987 resultados para TERMINATION


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Interactions of pre-mRNA 3′end factors and the CTD of RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) are required for transcription termination and 3′end processing. Here, we demonstrate that Ssu72p is stably associated with yeast cleavage and polyadenylation factor CPF and provide evidence that it bridges the CPF subunits Pta1p and Ydh1p/Cft2p, the general transcription factor TFIIB, and RNAP II via Rpb2p. Analyses of ssu72-2 mutant cells in the absence and presence of the nuclear exosome component Rrp6p revealed defects in RNAP II transcription elongation and termination. 6-azauracil, that reduces transcription elongation rates, suppressed the ssu72-2 growth defect at 33°C. The sum of our analyses suggests a negative influence of Ssu72p on RNAP II during transcription that affects the commitment to either elongation or termination.


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Study Objective: To examine relationships between depressive symptoms in adolescence (14-18 years of age) and becoming pregnant, completing a pregnancy (live birth) and terminating a pregnancy in young adulthood (21-24 years of age).

Participants and Design: Data from 1000 females were drawn from a larger sample of 1943 young Australians participating in a longitudinal study of adolescent health and development, followed across 8 waves from adolescence (waves 1-6) to young adulthood (waves 7 and 8).

Setting: Victoria, Australia.

Main Outcome Measures: Pregnancy, pregnancy completion and pregnancy termination between 21-24 years of age.

Results: We observed a twofold increase in the odds of becoming pregnant in those reporting persisting patterns of depressive symptoms during adolescence (2þ waves); however, after staged adjustment for adolescent antisocial behaviour, drug use and socioeconomic disadvantage, there was no evidence of association. Of particular note, and consistent with previous research, adolescent antisocial and drug use behavior were strongly associated with becoming pregnant and pregnancy termination in young adulthood.

Conclusions: Adolescent antisocial and drug use behavior, not depressive symptoms, independently predict pregnancy outcomes in young adulthood.


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This research explores the question why IT consultants terminate their employment contracts in a labour market with job drought, downsizing and salary cuts when they were among those who kept their jobs during layoffs. A process model for the maintenance of a psychological contract between employees and employers is presented, which combines the concept of psychological contract with a theory of the relation between intrinsic motivation and management practices and with theories of identity, self-esteem, influence and power. The research verifies and specifies the model based on a revelatory case study. The model helps explaining IT consultants’ behavior of voluntarily terminating their employment contracts beyond the crisis situation in the IT industry some years ago which motivated this research originally. It should assist managers in a more general context in avoiding practices, which might lead to their employees’ loss of intrinsic motivation and as a consequence to the loss of valuable employees for the organization.


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Measuring shikimic acid accumulation in response to glyphosate applications can be a rapid and accurate way to quantify and predict glyphosate-induced damage to sensitive plants. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the effect of cover crop termination timing by glyphosate application on rice (Oryza sativa L.) yield in a no-till system. A factorial experiment, arranged in a split-plot design, was conducted for 2 yr. Treatments consisted of cover crops (main plots) and timed herbicide applications (subplots) to these cover crops (30, 20, 10, and 0 d before rice planting). There was a decrease in rice yield from 2866 kg ha-1 to 2322 kg ha-1 when the herbicide was applied closer to the rice planting day. Glyphosate application on cover crops increased shikimate concentrations in rice seedlings cultivated under palisade grass (Brachiaria brizantha), signal grass (B. ruziziensis), guinea grass (Panicum maximum), and weedy fallow (spontaneous vegetation) but not under millet (Pennisetum glaucum), which behaved similarly to the control (clean fallow, no glyphosate application). Glyphosate applications in the timing intervals used were associated with stress in the rice plants, and this association increased if cover crops took longer to completely dry and if higher amounts of biomass were produced. Millet, as a cover crop, allowed the highest seedling dry matter for upland rice and the highest rice yield. Our results suggest that using millet as a cover crop, with glyphosate application far from upland rice planting day (10 d or more), was the best option for upland rice under a no-tillage system. © Crop Science Society of America.


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Available [in Spanish] at: http://www.cepal.org/cgi-bin/getProd.asp?xml=/publicaciones/xml/0/23120/P23120.xml&xsl=/comercio/tpl/p9f.xsl&base=/tpl/top-bottom.xslt


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It is often assumed that the hydrogen atoms in the thiol groups of a benzene-1,4-dithiol dissociate when Au-benzene-1,4-dithiol-Au junctions are formed. We demonstrate, by stability and transport property calculations, that this assumption cannot be made. We show that the dissociative adsorption of methanethiol and benzene-1,4-dithiol molecules on a flat Au(111) surface is energetically unfavorable and that the activation barrier for this reaction is as high as 1 eV. For the molecule in the junction, our results show, for all electrode geometries studied, that the thiol junctions are energetically more stable than their thiolate counterparts. Due to the fact that density functional theory (DFT) within the local density approximation (LDA) underestimates the energy difference between the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital and the highest occupied molecular orbital by several electron-volts, and that it does not capture the renormalization of the energy levels due to the image charge effect, the conductance of the Au-benzene-1,4-dithiol-Au junctions is overestimated. After taking into account corrections due to image charge effects by means of constrained-DFT calculations and electrostatic classical models, we apply a scissor operator to correct the DFT energy level positions, and calculate the transport properties of the thiol and thiolate molecular junctions as a function of the electrode separation. For the thiol junctions, we show that the conductance decreases as the electrode separation increases, whereas the opposite trend is found for the thiolate junctions. Both behaviors have been observed in experiments, therefore pointing to the possible coexistence of both thiol and thiolate junctions. Moreover, the corrected conductance values, for both thiol and thiolate, are up to two orders of magnitude smaller than those calculated with DFT-LDA. This brings the theoretical results in quantitatively good agreement with experimental data.


