332 resultados para Tms


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The wettability of newly developed Sn-2.8Ag-0.5Cu-1.0Bi lead-free solder on Cu and Ni substrates was assessed through the wetting balance tests. The wettability assessment parameters such as contact angle (ϑc) and maximum wetting force (Fw) were documented for three solder bath temperatures with three commercial fluxes, namely, no-clean (NC), nonactivated (R), and water-soluble organic acid flux (WS). It was found that the lead-free Sn-2.8Ag-0.5Cu-1.0Bi solder exhibited less wetting force, i.e., poorer wettability, than the conventional Sn-37Pb solder for all flux types and solder bath temperatures. The wettability of Sn-2.8Ag-0.5Cu-1.0Bi lead-free solder on Cu substrate was much higher than that on Ni substrate. Nonwetting for Sn-2.8Ag-0.5Cu-1.0Bi and Sn-Pb solders on Ni substrate occurred when R-type flux was used. A model was built and simulations were performed for the wetting balance test. The simulation results were found very close to the experimental results. It was also observed that larger values of immersion depth resulted in a decrease of the wetting force and corresponding meniscus height, whereas the increase in substrate perimeter enhanced the wettability. The wetting reactions between the solder and Cu/Ni substrates were also investigated, and it was found that Cu atoms diffused into the solder through the intermetallic compounds (IMCs) much faster than did the Ni atoms. Rapid formation of IMCs inhibited the wettability of Sn-2.8Ag-0.5Cu-1.0Bi solder compared to the Sn-Pb solder.


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The main goal of a cell stability MHD model like MHD-Valdis is to help locate the busbars around the cell in a way which leads to the generation of a magnetic field inside the cell that itself leads to a stable cell operation. Yet as far as the cell stability is concerned, the uniformity of the current density in the metal pad is also extremely important and can only be achieved with a correct busbar network sizing. This work compares the usage of a detailed ANSYS based 3D thermo-electric model with the one of the versatile 1D part of MHD-Valdis to help design a well balanced busbar network.


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The tilt-casting method is used to achieve tranquil filling of gamma-TiAl turbine blades. The reactive alloy is melted in a cold crucible using an induction coil and then the complete crucible-mould- running system assembly is rotated through 180degrees to transfer the metal into the mould. The induction current is ramped down gradually as the rotation starts and the mould is preheated to maintain superheat. The liquid metal then enters the mould and the gas within it (argon) escapes through the inlet aperture and through auxiliary vents. Solidification starts as soon the metal enters the mould and it is important to account for this effect to predict and prevent misruns. The rotation rate has to be controlled carefully to allow sufficient time for gas evacuation, but at the same time preserve superheat. This 3-phase system is modelled using the FV method, with a fast implicit numerical scheme used to capture the transient liquid free surface. The enthalpy method is used to model solidification and predict defects such as trapped bubbles, macro-porosity or surface connected porosity. Modeling is used to support an experimental program for the development of a production method for gamma-TiAl blades, with a target length of 40cm. The experiments provide validation for the model and the model in turn optimizes the tilt-casting process. The work is part of the EU project IMPRESS.


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The MHD wave instability in commercial cells for electrolytic aluminium production is often described using ‘shallow water’ models. The model [1] is extended for a variable height cathode bottom and anode top to account for realistic cell features. The variable depth of the two fluid layers affects the horizontal current density, the wave development and the stability threshold. Instructive examples for the 500 kA cell are presented.


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Metal powder in the range of 10-100 microns is widely employed in the production of Raney nickel type catalysts for hydrogenation reactions and hydrogen fuel cell manufacture. In this presentation we examine the modelling of powder production in a gas atomisation vessel using CFD techniques. In a fully coupled Lagrangian-Eulerian two phase scheme, liquid meal particles are tracked through the vessel following atomisation of a liquid nickel-aluminium stream. There is full momentum, heat and turbulence transport between particles and surrounding argon gas and the model predicts the position of solidification depending on particle size and undercooled condition. Maps of collision probability of particles at different stages of solidification are computed, to predict the creation of satellite defects, or to initiate solidification of undercooled droplets. The model is used to support experimental work conducted under the ESA/EU project IMPRESS.


