900 resultados para THERMO-LUMINESCENCE


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In this article, we present the spectral and nonlinear optical properties of ZnOCu nanocomposites prepared by colloidal chemical synthesis. The emission consisted of two peaks. The 385-nm ultraviolet (UV) peak is attributed to ZnO and the 550-nm visible peak is attributed to Cu nanocolloids. Obvious enhancement of UV and visible emission of the samples is observed and the strongest UV emission of a typical ZnOCu nanocomposite is over three times stronger than that of pure ZnO. Cu acts as a sensitizer and the enhancement of UV emission are caused by excitons formed at the interface between Cu and ZnO. As the volume fraction of Cu increases beyond a particular value, the intensity of the UV peak decreases while the intensity of the visible peak increases, and the strongest visible emission of a typical ZnOCu nanocomposite is over ten times stronger than that of pure Cu. The emission mechanism is discussed. Nonlinear optical response of these samples is studied using nanosecond laser pulses from a tunable laser in the wavelength range of 450650 nm, which includes the surface plasmon absorption (SPA) band. The nonlinear response is wavelength dependent and switching from reverse saturable absorption (RSA) to saturable absorption (SA) has been observed for Cu nanocolloids as the excitation wavelength changes from the low absorption window region to higher absorption regime near the SPA band. However, ZnO colloids and ZnOCu nanocomposites exhibit induced absorption at this wavelength. Such a changeover in the sign of the nonlinearity of ZnOCu nanocomposites, with respect to Cu nanocolloids, is related to the interplay of plasmon band bleach and optical limiting mechanisms. The SA again changes back to RSA when we move over to the infrared region. The ZnOCu nanocomposites show self-defocusing nonlinearity and good nonlinear absorption behavior. The nonlinear refractive index and the nonlinear absorption increases with increasing Cu volume fraction at 532 nm. The observed nonlinear absorption is explained through two-photon absorption followed by weak free-carrier absorption and interband absorption mechanisms. This study is important in identifying the spectral range and composition over which the nonlinear material acts as a RSA-based optical limiter. ZnOCu is a potential nanocomposite material for the light emission and for the development of nonlinear optical devices with a relatively small limiting threshold.


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Photoluminescence, thermoluminescence and phosphorescence studies of cerium and copper doped BaS phosphors are attempted. Cu+ centres in BaS lattice activate red emission while Ce3+ sensitize the blue emission. Results are explained on the basis of superposition theory involving monomolecular kinetics. In Randall and Wilkins model, the decay and TL studies are found to corelate each other.


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The structural saturation and stability, the energy gap, and the density of states of a series of small, silicon-based clusters have been studied by means of the PM3 and some ab initio (HF/6-31G* and 6-311++G**, CIS/6-31G* and MP2/6-31G*) calculations. It is shown that in order to maintain a stable nanometric and tetrahedral silicon crystallite and remove the gap states, the saturation atom or species such as H, F, Cl, OH, O, or N is necessary, and that both the cluster size and the surface species affect the energetic distribution of the density of states. This research suggests that the visible luminescence in the silicon-based nanostructured material essentially arises from the nanometric and crystalline silicon domains but is affected and protected by the surface species, and we have thus linked most of the proposed mechanisms of luminescence for the porous silicon, e.g., the quantum confinement effect due to the cluster size and the effect of Si-based surface complexes.


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In general, linear- optic, thermo- optic and nonlinear- optical studies on CdSe QDs based nano uids and their special applications in solar cells and random lasers have been studied in this thesis. Photo acous- tic and thermal lens studies are the two characterization methods used for thermo- optic studies whereas Z- scan method is used for nonlinear- optical charecterization. In all these cases we have selected CdSe QDs based nano uid as potential photonic material and studied the e ect of metal NPs on its properties. Linear optical studies on these materials have been done using vari- ous characterization methods and photo induced studies is one of them. Thermal lens studies on these materials give information about heat transport properties of these materials and their suitability for applica- tions such as coolant and insulators. Photo acoustic studies shows the e ect of light on the absorption energy levels of the materials. We have also observed that these materials can be used as optical limiters in the eld of nonlinear optics. Special applications of these materials have been studied in the eld of solar cell such as QDSSCs, where CdSe QDs act as the sensitizing materials for light harvesting. Random lasers have many applications in the eld of laser technology, in which CdSe QDs act as scattering media for the gain.


