997 resultados para TEMPLATE-FREE
This work addresses the question of whether it is possible to define simple pairwise interaction terms to approximate free energies of proteins or polymers. Rather than ask how reliable a potential of mean force is, one can ask how reliable it could possibly be. In a two-dimensional, infinite lattice model system one can calculate exact free energies by exhaustive enumeration. A series of approximations were fitted to exact results to assess the feasibility and utility of pairwise free energy terms. Approximating the true free energy with pairwise interactions gives a poor fit with little transferability between systems of different size. Adding extra artificial terms to the approximation yields better fits, but does not improve the ability to generalize from one system size to another. Furthermore, one cannot distinguish folding from nonfolding sequences via the approximated free energies. Most usefully, the methodology shows how one can assess the utility of various terms in lattice protein/polymer models. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.
The rocky intertidal zone has the potential to be one of the harshest environments for free-spawning organisms, but empirical data on fertilization success are scarce. Here, I report on an intertidal, solitary ascidian, Pyura stolonifera, which was observed to spawn at low tide. At a scale likely to be most important to gametes (metres, duration of tide), approximately 30% of individuals in the population were spawning synchronously. Spawned gametes remained in a viscous matrix and this appeared to minimise their dilution. Fertilization success varied greatly among individuals (0 to 92%) and was related to the distance to the nearest neighbouring spawner. Occasional wave wash facilitated the movement of sperm between spawners. Fertilization success in some individuals was limited by the scarcity of sperm whilst the experimental addition of sperm did not increase success in others.
Superhyperfine interactions in inhomogeneously broadened paramagnetic centers are observed using a single high-turn-angle microwave pulse. The free induction signal that follows the hole-burning pulse exhibits oscillations that are distinct from the oscillatory free induction decay observable in some inhomogeneously broadened systems. It contains frequencies characteristic of the superhyperfine splittings, together with a zero frequency component. Experimental examples of the effect in both orientationally disordered (powdered) and structurally disordered (glassy) systems are presented and compared with the conceptually similar Fourier transform electron paramagnetic resonance detected nuclear magnetic resonance experiment, together with numerical simulations. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
There has been growing interest in the effects of variation in larval quality on the post-larval performance of adult marine invertebrates. Variation in egg/larval size is an obvious source of variation in larval quality but sources of variation have received little attention. For broadcast spawners, larval size may vary according to the local sperm environment but the generality of this result is unclear. Here, we show that, for a solitary ascidian, a polychaete and an echinoid, larval size is affected by the concentration of sperm present during fertilization. Larvae that are produced at high sperm concentrations are smaller than larvae that are produced from eggs exposed to low sperm concentrations. We also show that for three ascidians and an asteroid, egg size increases with maternal body size. These differences in larval size are likely to affect larval and subsequent adult performance in the field. Given that sperm concentrations in the field can fluctuate widely, it is likely that larval quality in free-spawning marine invertebrates will also vary widely.
Mating order can have important consequences for the fertilization success of males whose ejaculates compete to fertilize a clutch of eggs. Despite an excellent body of literature on mating-order effects in many animals, they have rarely been considered in marine free-spawning invertebrates, where both sexes release gametes into the water column. In this study, we show that in such organisms, mating order can have profound repercussions for male reproductive success. Using in vitro fertilization for two species of sea urchin we found that the 'fertilization history' of a clutch of eggs strongly influenced the size distribution of unfertilized eggs, and consequently the likelihood that they will be fertilized. Males that had first access to a batch of eggs enjoyed elevated fertilization success because they had privileged access to the largest and therefore most readily fertilizable eggs within a clutch. By contrast, when a male's sperm were exposed to a batch of unfertilized eggs left over from a previous mating event, fertilization rates were reduced, owing to smaller eggs remaining in egg clutches previously exposed to sperm. Because of this size-dependent fertilization, the fertilization history of eggs also strongly influenced the size distribution of offspring, with first-spawning males producing larger, and therefore fitter, offspring. These findings suggest that when there is variation in egg size, mating order will influence not only the quantity but also the quality of offspring sired by competing males.
Three experiments explored the effectiveness of continuous auditory displays, or sonifications, for conveying information about a simulated anesthetized patient's respiration. Experiment 1 established an effective respiratory sonification. Experiment 2 showed an effect of expertise in the use of respiratory sonification and revealed that some apparent differences in sonification effectiveness could be accounted for by response bias. Experiment 3 showed that sonification helps anesthesiologists to maintain high levels of awareness of the simulated patient's state while performing other tasks more effectively than when relying upon visual monitoring of the simulated patient state. Overall, sonification of patient physiology beyond traditional pulse oximetry appears to be a viable and useful adjunct to visual monitors. Actual and potential applications of this research include monitoring in a wide variety of busy critical care contexts.
