1000 resultados para Tecnologia educativa -- Ensenyament primari


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El projecte ACME va néixer, l’any 1998, amb la finalitat de millorar la docència de les matemàtiques en els estudis d’Enginyeria Industrial i Enginyeries Tècniques de l’Escola Politècnica de la Universitat de Girona, amb la intenció de buscar la manera de que els alumnes s’impliquessin i participessin més activament en aquesta matèria fent ús de la xarxa com a via de comunicació. El projecte ACME, Avaluació Continuada i Millora de l’Ensenyament, és una eina d’e-learning que té com a objectiu fer una avaluació continuada dels alumnes a través d’uns dossiers personalitzats de problemes que el professor proposa. El sistema permet fer el seguiment, per part del professor, del progrés del conjunt de la classe, o d’un alumne individual, en una assignatura concreta. Això fa que l’ACME tingui un gran valor pedagògic. Els objectius d’aquest projecte final de carrera són els següents:• Desenvolupar un sistema de gestió d’usuaris convidats que ens permeti acceptar o denegar l’accés a usuaris que prèviament han fet una petició per poder utilitzar l’ACME.• Crear un sistema que faciliti la tasca d’assignar als usuaris els temes i els problemes més adients pel seu perfil.• Desenvolupar tot un seguit de millores i ampliacions amb la intenció d’integrar el nou mòdul dins les interfícies existents:Ampliar la interfície d’administració en l’apartat d’usuari amb la opció per gestionar els usuaris convidats. Ampliar la interfície d’administració en l’apartat del quadern de problemes amb les opcions adients per tal de gestionar les assignatures dels convidats.


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This work shows the use of adaptation techniques involved in an e-learning system that considers students' learning styles and students' knowledge states. The mentioned e-learning system is built on a multiagent framework designed to examine opportunities to improve the teaching and to motivate the students to learn what they want in a user-friendly and assisted environment


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La Universitat de Girona, i més concretament el Departament d’Informàtica i Matemàtica Aplicada, ja fa uns anys que ha posat en marxa el Projecte Avaluació Continuada i Millora de l’Ensenyament, també anomenat ACME. Aquest projecte és una plataforma d'e-learning, és a dir, un sistema d’aprenentatge a través de la xarxa que potencia la col•laboració digital i el bescanvi d’informació entre alumne i professor. El creixement que ha experimentat la plataforma, ha estat possible gràcies al disseny modular de l’aplicació, on cada nova funcionalitat que estava essent desenvolupada evolucionava de manera independent a la resta de la plataforma i sense comprometre’n el funcionament. Per afegir un nou mòdul a l’ACME, s’utilitzen els mòduls de base que confereixen l'estructura a la plataforma i les eines per incorporar nous mòduls, amb el que la implantació d’aquests a la plataforma és d’elevada senzillesa. Actualment, la majoria de les assignatures de primer del Grau d’Informàtica ja disposen d’exercicis adaptats a la plataforma, el que dóna una uniformitat en les eines i plataformes que utilitzen els alumnes en la seva formació. Però no hi són totes les assignatures, falta incloure l’assignatura de Lògica a la plataforma. D’aquesta manera, tant els alumnes com els professors de l’assignatura, podran treure profit dels beneficis esmentats que aporta l’ACME. Concretament, a l’assignatura de Lògica es disposava d’uns aplicatius a la plataforma Moodle de la Universitat de Girona on es guiava a l’alumne en la resolució dels exercicis. Aquest mètode és molt interessant com a mètode pedagògic per a l’aprenentatge inicial de l’assignatura, però no representa un repte real on els alumnes hagin d’aplicar els seus coneixements per a la seva realització. Els alumnes també disposaven d’un dossier on se’ls proposava uns exercicis molt complets, i a les pàgines finals d’aquest se’ls donava la solució. Aleshores, de manera voluntària els alumnes realitzaven els exercicis i comprovaven amb la solució si havien aprés a resoldre’ls. Per tant, tant els responsables de l'assignatura de Lògica com els responsables de la plataforma ACME van veure que es podrien desenvolupar eines a l'ACME per tal de corregir de forma automàtica els exercicis de l'assignatura. Incorporar l’assignatura de Lògica a l’ACME permet que els alumnes es vegin més involucrats a fer exercicis durant els curs de manera continuada, gràcies als terminis d’entrega, i facilita als professors la seva tasca deslliurant-los de les correccions i oferint-los-hi eines de seguiment


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Realitzar una proposta per a millorar la competència digital a la ESO mitjançant un estudi d'altres sistemes educatius i realitzar una proposta de treball per projectes interdisciplinaris.


