993 resultados para TRANSPARENT MATERIALS


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This work mainly concentrate to understand the optical and electrical properties of amorphous zinc tin oxide and amorphous zinc indium tin oxide thin films for TFT applications. Amorphous materials are promising in achieving better device performance on temperature sensitive substrates compared to polycrystalline materials. Most of these amorphous oxides are multicomponent and as such there exists the need for an optimized chemical composition. For this we have to make individual targets with required chemical composition to use it in conventional thin film deposition techniques like PLD and sputtering. Instead, if we use separate targets for each of the cationic element and if separately control the power during the simultaneous sputtering process, then we can change the chemical composition by simply adjusting the sputtering power. This is what is done in co-sputtering technique. Eventhough there had some reports about thin film deposition using this technique, there was no reports about the use of this technique in TFT fabrication until very recent time. Hence in this work, co-sputtering has performed as a major technique for thin film deposition and TFT fabrication. PLD were also performed as it is a relatively new technique and allows the use high oxygen pressure during deposition. This helps to control the carrier density in the channel and also favours the smooth film surface. Both these properties are crucial in TFT.Zinc tin oxide material is interesting in the sense that it does not contain costly indium. Eventhough some works were already reported in ZTO based TFTs, there was no systematic study about ZTO thin film's various optoelectronic properties from a TFT manufacturing perspective. Attempts have made to analyse the ZTO films prepared by PLD and co-sputtering. As more type of cations present in the film, chances are high to form an amorphous phase. Zinc indium tin oxide is studied as a multicomponent oxide material suitable for TFT fabrication.


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In the present studies, various copper delafossite materials viz; CuAlO2, CuGaO2, CuFeO2 , CuGa1-xFexO2, CuYO2 and CuCaxY1-xO2 were synthesised by solid state reaction technique. These copper delafossite materials were grown in thin film form by rf magnetron sputtering technique. In general copper delafossites exhibit good optical transparency. The conductivity of the CuYO2 could be improved by Ca doping or by oxygen intercalation by annealing the film in oxygen atmosphere. It has so far been impossible to improve the p-type conductivity of CuGaO2 significantly by doping Mg or Ca on the Ga site. The ptype conductivity is presumed to be due to oxygen doping or Cu Vacancies [6]. Reports in literature show, oxygen intercalation or divalent ion doping on Ga site is not possible for CuGaO2 thin films to improve the p-type conductivity. Sintered powder and crystals of CuFeO2 have been reported as the materials having the highest p-type conductivity [14, 15] among the copper and silver delafossites. However the CuFeO2 films are found to be less transparent in the visible region compared to CuGaO2. Hence in the present work, the solid solution between the CuGaO2 and CuFeO2 was effected by solid state reaction, varying the Fe content. The CuGa1-xFexO2 with Fe content, x=0.5 shows an increase in conductivity by two orders, compared to CuGaO2 but the transparency is only about 50% in the visible region which is less than that of CuGaO2 The synthesis of α−AgGaO2 was carried out by two step process which involves the synthesis of β-AgGaO2 by ion exchange reaction followed by the hydrothermal conversion of the β-AgGaO2 into α-AgGaO2. The trace amount of Ag has been reduced substantially in the two step synthesis compared to the direct hydrothermal synthesis. Thin films of α-AgGaO2 were prepared on silicon and Al2O3 substrates by pulsed laser deposition. These studies indicate the possibility of using this material as p-type material in thin film form for transparent electronics. The room temperature conductivity of α-AgGaO2 was measured as 3.17 x 10-4 Scm-1and the optical band gap was estimated as 4.12 eV. A transparent p-n junction thin film diode on glass substrate was fabricated using p-type α-AgGaO2 and n-ZnO.AgCoO2 thin films with 50% transparency in the visible region were deposited on single crystalline Al2O3 and amorphous silica substrates by RF magnetron sputtering and p type conductivity of AgCoO2 was demonstrated by fabricating transparent p-n junction diode with AgCoO2 as p-side and ZnO: Al as n-side using sputtering. The junction thus obtained was found to be rectifying with a forward to reverse current of about 10 at an applied voltage of 3 V.The present study shows that silver delafossite thin films with p-type conductivity can be used for the fabrication of active devices for transparent electronics applications.


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The advent of high optical quality transparent nano—structured glasses, the so-called transparent glass ceramics or vitroceramics disclosed the possibility of producing nano-sized photonic devices based on rare-earth doped up—converters. Transparent glass ceramics have been investigated as hosts for lanthanide ions envisioning the production of materials that are easy to shape and with high performance for photonic applications. Rare earth doped glasses have been extensively studied due to their potential applications in optical devices such as solid state lasers and optical fibers. Various photothermal and optical techniques have been successfully applied for the thermal and optical characterization of these rare earth doped materials. In the present thesis, the effective thermal parameters like thermal diffusivity and thermal effusivity of complex materials for various applications have been investigated using photothermal methods along with their optical characterization utilising the common optical absorption as well as fluorescence spectroscopic techniques. These sensitive optical procedures are also essential for exploiting these materials for further photonic applications.


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Photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy is an optical technique that has emerged successful in the field of semiconductor material and device characterization. This technique is quite a powerful one which gives idea about the defect levels in a material, the band gap of the material, composition as well as material quality. Over the recent years it has received an elevation as a mainstream characterization technique. This thesis is an attempt to characterize each individual layer used in a thin film solar cell with special focus on the electrical properties. This will be highly beneficial from the lab as well as industrial point of view because electrical measurements generally are contact mode measurements which tend to damage the surface. As far as a thin film solar cell is concerned, the constituent layers are the transparent conducting oxide (TCO), absorber layer, buffer layer and top electrode contact. Each layer has a specific role to play and the performance of a solar cell is decided and limited by the quality of each individual layer. Various aspects of PL spectroscopy have been employed for studying compound semiconductor thin films [deposited using chemical spray pyrolysis (CSP)] proposed for solar cell application. This thesis has been structured in to seven chapters


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Light in its physical and philosophical sense has captured the imagination of human mind right from the dawn of civilization. The invention of lasers in the 60’s caused a renaissance in the field of optics. This intense, monochromatic, highly directional radiation created new frontiers in science and technology. The strong oscillating electric field of laser radiation creates a. polarisation response that is nonlinear in character in the medium through which it passes and the medium acts as a new source of optical field with alternate properties. It was in this context, that the field of optoelectronics which encompasses the generation, modulation, transmission etc. of optical radiation has gained tremendous importance. Organic molecules and polymeric systems have emerged as a class of promising materials of optoelectronics because they offer the flexibility, both at the molecular and bulk levels, to optimize the nonlinearity and other suitable properties for device applications. Organic nonlinear optical media, which yield large third-order nonlinearities, have been widely studied to develop optical devices like high speed switches, optical limiters etc. Transparent polymeric materials have found one of their most promising applicationsin lasers, in which they can be used as active elements with suitable laser dyes doped in it. The solid-matrix dye lasers make possible combination of the advantages of solid state lasers with the possibility of tuning the radiation over a broad spectral range. The polymeric matrices impregnated with organic dyes have not yet widely used because of the low resistance of the polymeric matrices to laser damage, their low dye photostability, and low dye stability over longer time of operation and storage. In this thesis we investigate the nonlinear and radiative properties of certain organic materials and doped polymeric matrix and their possible role in device development


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Semiconductor physics has developed significantly in the field of re- search and industry in the past few decades due to it’s numerous practical applications. One of the relevant fields of current interest in material science is the fundamental aspects and applications of semi- conducting transparent thin films. Transparent conductors show the properties of transparency and conductivity simultaneously. As far as the band structure is concerned, the combination of the these two properties in the same material is contradictory. Generally a trans- parent material is an insulator having completely filled valence and empty conduction bands. Metallic conductivity come out when the Fermi level lies within a band with a large density of states to provide high carrier concentration. Effective transparent conductors must nec- essarily represent a compromise between a better transmission within the visible spectral range and a controlled but useful electrical con- ductivity [1–6]. Generally oxides like In2O3, SnO2, ZnO, CdO etc, show such a combination. These materials without any doping are insulators with optical band gap of about 3 eV. To become a trans- parent conductor, these materials must be degenerately doped to lift the Fermi level up into the conduction band. Degenerate doping pro- vides high mobility of extra carriers and low optical absorption. The increase in conductivity involves an increase in either carrier concen- tration or mobility. Increase in carrier concentration will enhance the absorption in the visible region while increase in mobility has no re- verse effect on optical properties. Therefore the focus of research for new transparent conducting oxide (TCO) materials is on developing materials with higher carrier mobilities.


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Composite Fe3O4–SiO2 materials were prepared by the sol–gel method with tetraethoxysilane and aqueous-based Fe3O4 ferrofluids as precursors. The monoliths obtained were crack free and showed both optical and magnetic properties. The structural properties were determined by infrared spectroscopy, x-ray diffractometry and transmission electron microscopy. Fe3O4 particles of 20 nm size lie within the pores of the matrix without any strong Si–O–Fe bonding. The well established silica network provides effective confinement to these nanoparticles. The composites were transparent in the 600–800 nm regime and the field dependent magnetization curves suggest that the composite exhibits superparamagnetic characteristics


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The present work describes the synthesis of platinum nanoparticles followed by their electrophoretic deposition onto transparent fluorine-doped tin oxide electrodes. The nano-Pt-modified electrodes were characterized by voltammetric studies in acidic solutions showing a great electrocatalytic behavior towards H(+) reduction being very interesting for fuel cell applications. Morphological characterization was performed by atomic force microscopy on different modified electrodes showing a very rough surface which can be tuned by means of time of deposition. Also, nickel hydroxide thin films were galvanostatically grown onto these electrodes showing an interesting electrochemical behavior as sharper peaks, indicating a faster ionic exchange from the electrolyte to the film.


