946 resultados para Three-state Potts model


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We introduce a dynamic directional model (DDM) for studying brain effective connectivity based on intracranial electrocorticographic (ECoG) time series. The DDM consists of two parts: a set of differential equations describing neuronal activity of brain components (state equations), and observation equations linking the underlying neuronal states to observed data. When applied to functional MRI or EEG data, DDMs usually have complex formulations and thus can accommodate only a few regions, due to limitations in spatial resolution and/or temporal resolution of these imaging modalities. In contrast, we formulate our model in the context of ECoG data. The combined high temporal and spatial resolution of ECoG data result in a much simpler DDM, allowing investigation of complex connections between many regions. To identify functionally segregated sub-networks, a form of biologically economical brain networks, we propose the Potts model for the DDM parameters. The neuronal states of brain components are represented by cubic spline bases and the parameters are estimated by minimizing a log-likelihood criterion that combines the state and observation equations. The Potts model is converted to the Potts penalty in the penalized regression approach to achieve sparsity in parameter estimation, for which a fast iterative algorithm is developed. The methods are applied to an auditory ECoG dataset.


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The ground-state entanglement entropy between block of sites in the random Ising chain is studied by means of the Von Neumann entropy. We show that in presence of strong correlations between the disordered couplings and local magnetic fields the entanglement increases and becomes larger than in the ordered case. The different behavior with respect to the uncorrelated disordered model is due to the drastic change of the ground state properties. The same result holds also for the random three-state quantum Potts model.


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Le lien entre le spectre de la matrice de transfert de la formulation de spins du modèle de Potts critique et celui de la matrice de transfert double-ligne de la formulation de boucles est établi. La relation entre la trace des deux opérateurs est obtenue dans deux représentations de l'algèbre de Temperley-Lieb cyclique, dont la matrice de transfert de boucles est un élément. Le résultat est exprimé en termes des traces modifiées, qui correspondent à des traces effectuées dans le sous-espace de l'espace de représentation des N-liens se transformant selon la m ième représentation irréductible du groupe cyclique. Le mémoire comporte trois chapitres. Dans le premier chapitre, les résultats essentiels concernant les formulations de spins et de boucles du modèle de Potts sont rappelés. Dans le second chapitre, les propriétés de l'algèbre de Temperley-Lieb cyclique et de ses représentations sont étudiées. Enfin, le lien entre les deux traces est construit dans le troisième chapitre. Le résultat final s'apparente à celui obtenu par Richard et Jacobsen en 2007, mais une nouvelle représentation n'ayant pas été étudiée est aussi investiguée.


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This work reports on the excited-state absorption spectrum of oxidized Cytochrome c (Fe(3+)) dissolved in water, measured with the Z-scan technique with femtosecond laser pulses. The excited-state absorption cross-sections between 460 and 560 nm were determined with the aid of a three-energy-level model. Reverse saturable absorption was observed below 520 nm, while a saturable absorption process occurs in the Q-band, located around 530 nm. Above 560 nm, a competition between saturable absorption and two-photon absorption was inferred. These results show that Cytochrome c presents distinct nonlinear behaviors, which may be useful to study electron transfer chemistry in proteins by one- and two-photon absorption. In addition, owing to these nonlinear optical features, this molecule may be employed in applications involving photodynamics therapy and saturable absorbers. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This letter presents pseudolikelihood equations for the estimation of the Potts Markov random field model parameter on higher order neighborhood systems. The derived equation for second-order systems is a significantly reduced version of a recent result found in the literature (from 67 to 22 terms). Also, with the proposed method, a completely original equation for Potts model parameter estimation in third-order systems was obtained. These equations allow the modeling of less restrictive contextual systems for a large number of applications in a computationally feasible way. Experiments with both simulated and real remote sensing images provided good results.