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Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein Konzept zur mechanismenorientierten Lebensdauervorhersage entwickelt und auf eine Flanschwelle mit gradiertem Gefüge übertragen. Das Konzept wird in Form eines Computercodes (LOCC) zur Anwendung gebracht. Basierend auf lokalen Spannungen wird für jedes Element eines FE-Modells eine bedingte Versagenswahrscheinlichkeit berechnet. Mithilfe bruch- und ggf. mikromechanischer Modelle werden lokale kritische Risslängen und die bei gegebener Lebensdauer zugehörigen Anfangsrisslängen bestimmt. Diese werden mit geeigneten Modellen in mikrostrukturelle Größen überführt. Die Lebensdauerverteilung der Komponente ergibt sich schließlich aus der Verteilungsfunktion der Anfangsrisslängen bzw. der zugehörigen mikrostrukturellen Einheiten. Die betrachtete Flanschwelle weist als Ergebnis eines thermo-mechanischen Umformprozesses ein gradiertes Gefüge auf. Das Ermüdungsverhalten der Hauptphasen Ferrit-Perlit und Martensit wird untersucht. Während ausgewählter Ermüdungsversuche wird die Schädigungsentwicklung an der Oberfläche mit einem langreichweitigen Mikroskop beobachtet. Das ferritisch-perlitische Ausgangsgefüge zeigt eine sehr komplexe Schädigungsentwicklung (lokale plastische Aktivität, hohe Rissdichte), während beim Martensit keine multiple Rissinitiierung beobachtet wird. Anhand fraktographischer Untersuchungen wird dargelegt, dass der Hauptriss beim Martensit im Bereich von Karbidanhäufungen initiiert. Im LCF-Bereich wird nur ein verschwindender Anteil der Lebensdauer mit Langrisswachstum verbracht, d. h. die martensitischen Proben versagen fast unmittelbar nach der Rissinitiierung. Die Beschreibung ihrer Lebensdauer wird somit direkt auf die Rissinitiierungsphase zurückgeführt. Das ferritisch-perlitische Gefüge hingegen zeigt im LCF-Bereich sowohl eine ausgeprägte Rissinitiierungs- wie auch Langrisswachstumsphase. Diese komplexe Schädigungsentwicklung wird mittels verschiedener Schädigungsvariablen beschrieben, die im Rahmen einer automatisierten Bildanalyse bestimmt werden. Hierbei werden sowohl plastisch stark aktive Bereiche wie auch reale Risse pauschal als Schädigung definiert. Der Vergleich dieser automatisiert bestimmten Schädigungsvariablen mit ausgewählten Rissen zeigt deren Eignung zur quantitativen Beschreibung der Schädigungsentwicklung. Die Lebensdauer einer gradierten Komponente ergibt sich nicht direkt durch Verknüpfung der Lebensdauern der Einzelphasen, sondern sie hängt ggf. auch von den Übergangsbereichen zwischen den Phasen ab. Mithilfe einiger grundlegender bruchmechanischer Überlegungen wird ein konservatives Kriterium zur Behandlung solcher Übergangsbereiche bereitgestellt, womit das LOCC-Konzept letztendlich erfolgreich auf die gradierte Flanschwelle übertragen wird.


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Die thermische Verarbeitung von Lebensmitteln beeinflusst deren Qualität und ernährungsphysiologischen Eigenschaften. Im Haushalt ist die Überwachung der Temperatur innerhalb des Lebensmittels sehr schwierig. Zudem ist das Wissen über optimale Temperatur- und Zeitparameter für die verschiedenen Speisen oft unzureichend. Die optimale Steuerung der thermischen Zubereitung ist maßgeblich abhängig von der Art des Lebensmittels und der äußeren und inneren Temperatureinwirkung während des Garvorgangs. Das Ziel der Arbeiten war die Entwicklung eines automatischen Backofens, der in der Lage ist, die Art des Lebensmittels zu erkennen und die Temperatur im Inneren des Lebensmittels während des Backens zu errechnen. Die für die Temperaturberechnung benötigten Daten wurden mit mehreren Sensoren erfasst. Hierzu kam ein Infrarotthermometer, ein Infrarotabstandssensor, eine Kamera, ein Temperatursensor und ein Lambdasonde innerhalb des Ofens zum Einsatz. Ferner wurden eine Wägezelle, ein Strom- sowie Spannungs-Sensor und ein Temperatursensor außerhalb des Ofens genutzt. Die während der Aufheizphase aufgenommen Datensätze ermöglichten das Training mehrerer künstlicher neuronaler Netze, die die verschiedenen Lebensmittel in die entsprechenden Kategorien einordnen konnten, um so das optimale Backprogram auszuwählen. Zur Abschätzung der thermische Diffusivität der Nahrung, die von der Zusammensetzung (Kohlenhydrate, Fett, Protein, Wasser) abhängt, wurden mehrere künstliche neuronale Netze trainiert. Mit Ausnahme des Fettanteils der Lebensmittel konnten alle Komponenten durch verschiedene KNNs mit einem Maximum von 8 versteckten Neuronen ausreichend genau abgeschätzt werden um auf deren Grundlage die Temperatur im inneren des Lebensmittels zu berechnen. Die durchgeführte Arbeit zeigt, dass mit Hilfe verschiedenster Sensoren zur direkten beziehungsweise indirekten Messung der äußeren Eigenschaften der Lebensmittel sowie KNNs für die Kategorisierung und Abschätzung der Lebensmittelzusammensetzung die automatische Erkennung und Berechnung der inneren Temperatur von verschiedensten Lebensmitteln möglich ist.


