947 resultados para Time of transport


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In the Time of the Butterflies é um romance da escritora dominicana-americana Julia Alvarez sobre a vida e a morte das Borboletas, Las Mariposas, codinome das irmãs Mirabal, membros de um movimento clandestino contra o regime ditatorial de Rafael Leonidas Trujillo na República Dominicana, que se tornaram símbolos da luta contra o Trujillato depois de serem assassinadas a mando do ditador. Essa dissertação tem como objetivo expor como forma literária e contexto social estão diretamente relacionados nesse romance. Ela defende a ideia de que o borramento de três gêneros literários distintos metaficção historiográfica, autobiografia e bildungsroman reflete o questionamento das fronteiras entre o privado e o público, o pessoal e o político, o eu e o outro, o individual e o coletivo, a literatura e a história, fato e ficção e história e subjetividade. Ela também tenta mostrar como a problematização dessas dicotomias implica na contestação de noções pré-concebidas de identidade, história e nação


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We have investigated a resonant refractive nonlinearity in a semiconductor waveguide by measuring intensity dependent phase shifts and bias-dependent recovery times. The measurements were performed on an optimized 750-μm-long AR coated buried heterostructure MQW p-i-n waveguide with a bandedge at 1.48 μm. Figure 1 shows the experimental arrangement. The mode-locked color center laser was tuned to 50 meV beyond the bandedge and 8 ps pulses with peak incident power up to 57 W were coupled into the waveguide. Some residual bandtail absorption remains at this wavelength and this is sufficient to cause carriers to be photogenerated and these give rise to a refractive nonlinearity, predominantly by plasma and bandfilling effects. A Fabry-Perot interferometer is used to measure the spectrum of the light which exits the waveguide. The nonlinearity within the guide causes self phase modulation (SPM) of the light and a study of the spectrum allows information to be recovered on the magnitude and recovery time of the nonlinear phase shift with a reasonable degree of accuracy. SPM spectra were recorded for a variety of pulse energies coupled into he unbiased waveguide. Figure 2 shows the resultant phase shift measured from the SPM spectra as a function of pulse energy. The relationship is a linear one, indicating that no saturation of the nonlinearity occurs for coupled pulse energies up to 230 pJ. A π phase shift, the minimum necessary for an all-optical switch, is obtained for a coupled pulse energy of 57 pJ while the maximum phase shift, 4 π, was measured for 230 pJ. The SPM spectra were highly asymmetric with pulse energy shifted to higher frequencies. Such spectra are characteristic of a slow, negative nonlinearity. This relatively slow speed is expected for the unbiased guide as the recovery time will be of the order of the recombination time of the photogenerated electrons, about 1 ns for InGaAsP material. In order to reduce the recovery time of the nonlinearity, it is necessary to remove the photogenerated carriers from the waveguide by a process other than recombination. One such technique is to apply a reverse bias to the waveguide in order to sweep the carriers out. Figure 3 shows the effect on the recovery time of the nonlinearity of applying reverse bias to the waveguide for 230 pJ coupled power. The recovery time was reduced from one much longer than the length of the pulse, estimated to be about 1 ns, at zero bias to 18 ± 3 ps for a bias voltage greater than -4 V. This compares with a value of 24 ps obtained in a bulk waveguide.


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AC loss can be a significant problem for any applications that utilize or produce an AC current or magnetic field, such as an electric machine. The authors are currently investigating the electromagnetic properties of high temperature superconductors with a particular focus on the AC loss in coils made from YBCO superconductors. In this paper, a 2D finite element model based on the H formulation is introduced. The model is then used to calculate the transport AC loss using both a bulk approximation and modeling the individual turns in a racetrack-shaped coil. The coil model is based on the superconducting stator coils used in the University of Cambridge EPEC Superconductivity Group's superconducting permanent magnet synchronous motor design. The transport AC loss of a stator coil is measured using an electrical method based on inductive compensation using a variable mutual inductance. The simulated results are compared with the experimental results, verifying the validity of the model, and ways to improve the accuracy of the model are discussed. © 2010 IEEE.


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Theoretical and experimental AC loss data on a superconducting pancake coil wound using second generation (2 G) conductors are presented. An anisotropic critical state model is used to calculate critical current and the AC losses of a superconducting pancake coil. In the coil there are two regions, the critical state region and the subcritical region. The model assumes that in the subcritical region the flux lines are parallel to the tape wide face. AC losses of the superconducting pancake coil are calculated using this model. Both calorimetric and electrical techniques were used to measure AC losses in the coil. The calorimetric method is based on measuring the boil-off rate of liquid nitrogen. The electric method used a compensation circuit to eliminate the inductive component to measure the loss voltage of the coil. The experimental results are consistent with the theoretical calculations thus validating the anisotropic critical state model for loss estimations in the superconducting pancake coil. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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Image-based (i.e., photo/videogrammetry) and time-of-flight-based (i.e., laser scanning) technologies are typically used to collect spatial data of infrastructure. In order to help architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industries make cost-effective decisions in selecting between these two technologies with respect to their settings, this paper makes an attempt to measure the accuracy, quality, time efficiency, and cost of applying image-based and time-of-flight-based technologies to conduct as-built 3D reconstruction of infrastructure. In this paper, a novel comparison method is proposed, and preliminary experiments are conducted. The results reveal that if the accuracy and quality level desired for a particular application is not high (i.e., error < 10 cm, and completeness rate > 80%), image-based technologies constitute a good alternative for time-of-flight-based technologies and significantly reduce the time and cost needed for collecting the data on site.


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Image-based (i.e., photo/videogrammetry) and time-of-flight-based (i.e., laser scanning) technologies are typically used to collect spatial data of infrastructure. In order to help architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industries make cost-effective decisions in selecting between these two technologies with respect to their settings, this paper makes an attempt to measure the accuracy, quality, time efficiency, and cost of applying image-based and time-of-flight-based technologies to conduct as-built 3D reconstruction of infrastructure. In this paper, a novel comparison method is proposed, and preliminary experiments are conducted. The results reveal that if the accuracy and quality level desired for a particular application is not high (i.e., error < 10 cm, and completeness rate > 80%), image-based technologies constitute a good alternative for time-of-flight-based technologies and significantly reduce the time and cost needed for collecting the data on site.


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HTS racetrack coils are becoming important elements of an emerging number of superconducting devices such as generators or motors. In these devices the issue of AC loss is crucial, as performance and cooling power are derived from this quantity. This paper presents a comparative study of transport AC loss in two different types of 2G HTS racetrack coils. In this study, both experimental measurements and computer simulation approaches were employed. All the experiments were performed using classical AC electrical method. The finite-element computer model was used to estimate electromagnetic properties and calculate transport AC loss. The main difference between the characterized coils is covered inside tape architectures. While one coil uses tape based on RABITS magnetic substrate, the second coil uses a non-magnetic tape. Ferromagnetic loss caused by a magnetic substrate is an important issue involved in the total AC loss. As a result, the coil with the magnetic substrate surprised with high AC loss and rather low performance. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.