931 resultados para Tidal flats.


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Acid sulfate soils (ASS) are one of the stressor factors that cause many mangrove restoration projects to fail. Achieving successful rehabilitation in an ASS affected area requires an understanding of the geochemical conditions that influence the establishment and growth of mangrove seedlings. This study evaluated the effect of tidal inundation on geochemical conditions on sub layer to better understand their impacts on the density, establishment, and growth of mangrove seedlings. This study also examined the geochemical conditions under which mangrove seedlings can establish naturally, and/or be replanted in abandoned aquaculture ponds. The study area was in an area of abandoned aquaculture ponds situated in the Mare District, adjacent to Bone Bay, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.The pH, pHfox, redox potential, organic content, water soluble sulfate, SKCl, SPOS, and grain size of the soil from the sediment core at + 10 - 15 cm depth near roots were measured using. Pyrite analysis were conducted for the top and sub sediments. The density, establishment, and the relative root growth of Rhizophoraceae were also determined. Free tidal inundation at abandoned pond sites improved the sediment quality. The high density, establishment, and growth of mangrove seedlings were characterized by freely drained areas with a higher pH (field and oxidisable), lower organic content, and high proportion of silt/clay. Higher density and growth also correlated to reduced environments. Sulfur species did not influence the density, establishment, and growth of the seedlings directly. The supply of propagules from the mangrove stands, or access from good waterways were also important for seedlings to establish naturally.


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We applied a texture-based flow visualisation technique to a numerical hydrodynamic model of the Pumicestone Passage in southeast Queensland, Australia. The quality of the visualisations using our flow visualisation tool, are compared with animations generated using more traditional drogue release plot and velocity contour and vector techniques. The texture-based method is found to be far more effective in visualising advective flow within the model domain. In some instances, it also makes it easier for the researcher to identify specific hydrodynamic features within the complex flow regimes of this shallow tidal barrier estuary as compared with the direct and geometric based methods.


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Ross River virus (RRV) disease is the most common and widespread mosquito-borne disease in Australia, resulting in considerable health and economic cost to communities. While naturally occurring non-tidal flood events may enhance mosquito abundance, little is known about the impact of such events on RRV transmission. This paper critically reviews the existing evidence for an association between naturally occurring non-tidal flood events and RRV transmission. A systematic literature search was conducted on RRV transmission related to flooding and inundation from rain and riverine overflow. Overall, the evidence to support a positive association between flooding and RRV outbreaks is largely circumstantial, with the literature mostly reporting only coincidental occurrence between the two. However, for the Murray River, river flow and height (surrogates of flooding) were positively and significantly associated with RRV transmission. The association between non-tidal flooding and RRV transmission has not been studied comprehensively. More frequent flood events arising from climate change may result in increased outbreaks of RRV disease. Understanding the link between flood events and RRV transmission is necessary if resources for mosquito spraying and public health warnings are to be utilized more effectively and efficiently.


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In an estuary, mixing and dispersion are the result of the combination of large scale advection and small scale turbulence which are both complex to estimate. A field study was conducted in a small sub-tropical estuary in which high frequency (50 Hz) turbulent data were recorded continuously for about 48 hours. A triple decomposition technique was introduced to isolate the contributions of tides, resonance and turbulence in the flow field. A striking feature of the data set was the slow fluctuations which exhibited large amplitudes up to 50% the tidal amplitude under neap tide conditions. The triple decomposition technique allowed a characterisation of broader temporal scales of high frequency fluctuation data sampled during a number of full tidal cycles.


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In estuaries and natural water channels, the estimate of velocity and dispersion coefficients is critical to the knowledge of scalar transport and mixing. This estimate is rarely available experimentally at sub-tidal time scale in shallow water channels where high frequency is required to capture its spatio-temporal variation. This study estimates Lagrangian integral scales and autocorrelation curves, which are key parameters for obtaining velocity fluctuations and dispersion coefficients, and their spatio-temporal variability from deployments of Lagrangian drifters sampled at 10 Hz for a 4-hour period. The power spectral densities of the velocities between 0.0001 and 0.8 Hz were well fitted with a slope of 5/3 predicted by Kolmogorov’s similarity hypothesis within the inertial subrange, and were similar to the Eulerian power spectral previously observed within the estuary. The result showed that large velocity fluctuations determine the magnitude of the integral time scale, TL. Overlapping of short segments improved the stability of the estimate of TL by taking advantage of the redundant data included in the autocorrelation function. The integral time scales were about 20 s and varied by up to a factor of 8. These results are essential inputs for spatial binning of velocities, Lagrangian stochastic modelling and single particle analysis of the tidal estuary.


