964 resultados para TURBAY QUINTERO, DIANA, 1950-1991 - VIDEOGRABACIONES


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This study is divided into two parts: a methodological part and a part which focuses on the saving of households. In the 1950 s both the concepts as well as the household surveys themselves went through a rapid change. The development of national accounts was motivated by the Keynesian theory and the 1940 s and 1950 s were an important time for the development of the national accounts. Before this, saving was understood as cash money or money deposited in bank accounts but the changes in this era led to the establishment of the modern saving concept. Separate from the development of national accounts, household surveys were established. Household surveys have been conducted in Finland from the beginning of the 20th century. At that time surveys were conducted in order to observe the working class living standard and as a result, these were based on the tradition of welfare studies. Also a motivation for undertaking the studies was to estimate weights for the consumer price index. A final reason underpinning the government s interest in observing this data regarded whether there were any reasons for the working class to become radicalised and therefore adopt revolutionary ideas. As the need for the economic analysis increased and the data requirements underlying the political decision making process also expanded, the two traditions and thus, the two data sources started to integrate. In the 1950s the household surveys were compiled distinctly from the national accounts and they were virtually unaffected by economic theory. The 1966 survey was the first study that was clearly motivated by national accounts and saving analysis. This study also covered the whole population rather than it being limited to just part of it. It is essential to note that the integration of these two traditions is still continuing. This recently took a big step forward as the Stiglitz, Sen and Fitoussi Committee Report was introduced and thus, the criticism of the current measure of welfare was taken seriously. The Stiglitz report emphasises that the focus in the measurement of welfare should be on the households and the macro as well as micro perspective should be included in the analysis. In this study the national accounts are applied to the household survey data from the years 1950-51, 1955-56 and 1959-60. The first two studies cover the working population of towns and market towns and the last survey covers the population of rural areas. The analysis is performed at three levels: macro economic level, meso level, i.e. at the level of different types of households, and micro level, i.e. at the level of individual households. As a result it analyses how the different households saved and consumed and how that changed during the 1950 s.


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Julkaistu Silva Fennica Vol. 25(4) -numeron liitteen.


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XVIII IUFRO World Congress, Ljubljana 1986.


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The high-temperature superconductors are complex oxides, generally containing two-dimensional CuO2 sheets. Various families of the cuprate superconductors are described, paying special attention to aspects related to oxygen stoichiometry, phase stability, synthesis and chemical manipulation of charge carriers. Other aspects discussed are chemical applications of cuprates, possibly as gas sensors and copper-free oxide superconductors. All but the substituted Nd and Pr cuprates are hole-superconductors. Several families of cuprates show a nearly constant n(h) at maximum T(c). Besides this universality, the cuprates exhibit a number of striking common features. Based on Cu(2p) photoemission studies, it is found that the Cu-O charge-transfer energy, DELTA, and the Cu(3d)-O(2p) hybridization strength, t(pd), are key factors in the superconductivity of cuprates. The relative intensity of the satellite in the Cu(2p) core-level spectra, the polarizability of the CuO2 sheets as well as the hole concentration are related to DELTA/t(pd). These chemical bonding factors have to be explicitly taken into account in any model for superconductivity of the cuprates.


