999 resultados para Tomografia por raios X
The small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) technique has been used with very much versatility and success in the structural characterization of nanostructured materials. The present work deals with a study of the principles of the SAXS technique and of some classical models employed in the structural characterization of nanostructured materials. Particularly, the study of the models and of the associated methodologies is applied to a set of samples of silica gels, of varied typical structures, prepared in the Laboratório de Novos Materiais of the Departamento de Física of the IGCE. The work discusses in an introductory chapter the principles of the SAXS technique and the foundation of classical models often used in the structural characterization of materials. The classical models and the associated methodologies were applied to a variety of silica gel structures. The studies include: i) the scattering from a system of particles - Guinier's law; ii) the asymptotic scattering from a two-phase system - Porod's law; iii) systematic deviation from Porod's law - Surface Fractal; iv) heterogeneities in solids with random size distribution - DAB Model; and v) the scattering from mass fractal structures. The analyses were carried out from experimental SAXS data obtained in several opportunities at the Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (LNLS)
The huge demand for procedures involving ionizing radiation promotes the need for safe methods of experimentation considering the danger of their biological e ects with consequent risk to humans. Brazilian's legislation prohibits experiments involving this type of radiation in humans through Decree 453 of Ministry of Health with determines that such procedures comply with the principles of justi cation, optimization and dose limitation. In this line, concurrently with the advancement of available computer processing power, computing simulations have become relevant in those situations where experimental procedures are too cost or impractical. The Monte Carlo method, created along the Manhattan Project duringWorldWar II, is a powerful strategy to simulations in computational physics. In medical physics, this technique has been extensively used with applications in diagnostics and cancer treatment. The objective of this work is to simulate the production and detection of X-rays for the energy range of diagnostic radiology, for molybdenum target, using the Geant4 toolkit. X-ray tubes with this kind of target material are used in diagnostic radiology, speci cally in mammography, one of the most used techniques for screening of breast cancer in women. During the simulations, we used di erent models for bremsstrahlung available in physical models for low energy, in situations already covered by the literature in earlier versions of Geant4. Our results show that although the physical situations seems qualitatively adequate, quantitative comparisons to available analytical data shows aws in the code of Geant4 Low Energy source
The quality assurance control program (QACP) in clinical radiology is very important to acquire, image quality, patient dose reduction and cost for the institution. The verification of the real tension on the x ray tube, it is one of many parameters that may be determined on a QACP. This act on image quality as absorbed dose in patient. Once proved the importance of this fact, this study come up with the determination of tension to any X ray tube used on medical routine, on quick, safe and low cost manner. To reach the aim of this study, the methodology consisted on measuring expose rates (ER) using different thicknesses of copper (Cu) plates like filters and relating these results with Half Layer Value (HLV). Afterwards, the HLV was associated to real tension that was acquired with kilo voltage of peak (kVp) measurers used on clinical routine. So walking in this path, when performed the ER, on any X ray tube, it’s possible acquire the HLV and consequently the real kVp, considering measures obtained before, on the methodology of kVp estimative development
The purpose of this work is to provide quality control requirements and security in dental x-rays in order to obtain good quality image which allows the correct diagnosis, which reduces the dose to the patient, mainly due to the repetition of tests, and decreasing cost. The requirements apply to related activities to quality control and procedures using ionizing radiation for diagnostic imaging in dentistry by evaluating a minimum set of parameters to be tested or verified. Quality control follows the Ordinance No. 453 of the Ministry of Health of 06.01.1998, SS Resolution No. 625 of 12.14.1994 and Resolution No. 64 of the Health Surveillance Center – Department of Health of Sao Paulo and National Health Surveillance Agency – Ministry of Health of Brazil. This study was conducted in the city of Marilia, Sao Paulo, along with the Company P&R Consulting and Medical Physics, in a dental clinic of the University UNIMAR in the x-ray equipment used on that site. The physical parameters of the device were tested with the aid of ionization chambers to measure rates of radiation, electrometer to measure rates of time, kV and doses, radiographic films and positioning devices. Finally, this work demonstrates the need and importance of quality control, which one ensures the proper use of x-ray machines, maintaining efficiency and at the same time it reduces the risks to the patient, to the dentist and to the general public