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The explosive growth of Internet during the last years has been reflected in the ever-increasing amount of the diversity and heterogeneity of user preferences, types and features of devices and access networks. Usually the heterogeneity in the context of the users which request Web contents is not taken into account by the servers that deliver them implying that these contents will not always suit their needs. In the particular case of e-learning platforms this issue is especially critical due to the fact that it puts at stake the knowledge acquired by their users. In the following paper we present a system that aims to provide the dotLRN e-learning platform with the capability to adapt to its users context. By integrating dotLRN with a multi-agent hypermedia system, online courses being undertaken by students as well as their learning environment are adapted in real time


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Learning object economies are marketplaces for the sharing and reuse of learning objects (LO). There are many motivations for stimulating the development of the LO economy. The main reason is the possibility of providing the right content, at the right time, to the right learner according to adequate quality standards in the context of a lifelong learning process; in fact, this is also the main objective of education. However, some barriers to the development of a LO economy, such as the granularity and editability of LO, must be overcome. Furthermore, some enablers, such as learning design generation and standards usage, must be promoted in order to enhance LO economy. For this article, we introduced the integration of distributed learning object repositories (DLOR) as sources of LO that could be placed in adaptive learning designs to assist teachers’ design work. Two main issues presented as a result: how to access distributed LO, and where to place the LO in the learning design. To address these issues, we introduced two processes: LORSE, a distributed LO searching process, and LOOK, a micro context-based positioning process, respectively. Using these processes, the teachers were able to reuse LO from different sources to semi-automatically generate an adaptive learning design without leaving their virtual environment. A layered evaluation yielded good results for the process of placing learning objects from controlled learning object repositories into a learning design, and permitting educators to define different open issues that must be covered when they use uncontrolled learning object repositories for this purpose. We verified the satisfaction users had with our solution


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Dialogic learning and interactive groups have proved to be a useful methodological approach appliedin educational situations for lifelong adult learners. The principles of this approach stress theimportance of dialogue and equal participation also when designing the training activities. This paperadopts these principles as the basis for a configurable template that can be integrated in runtimesystems. The template is formulated as a meta-UoL which can be interpreted by IMS Learning Designplayers. This template serves as a guide to flexibly select and edit the activities at runtime (on the fly).The meta-UoL has been used successfully by a practitioner so as to create a real-life example, withpositive and encouraging results


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The emergence of the Web 2.0 technologies in the last years havechanged the way people interact with knowledge. Services for cooperation andcollaboration have placed the user in the centre of a new knowledge buildingspace. The development of new second generation learning environments canbenefit from the potential of these Web 2.0 services when applied to aneducational context. We propose a methodology for designing learningenvironments that relates Web 2.0 services with the functional requirements ofthese environments. In particular, we concentrate on the design of the KRSMsystem to discuss the components of this methodology and its application.


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Collage is a pattern-based visual design authoring tool for the creation of collaborative learning scripts computationally modelled with IMS Learning Design (LD). The pattern-based visual approach aims to provide teachers with design ideas that are based on broadly accepted practices. Besides, it seeks hiding the LD notation so that teachers can easily create their own designs. The use of visual representations supports both the understanding of the design ideas and the usability of the authoring tool. This paper presents a multicase study comprising three different cases that evaluate the approach from different perspectives. The first case includes workshops where teachers use Collage. A second case implies the design of a scenario proposed by a third-party using related approaches. The third case analyzes a situation where students follow a design created with Collage. The cross-case analysis provides a global understanding of the possibilities and limitations of the pattern-based visual design approach.


