979 resultados para Tobacco -- Analysis


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Abstract Background Tobacco and cannabis use are strongly interrelated, but current national and international cessation programs typically focus on one substance, and address the other substance either only marginally or not at all. This study aimed to identify the demand for, and describe the development and content of, the first integrative group cessation program for co-smokers of cigarettes and cannabis. Methods First, a preliminary study using expert interviews, user focus groups with (ex-)smokers, and an online survey was conducted to investigate the demand for, and potential content of, an integrative smoking cessation program (ISCP) for tobacco and cannabis co-smokers. This study revealed that both experts and co-smokers considered an ISCP to be useful but expected only modest levels of readiness for participation.Based on the findings of the preliminary study, an interdisciplinary expert team developed a course concept and a recruitment strategy. The developed group cessation program is based on current treatment techniques (such as motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioural therapy, and self-control training) and structured into six course sessions.The program was evaluated regarding its acceptability among participants and course instructors. Results Both the participants and course instructors evaluated the course positively. Participants and instructors especially appreciated the group discussions and the modules that were aimed at developing personal strategies that could be applied during simultaneous cessation of tobacco and cannabis, such as dealing with craving, withdrawal, and high-risk situations. Conclusions There is a clear demand for a double cessation program for co-users of cigarettes and cannabis, and the first group cessation program tailored for these users has been developed and evaluated for acceptability. In the near future, the feasibility of the program will be evaluated. Trial registration Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN15248397


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PURPOSE: Investigate the morphological effects of chronic exposure to tobacco smoke inhalation and alcohol consumption on the lungs and on the growth of rats. METHODS: Sixty male Wistar rats were divided into four groups: control, tobacco, alcohol, tobacco + alcohol, for a period of study 260 days. Morphological analysis was conducted by optical and electron microscopy. Rat growth was investigated by measuring the snout-anus length, body mass index and body weight. RESULTS: The three groups exposed to the drugs presented lower growth and lower weight than the control group. The percentages of alveolitis, bronchiolitis and the mean alveolar diameter were greater, particularly in the groups exposed to tobacco smoke, but were not significantly different from the control group. Electron microscopy revealed more intense apoptotic and degenerative lesions in the smoking group, while degenerative lesions in the lamellar bodies were more intense with the association of both drugs. CONCLUSIONS: This experimental model showed morphological alterations observed by electron microscopy, principally due to tobacco smoke exposure. Alcohol and tobacco hindered the growth of rats, such that tobacco showed a greater effect on body length and alcohol on body weight.


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Free radicals are present in cigarette smoke and can have a negative effect on human health by attacking lipids, nucleic acids, proteins and other biologically important species. However, because of the complexity of the tobacco smoke system and the dynamic nature of radicals, little is known about the identity of the radicals, and debate continues on the mechanisms by which those radicals are produced. In this study, acetyl radicals were trapped from the gas phase using 3-amino-2, 2, 5, 5- tetramethyl-proxyl (3AP) on solid support to form stable 3AP adducts for later analysis by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), mass spectrometry/tandem mass spectrometry (MS-MS/MS) and liquid chromatography- mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Simulations of acetyl radical generation were performed using Matlab and the Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM) programs. A range of 10- 150 nmol/cigarette of acetyl radical was measured from gas phase tobacco smoke of both commerial and research cigarettes under several different smoking conditions. More radicals were detected from the puff smoking method compared to continuous flow sampling. Approximately twice as many acetyl radicals were trapped when a GF/F particle filter was placed before the trapping zone. Computational simulations show that NO/NO2 reacts with isoprene, initiating chain reactions to produce a hydroxyl radical, which abstracts hydrogen from acetaldehyde to generate acetyl radical. With initial concentrations of NO, acetaldehyde, and isoprene in a real-world cigarette smoke scenario, these mechanisms can account for the full amount of acetyl radical detected experimentally. This study contributes to the overall understanding of the free radical generation in gas phase cigarette smoke.


