986 resultados para TEAR-FILM FUNCTION
Structural, electronic, and optical properties of amorphous and transparent zinc tin oxide films deposited on glass substrates by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) were examined for two chemical compositions of Zn:Sn=1:1 and 2:1 as a function of oxygen partial pressure PO2 used for the film deposition and annealing temperature. Different from a previous report on sputter-deposited films Chiang et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 013503 2005 , the PLD-deposited films crystallized at a lower temperature 450 °C to give crystalline ZnO and SnO2 phases. The optical band gaps Tauc gaps were 2.80−2.85 eV and almost independent of oxygen PO2 , which are smaller than those of the corresponding crystals 3.35−3.89 eV . Films deposited at low PO2 showed significant subgap absorptions, which were reduced by postthermal annealing. Hall mobility showed steep increases when carrier concentration exceeded threshold values and the threshold value depended on the film chemical composition. The films deposited at low PO2 2 Pa had low carrier concentrations. It is thought that the low PO2 produced high-density oxygen deficiencies and generated electrons, but these electrons were trapped in localized states, which would be observed as the subgap absorptions. Similar effects were observed for 600 °C crystallized films and their resistivities were increased by formation of subgap states due to the reducing high-temperature condition. High carrier concentrations and large mobilities were obtained in an intermediate PO2 region for the as-deposited films.
Loss characterization in rhodamine 6G doped polymer film waveguide by side illumination fluorescence
We report the position dependent tuning of fluorescence emission from rhodamine 6G doped polymethylmethacrylate film waveguide using a side illumination technique. The transmitted fluorescence as a function of the distance from the point of illumination is measured by translating the waveguide horizontally across a monochromatic light source. This technique has been utilized to characterize the optical loss in dye doped waveguides. We observe that the optical loss coefficients for shorter and longer distances of propagation through the dye doped waveguide are different. At longer distance of propagation a decrease in optical loss coefficient is observed
Among the large number of photothcrmal techniques available, photoacoustics assumes a very significant place because of its essential simplicity and the variety of applications it finds in science and technology. The photoacoustic (PA) effect is the generation of an acoustic signal when a sample, kept inside an enclosed volume, is irradiated by an intensity modulated beam of radiation. The radiation absorbed by the sample is converted into thermal waves by nonradiative de-excitation processes. The propagating thermal waves cause a corresponding expansion and contraction of the gas medium surrounding the sample, which in tum can be detected as sound waves by a sensitive microphone. These sound waves have the same frequency as the initial modulation frequency of light. Lock-in detection method enables one to have a sufficiently high signal to noise ratio for the detected signal. The PA signal amplitude depends on the optical absorption coefficient of the sample and its thermal properties. The PA signal phase is a function of the thermal diffusivity of the sample.Measurement of the PA amplitude and phase enables one to get valuable information about the thermal and optical properties of the sample. Since the PA signal depends on the optical and thennal properties of the sample, their variation will get reflected in the PA signal. Therefore, if the PA signal is collected from various points on a sample surface it will give a profile of the variations in the optical/thennal properties across the sample surface. Since the optical and thermal properties are affected by the presence of defects, interfaces, change of material etc. these will get reflected in the PA signal. By varying the modulation frequency, we can get information about the subsurface features also. This is the basic principle of PA imaging or PA depth profiling. It is a quickly expanding field with potential applications in thin film technology, chemical engineering, biology, medical diagnosis etc. Since it is a non-destructive method, PA imaging has added advantages over some of the other imaging techniques. A major part of the work presented in this thesis is concemed with the development of a PA imaging setup that can be used to detect the presence of surface and subsmface defects in solid samples.Determination of thermal transport properties such as thermal diffusivity, effusivity, conductivity and heat capacity of materials is another application of photothennal effect. There are various methods, depending on the nature of the sample, to determine these properties. However, there are only a few methods developed to determine all these properties simultaneously. Even though a few techniques to determine the above thermal properties individually for a coating can be found in literature, no technique is available for the simultaneous measurement of these parameters for a coating. We have developed a scanning photoacoustic technique that can be used to determine all the above thermal transport properties simultaneously in the case of opaque coatings such as paints. Another work that we have presented in this thesis is the determination of thermal effusivity of many bulk solids by a scanning photoacoustic technique. This is one of the very few methods developed to determine thermal effiisivity directly.
The objective of this work was to study the theological and thermal properties of film forming solutions (FFS) based on blends of gelatin and poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA). The effect of the PVA concentration and plasticizer presence on the flow behavior, and viscoelastic and thermal properties of FFS was studied by steady-shear flow and oscillatory experiments, and also, by microcalorimetry. The FB presented Newtonian behavior at 30 degrees C, and the viscosity was not affected neither by the PVA concentration nor by the plasticizer. All FFS presented a phase transition during tests applying temperature scanning. It was verified that the PVA affected the viscoelastic properties of FFS by dilution of gelatin. This behavior was confirmed by microcalorimetric analysis. The behaviors of the storage (G`) and loss (G ``) moduli as a function of frequency of FFS obtained at 5 degrees C were typical of physical gels; with the G` higher than the G ``. The strength of the gels was affected by the PVA concentration. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The kinetics and the thermodynamics of electrochemical intercalation of lithium into CeO(2)-TiO(2) films prepared by the sol-gel process were studied by galvanostatic intermittent titration technique (GITT) as function of the depth of lithium intercalation. The open-circuit-potential versus x in Li(x)(CeO(2)-TiO(2)) curve consists of two straight lines with different slopes, one in the range of 0.03 <= x <= 0.09 and the other of 0.09 < x <= 0.15. The standard Gibbs energy for lithium intercalation Delta G(1)(0) was 6kJ/mol for x = 0.09 in Li(x)(CeO(2)-TiO(2)) at room temperature. The chemical diffusion coefficient value, D(Li+), of lithium intercalation into thin film oxide was 2.14.10(-11) cm(2)/s at x = 0.15, and the value of the component diffusion coefficient D(Li+),(k) was about one order of magnitude lower than the coefficient of chemical diffusion.
