855 resultados para TOXOCARA-CANIS
Eosinophils have long been thought to be effectors of immunity to helminths but have also been implicated in the pathogenesis of asthma. Patterns of cytokine production in the host may influence the pathogenesis of these diseases by regulating the activities of eosinophils and other components of the immune response. Mice which constitutively over-express IL-5 have profound and life-long eosinophilia in a restricted number of tissues. Although eosinophils from IL-5 transgenics are functionally competent for a number of parameters considered to be important in inflammation, untreated animals are overtly normal and free of disease. In addition, the responses of these animals when exposed to aeroallergens and helminths present a number of apparent paradoxes. Eosinophil accumulation in tissues adjacent to major airways is rapid and extensive in transgenics exposed to the aeroallergen, but even after treatment with antigen over many months these mice show no evidence of respiratory distress or pathology. Helminth-infected IL-5 transgenics and their non-transgenic littermates develop similar inflammatory responses at mucosal sites and are comparable for a number of T cell and antibody responses, but they differ considerably in their ability to clear some parasite species. The life-cycle of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis is significantly inhibited in IL-5 transgenics, but that of Toxocara canis is not. Our results also suggest that eosinophilia and/or over-expression of IL-5 may actually impair host resistance to Schistosoma mansoni and Trichinella spiralis. The pathogenesis of diseases in which eosinophils are involved may therefore be more complex than previously thought.
In many helminth infected hosts the number of eosinophils increases dramatically, often without any concurrent increases in the number of other leukocytes, so that eosinophils become the dominant cell type. Many experimental investigations have shown that the eosinophilia is induced by interleukin-5 (IL-5) but its functional significance remains unclear. Mice genetically deficient in IL-5 (IL-5-/-) have been used to evaluate the functional consequences of the IL-5 dependent eosinophilia in helminth infected hosts. Host pathology and level of infection were determined in IL-5-/- and wild type mice infected with a range of species representative of each major group of helminths. The effects of IL-5 deficiency were very heterogeneous. Of the six species of helminth examined, IL-5 dependent immune responses had no detectable effect in infections with three species, namely the cestodes Mesocestoides corti and Hymenolepis diminuta and the trematode Fasciola hepatica. In contrast, IL-5 dependent immune responses were functionally important in mice infected with three species, notably all nematodes. Damage to the lungs caused by migrating larvae of Toxocara canis was reduced in IL-5-/- mice. Infections of the intestine by adult stages of either Strongyloides ratti or Heligmosomoides polygyrus were more severe in IL-5-/- mice. Adult intestinal nematodes were clearly deleteriously affected by IL-5 dependent processes since in its presence there were fewer worms which had reduced fecundity and longevity. The implications of these results for the viability of using inhibitors of IL-5 as a therapy for asthma are considered.
In this review we discuss our recently results showing interleukin 5 (IL-5) involvement in eosinophil migration and in the maintenance of eosinophilia in blood, bone marrow, lung and peritoneal cavity, in a visceral larva migrans syndrome model using guinea-pigs infected with Toxocara canis. We also describe the sequential release of TNF-alpha and IL-8 during the course of infection, and the interaction between these cytokines and IL-5 during infection. Finally we propose a new biological role for IL-5, at least in our model, as a modulator of IL-8 release and secretion.
While normal human eosinophils are destroyed in vitro by virulent Entamoeba histolytica, notwhistanding the presence of antibodies and complement, activated eosinophils promptly destroy the parasite although dying also at the end of the process. To study the possible in vivo participation of eosinophils in invasive amebiasis, we compared the induction of experimental amebic abscess of the liver (AAL) in gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) previously made eosinophilic through Toxocara canis antigen injection and in normal control gerbils. After intraportal inoculation of 10(5) ameba trophozoites (6 and 24 hr), the ratio of gerbils with AAL, as well as the number and size of the microabscesses was comparable in eosinophilic and control gerbils. However, at 96 hr the number and size of the microabscesses were significanly smaller (p<0.05) in eosinophilic gerbils. On the other hand the actuarial AAL survival curve up to 45 days post-amebic inoculation was signficantly (p<0.05) shifted to the right in controls. These results suggest that antigen-induced eosinophilia may exert a protective effect against AAL in gerbils.