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Tämä tutkielma on osa Helsingin yliopiston rahoittamaa HY-talk -tutkimusprojektia, jonka tavoite on vankentaa puheviestinnän, erityisesti vieraiden kielten suullisen taidon opetusta ja arviointia yleissivistävässä koulutuksessa ja korkeakouluasteella. Tämän tutkielman tavoite on selvittää millaisia korjauksia englantia vieraana kielenä puhuvat ihmiset tekevät puheeseensa ja tutkia itsekorjauksen ja sujuvuuden välistä suhdetta. Korjausjäsennystä ja itsekorjausta on aiemmin tutkittu sekä keskustelunanalyysin että psykolingvistiikan aloilla, ja vaikka tämä tutkielma onkin lähempänä aiempaa keskustelunanalyyttistä kuin psykolingvististä tutkimusta, siinä hyödynnetään molempia suuntauksia. Itsekorjausta on yleisesti pidetty merkkinä erityisesti ei-natiivien kielenpuhujien sujuvuuden puutteesta. Tämän tutkielman tarkoitus on selvittää, kuinka läheisesti itsekorjaus todella liittyy sujuvuuteen tai sen puutteeseen. Tutkielman materiaali koostuu HY-talk -projektia varten kerätyistä puhenäytteistä ja niiden pohjalta tehdyistä taitotasoarvioinneista. Puhenäytteet kerättiin vuonna 2007 projektia varten järjestettyjen puhekielen testaustilanteiden yhteydessä kolmessa eteläsuomalaisessa koulussa. Koska projektin tavoitteena on tutkia ja parantaa kielten suullisen taidon arviointia, projektissa mukana olleet kieliammattilaiset arvioivat puhujien taitotasot projektia varten (Eurooppalaisen Viitekehyksen taitotasokuvainten pohjalta) koottujen arviointiasteikoiden perusteella, ja nämä arvioinnit tallennettiin osaksi projektin materiaalia. Tutkielmassa analysoidaan itsekorjauksia aiemman psykolingvistisen tutkimuksen pohjalta kootun korjaustyyppiluokituksen sekä tätä tutkielmaa varten luodun korjausten oikeellisuutta vertailevan luokituksen avulla. Lisäksi siinä vertaillaan kahden korkeamman ja kahden matalamman taitotasoarvioinnin saaneen puhujan itsekorjauksia. Tulokset osoittavat, että ei-natiivien puheessa esiintyy monenlaisia eri korjaustyyppejä, ja että yleisimpiä korjauksia ovat alkuperäisen lausuman toistot. Yleisiä ovat myös korjaukset, joissa puhuja korjaa virheen tai keskeyttää puheensa ja aloittaa kokonaan uuden lausuman. Lisäksi tuloksista käy ilmi, ettei suurin osa korjauksista todennäköisesti johdu puhujien sujuvuuden puutteesta. Yleisimmät korjaustyypit voivat johtua suurimmaksi osaksi yksilön puhetyylistä, siitä, että puhuja hakee jotain tiettyä sanaa tai ilmausta mielessään tai siitä, että puhuja korjaa puheessaan huomaamansa kieliopillisen, sanastollisen tai äänteellisen virheen. Vertailu korkeammalle ja matalammalle taitotasolle arvioitujen puhujien välillä osoittaa selkeimmin, ettei suurin osa itsekorjauksista ole yhteydessä puhujan sujuvuuteen. Vertailusta käy ilmi, ettei pelkkä itsekorjausten määrä kerro kuinka sujuvasti puhuja käyttää kieltä, sillä toinen korkeammalle taitotasolle arvioiduista puhujista korjaa puhettaan lähes yhtä monesti kuin matalammalle tasolle arvioidut puhujat. Lisäksi korjausten oikeellisuutta vertailevan luokituksen tulokset viittaavat siihen, etteivät niin korkeammalle kuin matalammallekaan tasolle arvioidut puhujat useimmiten korjaa puhettaan siksi, etteivät pystyisi ilmaisemaan viestiään oikein ja ymmärrettävästi.


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The distribution and nutritional profiles of sub-tidal seagrasses from the Torres Strait were surveyed and mapped across an area of 31,000 km2. Benthic sediment composition, water depth, seagrass species type and nutrients were sampled at 168 points selected in a stratified representative pattern. Eleven species of seagrass were present at 56 (33.3%) of the sample points. Halophila spinulosa, Halophila ovalis, Cymodocea serrulata and Syringodium isoetifolium were the most common species and these were nutrient profiled. Sub-tidal seagrass distribution (and associated seagrass nutrient concentrations) was generally confined to northern-central and south-western regions of the survey area (tidally in the Torres Strait. There were two regions in Torres Strait (north-central and south-western) where sub-tidal seagrass meadows were prevalent and of relatively higher nutritional value. This spatial and nutritional information can be used by local agencies to manage and to protect the ecological, economic and cultural values of the sub-tidal seagrass ecosystems and associated fisheries of the Torres Strait.