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This article shows a transmission line model for simulation of fast and slow transients, applied to symmetrical or asymmetrical configurations. A transmission line model is developed based on lumped elements representation and state-space techniques. The proposed methodology represents a practical procedure to model three-phase transmission lines directly in time domain, without the explicit or implicit use of inverse transforms. In three-phase representation, analysis modal techniques are applied to decouple the phases in their respective propagation modes, using a correction procedure to set a real and constant matrix for untransposed lines with or without vertical symmetry plane. The proposed methodology takes into account the frequency-dependent parameters of the line and in order to include this effect in the state matrices, a fitting procedure is applied. To verify the accuracy of the proposed state-space model in frequency domain, a simple methodology is described based on line distributed parameters and transfer function associated with input/output signals of the lumped parameters representation. In addition, this article proposes the use of a fast and robust integration procedure to solve the state equations, enabling transient and steady-state simulations. The results obtained by the proposed methodology are compared with several established transmission line models in EMTP, taking into account an asymmetrical three-phase transmission line. The principal contribution of the proposed methodology is to handle a steady fundamental signal mixed with fast and slow transients, including impulsive and oscillatory behavior, by a practical procedure applied directly in time domain for symmetrical or asymmetrical representations. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this paper a model, called ELLOBO running in STELLA II, was set to describe the plankton system of the Broa reservoir (SP). The three state variables of the model are: phytoplankton, zooplankton, and the fish Astyanax fasciatus. The forcing variables are: temperature, nitrate, phosphorus and solar radiation. The model did not consider the cycling of nutrients inside the reservoir. The results show that: temperature is the principal forcing variable in the phytoplankton dynamic and in the subsequent evolution of the whole system. The zooplankton predation was described by Odum's equation, and there is a strong random component in zooplankton grazing, which was essential for the model, because zooplankton estimates have high variance. One must collect data in a short space of time (maybe daily) to better explain the zooplankton and phytoplankton variation. Validation was performed using simple statistics (arithmetic mean, standard deviation) and the results show concordance between observed and simulated values. Overhead was used to calibrate some parameters and to validate the model. The highest overhead value (5%) imply in the better accordance between estimated and;observed state variables values. We believe this approach in Broa reservoir will provide an useful tool for future research and it could be used comparatively in other continental aquatic ecosystems. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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We derive an infinite set of conserved charges for some Z(N) symmetric quantum spin models by constructing their Lax pairs. These models correspond to the Potts model, Ashkin-Teller model and the particular set of self-dual Z(N) models solved by Fateev and Zamolodchikov [6]. The exact ground state energy for this last family of hamiltonians is also presented. © 1986.