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BACKGROUND: Physician advice is an important motivator for attempting to stop smoking. However, physicians' lack of intervention with smokers has only modestly improved in the last decade. Although the literature includes extensive research in the area of the smoking intervention practices of clinicians, few studies have focused on Hispanic physicians. The purpose of this study was to explore the correlates of tobacco cessation counseling practices among Hispanic physicians in the US. METHODS: Data were collected through a validated survey instrument among a cross-sectional sample of self-reported Hispanic physicians practicing in New Mexico, and who were members of the New Mexico Hispanic Medical Society in the year 2001. Domains of interest included counseling practices, self-efficacy, attitudes/responsibility, and knowledge/skills. Returned surveys were analyzed to obtain frequencies and descriptive statistics for each survey item. Other analyses included: bivariate Pearson's correlation, factorial ANOVAs, and multiple linear regressions. RESULTS: Respondents (n = 45) reported a low level of compliance with tobacco control guidelines and recommendations. Results indicate that physicians' familiarity with standard cessation protocols has a significant effect on their tobacco-related practices (r = .35, variance shared = 12%). Self-efficacy and gender were both significantly correlated to tobacco related practices (r = .42, variance shared = 17%). A significant correlation was also found between self-efficacy and knowledge/skills (r = .60, variance shared = 36%). Attitudes/responsibility was not significantly correlated with any of the other measures. CONCLUSION: More resources should be dedicated to training Hispanic physicians in tobacco intervention. Training may facilitate practice by increasing knowledge, developing skills and, ultimately, enhancing feelings of self-efficacy.


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In extracts of senescent leaves of the tobacco plant Nicotiana rustica, two colorless compounds with UV/VIS characteristics of nonfluorescent chlorophyll catabolites (NCCs) were detected and tentatively identified as Nr-NCCs. These two polar NCCs were found in similar amounts in the fresh extracts, and their constitutions could be determined by spectroscopic analysis. The data showed both of the two Nr-NCCs to have the same tetrapyrrolic core structure, as reported previously for all other NCCs from senescent higher plants. In the less polar catabolite, named Nr-NCC-2, this core structure was conjugated with a glucopyranose unit, as similarly discovered earlier in Bn-NCC-2, an NCC from oilseed rape (Brassica napus). The more polar NCC from tobacco leaves, Nr-NCC-1, carried an additional malonyl substituent at the 6′-OH group of the glucopyranosyl moiety. Partial (enzyme-catalyzed) hydrolysis of Nr-NCC-1 gave Nr-NCC-2, while enzyme-catalyzed malonylation of Nr-NCC-2 gave Nr-NCC-1, establishing the identity of their basic tetrapyrrole structure. In earlier work (on the polar NCCs from oilseed rape), only separate glucopyranosyl and malonyl functionalities were detected. Nr-NCC-1, thus, represents a further variant of the structures of NCCs from senescent higher plants and exhibits an unprecedented peripheral refunctionalization in chlorophyll catabolites.


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In the last thirty years, increasing efforts have been made to reduce the prevalence of adolescent tobacco use in the United States. Although the prevalence has declined dramatically over the past decade, there are still sharp differences in adolescent smoking-initiation rates across racial/ethnic groups. Large-scale surveys frequently assess smoking-related attitudes, self-efficacy, and intentions to explain the differences in smoking rates between African Americans and Whites. However, there is little agreement about which constructs are significant. Moreover, the psychometric properties of smoking-related attitude, self-efficacy, and intention constructs have not been fully examined. More studies are needed to understand existing patterns of tobacco use and to validate and fully exploit the constructs' relationship to adolescent smoking initiation across racial/ethnic groups. ^ This dissertation reports on a secondary analysis of data from a large multi-ethnic convenience sample of sixth- through eighth-grade students in 22 schools in East Texas and the city of Houston. The specific aims of this dissertation were to (1) describe smoking and alternate tobacco product use rates by race/ethnicity, gender, age, and grade level (Article 1); (2) test the factorial validity of smoking-related attitudes, self-efficacy, and intentions using confirmatory factor analysis techniques (Article 2); and (3) test the factorial invariance of smoking-related attitudes, self-efficacy, and intentions between African Americans and Whites (Article 3). ^ The prevalence findings confirm the disparities in tobacco use among African American, Hispanic, and White adolescents that other surveys have reported (Article 1). This study also demonstrates the usefulness of examining use patterns of not only cigarettes but also alternative tobacco products in younger multiethnic populations, as well as of providing epidemiological data estimates about different phases of smoking. The confirmatory factor analysis provides evidence of construct validity of attitude, self-efficacy, and intention scales for the multiethnic sample (Article 2). Finally, the factorial invariance analyses indicates that some measures representing smoking-related attitudes, self-efficacy, and intentions may not be appropriate for use among both African Americans and Whites (Article 3). Additional research is needed to further our understanding of the patterns and predictors of youth tobacco use initiation. ^


