989 resultados para Three Photon Absorption


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Oxide free stable metallic nanofluids have the potential for various applications such as in thermal management and inkjet printing apart from being a candidate system for fundamental studies. A stable suspension of nickel nanoparticles of ∼5 nm size has been realized by a modified two-step synthesis route. Structural characterization by x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy shows that the nanoparticles are metallic and are phase pure. The nanoparticles exhibited superparamagnetic properties. The magneto-optical transmission properties of the nickel nanofluid (Ni-F) were investigated by linear optical dichroism measurements. The magnetic field dependent light transmission studies exhibited a polarization dependent optical absorption, known as optical dichroism, indicating that the nanoparticles suspended in the fluid are non-interacting and superparamagnetic in nature. The nonlinear optical limiting properties of Ni-F under high input optical fluence were then analyzed by an open aperture z-scan technique. The Ni-F exhibits a saturable absorption at moderate laser intensities while effective two-photon absorption is evident at higher intensities. The Ni-F appears to be a unique material for various optical devices such as field modulated gratings and optical switches which can be controlled by an external magnetic field


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The main focus of the present study was to develop ideal low band gap D-A copolymers for photoconducting and non-linear optical applications. This chapter summarizes the overall research work done. Designed copolymers were synthesized via direct arylation or Suzuki coupling reactions. Copolymers were characterized by theoretical and experimental methods. The suitability of these copolymers in photoconducting and optical limiting devices has been investigated.The results suggest that the copolymers investigated in the present study have a good non-linear optical response and are comparable to or even better than the D-A copolymers reported in the literature and hence could be chosen as ideal candidates with potential applications for non-linear optics. The results also show that the structures of the polymers have great impact on NLO properties. Copolymers studied here exhibits good optical limiting property at 532 nm wavelength due to two-photon absorption (TPA) process. The results revealed that the two copolymers, (P(EDOT-BTSe) and P(PH-TZ)) exhibited strong two-photon absorption and superior optical power limiting properties, which are much better than that of others.


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En aquesta tesi he estudiat l'efecte de l'error de superposició de base (BSSE) en la planaritat d'algunes molècules. He observat que l'ús d'alguns mètodes de càlcul amb determinades funcions de base descriuen mínims d'energia no planars per les bases nitrogenades de l'ADN. He demostrat que aquests problemes es poden arreglar utilitzant el mètode Counterpoise per corregir el BSSE en els càlculs. En aquesta tesi també he estudiat la fotofísica de la timina i els resultats mostren que existeixen dos camins de relaxació des de l'estat excitat que permeten la regeneració de l'estructura inicial de forma ultraràpida.


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Quantum chemical calculations were carried out to explain the observed shifts in the absorption spectrum of different azo-aromatic compounds due to changes in the dihedral angle of the azo-group. Our results reveal that the pi-pi* transition presents a hypsochromic shift and an oscillator strength drop upon increase of the dihedral angle. Nevertheless, the pi-pi* transition exhibits the opposite behavior. This effect is attributed to the reduction in the pi-electron conjugation length of the molecule. Experimentally, we performed temperature dependence measurements of the linear absorption spectrum. Both the theoretical and experimental results demonstrate that small energy changes are mirrored in the electronic transitions of conjugated linear molecules. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work demonstrates that the detuning of the fs-laser spectrum from the two-photon absorption band of organic materials can be used to reach further control of the two-photon absorption by pulse spectral phase manipulation. We investigate the coherent control of the two-photon absorption in imidazole-thiophene core compounds presenting distinct two-photon absorption spectra. The coherent control, performed using pulse phase shaping and genetic algorithm, exhibited different growth rates for each sample. Such distinct trends were explained by calculating the two-photon absorption probability considering the intrapulse interference mechanism, taking into account the two-photon absorption spectrum of the samples. Our results indicate that tuning the relative position between the nonlinear absorption and the pulse spectrum can be used as a novel strategy to optimize the two-photon absorption in broadband molecular systems. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cooperative spontaneous emission of a single photon from a cloud of N atoms modifies substantially the radiation pressure exerted by a far-detuned laser beam exciting the atoms. On one hand, the force induced by photon absorption depends on the collective decay rate of the excited atomic state. On the other hand, directional spontaneous emission counteracts the recoil induced by the absorption. We derive an analytical expression for the radiation pressure in steady-state. For a smooth extended atomic distribution we show that the radiation pressure depends on the atom number via cooperative scattering and that, for certain atom numbers, it can be suppressed or enhanced. Cooperative scattering of light by extended atomic clouds can become important in the presence of quasi-resonant light and could be addressed in many cold atoms experiments.


