146 resultados para TROPISM
O vírus Morumbi é membro do sorogrupo Phlebotomus fever (família Bunyavírídae: gênero Phlebovírus) nativo da Região Amazônica. Seu vetor é desconhecido, mas supõem-se ser transmitido por flebotomíneos. Foi isolado em 1988 de ser humano apresentando quadro febril agudo. Este arbovírus, quando inoculado em camundongo por via cerebral, demonstrou viscerotropismo, induzindo inclusive lesões no fígado do animal inoculado. Com os objetivos de: i) estabelecer as características anátomo-patológicas e imuno-histoquímicas em fígado de camundongos albinos Swíss recém-nascidos experimentalmente infectados pelo vírus Morumbi; ii) verificar se o vírus apresenta hepatotropismo diferenciado na dependência de inoculação pelas vias cerebral, peritoneal ou subcutânea; iii) caracterizar detalhadamente os padrões anátomo-patológicos sequenciais no fígado; iv) demonstrar a localização do antígeno viral no tecido hepático ao longo da infecção experimental; v) estudar possíveis inter-relações entre os achados anátomo-patológicos e os imuno-histoquímicos. Foram estudados experimentalmente 71 camundongos Swíss recém-nascidos (dois e três dias), distribuídos ao final do experimento como segue: 21 animais inoculados por via intracerebral (IC), 21 por via intraperitoneal (IP) e 29 animais inoculados por via subcutânea (SC). Utilizou-se a dose infectante 5,0DL 50 /0,02ml de suspensão de vírus. Outros trinta, animais que não receberam inóculos, foram utilizados como grupo controle. Subgrupos de oito animais (seis inoculados e dois do grupo controle) foram sacrificados diariamente a intervalos de 24 em 24 horas, até 96 horas para os grupos IC e IP e até 120 horas para o grupo SC. Fragmentos de fígado de todos os animais foram fixados em solução de formalina neutra a 10%, incluídos em parafina, de onde foram obtidos cortes de 5 mm que foram corados pela técnica de hematoxilina-eosina para análise morfológica e, cortes adicionais, foram submetidos à técnica de imuno-histoquímica (Sistema Envision, DAKO, USA), utilizando a fosfatase alcalina e soro hiperimune do vírus Morumbi preparado em camundongos jovens, para detecção de antígeno viral. Foram estudados seis parâmetros de lesão em áreas portais e nove outros nos lóbulos, que foram semiquantificados numa escala que variou de zero (0) a três cruzes (+++), onde zero significou ausência de lesão e três cruzes lesão intensa. À microscopia óptica, ficou evidente que o vírus Morumbi inoculado em camundongos por três diferentes vias induz lesões em áreas portais e lobulares, caracterizando uma hepatite aguda com presença de corpúsculos acidófilos, semelhantes aos corpúsculos de Councilman -Rocha Lima, de distribuição irregular nos lóbulos, cujo aparecimento foi observado 24 horas pós-inoculação (p.i.) e atingiu o máximo de intensidade às 72 horas p.i. em animais inoculados por via IP. O exame imuno-histoquímico mostrou presença leve de antígeno viral a partir de 24 horas p.i. no grupo IC e a partir de 48 horas p.i. nos grupos IP e SC, havendo certo paralelismo em relação a intensidade de lesão morfológica, tendo- se observado o máximo de detecção de antígeno viral em animais inoculados por via IP e sacrificados às 72 horas p.i. A distribuição geral de antígeno foi observada especificamente nos lóbulos hepáticos, no citoplasma de hepatócitos íntegros e necrosados e no interior de células de Kupffer, não havendo preferência por nenhuma das três zonas do lóbulo. Concluiu-se que: i) o modelo de infecção experimental em camundongos foi excelente para o estudo das lesões causadas pelo vírus Morumbi, podendo ser selecionada a via IP como referencial; ii) em todas as vias utilizadas (IP, IC e SC) se confirmou a infecção pelo vírus Morumbi com marcante detecção de seu antígeno, no tecido hepático de camundongos Swiss; iii) a presença de antígeno do vírus Morumbi no fígado desses camundongos associou-se ao aparecimento de hepatite aguda, com necrose focal; iv)hepatite intensa pôde ser observada em fígado de camundongos sacrificados 72 h p.i. com o vírus Morumbi por via IP, o que não foi verificado com as outras duas vias; v) a hepatite aguda mostrou-se limitada, neste experimento, tendendo a desaparecer na maioria dos camundongos inoculados, com avançar das horas; vi) colestase não alteração freqüente na hepatite experimental pelo vírus Morumbi, quando inoculada por via IC, IP e SC; vii) o antígeno do vírus Morumbi teve predominância pela localização intracitoplasmática, padrão granular, nos hepatócitos e células de Kupffer; viii) antígeno viral foi detectado em fragmento hepático de animais experimentalmente inoculados com o vírus Morumbi, a partir das 24 horas via IC e a partir de 48 horas nas vias IP e SC.
