985 resultados para Thermografic camera


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We describe the application of two types of stereo camera systems in fisheries research, including the design, calibration, analysis techniques, and precision of the data obtained with these systems. The first is a stereo video system deployed by using a quick-responding winch with a live feed to provide species- and size- composition data adequate to produce acoustically based biomass estimates of rockfish. This system was tested on the eastern Bering Sea slope where rockfish were measured. Rockfish sizes were similar to those sampled with a bottom trawl and the relative error in multiple measurements of the same rockfish in multiple still-frame images was small. Measurement errors of up to 5.5% were found on a calibration target of known size. The second system consisted of a pair of still-image digital cameras mounted inside a midwater trawl. Processing of the stereo images allowed fish length, fish orientation in relation to the camera platform, and relative distance of the fish to the trawl netting to be determined. The video system was useful for surveying fish in Alaska, but it could also be used broadly in other situations where it is difficult to obtain species-composition or size-composition information. Likewise, the still-image system could be used for fisheries research to obtain data on size, position, and orientation of fish.


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Time-lapse remote photo-sequences at 73-700 m depth off Palau, Western Caroline Islands, show that the caridean shrimp Heterocarpus laevigatus tends to be a solitary animal, occurring below ~350 m, that gradually accumulates around bait sites over a prolonged period. A smaller speies, H. ensifer, tends to move erratically in swarms, appearing in large numbers in the upper part of its range (<250 m) during the evening crepuscular period and disappearing at dawn. Trapping and photsequence data indicate the depth range of H. ensifer (during daylight) is ~250-550 M, while H. laevigatus ranges from 350 m to at least 800 m, along with the geryonid crab Chaceon granulatus. Combined trapping for Heterocarpus laevigatus and Chaceon granulatus, using a three-chamber box-trap and extended soak times (48-72 hr), may be an appropriate technique for small-scale deep-water fisheries along forereef slopes of Indo-Pacific archipelagoes.


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With the use of a baited stereo-video camera system, this study semiquantitatively defined the habitat associations of 4 species of Lutjanidae: Opakapaka (Pristipomoides filamentosus), Kalekale (P. sieboldii), Onaga (Etelis coruscans), and Ehu (E. carbunculus). Fish abundance and length data from 6 locations in the main Hawaiian Islands were evaluated for species-specific and size-specific differences between regions and habitat types. Multibeam bathymetry and backscatter were used to classify habitats into 4 types on the basis of substrate (hard or soft) and slope (high or low). Depth was a major influence on bottomfish distributions. Opakapaka occurred at depths shallower than the depths at which other species were observed, and this species showed an ontogenetic shift to deeper water with increasing size. Opakapaka and Ehu had an overall preference for hard substrate with low slope (hard-low), and Onaga was found over both hard-low and hard-high habitats. No significant habitat preferences were recorded for Kalekale. Opakapaka, Kalekale, and Onaga exhibited size-related shifts with habitat type. A move into hard-high environments with increasing size was evident for Opakapaka and Kalekale. Onaga was seen predominantly in hard-low habitats at smaller sizes and in either hard-low or hard-high at larger sizes. These ontogenetic habitat shifts could be driven by reproductive triggers because they roughly coincided with the length at sexual maturity of each species. However, further studies are required to determine causality. No ontogenetic shifts were seen for Ehu, but only a limited number of juveniles were observed. Regional variations in abundance and length were also found and could be related to fishing pressure or large-scale habitat features.


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This paper presents a novel technique for reconstructing an outdoor sculpture from an uncalibrated image sequence acquired around it using a hand-held camera. The technique introduced here uses only the silhouettes of the sculpture for both motion estimation and model reconstruction, and no corner detection nor matching is necessary. This is very important as most sculptures are composed of smooth textureless surfaces, and hence their silhouettes are very often the only information available from their images. Besides, as opposed to previous works, the proposed technique does not require the camera motion to be perfectly circular (e.g., turntable sequence). It employs an image rectification step before the motion estimation step to obtain a rough estimate of the camera motion which is only approximately circular. A refinement process is then applied to obtain the true general motion of the camera. This allows the technique to handle large outdoor sculptures which cannot be rotated on a turntable, making it much more practical and flexible.


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Calibration of a camera system is a necessary step in any stereo metric process. It correlates all cameras to a common coordinate system by measuring the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of each camera. Currently, manual calibration of a camera system is the only way to achieve calibration in civil engineering operations that require stereo metric processes (photogrammetry, videogrammetry, vision based asset tracking, etc). This type of calibration however is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Furthermore, in civil engineering operations, camera systems are exposed to open, busy sites. In these conditions, the position of presumably stationary cameras can easily be changed due to external factors such as wind, vibrations or due to an unintentional push/touch from personnel on site. In such cases manual calibration must be repeated. In order to address this issue, several self-calibration algorithms have been proposed. These algorithms use Projective Geometry, Absolute Conic and Kruppa Equations and variations of these to produce processes that achieve calibration. However, most of these methods do not consider all constraints of a camera system such as camera intrinsic constraints, scene constraints, camera motion or varying camera intrinsic properties. This paper presents a novel method that takes all constraints into consideration to auto-calibrate cameras using an image alignment algorithm originally meant for vision based tracking. In this method, image frames are taken from cameras. These frames are used to calculate the fundamental matrix that gives epipolar constraints. Intrinsic and extrinsic properties of cameras are acquired from this calculation. Test results are presented in this paper with recommendations for further improvement.


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Camera motion estimation is one of the most significant steps for structure-from-motion (SFM) with a monocular camera. The normalized 8-point, the 7-point, and the 5-point algorithms are normally adopted to perform the estimation, each of which has distinct performance characteristics. Given unique needs and challenges associated to civil infrastructure SFM scenarios, selection of the proper algorithm directly impacts the structure reconstruction results. In this paper, a comparison study of the aforementioned algorithms is conducted to identify the most suitable algorithm, in terms of accuracy and reliability, for reconstructing civil infrastructure. The free variables tested are baseline, depth, and motion. A concrete girder bridge was selected as the "test-bed" to reconstruct using an off-the-shelf camera capturing imagery from all possible positions that maximally the bridge's features and geometry. The feature points in the images were extracted and matched via the SURF descriptor. Finally, camera motions are estimated based on the corresponding image points by applying the aforementioned algorithms, and the results evaluated.