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This paper describes a Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) case study in engineering education carried out within the context of a network management course. The case study shows that the use of two computing tools developed by the authors and based on Free- and Open-Source Software (FOSS) provide significant educational benefits over traditional engineering pedagogical approaches in terms of both concepts and engineering competencies acquisition. First, the Collage authoring tool guides and supports the course teacher in the process of authoring computer-interpretable representations (using the IMS Learning Design standard notation) of effective collaborative pedagogical designs. Besides, the Gridcole system supports the enactment of that design by guiding the students throughout the prescribed sequence of learning activities. The paper introduces the goals and context of the case study, elaborates onhow Collage and Gridcole were employed, describes the applied evaluation methodology, anddiscusses the most significant findings derived from the case study.


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Two important challenges that teachers are currently facing are the sharing and the collaborative authoring of their learning design solutions, such as didactical units and learning materials. On the one hand, there are tools that can be used for the creation of design solutions and only some of them facilitate the co-edition. However, they do not incorporate mechanisms that support the sharing of the designs between teachers. On the other hand, there are tools that serve as repositories of educational resources but they do not enable the authoring of the designs. In this paper we present LdShake, a web tool whose novelty is focused on the combined support for the social sharing and co-edition of learning design solutions within communities of teachers. Teachers can create and share learning designs with other teachers using different access rights so that they can read, comment or co-edit the designs. Therefore, each design solution is associated to a group of teachers able to work on its definition, and another group that can only see the design. The tool is generic in that it allows the creation of designs based on any pedagogical approach. However, it can be particularized in instances providing pre-formatted designs structured according to a specific didactic method (such as Problem-Based Learning, PBL). A particularized LdShake instance has been used in the context of Human Biology studies where teams of teachers are required to work together in the design of PBL solutions. A controlled user study, that compares the use of a generic LdShake and a Moodle system, configured to enable the creation and sharing of designs, has been also carried out. The combined results of the real and controlled studies show that the social structure, and the commenting, co-edition and publishing features of LdShake provide a useful, effective and usable approach for facilitating teachers' teamwork.


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LdShake es una plataforma para apoyar a los profesores en la creación de contenidos educativos creada por el GTI de la UPF. Con esta plataforma los usuarios pueden colaborar conjuntamente para editar documentos y posteriormente publicarlos.En el inicio del proyecto partimos con una versión de LdShake con solo un editor de texto enriquecido. Ahora buscamos incorporar editores específicamente orientados a crear contenidos educativos. Un ejemplo son los editores WebCollage y eXeLearning. Con estos editores se pueden crear contenidos de forma intuitiva.Para ello será necesario analizar los distintos frameworks y las plataformas implicadas. Posteriormente se elaborará un diseño para posibilitar la integración en general un editor externo en LdShake y en particular como esta solución se aplica a los dos editores propuestos. Durante el proceso se verán las dificultades que suponen coordinar las distintas plataformas en que se basan los editores y como condicionan el diseño final.Como resultado obtendremos estos dos editores funcionando dentro de la plataforma LdShake con para que los profesores puedan editor contenidos colaborativamente y hacer uso de todas las funcionalidades propias de LdShake como puedan ser tags, gestión de permisos, publicación de contenidos o historial.


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Aquesta investigació estudia la contribució al Desenvolupament Humà de les polítiques publiques de TIC per a l’Educació als països del Cono Sur (Argentina, Xile i Uruguai). Aquests països van al capdavant de la regió en temes de TIC, Educació i Desenvolupament, així doncs l’objectiu final es veure si les polítiques publiques que enfatitzen en aspectes vinculats al Desenvolupament Humà afavoreixen el desenvolupament del països. Per a això s’han analitzat les Agendes Digitals dels països seleccionats en base a una matriu d’anàlisi creada específicamente per a aquesta investigación i construïda amb indicadors vinculats al Desenvolupament Humà


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The use of virtual learning environments it’s more and more frequent in all education levels. However, this increasing use of such environments also implies that the different stages now used in the processes of teaching-learning need to be considered. Student users in a virtual learning environment are faced, not only to the problems related to acquire the knowledge of their course, but also to technological problems as information overloading, getting used to web surfing, computer use, etc. One way to minimize the impact caused by heterogeneity existing in virtual learning environments is to adapt several aspects to the specific characteristics from the user and his context. From this point of view, this work shows a model for an integral user that has been used to generate a virtual course that can interoperate between ELearning platforms. This course has been created using the SCORM reference model and the IMSLD specification


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Standards and specifícations to manage accessibility issues in e-learning