183 resultados para Terraces


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Geologia Regional - IGCE


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A costa norte da América do Sul durante o Pleistoceno tardio esteve sujeita a oscilações do nível do mar, relacionadas a variações climáticas e influência da dinâmica de sedimentos carreados pelo Rio Amazonas, que moldaram a paisagem desta região. Terraços Pleistocenos da Formação Itaubal, anteriormente considerados como pertencentes à Formação Barreiras (Mioceno), constituem parte da Planície Costeira do Amapá e recobrem rochas do Escudo das Guianas. A integração das análises de fácies, estratigráfica e datações por Luminescência Opticamente Estimulada / regeneração de alíquota única e múltipla (LOE / SAR-MAR) entre 120.600 (± 12.000) e 23.150 (±6.800) anos AP permitiu o posicionamento da Formação Itaubal no Pleistoceno Superior. Estes depósitos siliciclásticos, de espessura máxima de 10 m, cor amarronzada a avermelhada com camadas de geometria tabular foram divididos em duas unidades separadas por inconformidade. A Unidade Inferior compreende as associações de fácies, de planície de inframaré (AF1) e de canal fluvial meandrante influenciado por maré (AF2), enquanto que a Unidade Superior, com maior concentração de argila que a Unidade Inferior, consiste em depósitos de planície de maré (AF3) e de canal fluvial entrelaçado (AF4). As duas unidades têm caracteristicas progradacionais dentro de trato de sistema de mar alto e regressivo, e foram depositadas diretamente sobre rochas do embasamento intensamente intemperizadas durante o Mioceno-Pleistoceno. Os depósitos da Formação Itaubal foram expostos durante o Último Máximo Glacial (22.000 - 18.000 anos AP) e posteriormente sobrepostos por depósitos finos do Rio Amazonas, que configuram a atual linha de costa da Costa norte da América do Sul. Pela primeira vez a Formação Itaubal define os eventos sedimentares do Pleistoceno na evolução da Planície Costeira do Amapá. A correlação de seus depósitos com os de Suriname e nordeste do Pará amplia a discussão sobre a configuração da linha de costa do norte da América do Sul desde o Pleistoceno.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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We begin the 2001 Master Conservationist program with honorees in production agriculture from District A which includes the Panhandle of Nebraska. I would like to ask Leon and Cheryl Burkhart-Kriesel (Kresel) of Gurley who are unable to be present. They operated the family farm in partnership with Fred and Viola Kriesel until 1984 when Leon and Cheryl become sole owners/operators. The Kriesels produce certified wheat, millet, oats, and barley seed on 3200 dryland acres that are owned, rented, or contracted. Since 1984, 45,000 feet of terraces have been installed. Their holistic conservation plan also includes over 57,000 feet of windbreaks of mixed evergreen and broadleaf trees and shrubs. This mixture of plant species is unique in the Panhandle. They built an earthen dam with 11 acre-feet of permanent storage and 70.5 acre-feet of detention storage. Results include reduced soil erosion by wind and water, and increased productivity and wildlife populations. Local and international groups tour the farm. Congratulations to the Kriesels.


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It is a distinct pleasure to be with you this evening to present the Master Conservationist awards. I appreciate the opportunity to recognize those who have gone the extra mile to enhance Nebraska's natural resources and our way of life. Their efforts take on even more importance in a year like this when drought conditions have threatened field crops, pastures, and rangeland, as well as water for livestock and the citizens of our state. Times like this underscore how important it is for us to recognize the delicate balance of nature. The Master Conservationists we honor tonight have long-recognized the need for windbreaks to protect both crops and soils. They understand the benefits of controlled-grazing to maintain grass and protect the soil, as well as to provide forage in the future. Others have installed terraces and grassed waterways on fragile land, as well as reuse pits for irrigation water. Riverbanks have been restored and wildlife habitats have been developed. These practices and many others always are important, they take on new meaning in stressful periods like the one of 2002.


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The flow of sediment from cropped land is the main pollutant of water sources in rural areas. Due to this fact, it is necessary to develop and implement technologies that will reduce water and sediment discharges. Accordingly, an experiment was conducted in the Department of Biosystems Engineering - ESALQ / USP, Piracicaba - SP with the objective to evaluate the effect of different soil cover (bean, grass and bare ground) and erosion control practices (wide base terraces and infiltration furrows in slopes (no practices to control erosion)) while measuring water losses in runoff. The statistical design adopted was randomized blocks in a 3x3 factorial scheme resulting in 9 treatments with 3 replicates (blocks). The period of rainfall data collection was December 6, 2007 to April 11, 2008. A 21.1 cm diameter rain gauge was installed in the experimental area. Terraces were the most efficient practices for reducing erosion losses in the treatments with infiltration furrows being better than the control treatment. Bean was more effective than grass in reducing erosion. Bare ground was the least efficient.


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This paper presents for the first time a morphological and surface sediment characterization of the Uruguayan outer continental shelf and slope. The study is based on a high-resolution coverage using hydrographical, geomorphological and sedimentological sampling and several textural and productivity proxies. Along slope terraces and an important canyon system characterizes continental slope morphology, indicating that across- and down-slope sedimentary processes control large-scale sedimentation. Terraces represent the prolongation of the Argentinean Contouritic Depositional System that vanishes in the study area, presumably as a result of the dynamic of the Brazil-Malvinas confluence. Canyons incised in the upper slope are likely related to low-stand sea level conditions. At the outer shelf and shallow upper slope (170-250 m depth), off-shelf sand transport is inferred from the distribution of relict sand and reworked biogenic gravel. In the upper continental slope, the northern region is characterized by an erosive environment controlled by a steep slope and the southward flowing Brazil current. In the south, a depositional environment is enhanced by the presence of a gentler slope and seaward incised canyons and is mainly controlled by hemipelagic processes associated with nutrient-rich Sub-Antarctic Waters (SAW), by its confluence with South Atlantic Central Waters (SACW) and by the Rio de la Plata’s (RdlP) influence. Additionally, within the upper slope, the occurrence of igneous-metamorphic cobbles and pebbles in canyon and mound lag deposits suggests the influence of glacial fluvial discharge and/or iceberg transport processes. In the middle slope, sedimentation is controlled by thermohaline-induced deep-water bottom currents. The decreasing influence of the erosive Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) is evident in a northward diminution in grain size. The variety of transport and sedimentary processes identified reflect the control of the Brazil-Malvinas confluence zone and the Rio de la Plata’s discharge.