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Flexible, transparent, and insoluble urea-cross-linked polyether-siloxane hybrids presenting a tunable drug delivery pattern were prepared using the sol-gel method from PEO (poly(ethylene oxide)) and PPO (poly(propylene oxide)) functionalized at both chain ends with triethoxysilane. Different polyether chain lengths were used to control the urea/siloxane (named ureasil) node density, flexibility, and swellability of the hybrid network. We herein demonstrate that the drug release from swellable hydrophilic ureasil-PEO hybrids can be sustained for some days, whereas that from the unswellable ureasil-PPO hybrids can be sustained for some weeks. This outstanding feature conjugated with the biomedically safe formulation of the ureasil cross-linked polyether-siloxane hybrid widens their scope of application to include the domain of soft and implantable drug delivery devices.


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Glasses with composition 60PbGeO(3)-10PbF(2)-30CdF(2) (mol%) have been obtained in the bulk form with a high stability against crystallization. After doping them with 0.5 mol% of Er3+ or Eu3+ and appropriate heat treatment transparent glass ceramics could be obtained. Electronic spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy measurements have been made. beta-PbF2: Er3+/Eu3+ Single crystals, 5-10 nm in size, are detected in the otherwise transparent composite medium, the size of the particles and absence of clustering allowing for the increased transparency of the final materials. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, the influence on optical properties of alkali halides such as CsCl in a covalent glassy matrix has been investigated. Chalcogenide glasses belonging to the (GeS2)-(Ga2S3)-CsCI system with high ratio of CsCl present an entire transparency in the visible range. These glasses maintain good transmission up to 12 mu m. Furthermore, the thermo-mechanical properties and the glass hygroscopicity have been investigated as function of the CsCl amount. This new generation of glasses presents a great interest for optical application. They could be used both for passive applications (multi-spectral imaging) and active applications for rare-earth doping due to their good transmission in the visible range, increasing optical pumping possibilities.


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Eu3+ and Tm3+ doped lanthanum fluoride and lanthanum oxyfluoride are obtained from Eu3+, Tm3+ containing lanthanum fluoracetate solutions. The nature of the crystal phase obtained could be controlled by the temperature of heat treatment. Spectral characteristics of Eu3+ doped crystal phases were sufficiently different to allow utilization of Eu3+ as structural probes. Tm3+ emission at the technologically important spectral region of 1450nm could be observed for the fluoride and oxyfluoride crystal phases. The large bandwidth obtained (around 120nm) suggests potential applications in optical amplification. SiO2-LaF3-LaOF composite materials were also prepared. It is observed that for heat treatments above 800degreesC, fluorine loss, probably in the form of SiF4 hinder the observation of Tm3+ emission. Eu3+ spectroscopic characteristics clearly show the evolution of a fluoride like environment to an amorphous oxide one as the temperature of heat treatment increased. Thin films obtained by dip-coating on V-SiO2 substrates and treated at 300degreesC, 500degreesC and 800degreesC display guided modes in the visible and infrared regions. Optical characteristics (refractive index and films thickness) were obtained at 543.5, 632.8 and 1550nm. Attenuation as low as 1.8dB/cm was measured at 632.8nm. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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In this paper, we describe the preparation of glass ceramics in the Ga2S3 - GeS2 - CsCl system Visible and infrared transmitting glass ceramics were reproducibly obtained by appropriated heat treatment of the base glass Crystals with controllable size of about 40 nm were homogeneously generated in the glassy matrix X-ray diffraction characterizations have shown that gallium acts as nucleating agent in this material, giving rise to alpha-Ga2S3 crystals Improved thermo-mechanical properties such as dilatation coefficient and resistance to fracture propagation have been observed in the prepared glass ceramics


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The preparation and characterization of transparent glass-ceramics in the composition of 30Li2O:5ZrO2:xBaO:(100-x) SiO2 with x = 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 mol% are described. Glasses were melted in a platinum crucible at 1100°C for 2 h and then heat-treated at 900°C for 3 h. The characterizations were performed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Raman and infrared spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The experimental results indicate that there was a structural change in the glass-ceramics as the BaO concentration in the mixture increased. In the XRD patterns of samples without heat treatment, only the halo was observed. After heat treatment, the appearance of the materials was verified by X-ray diffraction peaks. The reorganization of the amorphous solid was confirmed by Raman and IR spectroscopy along with XPS and SEM, with a more homogeneous phase formation being observed.


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Transparent glass ceramics containing β-PbF2:Er 3+ nanocrystals were obtained through appropriate thermal treatments of a glass of molar composition 60PbGeO3-10PbF2-30CdF 2 doped with 0.5 mol% Er3+. Their optical properties, as well as upconversion processes among erbium ions in the glass and glass ceramic matrix were studied. From absorption spectra, Judd-Ofelt parameters and radiative transition rates for several excited levels were calculated. Emission spectra in the visible and NIR regions were collected, and stimulated emission cross sections were obtained by McCumber theory for the 4F 13/2→4I15/2 transition at 1.5 μm. Red and green upconversion emissions were measured in glass and glass ceramics upon excitation at 980 nm; lifetimes were measured in order to assess the upconversion mechanisms.