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Although it has long been supposed that resistance training causes adaptive changes in the CNS, the sites and nature of these adaptations have not previously been identified. In order to determine whether the neural adaptations to resistance training occur to a greater extent at cortical or subcortical sites in the CNS, we compared the effects of resistance training on the electromyographic (EMG) responses to transcranial magnetic (TMS) and electrical (TES) stimulation. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were recorded from the first dorsal interosseous muscle of 16 individuals before and after 4 weeks of resistance training for the index finger abductors (n=8), or training involving finger abduction-adduction without external resistance (n=8). TMS was delivered at rest at intensities from 5% below the passive threshold to the maximal output of the stimulator. TMS and TES were also delivered at the active threshold intensity while the participants exerted torques ranging from 5 to 60% of their maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) torque. The average latency of MEPs elicited by TES was significantly shorter than that of TMS MEPs (TES latency=21.5+/-1.4 ms; TMS latency=23.4+/-1.4 ms; P


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The purpose of this experiment was to assess the test-retest reliability of input-output parameters of the cortico-spinal pathway derived from transcranial magnetic (TMS) and electrical (TES) stimulation at rest and during muscle contraction. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were recorded from the first dorsal interosseous muscle of eight individuals on three separate days. The intensity of TMS at rest was varied from 5% below threshold to the maximal output of the stimulator. During trials in which the muscle was active, TMS and TES intensities were selected that elicited MEPs of between 150 and 300 X at rest. MEPs were evoked while the participants exerted torques up to 50% of their maximum capacity. The relationship between MEP size and stimulus intensity at rest was sigmoidal (R-2 = 0.97). Intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) ranged between 0.47 and 0.81 for the parameters of the sigmoid function. For the active trials, the slope and intercept of regression equations of MEP size on level of background contraction were obtained more reliably for TES (ICC = 0.63 and 0.78, respectively) than for TMS (ICC = 0.50 and 0.53, respectively), These results suggest that input-output parameters of the cortico-spinal pathway may be reliably obtained via transcranial stimulation during longitudinal investigations of cortico-spinal plasticity. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Modulations in the excitability of spinal reflex pathways during passive rhythmic movements of the lower limb have been demonstrated by a number of previous studies [4]. Less emphasis has been placed on the role of supraspinal pathways during passive movement, and on tasks involving the upper limb. In the present study, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was delivered to subjects while undergoing passive flexion-extension movements of the contralateral wrist. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) of flexor carpi radialis (FCR) and abductor pollicus brevis (APB) muscles were recorded. Stimuli were delivered in eight phases of the movement cycle during three different frequencies of movement. Evidence of marked modulations in pathway excitability was found in the MEP amplitudes of the FCR muscle, with responses inhibited and facilitated from static values in the extension and flexion phases, respectively. The results indicated that at higher frequencies of movement there was greater modulation in pathway excitability. Paired-pulse TMS (sub-threshold conditioning) at short interstimulus intervals revealed modulations in the extent of inhibition in MEP amplitude at high movement frequencies. In the APE muscle, there was some evidence of phasic modulations of response amplitude, although the effects were less marked than those observed in FCR. It is speculated that these modulatory effects are mediated via Ia afferent pathways and arise as a consequence of the induced forearm muscle shortening and lengthening. Although the level at which this input influences the corticomotoneuronal pathway is difficult to discern, a contribution from cortical regions is suggested. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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Performing two tasks simultaneously often degrades performance of one or both tasks. While this dual-task interference is classically interpreted in terms of shared attentional resources, where two motor tasks are performed simultaneously interactions within primary motor cortex (i.e., activity-dependent coupling) may also be a contributing factor. In the present study TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) was used to examine the contribution of activity-dependent coupling to dual-task interference during concurrent performance of a bimanual coordination task and a discrete probe reaction time (RT) task involving the foot. Experiments 1 and 2 revealed that activity-dependent coupling within the leg corticomotor pathway was greater during dual-task performance than single-task performance, and this was associated with interference on the probe RT task (i.e., increased RT). Experiment 3 revealed that dual-task interference occurred regardless of whether the dual-task involved two motor tasks or a motor and cognitive task, however activity-dependent coupling was present only when a dual motor task was performed. This suggests that activity-dependent coupling is less detrimental to performance than attentional processes operating upstream of the corticomotor system. Finally, while prioritising the RT task reduced, but did not eliminate, dual-task interference the contribution of activity-dependent coupling to dual-task interference was not affected by task prioritisation. This suggests that although activity-dependent coupling may contribute to dual motor-task interference, attentional processes appear to be more important. It also suggests that activity-dependent coupling may not be subject to modulation by attentional processes. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Previous studies using low frequency (1 Hz) rTMS over the motor and premotor cortex have examined repetitive movements, but focused either on motor aspects of performance such as movement speed, or on variability of the produced intervals. A novel question is whether TMS affects the synchronization of repetitive movements with an external cue (sensorimotor synchronization). In the present study participants synchronized finger taps with the tones of an auditory metronome. The aim of the study was to examine whether motor and premotor cortical inhibition induced by rTMS affects timing aspects of synchronization performance such as the coupling between the tap and the tone and error correction after a metronome perturbation. Metronome sequences included perturbations corresponding to a change in the duration of a single interval (phase shifts) that were either small and below the threshold for conscious perception (10 ms) or large and perceivable (50 ms). Both premotor and motor cortex stimulation induced inhibition, as reflected in a lengthening of the silent period. Neither motor nor premotor cortex rTMS altered error correction after a phase shift. However, motor cortex stimulation made participants tap closer to the tone, yielding a decrease in tap-tone asynchrony. This provides the first neurophysiological demonstration of a dissociation between error correction and tap-tone asynchrony in sensorimotor synchronization. We discuss the results in terms of current theories of timing and error correction.