A infecção pela Helicobacter pylori é uma das mais comuns em humanos e apesar de possuir tropismo pelo estômago, pode ser encontrada na cavidade oral, mantendo uma relação comensal com o hospedeiro, enquanto a cárie dental também é uma doença infecciosa e resulta do metabolismo da placa bacteriana. Ambas as infecções apresentam alta prevalência em países em desenvolvimento, pois estas populações estão mais expostas a fatores ambientais de risco, e normalmente são adquiridas durante a infância. A prevalência destas infecções foi investigada na cavidade oral de escolares assintomáticos para doenças gástricas, provenientes de uma população de Belém-Pa, relacionando-se a alguns parâmetros de higiene e saúde bucal, condição socioeconômica e fatores de susceptibilidade genética como os grupos sanguíneos ABO e Lewis. Foram investigados 104 indivíduos, com idade média de 17 anos. De todos os participantes foram coletadas amostras de saliva e placa dental. A saliva foi coletada para identificação do estado secretor ABO e Lewis e estimação dos parâmetros salivares, e ambas, saliva e placa dental, foram coletadas para analise molecular dos genes 16S RNAr da H. pylori e FUT2. A H. pylori foi detectada em 79,8% dos escolares, com freqüência de 66,35% na placa dental e 58,65% na saliva. A prevalência de cárie foi de 82,8% na população estudada. A avaliação clínica da saúde bucal mostrou que o CPO-D médio encontrado foi de 3,53. Observou-se que a experiência de cárie tende a aumentar à medida que acresce a idade e que a infecção por H. pylori foi maior na primeira infância. O grau de instrução e o número de visitas ao dentista mostraram diferenças significantes em relação a presença de H. pylori. A distribuição fenotípica dos grupos sanguíneos ABO e Lewis não mostrou diferenças significantes entre indivíduos infectados e não-infectados, que expliquem haver maior susceptibilidade genética para infecção por H. pylori e cárie dental. No conjunto desta analise as elevadas freqüências encontradas denotam a necessidade de cuidados e tratamento das doenças dentais, como a cárie e sugere-se que a H. pylori na cavidade oral pode contribuir para a infecção e re-infecção do estômago após tratamento.
