970 resultados para Time equivalent approach


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More and more software projects today are security-related in one way or the other. Requirements engineers often fail to recognise indicators for security problems which is a major source of security problems in practice. Identifying security-relevant requirements is labour-intensive and errorprone. In order to facilitate the security requirements elicitation process, we present an approach supporting organisational learning on security requirements by establishing company-wide experience resources, and a socio-technical network to benefit from them. The approach is based on modelling the flow of requirements and related experiences. Based on those models, we enable people to exchange experiences about security-requirements while they write and discuss project requirements. At the same time, the approach enables participating stakeholders to learn while they write requirements. This can increase security awareness and facilitate learning on both individual and organisational levels. As a basis for our approach, we introduce heuristic assistant tools which support reuse of existing security-related experiences. In particular, they include Bayesian classifiers which issue a warning automatically when new requirements seem to be security-relevant. Our results indicate that this is feasible, in particular if the classifier is trained with domain specific data and documents from previous projects. We show how the ability to identify security-relevant requirements can be improved using this approach. We illustrate our approach by providing a step-by-step example of how we improved the security requirements engineering process at the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and report on experiences made in this application.


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This thesis revealed the most importance factors shaping the distribution, abundance and genetic diversity of four marine foundation species. Environmental conditions, particularly sea temperatures, nutrient availability and ocean waves, played a primary role in shaping the spatial distribution and abundance of populations, acting on scales varying from tens of meters to hundreds of kilometres. Furthermore, the use of Species Distribution Models (SDMs) with biological records of occurrence and high-resolution oceanographic data, allowed predicting species distributions across time. This approach highlighted the role of climate change, particularly when extreme temperatures prevailed during glacial and interglacial periods. These results, when combined with mtDNA and microsatellite genetic variation of populations allowed inferring for the influence of past range dynamics in the genetic diversity and structure of populations. For instance, the Last Glacial Maximum produced important shifts in species ranges, leaving obvious signatures of higher genetic diversities in regions where populations persisted (i.e., refugia). However, it was found that a species’ genetic pool is shaped by regions of persistence, adjacent to others experiencing expansions and contractions. Contradicting expectations, refugia seem to play a minor role on the re(colonization) process of previously eroded populations. In addition, the available habitat area for expanding populations and the inherent mechanisms of species dispersal in occupying available habitats were also found to be fundamental in shaping the distributions of genetic diversity. However, results suggest that the high levels of genetic diversity in some populations do not rule out that they may have experienced strong genetic erosion in the past, a process here named shifting genetic baselines. Furthermore, this thesis predicted an ongoing retraction at the rear edges and extinctions of unique genetic lineages, which will impoverish the global gene pool, strongly shifting the genetic baselines in the future.


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This study investigates the impact of liquidity crises on the relationship between stock (value and size) premiums and default risk in the US market. It first examines whether financial distress can explain value and size premiums, and then, subsequently, aims to determine whether liquidity crises increase the risk of value and size premium investment strategies. The study employs a time-varying approach and a sample of US stock returns for the period between January 1982 and March 2011, a period which includes the current liquidity crisis, so as to examine the relationship between default risk, liquidity crises and value and size premiums. The findings indicate that the default premium has explanatory power for value and size and premiums, which affect firms with different characteristics. We also find that liquidity crises may actually increase the risks related to size and value premium strategies.


