hydrodynamic interactions. These effects are experimentally relevant for stiff microfilaments.


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We study the relationship between topological scales and dynamic time scales in complex networks. The analysis is based on the full dynamics towards synchronization of a system of coupled oscillators. In the synchronization process, modular structures corresponding to well-defined communities of nodes emerge in different time scales, ordered in a hierarchical way. The analysis also provides a useful connection between synchronization dynamics, complex networks topology, and spectral graph analysis.


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We explore the timing of deformation and exhumation of the Siviez-Mischabel Nappe (western Swiss Alps), which has been considered a classic example of a midcrustal crystalline nappe since the studies of Argand [1916]. This study presents Ar-40/Ar-39 ages obtained on both synkinematic white mica from Permo-Triassic cover sediments and more complex white mica populations from basement gneisses of the Siviez-Mischabel and middle Pennine Nappes. Primary foliation developed in cover units by nucleation, growth, and rigid rotation of mica grains during noncoaxial Alpine deformation. Although some samples show a crenulation of this primary foliation, mica growth appears to have occurred only during the development of primary foliation, the main phase of greenschist facies deformation related to imbrication of the Siviez-Mischabel Nappe and other middle Pennine Nappes. Good agreement exists between independent estimates of the timing of deformation and reported Ar-40/Ar-39, white mica ages from cover units of the central and southern Siviez-Mischabel Nappe. In cover units from the central and southern Siviez-Mischabel regions of the study area, Ar-40/Ar-39 ages appear to date synkinematic white mica growth. Results suggest that the Siviez-Mischabel :Nappe was emplaced and developed foliation during a 5 m.y. period from 41 to 36 Ma. In cover units from the eastern Siviez-Mischabel, however, Ar-40/Ar-39 white mica ages appear to date postkinematic thermal events. These thermal events may be related to Oligocene magmatic activity in the lower Pennine Nappes or to Miocene development of the Simplon fault zone. Variations in the relation between Alpine age and grain size for cover samples from the central, eastern, and southern Siviez-Mischabel correlate well with the regional variations in temperature inferred from quartz microfabrics and the pattern of regional metamorphism. When considered in concert with other recent isotopic studies on the timing of major tectonic and thermal events in the western Swiss Alps, these data support arguments that the relative timing of events such as thrusting and back thrusting of crystalline nappes in hinterland units and exhumation of high-pressure units in the suture zone of the western Alps are intimately related and synchronous on the scale of a few million years. Copyright 1998 by the American Geophysical Union.


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Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) is one of the most promising surveying techniques for rockslope characterization and monitoring. Landslide and rockfall movements can be detected by means of comparison of sequential scans. One of the most pressing challenges of natural hazards is combined temporal and spatial prediction of rockfall. An outdoor experiment was performed to ascertain whether the TLS instrumental error is small enough to enable detection of precursory displacements of millimetric magnitude. This consists of a known displacement of three objects relative to a stable surface. Results show that millimetric changes cannot be detected by the analysis of the unprocessed datasets. Displacement measurement are improved considerably by applying Nearest Neighbour (NN) averaging, which reduces the error (1¿) up to a factor of 6. This technique was applied to displacements prior to the April 2007 rockfall event at Castellfollit de la Roca, Spain. The maximum precursory displacement measured was 45 mm, approximately 2.5 times the standard deviation of the model comparison, hampering the distinction between actual displacement and instrumental error using conventional methodologies. Encouragingly, the precursory displacement was clearly detected by applying the NN averaging method. These results show that millimetric displacements prior to failure can be detected using TLS.


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This work was supported by grants from Spanish Ministry of Science andInnovation (MICINN) BIO2011-22568 & BIO2008-205.


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The replication of circular DNA faces topological obstacles that need to be overcome to allow the complete duplication and separation of newly replicated molecules. Small bacterial plasmids provide a perfect model system to study the interplay between DNA helicases, polymerases, topoisomerases and the overall architecture of partially replicated molecules. Recent studies have shown that partially replicated circular molecules have an amazing ability to form various types of structures (supercoils, precatenanes, knots and catenanes) that help to accommodate the dynamic interplay between duplex unwinding at the replication fork and DNA unlinking by topoisomerases.