Poucas informações estão disponíveis até o momento sobre os vírus do sorogrupo Gamboa (Bunyaviridae, Orthobunyavirus), desta forma, foi realizado, neste trabalho, estudo filogenético dos membros do sorogrupo Gamboa entre si e com outros orthobunyavírus ao nível gene Gn (M-RNA), além de infecção experimental em pintos recém nascidos da espécie Gallus gallus domesticus com a cepa Be AN 439546 do Vírus Gamboa (VGAM), e estudo sorológico em aves, outros animais silvestres e humanos de Tucuruí – Pará. A análise filogenética dos vírus do sorogrupo Gamboa demonstrou que esses vírus são geneticamente mais relacionados com membros do grupo Turlock e menos com os do grupo Simbu, e foram distribuídos em dois clados distintos (I e II), que estão de acordo com a atual classificação sorológica, de modo que o clado I inclui o complexo Gamboa e o clado II o complexo Alajuela. A cepa Be AN 439546 do VGAM apresentou tropismo pelo pulmão e fígado de pintos recém nascidos experimentalmente infectados, sendo a replicação viral nesses órgãos confirmada por imunohistoquímica, o que demonstra que o VGAM replica-se nessa ave. A detecção de anticorpos inibidores da hemaglutinação contra o VGAM e a confirmação por teste de neutralização em plasma de aves silvestres reforça a hipótese de que esses animais constituem o principal hospedeiro de amplificação no ciclo de manutenção do VGAM. Estudos moleculares do genoma completo dos vírus do sorogrupo Gamboa, assim como sobre a ecoepidemiologia do vetor e dos hospedeiros (principalmente aves), para o ciclo de replicação dos vírus, são importantes para confirmar as informações já existentes sobre esses vírus.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Leishmaniasis is a vector-borne disease with Leishmania chagasi being the etiological agent of canine visceral leishmaniasis in South America. Canine venereal tumor is a transplantable round cell tumor of histiocytic origin which is mostly observed in sexually active male and female intact dogs. It has been shown that Leishmania amastigotes have higher tropism for the canine male genital tract tissues and venereal leishmaniasis transmission has been documented in dogs but, to date, a canine venereal tumor-dependent transmission route has not been fully demonstrated. In this report, a 10-year-old, mixed breed, intact female dog presented a vaginal venereal transmissible tumor but no other clinical abnormalities otherwise. Unexpectedly, tumor tissue imprint smears examination revealed Leishmania sp. amastigotes within infiltrating macrophages. In addition to the cytological direct identification, the protozoan was confirmed within the neoplastic tissue by means of immunohistochemistry and polymerase chain reaction. This report illustrates an asymptomatic Leishmania sp. infection that may have started on or from the canine venereal tumor tissue, the latter option further supporting previous evidence of such an alternative vector-independent route of transmission for canine visceral leishmaniasis in areas where these diseases coexist.
Introduction: the squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the head and neck cancer of higher occurrence, representing about 90% of all these tumors. The SCC has several risk factors as smoking, alcohol and some oncogenic viruses, including the Epstein Barr virus (EBV). The EBV is a member of Herpesviridae family and has tropism for B lymphocytes and also for epithelial cells. Aim: the aim of this study was accomplish a review of the literature about the presence of the EBV in oral carcinomas. Conclusion: EBV is closely related to nasopharyngeal carcinoma, a SCC of high incidence in Southeast Asia, however its role in others oral SCC has not been proved.
