987 resultados para The East


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During late spring and early summer of 2005, large-scale (> 15 000 km(2)), mixed dinoflagellate blooms developed along the the coast of the East China Sea. Karenia mikimotoi was the dominant harmful algal bloom species in the first stage of the bloom (late May) and was succeeded by Prorocentrum donghaiense approximately 2 wk later. Samples were collected from different stations along both north-south and west-east transects, from the Changjiang River estuary to the south Zhejiang coast, during 3 cruises of the Chinese Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms Program, before and during the bloom progression. Nitrogen isotope tracer techniques were used to measure rates of NO3-, NH4+, urea, and glycine uptake during the blooms. High inorganic nitrogen (N), but low phosphorus (P) loading from the Changjiang River led to high dissolved inorganic N:dissolved inorganic P ratios in the sampling area and indicate the development of P limitation. The rates of N-15-uptake experiments enriched with PO43- were enhanced compared to unamended samples, suggesting P limitation of the N-uptake rates. The bloom progression was related to the change in availability of both organic and inorganic N and P. Reduced N forms, especially NH4+, were preferentially taken up during the blooms, but different bloom species had different rates of uptake of organic N substrates. K mikimotoi had higher rates of urea uptake, while P. donghaiense had higher rates of glycine uptake. Changes in the availability of reduced N and the ratios of N:P in inorganic and organic forms were suggested to be important in the bloom succession. Nutrient ratios and specific uptake rates of urea were similar when compared to analogous blooms on the West Florida Shelf.


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Fluorescence excitation-emission spectroscopy (EEMS) was employed to analyze the 3-dimensional fluorescence of dissolved organic matter in the East China Sea after diatom red tide dispersion. The relationships between fluorescence peak intensity, and salinity and chlorophyll-a were discussed. The centers of protein-like fluorescence peaks dispersed at Ex(max)/Em(max) = 270-280/290-315 nm (Peak B), 220-230/290-305 nm (Peak D), 230-240/335-350 nm(Peak S)and 280/320 nm(Peak T). Two humic-like peaks appeared at 255-270/435-480 nm (Peak A) and 330-350/420-480 nm(Peak C). High tyrosine-like intensity was observed in diatom red tide dispersion area, and tryptophan-like fluorescence was also found which was lower. High FIB/FIS showed that diatom red tide produced much tyrosine-like matter during dispersion. Peaks S, A and C had positive correlation with one another, and their distributions were similar, which decreased with distance increasing away from the shore. Good negative correlations between peaks S, A and C and salinity suggested that Jiangsu-Zhejiang coastal water was the same source of then-L Correlations between fluorescence peak intensity and chlorophyll-a were not remarkable enough to clear the relationship between fluorescence and living algal matter. It was supposed that the living algal matter contributed little to the fluorescence intensity of algal dispersion seawater.