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This study is a secondary analysis of a survey developed by Dr. Jimmy Perkins and administered by San Antonio/Bexar County Metropolitan Health District. The survey was developed subsequent to the implementation of the city smoking ordinance effective January 1, 2004. The survey had a multi-purpose plan to establish the number of restaurants having smoke free status prior to and following the ordinance, determine compliance as it relates to a necessary smoking section and proper signage, and expose the rationale for restaurants to become smoke free. The data resulting from the survey was presented to the San Antonio/Bexar County Metropolitan Health District. The summary presented the types of establishments surveyed, smoking status of the establishment, reasons for the establishment becoming smoke free, compliance with smoking sections, compliance with signage requirements, awareness of ordinance, and chain status of the establishment. ^ The results of this study display the relationships among the variables previously mentioned. The following relationships have been examined and the outcomes have determined whether each is significant. After careful analysis, knowledge translates into compliance with signage regulations, which then translate into ordinance compliance. Size does matter as it relates to an establishment's number of employees and seating capacity. The smaller the establishment the more likely the establishment is to have become smoke free before the ordinance went into effect. Restaurants, rather than fast food establishments most commonly cited their reason for becoming smoke free was to comply with the ordinance and only ten percent of restaurants gave policy as the main reason for becoming smoke free. ^ This study is important for public health because the negative health effects of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) are still an overwhelming problem in the United States (3). ETS is a Known Human Group A Carcinogen (5). The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has estimated that around 3,000 non-smoking Americans die every year from lung cancer caused by ETS (6). This information illustrates the importance of providing smoke free establishments, especially to non-smoking patrons. ^


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During the last three decades considerable attention has been placed on the reduction of tobacco use due to cigarette smoking. During this time, studies have been funded and programs have been developed that focus on both prevention and cessation of cigarette smoking. This intense focus has led to a significant decline in cigarette smoking. But now, use of another form of tobacco--smokeless tobacco--is gaining in popularity.^ In 1989, the National Cancer Institute funded a research study at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, called Working Well, to develop, implement, and evaluate worksite health promotion programs aimed at reducing cancer risks. As part of this program, a behavioral intervention for smokeless tobacco use was developed. This dissertation evaluates the impact of that behavioral change intervention for smokeless tobacco use.^ Data collected during the Working Well program were analyzed to determine the effect of the intervention. The primary outcomes analyzed were smokeless tobacco cessation, stages of change movement, and prevalence. The secondary outcomes analyzed included the prediction of smokeless tobacco use, stage movement, and cessation. Primary outcome analyses were conducted using the worksite as the unit of analysis, while the secondary analyses were conducted using the individual as the unit of analysis.^ Approximately 20% of the male population used smokeless tobacco. Results of intervention analyses indicate that the Working Well program produced no intervention effect on any of the primary outcomes. At the final observation, the experimental worksites achieved a quit rate of 27%, while the control worksites achieved a quit rate of 26% (P = 0.78). Stage movement for the experimental worksites was 49%, while the control worksites experienced stage movement of 43% (P = 0.20). The results of the analyses on smokeless tobacco prevalence followed the same pattern. Predictors of smokeless tobacco use, cessation, and stage movement were also identified.^ Based on the results found in this study, smokeless tobacco should remain a research priority. Future research should focus on smokeless tobacco use, including the identification of the determinants of smokeless tobacco use and the development of measures and effective intervention strategies. ^


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Burley tobacco production in Malawi was liberalized to permit production by smallholders in the early 1990s. The purpose of this paper is to show which smallholders began producing burley tobacco after liberalization and which smallholders still continue to produce it. Analysis of the characteristics of burley tobacco producers shows that only smallholders who had adequate farm size and adequate funds could start to produce it. With regard to the farm size requirements, only smallholders who had enough acreage to sell tobacco on the auction floors and who had enough acreage to rotate crops could start to produce. With regard to the financial requirements, only smallholders who could procure funds through informal institutions or who possessed their own capital to meet the necessary agricultural expenditures could start. So, it was only the wealthy households which could start to produce tobacco after liberalization and continue to produce it.