Room-temperature measurements of the magnetic susceptibility of Bovine Serum Albumin-based nanocapsules (50 to 300 nm in size) loaded with different amounts of maghemite nanoparticles (7.6 nm average diameter) have been carried out in this study The field (H) dependence of the imaginary peak susceptibility (f(P)) of the nanocomposite samples was investigated in the range of 0 to 4 kOe. From the analysis of the f(P) x H curves the concentration (N) dependence of the effective maghemite magnetocrystalline energy barrier (E) was obtained. Analysis of the E x N data was performed using a modified Morup-Tronc [Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 3278 (1994)] model, from which a huge contribution from the magnetocrystalline surface anisotropy was observed.
The electrochemical treatment of a synthetic tannery wastewater, prepared with several compounds used by finishing tanneries, was studied in chloride-free media. Boron-doped diamond (Si/BDD), antimony-doped tin dioxide (Ti/SnO(2)-Sb), and iridium-antimony-doped tin dioxide (Ti/SnO(2)-Sb-Ir)were evaluated as anode. The influence of pH and current density on the treatment was assessed by means of the parameters used to measure the level of organic contaminants in the wastewater; i.e., total phenols, chemical oxygen demand (COD), total organic carbon (TOC), and absorbance. Results showed that faster decrease in these parameters occurred when the Si/BDD anode was used. Good results were obtained with the Ti/SnO(2)-Sb anode, but its complete deactivation was reached after 4h of electrolysis at 25 mA cm(-2), indicating that the service life of this electrode is short. The Ti/SnO(2)-Sb-Ir anode is chemically and electrochemically more stable than the Ti/SnO(2)-Sb anode, but it is not suitable for the electrochemical treatment under the studied conditions. No significant changes were observed for electrolyses performed at different pH conditions with Si/BDD, and this electrode led to almost complete mineralization after 4 h of electrolysis at 100mAcm(-2). The increase in current density resulted in faster wastewater oxidation, with lower current efficiency and higher energy consumption. Si/BBD proved to be the best electrodic material for the direct electrooxidation of tannery wastewaters. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In many species, females are thought to benefit from polyandry due to the reduced risks of fertilization by genetically incompatible sperm. However, few studies that have reported such benefits have directly attributed variation in female reproductive success to the interacting effects of males and females at fertilization. In this paper, we determine whether male x female interactions influence fertilization in vitro in the free-spawning, sessile polychaete Galeolaria caespitosa. Furthermore, we determined whether polyandry results in direct fertilization benefits for females by experimentally manipulating the number of males contributing towards staged spawning events. To test for male x female interaction effects we performed an initial experiment that crossed seven males with six females (in all 42 combinations), enabling us to assess fertilization rates for each specific male-female pairing and attribute variation in fertilization success to males, females and their interaction. This initial experiment revealed a strong interaction between males and females at fertilization, confirming that certain male-female combinations were more compatible than others. A second experiment tested the hypothesis that polyandry enhances female reproductive success by exposing each female's eggs to either a single male's sperm (monandry) or the sperm from three males simultaneously (polyandry). We performed this second experiment at two ecologically relevant sperm concentrations. This latter experiment revealed a strong fertilization benefit of polyandry, independent of the effects of sperm concentration (which were also significant). We suggest that these direct fertilization gains arising from polyandry will constitute an important source of selection on females to mate multiply in nature.