tabula tabular tachyauxesis tachyblastic tachygen tachygenesis tachytelic tactic tactile tactoreceptors taenia taeniate taenidium taenioglossate tagma tagmata tagmosis tail tailfan Takakura's talon talus tandem tangent tangoreceptor tanylobous tapetal tapetum tapinoma-odor Tardigrada tardigrades tarsal tarsation tarsite tarsomere tarsungulus tarsus taste tautonomy tautonym taxa taxes taxis taxis taxodont taxometrics taxon taxonomic taxonomist taxonomy tectiform tectostracum tectum teeth teges tegillum tegmen tegmentum tegula tegular tegulum tegumen tegument tegumentary tela telaform telamon telegonic teleiochrysalis telenchium teleoconch teleodont teleology teleotrocha telepod telescope telescopic teletrophic telioderma teliophan telmophage telocentric telodendria telofemur telogonic telolecithal telomitic telophase telophragma telopod telopodite telorhabdions telosonic telostome telosynapsis telosyndesis telotarsus telotaxis telotroch telson template temporal tenacipeds tenaculum tenent teneral tensor tentacle tentacular tentaculocyst tentaculozooid tentilla tentorial tentorium tenuous teratocyte teratogen teratogenesis teratogyne teratology terebella terebra terebrant terebrate teres terete terga tergal tergite tergolateral tergopleural tergopore tergum tergum termen terminal terminalia termitarium termitophile terranes terrestrial terricolous territory tertiary tertibrach tertibrachial tessellate test testaceology testaceous test-cross testes testis testisac testudinate tetanus tetany tetractinal tetractine tetrad tetradelphic tetramerous tetramorphic tetraploid tetrapod tetrapterous tetrasomic tetrathyridial tetrathyridium tetraxon tetraxonid thalassophilous thallus thamnophilous thanatocoenosis thanatosis theca thecae thecal thecate thelycum thelygenesis thelygenous thelyotokous thelyotoky theory thermocline thermophile thermophobe thermoreceptor thermotaxis thickness thigmotactic thigmotaxis thigmotropism third-form thoraces thoracic thoracomere thoracopod(ite) thorax thoraxes thread thylacium thylacogen thyridial thyridium thyroid thysanuriform tibia tibial tibiotarsal tibiotarsus Tiedemann's tiled timbal tinctorial tine tissue tissue titilla titillae titillator tocopherol tocospermal tocospermia tocostome tokostome tomentose tomentum Tomosvary tone tonic tonofibrillae tonus topochemical topogamodeme topomorph topomorphic toponym topotype tori torma tormogen tornote tornus torose torpid torqueate torsion tortuose torulose torus totipotent totomount toxa toxicognath toxicology toxin toxinosis toxoglossate toxoid trabecula trabeculate trabeculated trachea tracheae tracheal tracheate tracheoblast tracheolar tracheoles trachychromatic tract Tragardh's tragus transad transcoxa transcurrent transect transection transformation transient transitional translocation translucent transmission transposed transscutal transstadial transtilla transverse trapeziform trapezium trapezoid trema tremata Trematoda trenchant trepan triact triactinal triad triaene triage triangle triangular triangulate triaulic triaxial triaxon tribe tribocytic trichite trichobothrium trichobranchia trichobranchiate trichocerous trichodes trichodeum trichodragmata trichogen trichoid trichomes trichophore trichopore trichosors trichostichal trichotomous trichroism tricolumella tricomes tricostate tricrepid tricuspid tricuspidate tridactyl trident tridentate trifid trifurcate triglycerides trignathan trigonal trigoneutism trilabiate trilateral trilobate trilocular trimorphic trimorphism Trinominal triordinal tripartite tripectinate triplet triploblastic triploid triquetral triquetrous triradiate triradiates tritocerebral tritocerebrum tritocerebrum tritonymph tritosternum triturate triungulin triungulinid trivial trivium trivoltine trixenic troch trochal trochalopodous trochantellus trochanter trochanteral trochantin trochi trochiform trochlea trocholophous trochophore trochosphere trochus troglobiont troglodytic troglophile trogloxene tropeic trophal trophallactic trophallaxis trophamnion trophi trophic trophidium trophobiont trophobiont trophobiosis trophobiotic trophocytes trophodisc trophogeny trophoporic trophorhinium trophosome trophotaxis trophothylax trophozooid trophus tropis tropism tropotaxis trumpet truncate truncation trunk trypsin tryptic tryptophan tryptophane T-tubule tube tube-feet tubercle tubercula tuberculate tuberculose tuberiferous tubicolous tubifacient tubule tubulus tubus tuft Tullgren tumefaction tumescence tumid tumulus tunic tunica tunicary tunicate turbinate turgid turreted turriculate tychoparthenogenesis tylasters tylenchoid tyli tyloid tyloides tylosis tylostyle tylote tylus tymbal tympanal tympanal tympanic tympanum Tyndall type typhlosole typologist typolysis typostasis