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In this paper, the detailed morphology of Prorocentrum donghaiense Lu from both field samples and cultures was examined, and a taxonomic comparison was made between P donghaiense and some related Prorocentrum spp. using morphological and molecular data and other published information. There were distinct differences among these species in morphological characteristics that historically have been presented as conservative features. The discrepancies extended beyond that of individual variations within the same species due to environmental factors. Therefore, these morphological features may not be conservative but, rather, polymorphic depending on environmental conditions. Based on this analysis, we suggest that the high-biomass bloom-forming species in the East China Sea, previously reported as Prorocentrum dentatum Stein, is P donghaiense Lu. The species reported from the East China Sea and Japanese and Korean waters appear to be the same species. Molecular data also suggest that P. dentatum (CCMP1517) and P. donghaiense are genetically identical. Therefore, the geographic distribution of P. donghaiense may be much wider than expected. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Calanus sinicus aggregate at the depth of 40-60 m (ambient temperature is 16 degreesC) in the waters of the continental shelf of the Yellow Sea during summer. in animals found in near shore regions, there are changes in digestive gut cells structure, digestive enzyme activity (protease, amylase), and tissue enzyme (alkaline phosphatase (ALP)), which may represent adaptations by this cold-water animal to a sharp seasonal increase in temperature of 6-23 degreesC. The activities of the digestive enzymes (protease and amylase) are very low in animals at stations near the estuary of Yangtse River, whereas they are relatively high in animals at stations in the central Yellow Sea, During summer, B-cells of the intestine and the villi intestinalis disappear in animals that do not feed at stations near the estuary of the Yangtse River. Respiration rates were undetectable or quite low during summer in C. sinicus from stations near the estuary of the Yangtse River, whereas they were relatively high at stations in the central Yellow Sea. Based upon the morphological characteristics of the digestive gut structure, enzyme levels, respiration rates, and the distribution of C. sinicus, we concluded that C. sinicus might be dormant during summer in the near shore areas of the East China Sea while remaining active in the central Yellow Sea. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Research related to carbon geochemistry and biogeochemistry in the East China Sea is reviewed in this paper. The East China Sea is an annual net sink for atmospheric CO, and a large net source of dissolved inorganic carbon to the ocean. The sea absorbs CO, from the atmosphere in spring and summer and releases it in autumn and winter. The East China Sea is a CO, sink in summer because Changjiang River freshwater flows into it. The net average sea-air interface carbon flux of the East China Sea is estimated to be about 4.3 X 10(6) t/y. Vertical carbon transport is mainly in the form of particulate organic carbon in spring; more than 98% of total carbon is transported in this form in surface water, and the number exceeds 68% in water near the bottom. In the southern East China Sea, the average particulate organic carbon inventory was about one-tenth that of the dissolved organic carbon. Research indicates that the southern Okinawa Trough is an important site for particulate organic carbon export from the shelf. The annual cross-shelf exports are estimated to be 414 and 106 Gmol/y for dissolved organic carbon and particulate organic carbon, respectively. Near-bottom transport could be the key process for shelf-to-deep sea export of biogenic and lithogenic particles.


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Temporal and spatial variability in the kinetic parameters of uptake of nitrate (NO3-), ammonium (NH4+), urea, and glycine was measured during dinoflagellate blooms in Changjiang River estuary and East China Sea coast, 2005. Karenia mikimotoi was the dominant species in the early stage of the blooms and was succeeded by Prorocentrum donghaiense. The uptake of nitrogen (N) was determined using N-15 tracer techniques. The results of comparison kinetic parameters with ambient nutrients confirmed that different N forms were preferentially taken up during different stages of the bloom. NO3- (V-max 0.044 h(-1); K-s 60.8 mu M-N) was an important N source before it was depleted. NH4+ (V-max 0.049 h(-1); K-s 2.15 mu M-N) was generally the preferred N. Between the 2 organic N sources, urea was more preferred when K. mikimotoi dominated the bloom (V-max 0.020 h(-1); K-s 1.35 mu M-N) and glycine, considered as a dominant amino acid, was more preferred when P. donghaiense dominated the bloom (V-max 0.025 h(-1); K-s 1.76 mu M-N). The change of N uptake preference by the bloom-forming algae was also related to the variation in ambient N concentrations. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The distributions of heterotrophic bacterial abundance and production were investigated in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea during the autumn of 2000 and spring of 2001. Bacterial abundance varied in the range 3.2-15.7 (averaging 5.7) x 10(5) and 2.3-13.6 (averaging 6.2) x 10(5) cells cm(-3) in the spring and autumn, respectively. During autumn, bacterial production (BP) (0.27-7.77 mg C m(-3) day(-1)) was on average 3 fold that in spring (0.001-2.04 mg C m(-3) day(-1)). Bacterial average turnover rate (ratio of bacterial production:bacterial biomass, mu=0.21 day(-1)) in autumn was 3 times as high as in spring (0.07 day(-1)). The ratio of integrated bacterial biomass to integrated phytoplankton biomass in the euphotic zone ranged from 4 to 101% (averaging 35%) in spring and 24 to 556% (averaging 121%) in autumn. The results indicate that the distributions of heterotrophic bacteria were controlled generally by temperature in spring and additionally by substrate supply in autumn. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The impacts of Prorocentrum donghaiense Lu and Alexandrium catenella Balech, causative species of the large-scale HAB in the East China Sea, were studied under laboratory conditions. According to bloom densities, the effects of monoculture and mixture of the two species were examined on the egg-hatching success of Argopecten irradians Lamarck, and the population growth of Brachionus plicatilis Muller and Moina mongolica Daday. The results showed that monoculture of A. catenella had a significant inhibition on the egg hatching success of A. irradians, and the population growth of B. plicatilis and M. mongolica. The median effective densities ( EDSo) inhibiting the egg hatching success of A. irradians for 24 h and the population growth of B. plicatilis and M. mongolica for 96 h were 800, 630, and 2 400 cells/cm(3), respectively. Monoculture of P. donghaiense has no such inhibitory effect on the egg hatching success of A. irradians; P. donghaiense at lower suitable densities could sustain the population growth of B. plicatilis (1 x 10(4) similar to 3 x 10(4)cells/cm(3)) and M. mongolica (2 x 10(4) similar to 5 x 10(4) cells/cm(3)); P. doaghaiense at higher densities had significantly adverse effect on the population growth of B. plicatilis (4 x 10(4) similar to 10 x 10(4) cells/cm(3)) and M. mongolica (10 x 10(4) cells/cm(3)). When the two algae were mixed according to bloom densities, P. donghaiense at suitable densities to some extent could decrease the toxicity of A. catenella to B. plicatilis and M. mongolica. The results indicated that the large-scale HAB in the East China Sea could have adverse effect on zooplankton, and might further influence the marine ecosystem, especially when there was also Alexandrium bloom.


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From 2008-2012, a dramatic upsurge in incidents of maritime piracy in the Western Indian Ocean led to renewed global attention to this region: including the deployment of multi national naval patrols, attempts to prosecute suspected pirates, and the development of financial interdiction systems to track and stop the flow of piracy ransoms. Largely seen as the maritime ripple effect of anarchy on land, piracy has been slotted into narratives of state failure and problems of governance and criminality in this region.

This view fails to account for a number of factors that were crucial in making possible the unprecedented rise of Somali piracy and its contemporary transformation. Instead of an emphasis on failed states and crises of governance, my dissertation approaches maritime piracy within a historical and regional configuration of actors and relationships that precede this round of piracy and will outlive it. The story I tell in this work begins before the contemporary upsurge of piracy and closes with a foretaste of the itineraries beyond piracy that are being crafted along the East African coast.

Beginning in the world of port cities in the long nineteenth century, my dissertation locates piracy and the relationship between trade, plunder, and state formation within worlds of exchange, including European incursions into this oceanic space. Scholars of long distance trade have emphasized the sociality engendered through commerce and the centrality of idioms of trust and kinship in structuring mercantile relationships across oceanic divides. To complement this scholarship, my work brings into view the idiom of protection: as a claim to surety, a form of tax, and a moral claim to authority in trans-regional commerce.

To build this theory of protection, my work combines archival sources with a sustained ethnographic engagement in coastal East Africa, including the pirate ports of Northern Somalia, and focuses on the interaction between land-based pastoral economies and maritime trade. This connection between land and sea calls attention to two distinct visions of the ocean: one built around trade and mobility and the other built on the ocean as a space of extraction and sovereignty. Moving between historical encounters over trade and piracy and the development of a national maritime economy during the height of the Somali state, I link the contemporary upsurge of maritime piracy to the confluence of these two conceptualizations of the ocean and the ideas of capture, exchange, and redistribution embedded within them.

The second section of my dissertation reframes piracy as an economy of protection and a form of labor implicated within other legal and illegal economies in the Indian Ocean. Based on extensive field research, including interviews with self-identified pirates, I emphasize the forms of labor, value, and risk that characterize piracy as an economy of protection. The final section of my dissertation focuses on the diverse international, regional, and local responses to maritime piracy. This section locates the response to piracy within a post-Cold War and post-9/11 global order and longer attempts to regulate and assuage the risks of maritime trade. Through an ethnographic focus on maritime insurance markets, navies, and private security contractors, I analyze the centrality of protection as a calculation of risk and profit in the contemporary economy of counter-piracy.

Through this focus on longer histories of trade, empire, and regulation my dissertation reframes maritime piracy as an economy of protection straddling boundaries of land and sea, legality and illegality, law and economy, and history and anthropology.


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Traces the history of Duke's East Asian Studies program and associated library collections from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present. Describes the strengths of the Japanese, Chinese and Korean collections, materials in special collections and cooperation with the University of North Carolina.