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The influence of second phases (e.g., pyroxenes) on olivine grain size was studied by quantitative microfabric analyses of samples of the Hilti massif mantle shear zone (Semail ophiolite, Oman). The microstructures range from porphyroclastic tectonites to ultramylonites, from outside to the center of the shear zone. Starting at conditions of ridge-related flow, they formed under continuous cooling leading to progressive strain localization. The dependence of the average olivine grain size on the second-phase content can be split into a second-phase controlled and a dynamic recrystallization-controlled field. In the former, the olivine grain size is related to the ratio between the second-phase grain size and volume fraction (Zener parameter). In the latter, dynamic recrystallization manifested by a balance between grain growth and grain size reduction processes yields a stable olivine grain size. In both fields the average olivine and second-phase grain size decreases with decreasing temperature. Combining the microstructural information with deformation mechanism maps suggests that the porphyroclastic tectonites (similar to 1100 degrees C) and mylonites (similar to 800 degrees C) formed under the predominance of dislocation creep. Since olivine-rich layers are intercalated with layer parallel, polymineralic bands in the mylonites, nearly equiviscous conditions can be assumed. In the ultramylonites, diffusion creep represents the major deformation mechanism in the polymineralic layers. It is this switch in deformation mechanism from dislocation creep to diffusion creep that forces strain to localize in the fine-grained polymineralic domains at low temperatures (<similar to 700 degrees C), underlining the role of the second phases on strain localization in cooling mantle rocks.


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This paper presents a new and original variational framework for atlas-based segmentation. The proposed framework integrates both the active contour framework, and the dense deformation fields of optical flow framework. This framework is quite general and encompasses many of the state-of-the-art atlas-based segmentation methods. It also allows to perform the registration of atlas and target images based on only selected structures of interest. The versatility and potentiality of the proposed framework are demonstrated by presenting three diverse applications: In the first application, we show how the proposed framework can be used to simulate the growth of inconsistent structures like a tumor in an atlas. In the second application, we estimate the position of nonvisible brain structures based on the surrounding structures and validate the results by comparing with other methods. In the final application, we present the segmentation of lymph nodes in the Head and Neck CT images, and demonstrate how multiple registration forces can be used in this framework in an hierarchical manner.


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Using freely jointed polymer model we compare equilibrium properties of crowded polymer chains whose segments are either permeable or not permeable for other segments to pass through. In particular, we addressed the question whether non-permeability of long chain molecules, in the absence of excluded volume effect, is sufficient to compartmentalize highly crowded polymer chains, similarly to what happens during formation of chromosomal territories in interphase nuclei. Our results indicate that even polymers without excluded volume compartmentalize and show strongly reduced intermingling when they are mutually non-permeable. Judging from the known fact that chromatin fibres originating from different chromosomes show very limited intermingling in interphase nuclei, we propose that regular chromatin fibres during chromosome decondensation can hardly serve as a substrate of cellular type II DNA topoisomerases.


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Topological order has proven a useful concept to describe quantum phase transitions which are not captured by the Ginzburg-Landau type of symmetry-breaking order. However, lacking a local order parameter, topological order is hard to detect. One way to detect it is via direct observation of anyonic properties of excitations which are usually discussed in the thermodynamic limit, but so far has not been realized in macroscopic quantum Hall samples. Here we consider a system of few interacting bosons subjected to the lowest Landau level by a gauge potential, and theoretically investigate vortex excitations in order to identify topological properties of different ground states. Our investigation demonstrates that even in surprisingly small systems anyonic properties are able to characterize the topological order. In addition, focusing on a system in the Laughlin state, we study the robustness of its anyonic behavior in the presence of tunable finite-range interactions acting as a perturbation. A clear signal of a transition to a different state is reflected by the system's anyonic properties.


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The study area. located north of Konva (Central Turkey), is composed of Silurian to Cretaceous metamorphosed rocks. The lower unit of the oldest formation (Silurian-Early Permian) is mostly made up of Silurian-Early Carboniferous metacarbonates. These rocks pass laterally and vertically to Devonian-Early Permian series having continental margin, shallow water and pelagic characteristics. They are intruded or juxtaposed to different kinds of metamagmatic rocks. which show MORB. continental arc and within plate characteristics. The Palaeozoic units are covered unconformably by Triassic-Cretaceous metasedimentary units. All these rocks are overthrusted by Mesozoic ophiolites. The Palaeozoic sequence can be seen as a northern Palaeotethys passive, then active margin. The northward subduction of the Palaeotethys ocean during the Carboniferous-Triassic times, induced the development of a magmatic arc and fore-arc sequence (Carboniferous-Permian). Before the Early Triassic (?Late Permian) time. the fore-arc sequence was uplifted above sea level and eroded. The Triassic sequences are regarded as marking the onset of back-arc opening and detachment of the Anatolian Konya block from the active Eurasian margin. Finally. a suture zone formed during the Carman between the Konya region and the Menderes-Tauride Cimmerian block due to the closing of Palaeotethvs. This geodynamic evolution can be correlated with the evolution of the Karaburun sequence in western Turkey.