Intranasal inoculation of equid herpesvirus type-1 (EHV-1) Brazilian strains A4/72 and A9/92 induced an acute and lethal infection in four different inbred mouse strains. Clinical and neurological signs appeared between the 2nd and 3rd day post inoculation (dpi) and included weight loss, ruffled fur, a hunched posture, crouching in corners, nasal and ocular discharges, dyspnoea, dehydration and increased salivation. These signs were followed by increased reactivity to external stimulation, seizures, recumbency and death. The virus was recovered consistently from the brain and viscera of all mice with neurological signs. Histopathological changes consisted of leptomeningitis, focal haemorrhage, ventriculitis, neuronal degeneration and necrosis, neuronophagia, non-suppurative inflammation, multifocal gliosis and perivascular infiltration of polymorphonuclear and mononuclear cells. Immunohistochemical examination demonstrated that EHV-1 strains A4/72 and A9/92 replicated in neurons of the olfactory bulb, the cortex and the hippocampus. In contrast, mice inoculated with the EHV-1 Brazilian strain A3/97 showed neither weight loss nor apparent clinical or neurological signs; however, the virus was recovered consistently from their lungs at 3 dpi. These three EHV-1 strains showed distinct degrees of virulence and tissue tropism in mice. EHV-1 strains A4/72 and A9/92 exhibited a high degree of central nervous system tropism with neuroinvasion and neurovirulence. EHV-1 strain A3/97 was not neurovirulent despite being detected in the brains of infected BALB/c nude mice. These findings indicate that several inbred mouse strains are susceptible to neuropathogenic EHV-1 strains and should be useful models for studying the pathogenesis and mechanisms contributing to EHV-induced myeloencephalopathy in horses. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) belongs to the Papillomaviridae family and has a capsid and a single DNA strand. Its infection occurs mainly through sexual intercourse, having an important tropism for skin and mucosal cells. Aim: To evaluate the HPV presence in normal oral mucosa of asymptomatic subjects and; in parallel, to correlate social behavioral habits with the virus. Materials and Methods: Contemporary cohort cross-sectional study. The HPV was found by PCR, using general primers MY09/11 in 125 oral mucosa samples submitted to DNA extraction and PCR to search for the beta-globin gene in order to assess the quality of the extracted DNA. In parallel, we carried out a study of behavioral issues associated with the patients. Results: All the samples had a positive diagnosis of the beta-hemoglobin gene. HPV was diagnosed in 23.2% of the samples analyzed. Conclusion: The virus was present in 29 of the 125 patients, without them having any clinical-pathological manifestation associated with the HPV. As to the social behavior of the patients, we concluded that oral sex is statistically correlated to the virus, and besides the HPV has been statistically more present in female patients.
Sanches B.G.S., Souza F.N., Azedo M.R., Batista C.F., Bertagnon H.G., Blagitz M.G. & Della Libera A.M.M.P. 2012. [Enhanced phagocytosis of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis by monocyte-macrophage cells from goats naturally infected with caprine arthritis encephalitis virus.] Fagocitose intensificada de Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis por celulas da serie monocito-macrofago de caprinos naturalmente infectados pelo virus da artrite encefalite. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(12):1225-1229. Departamento de Clinica Medica, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Avenida Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitaria, Sao Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: camilafb@usp.br Caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE) and caseous lymphadenitis (CL) have high incidence and transmissibility in small ruminants. Since both virus have tropism for macrophages and monocytes and affect the innate immune response, it is believed that CAE can predispose the animal to infection by Corynebacteruim pseudotuberculosis, the etiological agent of CL. To confirm this hypothesis, we evaluated phagocytosis from the monocyte-macrophage cells from 30 Saanen goats. Goats were uniformly divided in two groups according to results of agar gel immunodiffusion test for CAE virus (CAEV). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated by density gradient centrifugation and the monocyte-macrophage cells were isolated from the mononuclear cells by their adhesion properties in plaques. Afterwards, phagocytosis of C. psudotuberculosis was performed for two hours at 37 degrees C, 5% of CO2, and assessed by microscopic visualization. There was no difference in the percentage of monocyte-macrophage cells that phagocytozed C. bovis between groups (P = 0.41). However, when phagocytosis rates were classified according to the number of C. pseudotuberculosis phagocyted, the percentage of monocyte-macrophage cells that internalized more than 12 bacteria were higher in serologically CAEV positive animals compared to the serologically negative ones (P < 0.001). Furthermore, a positive and significant correlation (r = 0.488; P = 0.006) between the percentage of monocyte-macrophage cells that internalized more than 12 bacteria and the percentage of monocyte that were carrying out phagocytosis was also encountered in serologically CAEV positive goats, however the same were not observed in serologically negative ones. These results demonstrated an alteration in the intensity of C. pseudotuberculosis phagocytosis by monocytes-macrophages from goats infected by CAEV. Thus, these results indicated that goats infected with CAEV may be more susceptible to CL.
Bordetella avium is an opportunistic pathogen that presents tropism for ciliated epithelia, leading to upper respiratory tract disease in turkeys. This agent has also been associated with Lockjaw Syndrome in psittacine birds, but literatures describing the importance of this agent in such species are rare. The purpose of the present study was to report the first outbreak of B. avium infection in juvenile cockatiels demonstrating the Lockjaw Syndrome in Brazil and to investigate the antimicrobial resistance profile and phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of these strains. Surprising, the strains obtained from five infected cockatiel chicks from three different breeders from different Brazilian states showed a clonal relationship using the Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis and Single Enzyme Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism techniques. The virulence potentials of the B. avium strains were assessed using tracheal adherence and cytotoxic effects on a VERO cell monolayer. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: The first stages of HIV-1 infection are essential to establish the diversity of virus population within host. It has been suggested that adaptation to host cells and antibody evasion are the leading forces driving HIV evolution at the initial stages of AIDS infection. In order to gain more insights on adaptive HIV-1 evolution, the genetic diversity was evaluated during the infection time in individuals contaminated by the same viral source in an epidemic cluster. Multiple sequences of V3 loop region of the HIV-1 were serially sampled from four individuals: comprising a single blood donor, two blood recipients, and another sexually infected by one of the blood recipients. The diversity of the viral population within each host was analyzed independently in distinct time points during HIV-1 infection. Results: Phylogenetic analysis identified multiple HIV-1 variants transmitted through blood transfusion but the establishing of new infections was initiated by a limited number of viruses. Positive selection (d(N)/d(S)>1) was detected in the viruses within each host in all time points. In the intra-host viruses of the blood donor and of one blood recipient, X4 variants appeared respectively in 1993 and 1989. In both patients X4 variants never reached high frequencies during infection time. The recipient, who X4 variants appeared, developed AIDS but kept narrow and constant immune response against HIV-1 during the infection time. Conclusion: Slowing rates of adaptive evolution and increasing diversity in HIV-1 are consequences of the CD4+ T cells depletion. The dynamic of R5 to X4 shift is not associated with the initial amplitude of humoral immune response or intensity of positive selection.