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Tutkielmassa selvitetn, millaiset piirteet ovat tyypillisi Aili Somersalon kirjoittamien satuteosten nimistlle. Tarkasteltavana on 274 nime, jotka on poimittu kymmenest Somersalon vuosina 1918 1951 julkaistusta lastenkirjasta. Nimiaineisto on jaettu kuuteen eri kategoriaan: ihmisten nimiin, elinten nimiin, kuvitteellisiin nimiin, fantastisten satuolentojen nimiin, paikannimiin ja lainanimiin. Tutkielmassa keskitytn nimien rakenteellisten piirteiden ja funktioiden erittelyyn. Tmn lisksi pohditaan, kuinka nimet ovat motivoituneet ja muuttuuko kirjailijan nimenanto vuosikymmenten aikana. Tutkielmassa sivutaan mys nimen ja nimityksen vlist rajaa sek kyseenalaistetaan iso alkukirjain proprin tunnusmerkkin kaunokirjallisessa kontekstissa. Aineiston nimille tyypillisi rakenteellisia piirteit ovat yksinimisyys, yhdysnimirakenne ja nimien kaksiosaisuus, appellatiivisuus ja adjektiivien esiintyminen nimen tai nimenosana, johtimien kytt sek erilaiset nteelliset piirteet. Nimen perustehtvn, identifioinnin, lisksi aineiston nimet pyrkivt kuvailemaan, luokittelemaan ja lokalisoimaan tarkoitteitaan. Vuosikymmenten aikana teosten nimimr kasvaa maltillisesti. Teosten sisltmiss konventionaalisissa nimiss nkyy kulloisenkin vuosikymmenen nimimuoti. Merkillepantavaa on mys teoksissa esiintyv hahmojen samanimisyys. Mielenkiintoisen lisn analyysiin tuovat aineiston lainanimet, jotka ovat perisin paitsi universaalista satuperinteest, mys suomalaisesta kansanmytologiasta ja Kalevalasta. Kansallisromanttisuus nkyy mys teoksiin valikoituneissa konventionaalisissa nimiss, joista suuri osa on omakielisi. Kirjailija on lainannut teoksiinsa nimi mys omasta elmnpiiristn. Somersalon nimenmuodostus nojaa vahvasti leksikkoon. Aineiston nimien ja nimitysten vlinen raja ei ole yksiselitteinen, ja aineiston voikin luonnehtia koostuvan nimityksen kaltaisista nimist ja nimen kaltaisista nimityksist. Kaiken kaikkiaan aineiston nimet ovat hyvin informatiivisia, tarkoitteen fyysisi tai mentaalisia ominaisuuksia kuvailevia, ja toimivat olennaisena osana tarinankerrontaa. Nimet kielivt kirjailijan kannattamasta ideologiasta, ja kytkeytyvt siten mys reaalimaailmaan. Vaikka kirjailijan nimenanto on osin huolimatonta, on se silti selvsti harkittua. Aili Somersalon luoma nimimaisema on omalakinen ja tunnistettava.


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A Breakthrough of Welfare State. The inter-relationships of the civic movement, political transformation, and eroding of a hegemony based on small scale farming in the Finnish society in the late 1950's. The unusually rapid and powerful structural change; the non-parliamentary civic movements of 1956 - 1963; and the left majority in the Finnish parliament between 1958 - 1962 all took place as the Finnish welfare state started to develop. The aim of my research is to analyse the inter-relationships of these processes. The research describes the way the former semi self-sufficient, semi-proletarian and labour-intensive form of production - a simple and discriminatory system in itself - made it possible for the majority of the population to survive through hard work. For some it even provided a possibility to prosper. The waning vitality of semi self-sufficiency and small scale agriculture triggered a political ferment and started a period of searching for something new. The process was so intense that it broke up most of the parties and tore down the old consensus that was based on the power of economic and political elite. The most crucial battle of the great transformation was waged over the nature of the state: Should we build a welfare state and construct social security systems, or should we revert to the old night watchman state and, for example, cancel the modest forms of redistribution of income carried out in the 1950's? The people joining the civic movements were either cottagers of the impoverishing countryside or, quite often, people who had come from the countryside and thus had grown up under conditions of some form of solidarity that included taking care of one's own family. The Finnish social insurance developed in the midst of a change in the structure of production of the society, and it became a compromise to satisfy the needs of both the waning society of small scale agriculture and the rising proletarian society based on wage labour. The hodgepodge of political schemes and use of power became a battle between different notions of the economy and the state; the distribution of national income; and the position of Finland in the international context. This battle created a shape of an interregnum - a period of transformation including two notions of society, two alternative paths for the future and the logic of a correctional move. The transformation of Finland from a poor developing country into a prosperous society has been praised as a success story. In 1956 - 1959, when the old form of governance based on the interests of small scale agriculture and wood processing industry was in decay, and when the future seemed uncertain, the projects to reduce social benefits and efforts to distribute national income even more unequally than before led to a powerful counter-movement by citizens and started an hegemonic change and a equal socia development.