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A project to allow the resource assessment of tidal wetland vegetation of western Cape York Peninsula, in north Queensland, was undertaken as part of the longterm assessment of the coastal fisheries resources of Queensland. The project incorporated a littoral invertebrate fauna component. Extending from May 1993 to December 1994, fieldwork was undertaken in May 1993, November 1993 and April 1994. The aims of this project were to: • obtain baseline information on the distribution of marine plants of western Cape York Peninsula; • commence a preliminary assessment of the littoral invertebrate fauna and their habitat requirements with a view to extending knowledge of their biogeographic affinities; • perform biogeographic classification of the tidal wetlands at a meso and local scale for marine conservation planning; • evaluate the conservation values of the areas investigated from the viewpoint of fisheries productivity and as habitat for important/threatened species. Dataset URL Link: Queensland Coastal Wetlands Resources Mapping data. [Dataset]


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In the 1970s, acid sulfate soils (ASS) distributed within about 720 ha of predominantly mangrove and salt pan wetlands at East Trinity in north Queensland were developed after the area was isolated from tidal flooding by a surrounding seawall and the installation of tidal gates on major drainage creeks. Following drainage and oxidation of these estuarine acidic sediments, resultant acid leachate caused considerable, ongoing environmental problems including regular fish kills. A rehabilitation program covering much of these former tidal wetlands commenced in 2000 using a lime-assisted tidal exchange management regime. Changes in the established populations of estuarine fish and crustaceans were monitored in the two creeks (Firewood and Hills Creeks) where tidal flows were reinstated. In Firewood Creek between 2001 and 2005, there was a progressive increase in fish species richness, diversity and abundance. The penaeid prawn Fenneropenaeus merguiensis was a major component of the cast net catches in the lower sections of both Firewood and Hills Creeks but its relative abundance decreased upstream of the tidal gates on the seawall. Well established stocks of predominantly juvenile, male Scylla serrata resident upstream of the tidal gates indicated suitable habitats with acceptable water and sediment quality and adequate availability of food. The regular fish kills that occurred prior to the management regime abated and, overall, the implementation of the rehabilitation program is yielding positive benefits for the local fisheries.


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In an estuary, mixing and dispersion resulting from turbulence and small scale fluctuation has strong spatio-temporal variability which cannot be resolved in conventional hydrodynamic models while some models employs parameterizations large water bodies. This paper presents small scale diffusivity estimates from high resolution drifters sampled at 10 Hz for periods of about 4 hours to resolve turbulence and shear diffusivity within a tidal shallow estuary (depth < 3 m). Taylor's diffusion theorem forms the basis of a first order estimate for the diffusivity scale. Diffusivity varied between 0.001 – 0.02 m2/s during the flood tide experiment. The diffusivity showed strong dependence (R2 > 0.9) on the horizontal mean velocity within the channel. Enhanced diffusivity caused by shear dispersion resulting from the interaction of large scale flow with the boundary geometries was observed. Turbulence within the shallow channel showed some similarities with the boundary layer flow which include consistency with slope of 5/3 predicted by Kolmogorov's similarity hypothesis within the inertial subrange. The diffusivities scale locally by 4/3 power law following Okubo's scaling and the length scale scales as 3/2 power law of the time scale. The diffusivity scaling herein suggests that the modelling of small scale mixing within tidal shallow estuaries can be approached from classical turbulence scaling upon identifying pertinent parameters.