Human hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT) catalyses the synthesis of the purine nucleoside monophosphates, IMP and GMP, by the addition of a 6-oxopurine base, either hypoxanthine or guanine, to the 1-beta-position of 5-phospho-U-D-ribosyl-1-pyrophosphate (PRib-PP). The mechanism is sequential, with PRib-PP binding to the free enzyme prior to the base. After the covalent reaction, pyrophosphate is released followed by the nucleoside monophosphate. A number of snapshots of the structure of this enzyme along the reaction pathway have been captured. These include the structure in the presence of the inactive purine base analogue, 7-hydroxy [4,3-d] pyrazolo pyrimidine (HPP) and PRib-PP. Mg2+, and in complex with IMP or GMP. The third structure is that of the immucillinHP.Mg2+.PPi complex, a transition-state analogue. Here, the first crystal structure of free human HGPRT is reported to 1.9 angstrom resolution, showing that significant conformational changes have to occur for the substrate(s) to bind and for catalysis to proceed. Included in these changes are relative movement of subunits within the tetramer, rotation and extension of an active-site alpha-helix (D137-D153), reorientation of key active-site residues K68, D137 and K165, and the rearrangement of three active-site loops (100-128, 165-173 and 186-196). Toxoplasina gondii HGXPRT is the only other 6-oxopurine phosphoribosyltransferase structure solved in the absence of ligands. Comparison of this structure with human HGPRT reveals significant differences in the two active sites, including the structure of the flexible loop containing K68 (human) or K79 (T gondii). (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
To describe the case of a patient with celiac disease who achieved a complete response to a gluten-free diet. A 28-year-old woman presented with diarrhea, oral ulcers, and refractory uveitis of 2.5-years duration. She was treated with prednisone, mydriatic drops, and infliximab with no response. She was referred to our hospital at which point her previous diagnosis of uveitis was confirmed; she was also diagnosed with right-sided sacro-iliitis. The patient did not have arthritis or any skin conditions. Three tests for fecal parasites and a fecal leukocyte were negative. Endoscopy revealed atrophic appearance of the duodenal mucosa. Biopsy showed atrophy of the duodenal villi with intra-epithelial lymphocytes, hyperplasia of the crypts, and chronic inflammatory infiltrate. The search for antiendomysial antibody was > 1/1,280. The patient was started on a gluten-free diet and after 3 months demonstrated significant improvement of gastrointestinal symptoms and uveitis, as well as a reduction of antiendomysial antibodies (1/80). After 6 months, there was complete remission of gastrointestinal symptoms and total control of uveitis. The antiendomysial antibody was negative at that time. Clinical uveitis as a manifestation of celiac disease has been described in only two cases in the literature. This case study is the third to demonstrate that uveitis is a clinical symptom that can be addressed in patients with celiac disease.
In this paper, experiments to detect turbulent spots in the transitional boundary layers, formed on a flat plate in a free-piston shock tunnel how, are reported. Experiments indicate that thin-film heat-transfer gauges are suitable for identifying turbulent-spot activity and can be used to identify parameters such as the convection rate of spots and the intermittency of turbulence.
Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells are widely used for the large scale production of recombinant biopharmaceuticals. Growth of the CHO-K1 cell line has been demonstrated in serum-free medium containing insulin, transferrin and selenium. In an attempt to get autocrine growth in protein-free medium, DNA coding for insulin and transferrin production was transfected into CHO-K1 cells. Transferrin was expressed well, with clones secreting approximately 1000 ng/10(6)cells/24h. Insulin was poorly expressed, with rates peaking at 5 ng/10(6)cells/24h. Characterisation of the secreted insulin indicated that the CHO cells were incompletely processing the insulin molecule. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to introduce a furin (prohormone converting enzyme) recognition sequence into the insulin molecule, allowing the production of active insulin. However, the levels were still too low to support autocrine growth. Further investigations revealed insulin degrading activity (presumably due to the presence of insulin degrading enzymes) in the cytoplasm of CHO cells. To overcome these problems insulin-like growth factor I (instead of insulin) was transfected into the cells. IGF-1 was completely processed and expressed at rates greater than 500 ng/10(6)cells/24h. In this paper we report autonomous growth of the transfected CHO-K1 cell line expressing transferrin and IGF-1 in protein-free medium without the addition of exogenous growth factors. Growth rates and final cell densities of these cells were identical to that of the parent cell line CHO-K1 growing in insulin, transferrin, and selenium supplemented serum-free media.
Gold(III)-directed condensation of ethane-1,2-diamine with nitroethane and formaldehyde yielded the gold-coloured macrocyclic complex (cis-6,13-dimethyl-6,13-dinitro-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecan-1-ido)gold(III) and the orange acyclic complex (1,9-diamino-5-methyl-5-nitro-3,7-diazanoran-3-ido)gold(III) in good yields. Dissolution in strongly acidic solution gave the colourless fully protonated complexes. The pendant nitro groups are disposed on the same side of the macrocycle in a cis geometry, as confirmed by crystal structure analysis. In both complexes the gold ion lies in a square-planar environment of four nitrogen donors, and the co-ordinate bond to the deprotonated amine is shorter than the remaining Au-N distances.