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Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi NCPPB 3335 causes olive knot disease and is a model pathogen for exploring bacterial infection of woody hosts. The type III secretion system (T3SS) effector repertoire of this strain includes 31 effector candidates plus two novel candidates identified in this study which have not been reported to translocate into plant cells. In this work, we demonstrate the delivery of seven NCPPB 3335 effectors into Nicotiana tabacum leaves, including three proteins from two novel families of the P. syringae complex effector super-repertoire (HopBK and HopBL), one of which comprises two proteins (HopBL1 and HopBL2) that harbor a SUMO protease domain. When delivered by P. fluorescens heterologously expressing a P. syringae T3SS, all seven effectors were found to suppress the production of defense-associated reactive oxygen species. Moreover, six of these effectors, including the truncated versions of HopAA1 and HopAZ1 encoded by NCPPB 3335, suppressed callose deposition. The expression of HopAZ1 and HopBL1 by functionally effectorless P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000D28E inhibited the hypersensitive response in tobacco and, additionally, expression of HopBL2 by this strain significantly increased its competitiveness in N. benthamiana. DNA sequences encoding HopBL1 and HopBL2 were uniquely detected in a collection of 31 P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi strains and other P. syringae strains isolated from woody hosts, suggesting a relevant role of these two effectors in bacterial interactions with olive and other woody plants.


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Protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase is the last enzyme in the common pathway of heme and chlorophyll synthesis and provides precursor for the mitochondrial and plastidic heme synthesis and the predominant chlorophyll synthesis in plastids. We cloned two different, full-length tobacco cDNA sequences by complementation of the protoporphyrin-IX-accumulating Escherichia coli hemG mutant from heme auxotrophy. The two sequences show similarity to the recently published Arabidopsis PPOX, Bacillus subtilis hemY, and to mammalian sequences encoding protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase. One cDNA sequence encodes a 548-amino acid residues protein with a putative transit sequence of 50 amino acid residues, and the second cDNA encodes a protein of 504 amino acid residues. Both deduced protein sequences share 27.2% identical amino acid residues. The first in vitro translated protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase could be translocated to plastids, and the approximately 53-kDa mature protein was detected in stroma and membrane fraction. The second enzyme was targeted to mitochondria without any detectable reduction in size. Localization of both enzymes in subcellular fractions was immunologically confirmed. Steady-state RNA analysis indicates an almost synchronous expression of both genes during tobacco plant development, greening of young seedlings, and diurnal and circadian growth. The mature plastidal and the mitochondrial isoenzyme were overexpressed in E. coli. Bacterial extracts containing the recombinant mitochondrial enzyme exhibit high protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase activity relative to control strains, whereas the plastidal enzyme could only be expressed as an inactive peptide. The data presented confirm a compartmentalized pathway of tetrapyrrole synthesis with protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase in plastids and mitochondria.


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Protein translocation into peroxisomes takes place via recognition of a peroxisomal targeting signal present at either the extreme C termini (PTS1) or N termini (PTS2) of matrix proteins. In mammals and yeast, the peroxisomal targeting signal receptor, Pex5p, recognizes the PTS1 consisting of -SKL or variants thereof. Although many plant peroxisomal matrix proteins are transported through the PTS1 pathway, little is known about the PTS1 receptor or any other peroxisome assembly protein from plants. We cloned tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cDNAs encoding Pex5p (NtPEX5) based on the protein’s interaction with a PTS1-containing protein in the yeast two-hybrid system. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that the tobacco Pex5p contains seven tetratricopeptide repeats and that NtPEX5 shares greater sequence similarity with its homolog from humans than from yeast. Expression of NtPEX5 fusion proteins, consisting of the N-terminal part of yeast Pex5p and the C-terminal region of NtPEX5, in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae pex5 mutant restored protein translocation into peroxisomes. These experiments confirmed the identity of the tobacco protein as a PTS1 receptor and indicated that components of the peroxisomal translocation apparatus are conserved functionally. Two-hybrid assays showed that NtPEX5 interacts with a wide range of PTS1 variants that also interact with the human Pex5p. Interestingly, the C-terminal residues of some of these peptides deviated from the established plant PTS1 consensus sequence. We conclude that there are significant sequence and functional similarities between the plant and human Pex5ps.