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The voluntary associations dealt with in this dissertation were ethnic clubs and societies promoting the interests of German immigrants in Finland and Sweden. The associations were founded at the end of the 19th century as well as at the beginning of the 20th century during a time in which migration was high, the civil society grew rapidly and nationalism flourished. The work includes over 70 different associations in Finland and Sweden with a number of members ranging from ten to at most 2, 500. The largest and most important associations were situated in Helsinki and Stockholm where also most of the German immigrants lived. The main aim of this work is to explore to what extent and how the changes in government in Germany during 1910 to 1950 were reflected in the structures and participants, financial resources and meeting places, networks and activities of the German associations in Finland and Sweden. The study also deals with how a collective German national identity was created within the German associations. The period between 1910 and 1950 has been described by Hobsbawm as the apogee of nationalism. Nationalism and transnationalism are therefore key elements in the work. Additionally the research deals with theories about associations, networking and identity. The analysis is mostly based on minutes of meetings, descriptions of festivities, annual reports and historical outlines about the associations. Archival sources from the German legations, the German Foreign Office, and Finnish and Swedish officials such as the police and the Foreign Offices are also used. The study shows that the collective national identity in the associations during the Weimar Republic mostly went back to the time of the Wilhelmine Empire. It is argued that this fact, the cultural propaganda and the aims of the Weimar Republic to strengthen the contacts between Germany and the German associations abroad, and the role of the German legations and envoys finally helped the small groups of NSDAP to infiltrate, systematically coordinate and finally centralize the German associational life in Finland and Sweden. The Gleichschaltung did not go as smoothly as the party wanted, though. There was a small but consistent opposition that continued to exist in Finland until 1941 and in Sweden until 1945. The collective national identity was displayed much more in Sweden than in Finland, where the associations kept a lower profile. The reasons for the profile differences can be found in the smaller number of German immigrants in Finland and the greater German propaganda in Sweden, but also in the Finnish association act from 1919 and the changes in it during the 1920s and 1930s. Finally, the research shows how the loss of two world wars influenced the associations. It argues that 1918 made the German associations more vulnerable to influence from Germany, whereas 1945 brought the associational life back to where it once started as welfare, recreational and school associations.


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El presente experimento fue realizado en la Estacin Experimental La Compaa, San Marcos, departamento de Carazo, durante la poca de postrera del ao 1991 con el fin de evaluar el efecto de diferentes dosis de fertilizante y densidades de siembra sobre la cenosis de las malezas, el crecimiento y rendimiento del frijol comn. Los tratamientos, consistieron en combinar tres dosis de fertilizante de la frmula 1846-0 (Testigo, 1 y 2 qq/mz de fertilizante) con tres densidades de siembra (15, 30 y 45 semillas/m2). Los resultados obtenidos en este trabaj muestran que bajo las condiciones en las que fue realizado el experimento, la aplicacin de 2 qq/mz del fertilizante y una densidad de siembra de 45 semillas/m2, produjo la menor abundancia y cobertura de malezas. A dosis de 1 qq/mz y densidad de 30 semillas/m2 se obtuvo el menor peso seco de malezas. Durante el ciclo del cultivo la mayor diversidad de especies se registr en la clase monocotilednea. En cuanto al cultivo, aun cuando se observ una ligera tendencia a disminuir el rendimiento a medida que aument la dosis de fertilizante aplicada no hubo diferencias. En el caso de las densidades, se obtuvo el mayor nmero de ramas y vainas con 15 semillas/m2 y el mayor nmero de plantas, peso de mil granos y rendimiento con 45 semillas/m2, aunque en todos los casos las diferencias fueron mnimas.