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The Ladinian Cassina beds belong to the fossiliferous levels of the world-famous Middle Triassic Monte San Giorgio Lagerstatte (UNESCO World Heritage List, Canton Ticino, Southern Alps). Although they are a rich archive for the depositional environment of an important thanatocoenosis, previous excavations focused on vertebrates and particularly on marine reptiles. In 2006, the Museo Cantonale di Storia Naturale (Lugano) started a new research project focusing for the first time on microfacies, micropalaeontological, palaeoecological and taphonomic analyses. So far, the upper third of the sequence has been excavated on a surface of around 40 m(2), and these new data complete those derived from new vertebrate finds (mainly fishes belonging to Saurichthys, Archaeosemionotus, Eosemionotus and Peltopleurus), allowing a better characterization of the basin. Background sedimentation on an anoxic to episodically suboxic seafloor resulted in a finely laminated succession of black shales and limestones, bearing a quasi-anaerobic biofacies, which is characterized by a monotypic benthic foraminiferal meiofauna and has been documented for the first time from the whole Monte San Giorgio sequence. Event deposition, testified by turbidites and volcaniclastic layers, is related to sediment input from basin margins and to distant volcanic eruptions, respectively. Fossil nekton points to an environment with only limited connection to the open sea. Terrestrial macroflora remains document the presence of emerged areas covered with vegetation and probably located relatively far away. Proliferation of benthic microbial mats is inferred on the basis of microfabrics, ecological considerations and taphonomic (both biostratinomic and diagenetic) features of the new vertebrate finds, whose excellent preservation is ascribed to sealing by biofilms. The occurrence of allochthonous elements allows an insight into the shallow-waters of the adjoining time-equivalent Salvatore platform. Finally, the available biostratigraphic data are critically reviewed.


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Les premières études recensées ayant traité de la co-délinquance ont plus de cent ans. Comme il s’agit d’un sujet qui a de l’histoire, il y a eu une grande évolution dans la façon d’aborder la question et dans les méthodologies employées. Mais, ce n’est que depuis quelques années que la co-délinquance est étudiée par l’entremise de données d’arrestations policières et c’est ce type de données qui sera utilisé pour répondre à l’objectif principal, celui-ci étant la détermination des conditions expliquant le recours ou non à la co-délinquance pour commettre une infraction criminelle. De plus, pour répondre à notre objectif de recherche, nous avons opté pour une théorie structurante du crime, approche qui n’avait jamais été utilisé auparavant dans les études sur la co-délinquance. Comme méthodologie, nous avons utilisé un échantillon composé de 9 103 participations criminelles, de 8 243 événements distincts et de 3 356 individus et plusieurs prédicteurs ont été analysés afin de déterminer lesquels expliquent le mieux la co-délinquance. L’âge, le genre, les antécédents criminels, l’urbanité et le type de crimes sont toutes des variables qui ont été considérées. L’urbanité représente une nouveauté dans ce type de recherche, puisque nous avons recensé que très peu d’études ayant abordées la question. Alors, que pour le type de crime, nous l’avons détaillé, comme aucune étude sur la co-délinquance ne l’a fait auparavant (23 catégories d’infractions). Ce détail nous permet donc de bien cibler l’impact de chaque délit sur le recours à la co-délinquance. Le résultat émergeant des analyses de régression logistique est que le recours à la co-délinquance s’explique principalement par le type de crime commis, certains actes criminels sont plus propices à la co-délinquance que d’autres. Nous constatons également que les autres variables analysées ont très peu ou pas d’impact sur le recours à la co-délinquance, que ce soit l’âge, le genre, les antécédents criminels ou même l’urbanité.