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Intercellular spaces are often the first sites invaded by pathogens. In the spaces of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)-infected and necrotic lesion-forming tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) leaves, we found that an inducer for acidic pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins was accumulated. The induction activity was recovered in gel-filtrated fractions of low molecular mass with a basic nature, into which authentic spermine (Spm) was eluted. We quantified polyamines in the intercellular spaces of the necrotic lesion-forming leaves and found 20-fold higher levels of free Spm than in healthy leaves. Among several polyamines tested, exogenously supplied Spm induced acidic PR-1 gene expression. Immunoblot analysis showed that Spm treatment increased not only acidic PR-1 but also acidic PR-2, PR-3, and PR-5 protein accumulation. Treatment of healthy tobacco leaves with salicylic acid (SA) caused no significant increase in the level of endogenous Spm, and Spm did not increase the level of endogenous SA, suggesting that induction of acidic PR proteins by Spm is independent of SA. The size of TMV-induced local lesions was reduced by Spm treatment. These results indicate that Spm accumulates outside of cells after lesion formation and induces both acidic PR proteins and resistance against TMV via a SA-independent signaling pathway.


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The regulation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activity by 2-carboxyarabinitol 1-phosphate (CA1P) was investigated using gas-exchange analysis of antisense tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants containing reduced levels of Rubisco activase. When an increase in light flux from darkness to 1200 μmol quanta m−2 s−1 was followed, the slow increase in CO2 assimilation by antisense leaves contained two phases: one represented the activation of the noncarbamylated form of Rubisco, which was described previously, and the other represented the activation of the CA1P-inhibited form of Rubisco. We present evidence supporting this conclusion, including the observation that this second phase, like CA1P, is only present following darkness or very low light flux. In addition, the second phase of CO2 assimilation was correlated with leaf CA1P content. When this novel phase was resolved from the CO2 assimilation trace, most of it was found to have kinetics similar to the activation of the noncarbamylated form of Rubisco. Additionally, kinetics of the novel phase indicated that the activation of the CA1P-inhibited form of Rubisco proceeds faster than the degradation of CA1P by CA1P phosphatase. These results may be significant with respect to current models of the regulation of Rubisco activity by Rubisco activase.


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Peroxidizing herbicides inhibit protoporphyrinogen oxidase (Protox), the last enzyme of the common branch of the chlorophyll- and heme-synthesis pathways. There are two isoenzymes of Protox, one of which is located in the plastid and the other in the mitochondria. Sequence analysis of the cloned Protox cDNAs showed that the deduced amino acid sequences of plastidial and mitochondrial Protox in wild-type cells and in herbicide-resistant YZI-1S cells are the same. The level of plastidial Protox mRNA was the same in both wild-type and YZI-1S cells, whereas the level of mitochondrial Protox mRNA YZI-1S cells was up to 10 times the level of wild-type cells. Wild-type cells were observed by fluorescence microscopy to emit strong autofluorescence from chlorophyll. Only a weak fluorescence signal was observed from chlorophyll in YZI-1S cells grown in the Protox inhibitor N-(4-chloro-2-fluoro-5-propagyloxy)-phenyl-3,4,5,6-tetrahydrophthalimide. Staining with DiOC6 showed no visible difference in the number or strength of fluorescence between wild-type and YZI-1S mitochondria. Electron micrography of YZI-1S cells showed that, in contrast to wild-type cells, the chloroplasts of YZI-1S cells grown in the presence of N-(4-chloro-2-fluoro-5-propagyloxy)-phenyl-3,4,5,6-tetrahydrophthalimide exhibited no grana stacking. These results suggest that the herbicide resistance of YZI-1S cells is due to the overproduction of mitochondrial Protox.