To determinate the multielemental concentrations in biological samples using the technique of total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TRFX) is essential the use of standard samples. The aim of this study is the determination of the sensitivities of the relevant elements in standard samples (Multi Element atomic spectroscopy standard solution in HNO3 I) prepared in three solutions with different and known concentrations. Based on the sensitivities of the elements contained in the multilelementar standard sample, it can estimate the sensitivity for an element found in the biological sample and consequently it is possible to determinate the concentration, even though the standard does not contain this element. The measurement of fluorescence was performed at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) in Campinas
As normas nacionais e internacionais prevêem que a manutenção dos níveis de radiação deve estar abaixo do permitido. Sendo assim, a ICRP [1] (International Commission on Radiological Protection) exige métodos de otimização para garantir que o público esteja exposto aos menores níveis de radiação possíveis. Como método de otimização, aproximações teóricas e semi-empiricas podem realizar uma determinação do espectro de raios-X, sendo fundamental para o diagnóstico de energia, estimando a dose de radiações em pacientes e formulando modelos de blindagem. Métodos adequados de radioproteção foram desenvolvidos na física médica como a medicina nuclear, a radioterapia e a radiologia diagnóstica. Um dos métodos semi-empiricos utilizados é o modelo de TBC que é capaz de reproduzir e calcular os espectros gerados pelo anodo de tungstênio. Com o modelo de TBC modificado é possível também obedecer às exigências das barreiras protetoras presentes na radiologia, levando em conta a forma de onda arbitrária e a filtração adicional na geração do espectro não presente no modelo original. Além disso, realiza-se a calibração do espectro gerado para que o modelo de TBC represente a quantidade e comportamento de radiações típicas. Dessa forma, realiza-se uma revisão do modelo de TBC implementando-o ao programa matemático Matlab e comparando-o com os resultados adquiridos pelo Código MCNP-5 no Método de Monte Carlo. Os resultados encontrados são bastante satisfatórios, tanto em termos quantitativos quanto qualitativos dos feixes. Para a calibração, desenvolve-se uma análise dos espectros gerados pelo TBC Modificado aplicado ao programa Mathcad e Matlab sob as mesmas condições. Os espectros gerados apresentam o mesmo comportamento, diferindo em até 12% nos valores encontrados para camadas semi-redutoras, coeficiente de homogeneidade e energia efetiva
The progress in radiology is related with the development of new systems of image formation with the lesser dose in the pacient. The improve of the dose in the pacient, without compromising the quality of the image, is one of the responsibilities of a medical physicist in a sector of diagnosis for image. This research has as objective to evaluate the conditions of use of an equipment of x-rays, from tests of quality control. The results gotten in this work have been part of data of an Effective Program of Quality Control (PECQ) of the sector of diagnosis for image of the Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu - UNESP (HCFMB-UNESP)
Along with the advance of technology, in terms of the expansion of medical exams that uses the ionizing radiation for diagnosis, there is also the concern about quality control for maintaining quality in radiographic imaging and for delivering low dose to the patient. Based on the Federal Order 453 of the Secretariat of Health Surveillance, which takes account of the practical and justification of individual medical exposures, the optimization of radiological protection, limitation of individual dose, and the prevention of accidents, were done through this paper radiodiagnostic tests on medical equipment in order to accept it or not, according to SVS-453. Along with the help and support of P&R Consulting and Medical Physics Marilia, SP, were made Quality Control and Radiometric Control in equipment from various cities across the state of São Paulo. The equipment discussed in this work is classified as conventional X-ray. According to the Federal Order SVS-453, the quality control in the program of quality assurance should include the following minimum set of constancy tests, with following minimum frequency: biennial tests for representative values of dose given to the patients of radiography and CT performed in the service; annual tests for accuracy of the indicator tube voltage (kVp), accuracy of exposure time, half-value layer, aligning the central axis of the beam of x-ray tube, performance (mGy / mA.min.m²), linearity of the rate of kerma on air with the mAs, reproducibility of the kerma on air rates, reproducibility of the automatic exposure, focal spot size, integrity of accessories and clothing for individual protection; semiannually for collimation system accuracy; weekly for temperature processing system and sensitometry processing system. For the room Radiometric Survey it was done a sketch...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Pós-graduação em Biologia Geral e Aplicada - IBB