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Resumen: Este trabajo analiza la accin colectiva sindical postnacional en el MERCOSUR en un perodo histrico signado por profundas mutaciones polticas, econmicas, y productivas sociales (1991-2012) a partir de los relatos y representaciones de sus protagonistas. El trabajo cualitativo intentar explicar la configuracin del sindicalismo internacional en la globalizacin, y describir las estrategias del movimiento obrero mercosureo. La metodologa cualitativa ilustra un trabajo de campo a partir de entrevistas en profundidad a 34 sindicalistas del Mercosur, y entrevistas adicionales a tres representantes de la Confederacin Sindical de las Amricas, dos empresarios del Mercosur, un especialista acadmico en la dimensin sociolaboral de la integracin regional y un representante de la OIT en la regin. La metodologa de anlisis e interpretacin de dichas entrevistas ha sido la teora fundamentada, entendida como la tcnica ms idnea de aprehender los procesos sociales a travs de las voces de los lderes obreros, comprender su realidad, sus representaciones y sistema de valores, sus ideas y su accin colectiva. La literatura de los movimientos sociales en la globalizacin capitalista ha puesto el nfasis en la emergencia de nuevos colectivos cuyos reclamos se concentran en el reconocimiento (Fraser y Honneth, 2006) de sus identidades que el modelo fordista de produccin pareci invisibilizar y soslayar ante la primaca de las prcticas econmicas y demandas distributivas. Esta tesis conjuga una perspectiva dualista y demuestra que las estrategias de reconocimiento y las reivindicaciones de redistribucin de tipo clasista se resignificaron en el escenario postnacional a travs de la Coordinadora de Centrales Sindicales del Cono Sur CCSCS- (subregional) y, con un desarrollo menor: los Sindicatos Globales (FSI, GUFs) en la accin sectorial [1991-2012]. Para arribar al ncleo configurativo de sus representaciones y su sistema de valores, la investigacin transit por los sentidos y significados del trabajo, las mutaciones productivas y de las condiciones del trabajo, las teoras del fin del trabajo, la precarizacin y la representacin de los trabajadores ms frgiles: mujeres, jvenes y migrantes. En un segundo orden se interpel sobre la gobernanza mundial, los organismos internacionales, el rgimen normativo internacional, la civilizacin capitalista, para luego abordar el estudio especfico del Mercosur y la accin obrera en dicho proceso. El ncleo determin que para los representantes obreros la accin colectiva sindical debe ser postnacional y su objetivo es limitar la globalizacin capitalista neoliberal. La CCSCS conform desde sus inicios un movimiento capaz de elevarse al rango supranacional para representar la voz de los trabajadores del MERCOSUR. La pluralidad configur su mayor virtud durante sus primeros 20 aos, reconociendo una experiencia de aprendizaje de tolerancia y respeto, que ellos definen como la unidad en la diversidad. Esta entidad constituye un patrimonio nico como paradigma del sindicalismo postnacional. Los sindicatos del Cono Sur adoptaron diversas modalidades de accin colectiva: a) reactiva (con repertorios de insubordinacin, de lucha y resistencia al modelo neoliberal), b) proactiva (con repertorios de incidencia normativa en el MERCOSUR) y c) participativa (con repertorios de produccin propositiva de incidencia en la dimensin social del MERCOSUR). Su accin colectiva reactiva, normativa y propositiva fue eficaz a mediano plazo para participar e incidir en el MERCOSUR, crear una dimensin social del bloque y dotar de derechos normativos a los ciudadanos de la regin. Su accin tuvo un sentido poltico de gran poder instituyente, con capacidad movilizacin y alta exposicin pblica. Sin embargo, en la segunda dcada su lgica de construccin qued subordinada a los procesos nacionales y a los partidos gobernantes, dej de ser performativa y de creacin poltica, dirimindose en la esfera social junto a otros movimientos sociales emergentes, y provoc un ciclo de desmovilizacin. Simultneamente, emergi con fuerza otra modalidad de sindicalismo postnacional con la fusin y refundacin de los Sindicatos Globales. Su accin sectorial contribuye a restaurar las demandas de distribucin que haban quedado soslayadas, pero esta tesis manifiesta que los protagonistas afirman que sus marcos de accin colectiva debern ser conjuntos para ser exitosa. El sindicalismo postnacional en el MERCOSUR se define a s mismos como agente de desarrollo, protagonista del modelo socioproductivo, pero tambin como vehculo partcipe de la democracia y de una matriz sustentable de desarrollo


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Contenido: Capacidad de la mente humana para alcanzar el ser de las cosas, hasta el mismo Esse subsistens (II) / Octavio N. Derisi -- Conocimiento negativo y conocimiento afirmativo de Dios en Santo Toms y en Hegel / Ignacio E. M. Andereggen -- Antropologa en la Q. D. "De virtutibus in communi" de Santo Toms / Laura E. Corso -- Super-yo y vida moral : una valoracin tomista de la hiptesis psicoanaltica / Abelardo Pithod -- Epistemologa contempornea y filosofa cristiana / Gabriel J. Zanotti -- Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografa


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Contenido: El hombre desamparado / La Direccin Los fundamentos de la educacin en Santo Toms de Aquino / Jos Todoli Duque -- La filosofa jurdica de Hans Kelsen/ Julio M. Ojea Quintana El problema moral / Carlo Giacon Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografa