958 resultados para TRNA-mediatedtrans-splicing


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The addition of a capped mini-exon [spliced leader (SL)] through trans-splicing is essential for the maturation of RNA polymerase (pol) II-transcribed polycistronic pre-mRNAs in all members of the Trypanosomatidae family. This process is an inter-molecular splicing reaction that follows the same basic rules of cis-splicing reactions. In this study, we demonstrated that mini-exons were added to precursor ribosomal RNA (pre-rRNA) are transcribed by RNA pol I, including the 5' external transcribed spacer (ETS) region. Additionally, we detected the SL-5' ETS molecule using three distinct methods and located the acceptor site between two known 5' ETS rRNA processing sites (A' and A1) in four different trypanosomatids. Moreover, we detected a polyadenylated 5' ETS upstream of the trans-splicing acceptor site, which also occurs in pre-mRNA trans-splicing. After treatment with an indirect trans-splicing inhibitor (sinefungin), we observed SL-5' ETS decay. However, treatment with 5-fluorouracil (a precursor of RNA synthesis that inhibits the degradation of pre-rRNA) led to the accumulation of SL-5' ETS, suggesting that the molecule may play a role in rRNA degradation. The detection of trans-splicing in these molecules may indicate broad RNA-joining properties, regardless of the polymerase used for transcription.


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An increasing number of genes required for mitochondrial biogenesis, dynamics, or function have been found to be mutated in metabolic disorders and neurological diseases such as Leigh Syndrome. In a forward genetic screen to identify genes required for neuronal function and survival in Drosophila photoreceptor neurons, we have identified mutations in the mitochondrial methionyl-tRNA synthetase, Aats-met, the homologue of human MARS2. The fly mutants exhibit age-dependent degeneration of photoreceptors, shortened lifespan, and reduced cell proliferation in epithelial tissues. We further observed that these mutants display defects in oxidative phosphorylation, increased Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), and an upregulated mitochondrial Unfolded Protein Response. With the aid of this knowledge, we identified MARS2 to be mutated in Autosomal Recessive Spastic Ataxia with Leukoencephalopathy (ARSAL) patients. We uncovered complex rearrangements in the MARS2 gene in all ARSAL patients. Analysis of patient cells revealed decreased levels of MARS2 protein and a reduced rate of mitochondrial protein synthesis. Patient cells also exhibited reduced Complex I activity, increased ROS, and a slower cell proliferation rate, similar to Drosophila Aats-met mutants.


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Understanding alternative splicing is crucial to elucidate the mechanisms behind several biological phenomena, including diseases. The huge amount of expressed sequences available nowadays represents an opportunity and a challenge to catalog and display alternative splicing events (ASEs). Although several groups have faced this challenge with relative success, we still lack a computational tool that uses a simple and straightforward method to retrieve, name and present ASEs. Here we present SPLOOCE, a portal for the analysis of human splicing variants. SPLOOCE uses a method based on regular expressions for retrieval of ASEs. We propose a simple syntax that is able to capture the complexity of ASEs.


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Splicing of primary transcripts is an essential process for the control of gene expression. Specific conserved sequences in premature transcripts are important to recruit the spliceosome machinery. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae catalytic spliceosome is composed of about 60 proteins and 5 snRNAs (U1, U2, U4/U6 and U5). Among these proteins, there are core components and regulatory factors, which might stabilize or facilitate splicing of specific substrates. Assembly of a catalytic complex depends on the dynamics of interactions between these proteins and RNAs. Cwc24p is an essential S. cerevisiae protein, originally identified as a component of the NTC complex, and later shown to affect splicing in vivo. In this work, we show that Cwc24p also affects splicing in vitro. We show that Cwc24p is important for the U2 snRNP binding to primary transcripts, co-migrates with spliceosomes, and that it interacts with Brr2p. Additionally, we show that Cwc24p is important for the stable binding of Prp19p to the spliceosome. We propose a model in which Cwc24p is required for stabilizing the U2 association with primary transcripts, and therefore, especially important for splicing of RNAs containing non- consensus branchpoint sequences.


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Trypanosomatidae is a family of early branching eukaryotes harbouring a distinctive repertoire of gene expression strategies. Functional mature messenger RNA is generated via the trans-splicing and polyadenylation processing of constitutively transcribed polycistronic units. Recently, trans-splicing of pre-small subunit ribosomal RNA in the 5' external transcribed spacer region and of precursor tRNAsec have been described. Here, we used a previously validated semi-nested reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction strategy to investigate internal transcribed spacer (ITS) I acceptor sites in total RNA from Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis. Two distinct spliced leader-containing RNAs were detected indicating that trans-splicing reactions occur at two AG acceptor sites mapped in this ITS region. These data provide further evidence of the wide spectrum of RNA molecules that act as trans-splicing acceptors in trypanosomatids.


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Nukleosidmodifikationen beeinflussen Dynamik und Konformation von RNArnund sind epigenetisch wirksam. Wenig verstanden sind konformationelle Dynamik und enzymatische Erkennung von tRNA, sowie der Einfluss des mutmaßlichen kovalenten Inhibitors 5-Fluorouridine (5FU) auf Y Synthasen, die Pseudouridin (Y) erzeugen. Frühere Arbeiten nutzten mit den Fluorophoren Cy3 und Cy5rnmarkierte tRNA, um diese Fragen zu adressieren.rnDie vorliegende Arbeit weitet Cy3-Cy5-Markierung auf Hefe tRNArnPhernaus undrnnutzt Thermophorese und fortschrittliche Fluoreszenzspektroskopie. In der Thermophorese zeigte sich eine hohe Toleranz gegenüber Fluoreszenzmarkierung beirngleichzeitiger Erhöhung der Cy5 Fluoreszenz durch Enzymbindung. Zudem konnte die Konformation verschiedener Mutanten human mitochondrialer tRNArnLysrnund die Bindung von SAM durch SAM-I Riboswitch RNA untersucht werden.rnUm etwaige Unterschiede in der Interaktion von Y55 Synthase TruB mit Cy5-gelabelter U55- bzw. 5FU55-tRNA aufzudecken, wurde eine Kombination ausrnThermophorese, zeit- und polarisationsaufgelöster Fluoreszenzspektroskopie undrn’gel shift’ Experimenten genutzt. Alle Ergebnisse zeigten übereinstimmend einernreversible Bindung ähnlicher Affinität für beide tRNAs und widersprechen somit einer kovalenten Inhibition durch 5FU. Folgerichtig wurde der SDS-stabilernKomplex von TruB mit 5FU-tRNA neu evaluiert, da er bisher als kovalent interpretiert wurde. Es erfolgte eine schnelle Komplexbildung in hoher Ausbeute auchrnfür schlechte Substrate, außerdem ließ sich die Komplexausbeute nicht durch andere Reaktionsbedingungen beeinflussen. Somit kann der SDS stabile Komplexrnnur den ersten, nicht-kovalenten Kontakt von Enzym und 5FU55-tRNA darstellen und repräsentiert kein kovalentes Addukt späterer Katalyse.


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The incorporation of modified nucleotides into ribonucleic acids (RNAs) is important for their structure and proper function. These modifications are inserted by distinct catalytic macromolecules one of them being Dnmt2. It methylates the Cytidine (C) at position 38 in tRNA to 5-methylcytidine (m5C). Dnmt2 has been a paradigm in this respect, because all of its nearest neighbors in evolution are DNA-cytosine C5-methyltransferases and methylate DNA, while its (own) DNA methyltransferase activity is the subject of controversial reports with rates varying between zero and very weak. This work determines whether the biochemical potential for DNA methylation is present in the enzyme. It was discovered that DNA fragments, when presented as covalent RNA:DNA hybrids in the structural context of a tRNA, can be more efficiently methylated than the corresponding natural tRNA substrate. Additional minor deviations from a native tRNA structure that were seen to be tolerated by Dnmt2 were used for a stepwise development of a composite system of guide RNAs that enable the enzyme to perform cytidine methylation on single stranded DNA in vitro. Furthermore, a proof-of-principle is presented for utilizing the S-adenosyl methionine-analog cofactor SeAdoYn with Dnmt2 to search for new possible substrates in a SELEX-like approach.rnIn innate immunity, nucleic acids can function as pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) recognized by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). The modification pattern of RNA is the discriminating factor for toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) to distinguish between self and non-self RNA of invading pathogens. It was found that a 2'-O-methylated guanosine (Gm) at position18, naturally occurring at this position in some tRNAs, antagonizes recognition by TLR7. In the second part of this work it is pointed out, that recognition extends to the next downstream nucleotide and the effectively recognized molecular detail is actually a methylated dinucleotide. The immune silencing effect of the ribose methylation is most pronounced if the dinucleotide motif is composed of purin nucleobases whereas pyrimidines diminish the effect. Similar results were obtained when the Gm modification was transposed into other tRNA domains. Point mutations abolishing base pairings important for a proper tertiary structure had no effect on the immune stimulatory potential of a Gm modified tRNA. Taken together these results suggest a processive type of RNA inspection by TLR7.rn


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Mitochondrial tRNA(Leu(UUR)) mutation m.3302A > G is associated with respiratory chain complex I deficiency and has been described as a rare cause of mostly adult-onset slowly progressive myopathy. Five families with 11 patients have been described so far; 5 of them died young due to cardiorespiratory failure. Here, we report on a segregation study in a family with an index patient who already presented at the age of 18 months with proximal muscular hypotonia, abnormal fatigability, and lactic acidosis. This early-onset myopathy was rapidly progressive. At 8 years, the patient is wheel-chair bound, requires nocturnal assisted ventilation, and suffers from recurrent respiratory infections. Severe complex I deficiency and nearly homoplasmy for m.3302A > G were found in muscle. We collected blood, hair, buccal swabs and muscle biopsies from asymptomatic adults in this pedigree and determined heteroplasmy levels in these tissues as well as OXPHOS activities in muscle. All participating asymptomatic adults had normal OXPHOS activities. In contrast to earlier reports, we found surprisingly little variation of heteroplasmy levels in different tissues of the same individual. Up to 45% mutation load in muscle and up to 38% mutation load in other tissues were found in non-affected adults. The phenotypic spectrum of tRNA(Leu(UUR)) m.3302A > G mutation seems to be wider than previously described. A threshold of more than 45% heteroplasmy in muscle seems to be necessary to alter complex I activity leading to clinical manifestation. The presented data may be helpful for prognostic considerations and counseling in affected families.


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In Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), the SMN1 gene is deleted or inactivated. Because of a splicing problem, the second copy gene, SMN2, generates insufficient amounts of functional SMN protein, leading to the death of spinal cord motoneurons. For a "severe" mouse SMA model (Smn -/-, hSMN2 +/+; with affected pups dying at 5-7 days), which most closely mimicks the genetic set-up in human SMA patients, we characterise SMA-related ultrastructural changes in neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) of two striated muscles with discrete functions. In the diaphragm, but not the soleus muscle of 4-days old SMA mice, mitochondria on both sides of the NMJs degenerate, and perisynaptic Schwann cells as well as endoneurial fibroblasts show striking changes in morphology. Importantly, NMJs of SMA mice in which a modified U7 snRNA corrects SMN2 splicing and delays or prevents SMA symptoms are normal. This ultrastructural study reveals novel features of NMJ alterations - in particular the involvement of perisynaptic Schwann cells - that may be relevant for human SMA pathogenesis.


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It has long been known that trypanosomes regulate mitochondrial biogenesis during the life cycle of the parasite; however, the mitochondrial protein inventory (MitoCarta) and its regulation remain unknown. We present a novel computational method for genome-wide prediction of mitochondrial proteins using a support vector machine-based classifier with approximately 90% prediction accuracy. Using this method, we predicted the mitochondrial localization of 468 proteins with high confidence and have experimentally verified the localization of a subset of these proteins. We then applied a recently developed parallel sequencing technology to determine the expression profiles and the splicing patterns of a total of 1065 predicted MitoCarta transcripts during the development of the parasite, and showed that 435 of the transcripts significantly changed their expressions while 630 remain unchanged in any of the three life stages analyzed. Furthermore, we identified 298 alternatively splicing events, a small subset of which could lead to dual localization of the corresponding proteins.