Toxocara canis is very common in dogs throughout the world. It is the primary cause of visceral larva migrans (VLM) in humans. Soil contaminated with T. canis embryonated eggs is the main source of infection of man. Our objective was to describe Toxocara seroprevalence in humans in the city of La Plata associated with some determinants such asage, presence or absence of clinical manifestations and risk factors. Blood samples were collected at random from 156 patients of different sex and age, with and without clinical symptoms compatible with the disease. The diagnostic technique ELISA test was performed with the Bordier Affinity Products Commercial Kit, using excretory-secretory Toxocara antigen with a sensitivity higher than 90%. The values were positive in 39% of the studied population. In the analysis according to age, the younger group presented significant differences with respect to the older one (Chi-square p<0.05). Positive patients presented clinical symptoms compatible with the disease (84%), and 41% presented some risk factor. The level of positivity obtained indicates a certain risk of being infectes mainly in patients younger than 15 years old. The authors agree that an early identification and treatment of VLM may save a life.
In this work, a murine experimental model of toxocariasis has been developed in BALB/c, C57BL/10 and C3H murine strains orally inoculated with 4,000 Toxocara canis embryonated eggs, in order to investigate the isotype-specific immune responses against excretory-secretory antigens from larvae. T. canis specific IgG+M, IgM, IgG, IgA, IgG1, IgG2a and IgG3 were tested by ELISA. The dynamics of the specific immunoglobulins (IgG+IgM) production showed a contrasting profile regarding the murine strain. Conversely to the results obtained with the IgM isotype, the IgG antibody class showed similar patterns to those obtained with IgG+IgM antibodies, only in the case of the BALB/c strain, being different and much higher than the obtained with IgG+IgM antibodies, when the C3H murine strain was used. The antibodies IgG+IgM tested in BALB/c and C57BL/10 were both of the IgM and IgG isotypes. Conversely, in the C3H strain only IgG specific antibody levels were detected. The IgG1 subclass responses showed a similar profile in the three murine strains studied, with high values in BALB/c, as in the case of the IgG responses.
In order to improve the specificity and sensitivity of the techniques for the human anisakidosis diagnosis, a method of affinity chromatography for the purification of species-specific antigens from Anisakis simplex third-stage larvae (L3) has been developed. New Zealand rabbits were immunized with A. simplex or Ascaris suum antigens or inoculated with Toxocara canis embryonated eggs. The IgG specific antibodies were isolated by means of protein A-Sepharose CL-4B beads columns. IgG anti-A. simplex and -A. suum were coupled to CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B. For the purification of the larval A. simplex antigens, these were loaded into the anti-A. simplex column and bound antigens eluted. For the elimination of the epitopes responsible for the cross-reactions, the A. simplex specific proteins were loaded into the anti-A. suum column. To prove the specificity of the isolated proteins, immunochemical analyses by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were carried out. Further, we studied the different responses by ELISA to the different antigenic preparations of A. simplex used, observing their capability of discriminating among the different antisera raised in rabbits (anti-A. simplex, anti-A. suum, anti-T. canis). The discriminatory capability with the anti-T. canis antisera was good using the larval A. simplex crude extract (CE) antigen. When larval A. simplex CE antigen was loaded into a CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B coupled to IgG from rabbits immunized with A. simplex CE antigen, its capability for discriminate between A. simplex and A. suum was improved, increasing in the case of T. canis. The best results were obtained using larval A. simplex CE antigen loaded into a CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B coupled to IgG from rabbits immunized with adult A. suum CE antigen. When we compared the different serum dilution and antigenic concentration, we selected the working serum dilution of 1/400 and 1 µg/ml of antigenic concentration.