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Human motor behaviour is continually modified on the basis of errors between desired and actual movement outcomes. It is emerging that the role played by the primary motor cortex (M1) in this process is contingent upon a variety of factors, including the nature of the task being performed, and the stage of learning. Here we used repetitive TMS to test the hypothesis that M1 is intimately involved in the initial phase of sensorimotor adaptation. Inhibitory theta burst stimulation was applied to M1 prior to a task requiring modification of torques generated about the elbow/forearm complex in response to rotations of a visual feedback display. Participants were first exposed to a 30° clockwise (CW) rotation (Block A), then a 60° counterclockwise rotation (Block B), followed immediately by a second block of 30° CW rotation (A2). In the STIM condition, participants received 20s of continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) prior to the initial A Block. In the conventional (CON) condition, no stimulation was applied. The overt characteristics of performance in the two conditions were essentially equivalent with respect to the errors exhibited upon exposure to a new variant of the task. There were however, profound differences between the conditions in the latency of response preparation, and the excitability of corticospinal projections from M1, which accompanied phases of de-adaptation and re-adaptation (during Blocks B and A2). Upon subsequent exposure to the A rotation 24h later, the rate of re-adaptation was lower in the stimulation condition than that present in the conventional condition. These results support the assertion that primary motor cortex assumes a key role in a network that mediates adaptation to visuomotor perturbation, and emphasise that it is engaged functionally during the early phase of learning.


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Sex steroids contribute to modulate GH secretion in man. However, both the exact locus and mechanism by which their actions are exerted still remain not clearly understood. We undertook a number of studies designed to ascertain: (1) whether or not sudden or chronic changes in circulating gonadal steroids may affect GH secretion in normal adults; and (2) the reason(s) for gender-related dimorphic pattern of GH release. The pituitary reserve of GH, as evaluated by means of a GHRH challenge, was similar in women with anorexia nervosa and in normally menstruating women. Estrogenic receptor blockade with tamoxifen (TMX) did not significantly change GHRH-induced GH response in these normal women. Therefore, acute or chronic hypoestrogenism apparently had no important effects at level of somatotrophs. In another group of normal women we tested the possibility that changes in circulating estrogens might induce changes in the hypothalamic-somatotroph rhythm (HSR). GHRH challenges were performed throughout a menstrual cycle, and again after having achieved functional ovarian blockade with a GnRH agonist treatment. Short-term ovarian blockade did not significantly affect the parameters of GH response to GHRH, although it was accompanied by an increase in the number of women ina refractory HSR phase at testing. This suggested a low potentiating effect on the basic pattern of somatostatin (SS) release occurring as a consequence of the decrease in circulating estrogens. In normal men, neither the GH response to GHRH nor the HSR were affected by functional testicular blockade (after GnRH agonist treatment). However, the administration of testosterone enanthate (250 mg) to another group of men increased both the GHRH-induced GH release and the number of subjects in a spontaneous secretory HSR phase at testing; these were reversed by estrogenic receptor blockade with TMS. In another group of normal men, the fraction of GH secreted in pulses (FGHP) during a nocturnal sampling period was significantly decreased by testicular blockade. Other parameters of GH secretion, such as the number of GH pulses and their mean amplitude (A), and the mean plasma GH concentration (MCGH), showed a slight, although not significant, decrease following the lack of androgens. The administration of testosterone enanthate (500 mg) reversed these parameters to values similar to those in the basal study. Interestingly, when tamoxifen was given after testosterone enanthate, A, MCGH and FGHP increased to values significantly higher than in any other experimental condition in that study. In all, these data suggest that 17ß-estradiol may participate in GH modulation by inhibiting the hypothalamic release of somatostatin, while testosterone stimulates it. The results obtained after estrogenic receptor blockade appear to indicate that the effect of testosterone in such a modulation is dependent on its aromatization to 17ß-estradiol. The differential levels of this steroid in both sexes might account for the sexual dimorphic pattern of GH secretion. From other data in the literature, obtained in rats, and our preliminary data in children with constitutional delay of growth and puberty, it is tempting to speculate that the effect of 17ß-estradiol may be exerted by modifying the functional activity of a-2 adrenergic pathways involved in the negative modulation of SS release.