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The study reported here is part of a large project for evaluation of the Thermo-Chemical Accumulator (TCA), a technology under development by the Swedish company ClimateWell AB. The studies concentrate on the use of the technology for comfort cooling. This report concentrates on measurements in the laboratory, modelling and system simulation. The TCA is a three-phase absorption heat pump that stores energy in the form of crystallised salt, in this case Lithium Chloride (LiCl) with water being the other substance. The process requires vacuum conditions as with standard absorption chillers using LiBr/water. Measurements were carried out in the laboratories at the Solar Energy Research Center SERC, at Högskolan Dalarna as well as at ClimateWell AB. The measurements at SERC were performed on a prototype version 7:1 and showed that this prototype had several problems resulting in poor and unreliable performance. The main results were that: there was significant corrosion leading to non-condensable gases that in turn caused very poor performance; unwanted crystallisation caused blockages as well as inconsistent behaviour; poor wetting of the heat exchangers resulted in relatively high temperature drops there. A measured thermal COP for cooling of 0.46 was found, which is significantly lower than the theoretical value. These findings resulted in a thorough redesign for the new prototype, called ClimateWell 10 (CW10), which was tested briefly by the authors at ClimateWell. The data collected here was not large, but enough to show that the machine worked consistently with no noticeable vacuum problems. It was also sufficient for identifying the main parameters in a simulation model developed for the TRNSYS simulation environment, but not enough to verify the model properly. This model was shown to be able to simulate the dynamic as well as static performance of the CW10, and was then used in a series of system simulations. A single system model was developed as the basis of the system simulations, consisting of a CW10 machine, 30 m2 flat plate solar collectors with backup boiler and an office with a design cooling load in Stockholm of 50 W/m2, resulting in a 7.5 kW design load for the 150 m2 floor area. Two base cases were defined based on this: one for Stockholm using a dry cooler with design cooling rate of 30 kW; one for Madrid with a cooling tower with design cooling rate of 34 kW. A number of parametric studies were performed based on these two base cases. These showed that the temperature lift is a limiting factor for cooling for higher ambient temperatures and for charging with fixed temperature source such as district heating. The simulated evacuated tube collector performs only marginally better than a good flat plate collector if considering the gross area, the margin being greater for larger solar fractions. For 30 m2 collector a solar faction of 49% and 67% were achieved for the Stockholm and Madrid base cases respectively. The average annual efficiency of the collector in Stockholm (12%) was much lower than that in Madrid (19%). The thermal COP was simulated to be approximately 0.70, but has not been possible to verify with measured data. The annual electrical COP was shown to be very dependent on the cooling load as a large proportion of electrical use is for components that are permanently on. For the cooling loads studied, the annual electrical COP ranged from 2.2 for a 2000 kWh cooling load to 18.0 for a 21000 kWh cooling load. There is however a potential to reduce the electricity consumption in the machine, which would improve these figures significantly. It was shown that a cooling tower is necessary for the Madrid climate, whereas a dry cooler is sufficient for Stockholm although a cooling tower does improve performance. The simulation study was very shallow and has shown a number of areas that are important to study in more depth. One such area is advanced control strategy, which is necessary to mitigate the weakness of the technology (low temperature lift for cooling) and to optimally use its strength (storage).