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Discusses the termination of desegregation decrees and the elusive meaning of unitary status, first introducing the topic and then covering Jenkins III and providing an overview of desegregation scholarship including discretion, capacity, and legitima. Also discusses the evolution of equity, including English equity, American equity, and equity and desegregation. Explores the concepts of relevant rights and interests, focusing on Hohfeld, the interest theory of rights, and the application of the rights theory. The conclusion posits that what remains is a complicated and confused desegregation jurisprudence, and that the lines that separate desegregation from integration from diversity, if there ever were such lines, are blurring. A discussion of the theoretical premises underlying desegregation appears to continue to be necessary.


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The modern stratigraphy of clastic continental margins is the result of the interaction between several geological processes acting on different time scales, among which sea level oscillations, sediment supply fluctuations and local tectonics are the main mechanisms. During the past three years my PhD was focused on understanding the impact of each of these process in the deposition of the central and northern Adriatic sedimentary successions, with the aim of reconstructing and quantifying the Late Quaternary eustatic fluctuations. In the last few decades, several Authors tried to quantify past eustatic fluctuations through the analysis of direct sea level indicators, among which drowned barrier-island deposits or coral reefs, or indirect methods, such as Oxygen isotope ratios (δ18O) or modeling simulations. Sea level curves, obtained from direct sea level indicators, record a composite signal, formed by the contribution of the global eustatic change and regional factors, as tectonic processes or glacial-isostatic rebound effects: the eustatic signal has to be obtained by removing the contribution of these other mechanisms. To obtain the most realistic sea level reconstructions it is important to quantify the tectonic regime of the central Adriatic margin. This result has been achieved integrating a numerical approach with the analysis of high-resolution seismic profiles. In detail, the subsidence trend obtained from the geohistory analysis and the backstripping of the borehole PRAD1.2 (the borehole PRAD1.2 is a 71 m continuous borehole drilled in -185 m of water depth, south of the Mid Adriatic Deep - MAD - during the European Project PROMESS 1, Profile Across Mediterranean Sedimentary Systems, Part 1), has been confirmed by the analysis of lowstand paleoshorelines and by benthic foraminifera associations investigated through the borehole. This work showed an evolution from inner-shelf environment, during Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS) 10, to upper-slope conditions, during MIS 2. Once the tectonic regime of the central Adriatic margin has been constrained, it is possible to investigate the impact of sea level and sediment supply fluctuations on the deposition of the Late Pleistocene-Holocene transgressive deposits. The Adriatic transgressive record (TST - Transgressive Systems Tract) is formed by three correlative sedimentary bodies, deposited in less then 14 kyr since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM); in particular: along the central Adriatic shelf and in the adjacent slope basin the TST is formed by marine units, while along the northern Adriatic shelf the TST is represented by costal deposits in a backstepping configuration. The central Adriatic margin, characterized by a thick transgressive sedimentary succession, is the ideal site to investigate the impact of late Pleistocene climatic and eustatic fluctuations, among which Meltwater Pulses 1A and 1B and the Younger Dryas cold event. The central Adriatic TST is formed by a tripartite deposit bounded by two regional unconformities. In particular, the middle TST unit includes two prograding wedges, deposited in the interval between the two Meltwater Pulse events, as highlighted by several 14C age estimates, and likely recorded the Younger Dryas cold interval. Modeling simulations, obtained with the two coupled models HydroTrend 3.0 and 2D-Sedflux 1.0C (developed by the Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System - CSDMS), integrated by the analysis of high resolution seismic profiles and core samples, indicate that: 1 - the prograding middle TST unit, deposited during the Younger Dryas, was formed as a consequence of an increase in sediment flux, likely connected to a decline in vegetation cover in the catchment area due to the establishment of sub glacial arid conditions; 2 - the two-stage prograding geometry was the consequence of a sea level still-stand (or possibly a fall) during the Younger Dryas event. The northern Adriatic margin, characterized by a broad and gentle shelf (350 km wide with a low angle plunge of 0.02° to the SE), is the ideal site to quantify the timing of each steps of the post LGM sea level rise. The modern shelf is characterized by sandy deposits of barrier-island systems in a backstepping configuration, showing younger ages at progressively shallower depths, which recorded the step-wise nature of the last sea level rise. The age-depth model, obtained by dated samples of basal peat layers, is in good agreement with previous published sea level curves, and highlights the post-glacial eustatic trend. The interval corresponding to the Younger Dyas cold reversal, instead, is more complex: two coeval coastal deposits characterize the northern Adriatic shelf at very different water depths. Several explanations and different models can be attempted to explain this conundrum, but the problem remains still unsolved.