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The modal analysis of a structural system consists on computing its vibrational modes. The experimental way to estimate these modes requires to excite the system with a measured or known input and then to measure the system output at different points using sensors. Finally, system inputs and outputs are used to compute the modes of vibration. When the system refers to large structures like buildings or bridges, the tests have to be performed in situ, so it is not possible to measure system inputs such as wind, traffic, . . .Even if a known input is applied, the procedure is usually difficult and expensive, and there are still uncontrolled disturbances acting at the time of the test. These facts led to the idea of computing the modes of vibration using only the measured vibrations and regardless of the inputs that originated them, whether they are ambient vibrations (wind, earthquakes, . . . ) or operational loads (traffic, human loading, . . . ). This procedure is usually called Operational Modal Analysis (OMA), and in general consists on to fit a mathematical model to the measured data assuming the unobserved excitations are realizations of a stationary stochastic process (usually white noise processes). Then, the modes of vibration are computed from the estimated model. The first issue investigated in this thesis is the performance of the Expectation- Maximization (EM) algorithm for the maximum likelihood estimation of the state space model in the field of OMA. The algorithm is described in detail and it is analysed how to apply it to vibration data. After that, it is compared to another well known method, the Stochastic Subspace Identification algorithm. The maximum likelihood estimate enjoys some optimal properties from a statistical point of view what makes it very attractive in practice, but the most remarkable property of the EM algorithm is that it can be used to address a wide range of situations in OMA. In this work, three additional state space models are proposed and estimated using the EM algorithm: • The first model is proposed to estimate the modes of vibration when several tests are performed in the same structural system. Instead of analyse record by record and then compute averages, the EM algorithm is extended for the joint estimation of the proposed state space model using all the available data. • The second state space model is used to estimate the modes of vibration when the number of available sensors is lower than the number of points to be tested. In these cases it is usual to perform several tests changing the position of the sensors from one test to the following (multiple setups of sensors). Here, the proposed state space model and the EM algorithm are used to estimate the modal parameters taking into account the data of all setups. • And last, a state space model is proposed to estimate the modes of vibration in the presence of unmeasured inputs that cannot be modelled as white noise processes. In these cases, the frequency components of the inputs cannot be separated from the eigenfrequencies of the system, and spurious modes are obtained in the identification process. The idea is to measure the response of the structure corresponding to different inputs; then, it is assumed that the parameters common to all the data correspond to the structure (modes of vibration), and the parameters found in a specific test correspond to the input in that test. The problem is solved using the proposed state space model and the EM algorithm. Resumen El análisis modal de un sistema estructural consiste en calcular sus modos de vibración. Para estimar estos modos experimentalmente es preciso excitar el sistema con entradas conocidas y registrar las salidas del sistema en diferentes puntos por medio de sensores. Finalmente, los modos de vibración se calculan utilizando las entradas y salidas registradas. Cuando el sistema es una gran estructura como un puente o un edificio, los experimentos tienen que realizarse in situ, por lo que no es posible registrar entradas al sistema tales como viento, tráfico, . . . Incluso si se aplica una entrada conocida, el procedimiento suele ser complicado y caro, y todavía están presentes perturbaciones no controladas que excitan el sistema durante el test. Estos hechos han llevado a la idea de calcular los modos de vibración utilizando sólo las vibraciones registradas en la estructura y sin tener en cuenta las cargas que las originan, ya sean cargas ambientales (viento, terremotos, . . . ) o cargas de explotación (tráfico, cargas humanas, . . . ). Este procedimiento se conoce en la literatura especializada como Análisis Modal Operacional, y en general consiste en ajustar un modelo matemático a los datos registrados adoptando la hipótesis de que las excitaciones no conocidas son realizaciones de un proceso estocástico estacionario (generalmente ruido blanco). Posteriormente, los modos de vibración se calculan a partir del modelo estimado. El primer problema que se ha investigado en esta tesis es la utilización de máxima verosimilitud y el algoritmo EM (Expectation-Maximization) para la estimación del modelo espacio de los estados en el ámbito del Análisis Modal Operacional. El algoritmo se describe en detalle y también se analiza como aplicarlo cuando se dispone de datos de vibraciones de una estructura. A continuación se compara con otro método muy conocido, el método de los Subespacios. Los estimadores máximo verosímiles presentan una serie de propiedades que los hacen óptimos desde un punto de vista estadístico, pero la propiedad más destacable del algoritmo EM es que puede utilizarse para resolver un amplio abanico de situaciones que se presentan en el Análisis Modal Operacional. En este trabajo se proponen y estiman tres modelos en el espacio de los estados: • El primer modelo se utiliza para estimar los modos de vibración cuando se dispone de datos correspondientes a varios experimentos realizados en la misma estructura. En lugar de analizar registro a registro y calcular promedios, se utiliza algoritmo EM para la estimación conjunta del modelo propuesto utilizando todos los datos disponibles. • El segundo modelo en el espacio de los estados propuesto se utiliza para estimar los modos de vibración cuando el número de sensores disponibles es menor que vi Resumen el número de puntos que se quieren analizar en la estructura. En estos casos es usual realizar varios ensayos cambiando la posición de los sensores de un ensayo a otro (múltiples configuraciones de sensores). En este trabajo se utiliza el algoritmo EM para estimar los parámetros modales teniendo en cuenta los datos de todas las configuraciones. • Por último, se propone otro modelo en el espacio de los estados para estimar los modos de vibración en la presencia de entradas al sistema que no pueden modelarse como procesos estocásticos de ruido blanco. En estos casos, las frecuencias de las entradas no se pueden separar de las frecuencias del sistema y se obtienen modos espurios en la fase de identificación. La idea es registrar la respuesta de la estructura correspondiente a diferentes entradas; entonces se adopta la hipótesis de que los parámetros comunes a todos los registros corresponden a la estructura (modos de vibración), y los parámetros encontrados en un registro específico corresponden a la entrada en dicho ensayo. El problema se resuelve utilizando el modelo propuesto y el algoritmo EM.