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Au cours des dernières années, le développement des connaissances au niveau de l’étiologie de la maladie ainsi que l’arrivée de nouveaux médicaments et de lignes directrices guidant la pratique clinique sont susceptibles d’avoir entraîné une meilleure gestion de la polyarthrite rhumatoïde (PAR) et de l’ostéoporose, une comorbidité fréquente chez ces patients. Dans cette thèse, trois questions de recherche sont étudiées à l’aide des banques de données administratives québécoises (RAMQ, MED-ÉCHO). Une première étude documente l’utilisation des médicaments pour la PAR au Québec. À ce jour, il s’agit de la seule étude canadienne à rapporter les tendances d’utilisation des DMARD (disease-modifying antirheumatic drug) biologiques depuis leur introduction dans la pratique clinique. Au cours de la période à l’étude (2002-2008), l’utilisation de DMARD (synthétiques et biologiques) a augmenté légèrement dans la population atteinte de PAR (1,9%, 95% CI : 1,1 - 2,8). Cependant, malgré la présence de recommandations cliniques soulignant l’importance de commencer un traitement rapidement, et la couverture de ces traitements par le régime général d’assurance médicaments, les résultats démontrent une initiation sous-optimale des DMARD chez les patients nouvellement diagnostiqués (probabilité d’initiation à 12 mois : 38,5%). L’initiation de DMARD était beaucoup plus fréquente lorsqu’un rhumatologue était impliqué dans la provision des soins (OR : 4,31, 95% CI : 3,73 - 4,97). Concernant les DMARD biologiques, le facteur le plus fortement associé avec leur initiation était l’année calendrier. Chez les sujets diagnostiqués en 2002, 1,2 sur 1 000 ont initié un DMARD biologique moins d’un an après leur diagnostic. Pour ceux qui ont été diagnostiqués en 2007, le taux était de 13 sur 1 000. Les résultats démontrent que si la gestion pharmacologique de la PAR s’est améliorée au cours de la période à l’étude, elle demeure tout de même sous-optimale. Assurer un meilleur accès aux rhumatologues pourrait, semble-t-il, être une stratégie efficace pour améliorer la qualité des soins chez les patients atteints de PAR. Dans une deuxième étude, l’association entre l’utilisation des DMARD biologiques et le risque de fractures ostéoporotiques non vertébrales chez des patients PAR âgés de 50 ans et plus a été rapportée. Puisque l’inflammation chronique résultant de la PAR interfère avec le remodelage osseux et que les DMARD biologiques, en plus de leur effet anti-inflammatoire et immunosuppresseur, sont des modulateurs de l’activité cellulaire des ostéoclastes et des ostéoblastes pouvant possiblement mener à la prévention des pertes de densité minérale osseuse (DMO), il était attendu que leur utilisation réduirait le risque de fracture. Une étude de cas-témoin intra-cohorte a été conduite. Bien qu’aucune réduction du risque de fracture suivant l’utilisation de DMARD biologiques n’ait pu être démontrée (OR : 1,03, 95% CI : 0,42 - 2,53), l’étude établit le taux d’incidence de fractures ostéoporotiques non vertébrales dans une population canadienne atteinte de PAR (11/1 000 personnes - années) et souligne le rôle d’importants facteurs de risque. La prévalence élevée de l’ostéoporose dans la population atteinte de PAR justifie que l’on accorde plus d’attention à la prévention des fractures. Finalement, une troisième étude explore l’impact de la dissémination massive, en 2002, des lignes directrices du traitement de l’ostéoporose au Canada sur la gestion pharmacologique de l’ostéoporose et sur les taux d’incidence de fractures ostéoporotiques non vertébrales chez une population de patients PAR âgés de 50 ans et plus entre 1998 et 2008. Étant donné la disponibilité des traitements efficaces pour l’ostéoporose depuis le milieu des années 1990 et l’évolution des lignes directrices de traitement, une réduction du taux de fractures était attendue. Quelques études canadiennes ont démontré une réduction des fractures suivant une utilisation étendue des médicaments contre l’ostéoporose et de l’ostéodensitométrie dans une population générale, mais aucune ne s’est attardée plus particulièrement sur une population adulte atteinte de PAR. Dans cette étude observationnelle utilisant une approche de série chronologique, aucune réduction du taux de fracture après 2002 (période suivant la dissémination des lignes directrices) n’a pu être démontrée. Cependant, l’utilisation des médicaments pour l’ostéoporose, le passage d’ostéodensitométrie, ainsi que la provision de soins pour l’ostéoporose en post-fracture ont augmenté. Cette étude démontre que malgré des années de disponibilité de traitements efficaces et d’investissement dans le développement et la promotion de lignes directrices de traitement, l’effet bénéfique au niveau de la réduction des fractures ne s’est toujours pas concrétisé dans la population atteinte de PAR, au cours de la période à l’étude. Ces travaux sont les premiers à examiner, à l’aide d’une banque de données administratives, des sujets atteints de PAR sur une période s’étalant sur 11 ans, permettant non seulement l’étude des changements de pratique clinique suivant l’apparition de nouveaux traitements ou bien de nouvelles lignes directrices, mais également de leur impact sur la santé. De plus, via l’étude des déterminants de traitement, les résultats offrent des pistes de solution afin de combler l’écart entre la pratique observée et les recommandations cliniques. Enfin, les résultats de ces études bonifient la littérature concernant la qualité des soins pharmacologiques chez les patients PAR et de la prévention des fractures.