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Multicolor and white light emissions have been achieved in Yb3+, Tm3+ and Ho3+ triply doped heavy metal oxide glasses upon laser excitation at 980 nm. The red (660 nm), green (547 nm) and blue (478 nm) up conversion emissions of the rare earth (RE) ions triply doped TeO2-GeO2-Bi2O3-K2O glass (TGBK) have been investigated as a function of the RE concentration and excitation power of the 980 nm laser diode. The most appropriate combination of RE in the TGBK glass host (1.6 wt% Yb2O3, 0.6 wt% Tm2O3 and 0.1 wt% Ho2O3) has been determined with the purpose to tune the primary colors (RGB) respective emissions and generate white light emission by varying the pump power. The involved infrared to visible up conversion mechanisms mainly consist in a three-photon blue up conversion of Tm3+ ions and a two-photon green and red up conversions of Ho3+ ions. The resulting multicolor emissions have been described according to the CIE-1931 standards. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The optical nonlinearity of tungstate fluorophosphate glasses, synthesized in the NaPO3-BaF2-WO3 system, was investigated through experiments based on the third-order susceptibility, chi((3)). Nonlinear (NL) refraction and NL absorption measurements in the picosecond regime were performed using the Z-scan technique at 532 nm. NL refractive index, n(2)proportional toRe chi((3)), ranging from 0.4x10(-14) cm(2)/W to 0.6x10(-14) cm(2)/W were determined. The two-photon absorption coefficient, alpha(2)proportional toIm chi((3)), for excitation at 532 nm, vary from 0.3 to 0.5 cm/GW. Light induced birefringence experiments performed in the femtosecond regime indicate that the response time of the nonlinearity at 800 nm is faster than 100 fs. The experiments show that chi((3)) is enhanced when the WO3 concentration increases and this behavior is attributed to the hyperpolarizabilities associated to W-O bonds. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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We report measurements of the nonresonant nonlinear refractive index n(2) in antimony glasses at telecom wavelengths. The measurements were performed using the Z-scan technique with a 130 fs pulsed laser operating at five wavelengths in the range of 1400-1600 nm. Values of n(2)approximate to 10(-15) cm(2)/W were measured and a negligible two-photon absorption coefficient (< 0.003 cm/GW) was estimated for all glasses compositions. The samples present a good figure of merit for ultrafast all-optical switching. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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Nonlinear absorption measurements were performed on fluorophosphate glasses with high concentrations of tungsten oxide. Large two-photon absorption coefficients, alpha(2), were determined at 660 nm using nanosecond laser pulses. It was observed that alpha(2) increases for increasing tungsten oxide concentrations and, hence, the optical limiting performance of this glass composition can be controlled. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Generalized nucleon polarizabilities for virtual photons can be defined in terms of electroproduction cross sections as function of the 4-momentum transfer Q2. In particular, the sum of the generalized electric and magnetic polarizabilities ∑ = α + β and the spin polarizability γ can be expressed by virtual photon absorption cross sections integrated over the excitation energy. These quantities have been calculated within the framework of the recently developed unitary isobar model for pion photo- and electroproduction on the proton, which describes the available experimental data up to an excitation energy of about 1 GeV. Our results have been compared to the predictions of chiral perturbation theory. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nonlinear absorption measurements were performed on fluorophosphate glasses with high concentration of tungsten oxide. Large two-photon absorption coefficients, α2, were determined at 660 nm using nanosecond laser pulses. It was observed that α2 increases for increasing tungsten oxide concentrations and therefore the optical limiting performance of this new glass composition can be controlled.


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The spectroscopic properties of Tm3+-doped fluoroindate glasses (FIG) were described by single wavelength pumping in the red region. The Judd-Ofelt (J-O) theory was used to obtain the quantum efficiency of the 4f-4f transitions and other spectroscopic parameters. The dynamics of the fluorescence was investigated and energy transfer (ET) processes among Tm3+ ions were studied. The results indicate that a two-step one-photon absorption process is responsible for the ultraviolet upconversion (UC) emissions, and dipole-dipole interaction provides the main contribution for ET rate is equal to the decay rate of noninteracting among active ions.