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We report new radio continuum and 21 cm HI observations using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) of the group Holmberg 124 ( Ho 124) comprising four late-type galaxies, namely NGC 2820, Mrk 108, NGC 2814 and NGC 2805. The three galaxies, NGC 2820, Mrk 108 and NGC 2814 which are closely located in the sky plane have clearly undergone tidal interactions as seen from the various morphological tidal signatures and debris. Moreover we note various features in the group members which we believe might be due to ram pressure. In this paper, we describe four interesting results emerging from our observations: a) detection of the tidal radio continuum bridge at 330 MHz connecting the galaxies NGC 2820+ Mrk 108 with NGC 2814. The radio bridge was discovered at 1465 MHz by van der Hulst & Hummel ( 1985, A& A, 150, 17). We find that the bridge has a fairly steep spectrum with a spectral index alpha(S proportional to nu(alpha)) of - 1.8(-0.2)(+0.3) which is much steeper than the - 0.8 quoted by van der Hulst & Hummel ( 1985); b) detection of other tidal features like the tilted HI and radio continuum disk of NGC 2814, a HI streamer and a radio continuum tail arising from the south of NGC 2814. We also report the detection of a possible tidal dwarf galaxy in HI; c) sharp truncation in the HI distribution in the south of NGC 2820 and in the HI and radio continuum distribution in the north of NGC 2814. The optical disks in both the cases look undisturbed. As pointed out by Davis et al. ( 1997, AJ, 114, 613), ram pressure affects different components of the interstellar medium to varying degrees. Simple estimates of pressure in different components of the interstellar medium ( radio continuum, Ha and HI) in NGC 2820 indicate that ram pressure will significantly influence HI; d) detection of a large one-sided HI loop to the north of NGC 2820. No radio continuum emission or Ha emission is associated with the HI loop. We discuss various scenarios for the origin of this loop including a central starburst, ram pressure stripping and tidal interaction. We do not support the central starburst scenario since the loop is not detected in ionized gas. Using the upper limit on X-ray luminosity of Ho 124 (Mulchaey et al. 2003, ApJS, 145, 39), we estimate an upper limit on the intragroup medium (IGrM) density of 8.8 x 10(-4) cm(-3). For half this electron density, we estimate the ram pressure force of the IGrM to be comparable to the gravitational pull of the disk of NGC 2820. Since tidal interaction has obviously influenced the group, we suggest that the loop could have formed by ram pressure stripping if tidal effects had reduced the surface density of HI in NGC 2820. From the complex observational picture of Ho 124 and the numerical estimates, we suggest that the evolution of the Ho 124 group may be governed by both tidal forces due to the interaction and the ram pressure due to motion of the member galaxies in the IGrM and that the IGrM densities should not be too low (i.e. >= 4 x 10(-4)). However this needs to be verified by further observations.


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The restricted three-body method is used to model the effect of the mean tidal field of a cluster of galaxies on the internal dynamics of a disk galaxy falling into the cluster for the first time. In the model adopted the galaxy experiences a tidal field that is compressive within the core of the cluster. The planar random velocities of all components in the disk increase after the galaxy passes through the core of the cluster. The low-velocity dispersion gas clouds experience a relatively larger increase in random velocity than the hotter stellar components. The increase in planar velocities results in a strong anisotropy between the planar and vertical velocity dispersions. It is argued that this will make the disk unstable to the 'fire-hose instability' which leads to bending modes in the disk and which will thicken the disk slightly. The mean tidal fields in rich clusters were probably stronger during the epoch of cluster formation and relaxation than they are in present-day relaxed clusters.


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Seasonal studies were carried out from 21 stations, comprising of three zones, of Cochin Estuary, to assess the organic matter quality and trophic status. The hydographical parameters showed significant seasonal variations and nutrients and chlorophylls were generally higher during the monsoon season. However, chemical contamination along with the seasonal limitations of light and nitrogen imposed restrictions on the primary production and as a result, mesotrophic conditions generally prevailed in the water column. The nutrient stoichometries and delta C-13 values of surficial sediments indicated significant allochthonous contribution of organic matter. Irrespective of the higher content of total organic matter, the labile organic matter was very low. Dominance of carbohydrates over lipids and proteins indicated the lower nutritive aspect of the organic matter, and their aged and refractory nature. This, along with higher amount of phytodetritus and the low algal contribution to the biopolymeric carbon corroborated the dominance of allochthonous organic matter and the heterotrophic nature. The spatial and seasonal variations of labile organic components could effectively substantiate the observed shift in the productivity pattern. An alternative ratio, lipids to tannins and lignins, was proposed to ascertain the relative contribution of allochthonous organic matter in the estuary. This study confirmed the efficiency of an integrated biogeochemical approach to establish zones with distinct benthic trophic status associated with different degrees of natural and anthropogenic input. Nevertheless, our results also suggest that the biochemical composition alone could lead to erroneous conclusions in the case of regions that receive enormous amounts of anthropogenic inputs.


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The well-known Jeans criterion describes the onset of instabilities in an infinite, homogeneous, self-gravitating medium supported by pressure. Most realistic astrophysical systems, however, are not isolated - instead they are under the influence of an external field such as the tidal field due to a neighbour. Here, we do a linear perturbation analysis for a system in an external field and obtain a generalized dispersion relation that depends on the wavenumber, the sound speed and also the magnitude of the tidal field. A typical, disruptive tidal field is shown to make the system more stable against perturbations, and results in a higher effective Jeans wavelength. The minimum mass that can become unstable is then higher (super-Jeans) than the usual Jeans mass. Conversely, in a compressive tidal field, perturbations can grow even when the mass is lower (sub-Jeans). This approach involving the inclusion of tidal field opens up a new way of looking at instabilities in gravitating systems. The treatment is general and the simple analytical form of the modified Jeans criterion obtained makes it easily accessible.