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La Cooperación Internacional para el desarrollo se ha caracterizado por una evolución constante a lo largo de las últimas tres décadas. Las bases sobre las cuales se han practicado dicha cooperación han sido reformuladas, impactando la forma en que los diversos agentes involucrados interactúan. En la primera parte de éste trabajo se busca caracterizar la naturaleza de la interacción entre agentes dentro del proceso de cooperación; para ello recurrimos a la Teoría de Juegos, en particular a los Juegos Cooperativos en su modalidad de Acuerdo; introduciendo el concepto de óptimo de Pareto y el postulado de eficiencia de Coase. La segunda parte de éste trabajo es dedicada al concepto de Desarrollo. Describimos su evolución -caracterizada por la ruptura de paradigmas-; exponemos dos enfoques: uno basado en el cómo y para quién y otro temporario que hace referencia al corto y largo plazo; resaltando que el enfoque actual es aquel centrado en los elementos humanos. Por otra parte, analizamos el rol que tiene la Ayuda Oficial al Desarrollo (AOD), desde un punto de vista político, permitiéndonos entrever los intereses implícitos de la misma en los Estados receptores. Finalmente, describimos los elementos críticos de la evolución de las relaciones y la cooperación para el desarrollo entre América latina y la Unión Europea, así como la relación de Colombia con ésta última. Adicionalmente, detallamos el importante rol que las Organizaciones No Gubernamentales (ONG) han tenido para el desarrollo de los proyectos generados dentro del marco de las relaciones de cooperación entre América Latina y la Unión Europea.


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Obstacles considerably influence boundary layer processes. Their influences have been included in mesoscale models (MeM) for a long time. Methods used to parameterise obstacle effects in a MeM are summarised in this paper using results of the mesoscale model METRAS as examples. Besides the parameterisation of obstacle influences it is also possible to use a joint modelling approach to describe obstacle induced and mesoscale changes. Three different methods may be used for joint modelling approaches: The first method is a time-slice approach, where steady basic state profiles are used in an obstacle resolving microscale model (MiM, example model MITRAS) and diurnal cycles are derived by joining steady-state MITRAS results. The second joint modelling approach is one-way nesting, where the MeM results are used to initialise the MiM and to drive the boundary values of the MiM dependent on time. The third joint modelling approach is to apply multi-scale models or two-way nesting approaches, which include feedbacks from the MiM to the MeM. The advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches and remaining problems with joint Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes modelling approaches are summarised in the paper.


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In terrestrial television transmission multiple paths of various lengths can occur between the transmitter and the receiver. Such paths occur because of reflections from objects outside the direct transmission path. The multipath signals arriving at the receiver are all detected along with the intended signal causing time displaced replicas called 'ghosts' to appear on the television picture. With an increasing number of people living within built up areas, ghosting is becoming commonplace and therefore deghosting is becoming increasingly important. This thesis uses a deterministic time domain approach to deghosting, resulting in a simple solution to the problem of removing ghosts. A new video detector is presented which reduces the synchronous detector local oscillator phase error, caused by any practical size of ghost, to a lower level than has ever previously been achieved. From the new detector, dispersion of the video signal is minimised and a known closed-form time domain description of the individual ghost components within the detected video is subsequently obtained. Developed from mathematical descriptions of the detected video, a new specific deghoster filter structure is presented which is capable of removing both inphase (I) and also the phase quadrature (Q) induced ghost signals derived from the VSB operation. The new deghoster filter requires much less hardware than any previous deghoster which is capable of removing both I and Q ghost components. A new channel identification algorithm was also required and written which is based upon simple correlation techniques to find the delay and complex amplitude characteristics of individual ghosts. The result of the channel identification is then passed to the new I and Q deghoster filter for ghost cancellation. Generated from the research work performed for this thesis, five papers have been published. D