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The ability to generate very stable assemblies via non-covalent interactions has enabled materials to be constructed that were not feasible via traditional covalent bond formation processes. A series of low molecular mass bisurethane and bisurea polymers have been developed that form stable self-assembled networks through hydrogen bonding interactions. Thermo-responsive polymers were generated by end-capping poly(ethylene-co-butylene) or polybutadiene chains with the bisurethane or bisurea motif. Microphase separation is observed via TEM and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) for the modified pseudo polymers and significant differences in the temperature dependence of microphase separation are analysed via SAXS. The importance of the polarity of the end groups is manifested in distinct temperature-dependent microphase separation behaviour. Information on the local hydrogen bonding structure is provided by wide-angle X-ray scattering and variable temperature FTI


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New lanthanide complexes of 2-hydroxynicotinic acid (H(2)nicO) [Ln(HnicO)(2)(mu-HnicO)(H2O)] (.) nH(2)O (Ln = Eu, Gd, Tb, Er, Tm) were prepared. The crystal structures of the [Tb(HnicO)(2)(g-HnicO)(H2O)] (.) 1.75H(2)O(1) and [Eu(HniCO)(2)(mu-HnicO)(H2O)] (.) 1.25H(2)O (2) complexes were determined by X-ray diffraction. The 2-hydroxynicotinate ligand coordinates through O,O-chelation to the lanthanide(III) ions as shown by X-ray diffraction and the infrared, Raman and NMR spectroscopy results. Photoluminescence measurements were performed for the Eu(III) and Tb(III) complexes. Lifetimes of 0.592 +/- 0.007 and 0.113 +/- 0.002 ms were determined for the Eu3+ and Tb3+ emitting states D-5(0) and D-5(4), respectively. A value around 30% was found for the D-5(0) quantum efficiency. The energy transfer mechanisms between the lanthanide ions and the ligands are discussed and compared with those observed in similar complexes involving the 3-hydroxypicolinate ligand based on the luminescence of the respective Gd3+-based complexes. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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RAFT polymerization was used to prepare PMMA-b-PNIPAM copolymers. Two different chain transfer agents, tBDB and MCPDB, were used to mediate the sequential polymerizations. Micellar solutions and gels were prepared from the resulting copolymers in aqueous solution. When heated above T-c of PNIPAM (about 31 degrees C), DLS revealed that PNIPAM coronas collapsed, resulting in aggregation of the original micelles. The micellar gels underwent syneresis above T-c as water was expelled from the ordered gel structure, the lattice periodicity of which was determined by SANS. A large decrease in lattice spacing was observed above T-c. The gel became more viscoelastic at high temperature, as revealed by shear rheometry which showed a large increase in G".


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Redox-controlled luminescence quenching is presented for a new Ru(II)-bipyridine complex [Ru(bpy)(2)(1)](2+) where ligand 1 is an anthra[1,10] phenanthrolinequinone. The complex emits from a short-lived metal-to-ligand charge transfer, (MLCT)-M-3 state (tau = 5.5 ns in deaerated acetonitrile) with a low luminescence quantum yield (5 x 10(-4)). The emission intensity becomes significantly enhanced when the switchable anthraquinone unit is reduced to corresponding hydroquinone. On the contrary, chemical one-electron reduction of the anthraquinone moiety to semiquinone in aprotic tetrahydrofuran results in total quenching of the emission.


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Bleaching spectra of the ‘fast’ and ‘medium’ optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) components of quartz are reported. A dependence of photoionization cross-section, σ, on wavelength was observed for the fast and medium components and a significant difference in their responses to stimulation wavelength was found. The ratio of the fast and medium photoionization cross-sections, σfast/σmedium, varied from 30.6 when stimulated with View the MathML source light to 1.4 at View the MathML source. At View the MathML source the fast and medium photoionization cross-sections were found to be sufficiently different that infrared bleaching at raised temperatures allowed the selective removal of the fast component with negligible depletion of the medium. A method for optically separating the OSL components of quartz is suggested, based on the wavelength dependence of photoionization cross-sections.


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The optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) from quartz is known to be the sum of several components with different rates of charge loss, originating from different trap types. The OSL components are clearly distinguished using the linear modulation (LM OSL) technique. A variety of pre-treatment and measurement conditions have been used on sedimentary samples in conjunction with linearly modulated optical stimulation to study in detail the behaviour of the OSL components of quartz. Single aliquots of different quartz samples have been found to contain typically five or six common LM OSL components when stimulated at View the MathML source. The components have been parameterised in terms of thermal stability (i.e. E and s), photoionisation cross-section energy dependence and dose response. The results of studies concerning applications of component-resolved LM OSL measurements on quartz are also presented. These include the detection of partial bleaching in young samples, use of ‘stepped wavelength’ stimulation to observe OSL from single components and attempts to extend the age range of quartz OSL dating.


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