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Nowadays, it has become evident the need to seek sustainable development models that address challenges arising in a variety of contexts. The resilience concept appears connected to the ability of people to cope with adversities that inevitably arise due to context dynamics, at different spatial and temporal scales. This concept is related to the model known as Working With People (WWP), focused on rural development projects planning, management and evaluation, from the integration of three dimensions: technical-entrepreneurial, ethical-social and political-contextual. The research reported is part of the RETHINK European Project, whose overall aim is farm modernization and rural resilience. The resilience concept has been analyzed, in the scope of rural development projects management, and a relationship with the WWP model has been established. To this end, a thorough review of the scientific literature concerning this topic has been addressed, in order to develop the state of the art of the different concepts and models involved. A conceptual proposal for the integration of resilience in rural development projects sustainable management, through the three-dimensional WWP model is presented.


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We present the first detailed numerical study in three dimensions of a first-order phase transition that remains first order in the presence of quenched disorder (specifically, the ferromagnetic-paramagnetic transition of the site-diluted four states Potts model). A tricritical point, which lies surprisingly near the pure-system limit and is studied by means of finite-size scaling, separates the first-order and second-order parts of the critical line. This investigation has been made possible by a new definition of the disorder average that avoids the diverging-variance probability distributions that plague the standard approach. Entropy, rather than free energy, is the basic object in this approach that exploits a recently introduced microcanonical Monte Carlo method.


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We present a detailed numerical study on the effects of adding quenched impurities to a three dimensional system which in the pure case undergoes a strong first order phase transition (specifically, the ferromagnetic/paramagnetic transition of the site-diluted four states Potts model). We can state that the transition remains first-order in the presence of quenched disorder (a small amount of it) but it turns out to be second order as more impurities are added. A tricritical point, which is studied by means of Finite-Size Scaling, separates the first-order and second-order parts of the critical line. The results were made possible by a new definition of the disorder average that avoids the diverging-variance probability distributions that arise using the standard methodology. We also made use of a recently proposed microcanonical Monte Carlo method in which entropy, instead of free energy, is the basic quantity.


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We apply a three-dimensional approach to describe a new parametrization of the L-operators for the two-dimensional Bazhanov-Stroganov (BS) integrable spin model related to the chiral Potts model. This parametrization is based on the solution of the associated classical discrete integrable system. Using a three-dimensional vertex satisfying a modified tetrahedron equation, we construct an operator which generalizes the BS quantum intertwining matrix S. This operator describes the isospectral deformations of the integrable BS model.


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Objective: Biomedical events extraction concerns about events describing changes on the state of bio-molecules from literature. Comparing to the protein-protein interactions (PPIs) extraction task which often only involves the extraction of binary relations between two proteins, biomedical events extraction is much harder since it needs to deal with complex events consisting of embedded or hierarchical relations among proteins, events, and their textual triggers. In this paper, we propose an information extraction system based on the hidden vector state (HVS) model, called HVS-BioEvent, for biomedical events extraction, and investigate its capability in extracting complex events. Methods and material: HVS has been previously employed for extracting PPIs. In HVS-BioEvent, we propose an automated way to generate abstract annotations for HVS training and further propose novel machine learning approaches for event trigger words identification, and for biomedical events extraction from the HVS parse results. Results: Our proposed system achieves an F-score of 49.57% on the corpus used in the BioNLP'09 shared task, which is only 2.38% lower than the best performing system by UTurku in the BioNLP'09 shared task. Nevertheless, HVS-BioEvent outperforms UTurku's system on complex events extraction with 36.57% vs. 30.52% being achieved for extracting regulation events, and 40.61% vs. 38.99% for negative regulation events. Conclusions: The results suggest that the HVS model with the hierarchical hidden state structure is indeed more suitable for complex event extraction since it could naturally model embedded structural context in sentences.