The Poxviruses are a family of double stranded DNA (dsDNA) viruses that cause disease in many species, both vertebrate and invertebrate. Their genomes range in size from 135 to 365 kbp and show conservation in both organization and content. In particular, the central genomic regions of the chordopoxvirus subfamily (those capable of infecting vertebrates) contain 88 genes which are present in all the virus species characterised to date and which mostly occur in the same order and orientation. In contrast, however, the terminal regions of the genomes frequently contain genes that are species or genera-specific and that are not essential for the growth of the virus in vitro but instead often encode factors with important roles in vivo including modulation of the host immune response to infection and determination of the host range of the virus. The Parapoxviruses (PPV), of which Orf virus is the prototypic species, represent a genus within the chordopoxvirus subfamily of Poxviridae and are characterised by their ability to infect ruminants and humans. The genus currently contains four recognised species of virus, bovine papular stomatitis virus (BPSV) and pseudocowpox virus (PCPV) both of which infect cattle, orf virus (OV) that infects sheep and goats, and parapoxvirus of red deer in New Zealand (PVNZ). The ORFV genome has been fully sequenced, as has that of BPSV, and is ~138 kb in length encoding ~132 genes. The vast majority of these genes allow the virus to replicate in the cytoplasm of the infected host cell and therefore encode proteins involved in replication, transcription and metabolism of nucleic acids. These genes are well conserved between all known genera of poxviruses. There is however another class of genes, located at either end of the linear dsDNA genome, that encode proteins which are non-essential for replication and generally dictate host range and virulence of the virus. The non-essential genes are often the most variable within and between species of virus and therefore are potentially useful for diagnostic purposes. Given their role in subverting the host-immune response to infection they are also targets for novel therapeutics. The function of only a relatively small number of these proteins has been elucidated and there are several genes whose function still remains obscure principally because there is little similarity between them and proteins of known function in current sequence databases. It is thought that by selectively removing some of the virulence genes, or at least neutralising the proteins in some way, current vaccines could be improved. The evolution of poxviruses has been proposed to be an adaptive process involving frequent events of gene gain and loss, such that the virus co-evolves with its specific host. Gene capture or horizontal gene transfer from the host to the virus is considered an important source of new viral genes including those likely to be involved in host range and those enabling the virus to interfere with the host immune response to infection. Given the low rate of nucleotide substitution, recombination can be seen as an essential evolutionary driving force although it is likely underestimated. Recombination in poxviruses is intimately linked to DNA replication with both viral and cellular proteins participate in this recombination-dependent replication. It has been shown, in other poxvirus genera, that recombination between isolates and perhaps even between species does occur, thereby providing another mechanism for the acquisition of new genes and for the rapid evolution of viruses. Such events may result in viruses that have a selective advantage over others, for example in re-infections (a characteristic of the PPV), or in viruses that are able to jump the species barrier and infect new hosts. Sequence data related to viral strains isolated from goats suggest that possible recombination events may have occurred between OV and PCPV (Ueda et al. 2003). The recombination events are frequent during poxvirus replication and comparative genomic analysis of several poxvirus species has revealed that recombinations occur frequently on the right terminal region. Intraspecific recombination can occur between strains of the same PPV species, but also interspecific recombination can happen depending on enough sequence similarity to enable recombination between distinct PPV species. The most important pre-requisite for a successful recombination is the coinfection of the individual host by different virus strains or species. Consequently, the following factors affecting the distribution of different viruses to shared target cells need to be considered: dose of inoculated virus, time interval between inoculation of the first and the second virus, distance between the marker mutations, genetic homology. At present there are no available data on the replication dynamics of PPV in permissive and non permissive hosts and reguarding co-infetions there are no information on the interference mechanisms occurring during the simultaneous replication of viruses of different species. This work has been carried out to set up permissive substrates allowing the replication of different PPV species, in particular keratinocytes monolayers and organotypic skin cultures. Furthermore a method to isolate and expand ovine skin stem cells was has been set up to indeep further aspects of viral cellular tropism during natural infection. The study produced important data to elucidate the replication dynamics of OV and PCPV virus in vitro as well as the mechanisms of interference that can arise during co-infection with different viral species. Moreover, the analysis carried on the genomic right terminal region of PCPV 1303/05 contributed to a better knowledge of the viral genes involved in host interaction and pathogenesis as well as to locate recombination breakpoints and genetic homologies between PPV species. Taken together these data filled several crucial gaps for the study of interspecific recombinations of PPVs which are thought to be important for a better understanding of the viral evolution and to improve the biosafety of antiviral therapy and PPV-based vectors.