The X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) is an important technique for the qualitative and quantitative determination of chemical components in a sample. It is based on measurement of the intensity of the emitted characteristic radiation by the elements of the sample, after being properly excited. One of the modalities of this technique is the total reflection x-ray fluorescence (TXRF). In TXRF, the angle of refraction of the incident beam tends to zero and the refracted beam is tangent to the sample-support interface. Thus, there is a minimum angle of incidence that there is no refracted beam and all the incident radiation undergoes total reflection. As it is implemented in very small samples, in a film format, self-absorption effects should not very relevant. In this study, we evaluated the feasibility of using code MCNPX (Monte Carlo N - Particle eXtended), to simulate a measure implemented by the TXRF technique. In this way, it was verified the quality of response of a system by TXRF spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation as excitation beam for a simple setup, by retrieving the characteristic energies and the concentrations of the elements in the sample. The steps of data processing, after obtaining the excitation spectra, were the same as in a real experiment and included the obtaining of the sensitivity curve for the simulated system. The agreement between the theoretical and simulated values of Ka characteristic energies for different elements was lower than 1 % .The obtained concentration of the elements of the sample had high relatively errors ( between 6 and 60 % ) due mainly to lack of knowing about some realistic physical parameters of the sample , such as density . In this way, this result does not preclude the use of MCNPX code for this type of application
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
The aim of this study was to evaluate whether digitized images obtained from periapical radiographs taken with low dose of radiation could be improved with the aid of a computer software (PhotoStyler) for digital treatrnent. Serial and standardized radiographs of molar and premolar areas were studied. A total of 57 images equivalent to the radiographs taken with reduced exposure time ( 60 and 80% of the time considered normal), digitized and treated, were submitted to the evaluation of seven exanúners which compared them with those images without treatment. lt was verified that about 80% of the images equivalem to lhe radiographs taken with 60% reduction of ordinary exposure time were considered to having quality for supporting diagnosis. As for the images taken with 80% reduction of ordinary exposure time, about 50% of them were considered suitable for the sarne purpose
Introdução: Os processos industriais geram grandes quantidades de resíduos, representando um grande desperdício de matéria prima e causando impactos negativos ao meio ambiente. No caso dos resíduos gerados pelas fábricas de pás eólicas para aerogeradores de Sorocaba-S.P., eles podem ser reaproveitados na incorporação em cimento Portland. O interesse é utilizá-los na construção civil como blocos sem fins estruturais para construção de muros, guias, calçadas, pisos, etc. Os corpos confeccionados devem obedecer às normas técnicas brasileiras e as suas propriedades relativas à resistência, compressão, absorção de água e distribuição espacial dos resíduos nestes corpos devem ser avaliadas. Objetivos: Devido à importância de se conhecer as propriedades dos corpos produzidos com a incorporação de resíduos de pás eólicas, este trabalho faz uma avaliação através de imagens de raios X de sua distribuição espacial para verificar a viabilidade do emprego desta técnica no estudo da incorporação de resíduos para, futuramente, em conjunto com outras pesquisas que estão sendo realizadas, verificar a relação desta distribuição com as propriedades mecânicas dos corpos produzidos. Métodos: Objetivando a incorporação desse resíduo como substituto parcial dos agregados miúdos em argamassa, foram fabricados corpos de prova (CPs) seguindo as normas da ABNT-NBR 5738. Todos os corpos foram desmoldados após 24 horas de sua confecção e imersos em água por 28 dias para a cura. Utilizou-se o traço 3:1, areia e cimento, em relação a massa dos componentes, ou seja, para cada 300 g de areia adicionou-se 100 g de cimento. Na confecção de argamassa com resíduo utilizou-se o mesmo traço, porém com a substituição de parte da areia pelo resíduo. Foram fabricados CPs com 5%, 15%, 50% e 0% de resíduo para que este sirva de referência. Como os corpos possuem um formato cilíndrico, foram obtidas imagens em duas projeções: frontal e superior utilizando um equipamento digital com os seguintes parâmetros: 83 kVp e 16 mAs e, 85 kVp e 30 mAs, respectivamente. Resultados: As imagens mostram que na projeção frontal é possível verificar que a distribuição do resíduo nos corpos é homogênea, o que pode proporcionar uniformidade nos resultados de testes de resistência à compressão que serão realizados futuramente. Porém, na projeção superior ainda será necessário um estudo dos parâmetros que deverão ser utilizados no equipamento de raios X para melhorar a sua qualidade. Além disso, métodos de processamento digital de imagens poderão ser aplicados nas imagens para auxiliar na visualização dos resíduos incorporados. Também pode ser visto nas imagens que a forma utilizada para a incorporação do resíduo resulta na sua distribuição uniforme, compatível com o que se deseja neste tipo de incorporação.
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