932 resultados para TOP-pellet


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[cat] L’objectiu d’aquest article és presentar nova evidència estadística sobre l’evolució de les desigualtats econòmiques a Portugal a llarg termini. L’explotació de les fonts fiscals portugueses ha permès l’estimació annual de les top income shares des de 1936. La construcció d’aquesta nova sèrie s’ha fet seguint la metodologia emprada per Piketty (2001). Aquesta nova sèrie revela una caiguda de les top income shares durant la Segona Guerra Mundial, seguida d’una recuperació fins a principis dels anys cinquanta. Des de mitjans dels cinquanta fins a principis dels anys vuitanta hi ha una caiguda dràstica de les top income shares. Per acabar, durant els anys noranta les top income shares tornen a augmentar. Aquesta pauta és molt similar a la viscuda en altres països: la reducció de les top income shares durant l’època daurada és compartida per tots els països estudiats i el seu increment als anys noranta sembla que alinea Portugal amb la pauta seguida pels països Anglosaxons.


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An ammonium chloride procedure was used to prepare a bacterial pellet from positive blood cultures, which was used for direct inoculation of VITEK 2 cards. Correct identification reached 99% for Enterobacteriaceae and 74% for staphylococci. For antibiotic susceptibility testing, very major and major errors were 0.1 and 0.3% for Enterobacteriaceae, and 0.7 and 0.1% for staphylococci, respectively. Thus, bacterial pellets prepared with ammonium chloride allow direct inoculation of VITEK cards with excellent accuracy for Enterobacteriaceae and a lower accuracy for staphylococci.


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The interaction of atomic F and Cl with Si4H9 and Ge4H9 cluster models has been studied by using ab initio pseudopotentials and basis sets of increasing complexity. The results show that the effect of d orbitals is important in order to reproduce the experimental findings. However, the use of polarization functions in the atoms which are directly involved in the chemisorption bond leads to results which are very close to those obtained using extended basis sets. The local nature of the chemisorption bond is also interpreted by means of a Mulliken population analysis. For F-Si4H9 and Cl-Si4H9 the present results are in good agreement with previous ab initio all-electron calculations, and for the chemisorption of Cl on Si(111) and Ge(111) surfaces, good agreement is found with respect to the available experimental results as well as with previous slab calculations based on the local-density-functional formalism.


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This article summarizes the different stages of research for the development of medical interventions and their specific characteristics in terms of design, population, resources, importance of results and scientific interest. The emphasis is focused on the two final stages of development, the effectiveness and the impact. An example from our own experience is given to illustrate the reduction of the effect of an intervention against malaria in young children at different stages of the development of the intervention, and the parallel decrease of the recognition by the scientific community of the importance of these results.


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The use of deicing salts in this part of the country is a necessity to remove ice from our bridges. The use of these salts has always been a problem since the chloride-ions penetrate the concrete and reach the steel and cause corrosion which eventually cause deterioration of both the steel and concrete. One method used to try to prevent this from happening was to apply a waterproof membrane to the concrete after it was placed. This method did help, but was not cost effective as the longevity of the membrane system was of relatively short duration. For this reason, this research project was initiated. After the original deck was placed a second layer of concrete about 1 1/2" thick was placed on top. Biennial evaluation of the decks included testing for delaminations and steel corrosion. Cores were also obtained for a chloride analysis. Testing and observations showed the two-layer bridge deck to be effective in preventing corrosion. Since the time this project was initiated, epoxy steel has been introduced and is a cost effective way to protect the steel from corrosion.