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Little research has been conducted on achievement motivation and memory and, more specifically, on achievement goals and memory. In the present research, the authors conducted two experiments designed to examine the influence of mastery-approach and performance-approach goals on immediate and delayed remember–know recognition memory. The experiments revealed differential effects for achievement goals over time: Performance-approach goals showed higher correct remember responding on an immediate recognition test, whereas mastery-approach goals showed higher correct remember responding on a delayed recognition test. Achievement goals had no influence on overall recognition memory and no consistent influence on know responding across experiments. These findings indicate that it is important to consider quality, not just quantity, in both motivation and memory, when studying relations between these constructs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)(journal abstract)


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This paper describes a new approach to detect and track maritime objects in real time. The approach particularly addresses the highly dynamic maritime environment, panning cameras, target scale changes, and operates on both visible and thermal imagery. Object detection is based on agglomerative clustering of temporally stable features. Object extents are first determined based on persistence of detected features and their relative separation and motion attributes. An explicit cluster merging and splitting process handles object creation and separation. Stable object clus- ters are tracked frame-to-frame. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated on four challenging real-world public datasets.


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The snowball Earth hypothesis postulates that the planet was entirely covered by ice for millions of years in the Neoproterozoic era, in a self-enhanced glaciation caused by the high albedo of the ice-covered planet. In a hard-snowball picture, the subsequent rapid unfreezing resulted from an ultra-greenhouse event attributed to the buildup of volcanic carbon dioxide (CO(2)) during glaciation(1). High partial pressures of atmospheric CO(2) (p(CO2); from 20,000 to 90,000 p. p. m. v.) in the aftermath of the Marinoan glaciation (similar to 635 Myr ago) have been inferred from both boron and triple oxygen isotopes(2,3). These p(CO2) values are 50 to 225 times higher than present-day levels. Here, we re-evaluate these estimates using paired carbon isotopic data for carbonate layers that cap Neoproterozoic glacial deposits and are considered to record post-glacial sea level rise(1). The new data reported here for Brazilian cap carbonates, together with previous ones for time-equivalent units(4-8), provide p(CO2) estimates lower than 3,200 p. p. m. v.-and possibly as low as the current value of similar to 400 p. p. m. v. Our new constraint, and our reinterpretation of the boron and triple oxygen isotope data, provide a completely different picture of the late Neoproterozoic environment, with low atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and oxygen that are inconsistent with a hard-snowball Earth.


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Unemployment as an unintended consequence of social assistance recipiency: results from a time-series analysis of aggregated population data Does the frequency of unemployment have a tendency to increase the number of social assistance recipients, or does the relationship work the other way around? This article utilizes Swedish annual data on aggregated unemployment and means-tested social assistance recipiency in the period 1946–1990 and proposes a multiple time-series approach based on vector error-correction modelling to establish the direction of influence. First, we show that rates of unemployment and receipt of social assistance is co-integrated. Second, we demonstrate that adjustments to the long-run equilibrium are made through adjustments of the unemployment. This indicates that the level of unemployment reacts to changes in rates of social assistance recipiency rather than vice versa. It is also shown that lagged changes in the level of unemployment do not predict changes in rates of social assistance recipients in short-term. Together these findings demonstrate that the number of social assistance recipients does increase the number of unemployed in a period characterized by low unemployment and high employment.


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Background To develop quality scales for occupational health services (OHSs) and describe and explain variation in quality across the UK university sector.

Methods Analysis of data from a national survey, to which 93 of 117 (79%) UK universities responded, and from the Higher Education Statistics Agency. Two quality scales were generated, one from the 1985 International Labour Organization recommendations on OHSs and one from clinicians’ perceptions (good, adequate, poor) about their OHS. The determinants examined were number of university staff, type of OHS (in-house, contracted, none/other), number of full-time equivalent occupational health doctors and nurses and OHS leadership (doctor, nurse, other).

Results There was wide variation in quality and a correlation (r = 0.65) between scales. In-house service, increasing service size and leadership by a doctor or nurse were determinants of higher quality; size of the university was not statistically significant after taking account of these factors.

Conclusions Some university OHSs may not be structured or operated to promote the highest quality of service. Inspection of individual quality scale items may be informative. These scales may be applicable in other employment sectors.