A seroepidemiological survey for toxocariasis, among 180 schoolchildren of the public schools of Sorocaba City, state of São Paulo, Brazil, was carried out from August 2000 to July 2001. ELISA test was performed using excretory and secretory antigens for the detection of IgG anti-Toxocara antibodies. Information regarding the children was obtained from the parents or legal guardians. The results showed that the mean age was 5.4 ± 1.4 years, the infection coefficient (IC) was 38.3 and the infection risk was higher among the children living in the city outskirts (IC = 47.4) where the socioeconomic conditions were worse than in the central region of the city (IC = 11.1). There was an association between higher frequency of seroreactivity in the ELISA test and the condition of living in a house with a yard and/or unpaved street. The same was observed in relation to a history of enteroparasitism. There was also an association between a seronegative ELISA test and previous treatment of pet dogs and/or cats with vermifuge. Based on these results, the authors propose that public health programs should include anthelmintic for dogs and cats during the antirabies vaccination campaigns, in order to diminish environmental contamination with Toxocara spp. eggs and consequently human infection.
A dot enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (dot-ELISA) was standardized using excretory-secretory antigens of Toxocara canis for the rapid immunodiagnosis of human toxocariasis. Thirty patients with clinical signs of toxocariasis, 20 cases with other parasitic diseases, and 40 healthy subjects were tested. A total of 0.2 ng of antigen per dot, serum dilution of 1:160 and dilution conjugate of 1:1000 were found optimal. The sensitivity and specificity of the assay were 100 and 95%, respectively. Comparable sensitivity of dot-ELISA and the standard ELISA was obtained, but only 3 cross-reactions occurred in the dot-ELISA, compared with 6 in the standard ELISA. Dot-ELISA is simple to perform, rapid, and low cost. Large-scale screening studies should be done to evaluate its usefulness under field conditions.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between toxocariasis frequency and demographic, environmental, sanitary variables, eosinophylia, and other intestinal parasites in a rural population of Argentina. Serological examination of 100 individuals was carried out by using ELISA technique for the detection of anti-toxocara antibodies. Eosinophiles in peripheral blood, presence of intestinal parasites, and demographic, environmental, and socio-cultural data were evaluated. Eighty-one feces samples of dogs belonging to the studied people were analyzed to detect eggs of Toxocara canis. Thirty of them were from 30 dogs and 51 were pools from dog feces. Samples of dirt from around the homes (n: 47) and from public park (n: 4) were taken. To determine the associations, the c² and Fisher tests were used. The seroprevalence was 23%. Eosinophilia in peripheral blood was detected in 86.95% seropositive individuals and in 37.66% seronegative individuals (p < 0.001, OR = 11.03). Of the 23 people with positive serology, 69.56% had at least one intestinal parasite. All individuals with positive serology had dogs in their homes. Among the dog owners there was a significant association between the presence of anti-toxocara antibodies and home flooding. Eggs of T. canis were detected in the feces of 5/81 dogs and three of these dogs belonged to individuals with positive serology. Eggs of Toxocara spp. were found in 41.17% of the dirt samples, eight of which came from the area surrounding the homes of individuals with positive serology (p = 0.032; OR = 4.36). Taking into account all the variables influencing the frequency of toxocariasis in this population, the implementation of Public Health programs specifically focused on anti-parasitic treatment of dogs is recommended.
Resumo: Os animais silvestres são hospedeiros de uma grande variedade de parasitos que podem interferir em sua conservação ex situ. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os parasitos gastrointestinais (PGI) e ectoparasitos dos animais do Centro de Triagem de Animais Silvestres (CETAS) do Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA) de Recife, Pernambuco, além de determinar os aspectos do manejo em cativeiro que possam estar relacionados com os parasitos identificados. Foram coletados ectoparasitos e amostras fecais de 223 aves e mamíferos, as quais foram processadas pelos métodos: microscopia direta, flutuação e sedimentação. Helmintos e/ou protozoários foram detectados em 91 (40,8%) amostras fecais, sendo 64 (70,3%) de aves e 27 (29,7%) de mamíferos. Ovos de Capillaria sp., Ascaridida, Spirurida e oocistos de Eimeria sp. foram detectados nas amostras fecais das aves, enquanto ovos de Trichuris trichiura, Strongyloides sp., Toxocara canis, Ancylostoma sp., Strongylida e oocistos de Coccídios foram encontrados nas amostras fecais de mamíferos. Os ectoparasitos identificados em aves foram Colpocephalum turbinatum, Kurodaia (Kurodaia) fulvofasciata, Halipeurus sp., Naubates sp., Saemundssonia sp., Austromenopon sp., Paragoniocotes sp., Brueelia sp., Myrsidea sp. and Pseudolynchia sp., enquanto em mamíferos os ectoparasitos identificados foram Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Amblyomma varium, A. calcaratum, A. nodosum, Ornithodoros talaje e Ctenocephalides felis felis. A. calcaratum e O. talaje são registrados pela primeira vez em Pernambuco e T. tetradactyla é apresentado como novo hospedeiro de O. talaje. Nenhum dos animais estudados apresentou sinais clínicos em decorrência da infecção/infestação parasitária. Parasitos com potencial zoonótico como T. trichiura, Strongyloides sp., T. canis e Ancylostoma sp. foram identificados em primatas não humanos e carnívoros. Precárias condições estruturais e sanitárias do CETAS-PE estão relacionadas com os parasitos identificados neste estudo e devem ser levadas em consideração para a adoção de medidas adequadas de controle. Os resultados deste estudo contribuirão de maneira significativa para a conservação de animais selvagens no CETAS-PE e para a saúde dos profissionais responsáveis pela manutenção destes animais.
Introducción: La de uveítis pediátrica tiene una prevalencia mundial de aproximadamente 30 casos por 100.000 y constituye la segunda causa de ceguera en niños en Colombia. Sin embargo, no existen estudios que caractericen esta entidad en nuestro medio. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo, observacional, descriptivo, mediante la revisión de historias clínicas de pacientes pediátricos con diagnóstico de uveítis en la Fundación Oftalmológica Nacional y en un centro privado de consulta oftalmológica en Bogotá entre enero de 2000 y julio de 2013. Resultados: Se describe un total de 311 pacientes pediátricos con diagnóstico de uveítis, 51.8% niñas. La edad promedio de presentación fue de 10.1 años. La uveítis posterior fue la más frecuente (57.8%), siendo más común de aparición insidiosa (87.5%) y crónica (78.1%). La etiología más frecuente fue infecciosa (58.2%) causada por toxoplasmosis (76.8%). Se encontró una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre la agudeza visual de la uveítis anterior (20/67) e intermedia (20/69), en comparación con la uveítis posterior (20/417) y panuveítis (20/209) (p <0,05). Discusión: Los datos de este estudio proporcionan el primer reporte de las características clínicas de la uveítis en pacientes pediátricos en Colombia, donde las uveítis infecciosas son la primera causa de esta entidad. Este estudio mejorará el conocimiento de la uveítis en nuestro medio, así como es un instrumento para el desarrollo de políticas públicas para la población pediátrica colombiana, con el fin de mejorar los resultados del tratamiento de estos pacientes.
A toxocarose é uma das infestações parasitárias provocadas por helmintas, mais frequentes no Mundo. É uma zoonose com prevalência mais elevada na população pediátrica causada por um nemátodo intestinal do género Toxocara. As espécies mais frequentes são Toxocara canis (T. canis) e Toxocara cati (T. cati). Em 1950, Wilder descreveu clinicamente a infestação por Toxocara sp. através da identificação deste num granuloma localizado na retina de uma criança (Castelo, Dinis & Rocha, 2008; Humbert, Buchet & Barde, 1995). Esta parasitose tem três apresentações clínicas caracterizadas conforme a gravidade do quadro: larva migrans visceral (LMV), larva migrans ocular (LMO) ou formas subclínicas ou assintomáticas (Castelo, Dinis & Rocha, 2008; Humbert, Buchet & Barde, 1995). O diagnóstico de toxocarose baseia-se em métodos imunológicos sensíveis, como é o caso da técnica ELISA ou western-blot, em que são usados antigénios excretóriossecretórios do género Toxocara. Foi sensivelmente há duas décadas que a disponibilidade de testes imunológicos específicos e sensíveis utilizados para diagnóstico da toxocarose melhorou o conhecimento sobre esta parasitose. É por este motivo que se pode afirmar que esta zoonose apresenta seroprevalência mais elevada em países desenvolvidos industrializados e também em algumas ilhas tropicais (Magnaval et al., 2001). De acordo com o quadro clínico apresentado é instituída a terapêutica ainda que não exista consenso quanto à melhor terapêutica a instituir em cada situação e quando se deve iniciar o tratamento em casos assintomáticos (Castelo; Dinis; Rocha, 2008). A prevenção é necessária para evitar possíveis recontaminações, como por exemplo, desparasitar os animais de estimação e educar as pessoas sobre questões sanitárias (Magnaval et al., 2001; Humbert, Buchet & Barde, 1995). No presente trabalho pretende-se estudar a toxocarose caracterizando o parasita e o seu ciclo de vida, identificar a principal via transmissão desta zoonose, quais as espécies envolvidas na transmissão da toxocarose aos humanos e o principal grupo de risco. Pretende-se também, com base em dados bibliográficos, conhecer a prevalência da toxocarose nas zonas urbanas, assim como os fatores que permitem o desenvolvimento do parasita. É também objetivo deste trabalho conhecer as medidas implementadas em Portugal, principalmente na zona urbana de Lisboa, para prevenção e controlo da toxocarose e de que forma os profissionais de saúde (p.e. médicos veterinários e farmacêuticos) contribuem para a prevenção e controlo da toxocarose.
This population-based cross-sectional study of 403 rural settlers in Brazilian Amazonia revealed an overall rate of IgG seropositivity to Toxocara canis excretory-secretory larval antigen of 26.8% (95% confidence interval [CI], 22.5-31.4%). Multilevel logistic regression analysis identified current infection with hookworm (odds ratio [OR], 2.32; 95% CI, 1.11-4.86) and residence in the most recently occupied sectors of the settlement (OR, 1.81.; 95%CI, 1.3-2.52) as significant risk factors for Toxocara seropositivity; age > 14 years (OR, 0.46; 95% CI, 0.28-0.73) and the presence of cats in the household (OR, 0.57; 95% CI, 0.32-1.02) appeared to be protective. Two significant high-prevalence clusters were detected in the area, together comprising 38.9% of the seropositive subjects; households in the clusters had slightly lower socioeconomic status and were less likely to have cats as pets. The obstacles for controlling human toxocariasis in this and other tropical rural settings are discussed.
A areia das áreas de lazer de escolas podem constituir vias de transmissão para várias zoonoses parasitárias, representando risco potencial para as crianças que brincam nesses locais. Foi avaliada a ocorrência de agentes de larva migrans em 28 escolas municipais de ensino infantil de Araçatuba, SP. Foram colhidas 535 amostras de areia das áreas de lazer dessas escolas nos meses de janeiro (verão) e julho (inverno) de 1997 para estabelecimento da freqüência de isolamento de larvas e/ou ovos de Ancylostoma spp. e de ovos de Toxocara spp., pelos métodos de centrífugo-flutuação e de Baermann, respectivamente. A presença de larvas de Ancylostoma spp. foi observada, em pelo menos uma das amostras, em 35,7% (10/28) das amostras da primeira colheita (verão) e em 46,4% (13/28) quando da segunda colheita (inverno). Ovos de Toxocara spp. não foram encontrados e a presença de ovos de Ancylostoma spp. foi observada em 0,56% (3/535) das amostras.