Anormalidades quali-quantitativas em componentes primários da lágrima podem alterar a dinâmica do filme lacrimal, comprometendo sua função. O filme lacrimal é composto por lipídios, uma fração aquosa e por mucoproteínas. A ceratoconjuntivite seca (CCS) é uma enfermidade freqüentemente diagnosticada em cães, caracterizada pela deficiência da fração aquosa do filme lacrimal, resultando em dessecação e inflamação da conjuntiva e córnea, dor, doença corneana progressiva e redução da visão. Devido à contribuição significativa da glândula da terceira pálpebra na produção da porção aquosa do filme lacrimal, a remoção desta glândula, quando prolapsada, constitui-se em importante causa de CCS iatrogênica. Este trabalho relata um caso clínico de ceratoconjuntivite seca iatrogênica, em um cão da raça Boston Terrier de 10 meses de idade, causada pela remoção cirúrgica da glândula lacrimal da terceira pálpebra, quando esta encontrava-se prolapsada.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Diamond-like carbon (DLC) films were grown from radiofrequency plasmas of acetylene-argon mixtures, at different excitation powers, P. The effects of this parameter on the plasma potential, electron density, electron temperature, and plasma activity were investigated using a Langmuir probe. The mean electron temperature increased from about 0.5 to about 7.0 eV while the mean electron density decreased from about 1.2x10(9) to about 0.2x10(9) cm(-3) as P was increased from 25 to 150 W. Both the plasma potential and the plasma activity were found to increase with increasing P. Through actinometric optical emission spectrometry, the relative concentrations of CH, [CH], and H, [H], in the discharge were mapped as a function of the applied power. A rise in [H] and a fall in [CH] with increasing P were observed and are discussed in relation to the plasma characteristics and the subimplantation model. The optical properties of the films were calculated from ultraviolet-visible spectroscopic data; the surface resistivity was measured by the two-point probe method. The optical gap, E(G), and the surface resistivity, rho(s), fall with increasing P. E(G) and rho(s) are in the ranges of about 2.0-1.3 eV and 10(14)-10(16) Omega/square, respectively. The plasma power also influences the film self-bias, V(b), via a linear dependence, and the effect of V(b) on ion bombardment during growth is addressed together with variation in the relative densities of sp(2) and sp(3) bonds in the films as determined by Raman spectroscopy.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Strontium titanate (SrTiO3) thin films were prepared by dip-coating Si(111) single-crystal substrates in citrate solutions of ethylene glycol, considering several citric acid/ethylene glycol (CA/EG) ratios. Measurements of intrinsic viscosity indicate that increasing the amount of EG increases the precursors' polymeric chains and increases the weight loss. After deposition the substrates were dried on a hotplate (approximate to 150 degrees C); this was followed by heat treatment at temperatures ranging from 500 to 700 degrees C using heating and cooling rates of 1 degrees C min(-1). SEM and optical microscopy investigations of the sintered films obtained from different CA/EG ratios indicate that there is a critical thickness above which the films present cracks. This critical thickness for SrTiO3 films deposited on the Si(111) substrate is about 150 nm, Measurements of crack spacing as a function of film thickness indicate that the origin of cracks cannot be explained by the elastic behavior of the film but rather by the viscoelastic relaxation of the film during pyrolysis and sintering. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Thin polymer films were grown in radio frequency discharges containing C2H2. Actinometry revealed the trend in the plasma concentration of the CH species as a function of the operating pressure. The C-H bond density in the films, revealed by infrared analysis, was found to increase with the pressure of C2H2 in a similar way to that of the concentration of the CH species in the discharge. From transmission ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy data, optical parameters of the polymers, namely, the refractive index and the optical gap, were calculated. For the range of pressure studied, the refractive index decreased from 1.73 to 1.63 and the optical gap increased from 2.4 to 3.3 eV. Finally, measurements of the residual stress of the polymer films were carried out by the bending beam method, using a He-Ne laser, yielding values from 0.05 to 0.3 GPa. (C) 1995 American Vacuum Society.
We report magnetic data of free standing films of poly( aniline) (PANI) protonated with a plasticizing di-ester of succinic acid. The data have been obtained using the electron spin resonance (ESR) technique at two different frequencies, X-band (9.4 GHz) and Q-band ( 34 GHz), on one hand, and by magnetization measurements in broad ranges of temperatures and magnetic fields on the other hand. All the data can be explained assuming a transition as a function of temperature from delocalized magnetic moments in the valence band to localized positive polarons in several antiferromagnetically correlated bands. By increasing the magnetic field, the magnetic properties are affected in several ways. An intra-band admixture of states occurs; it contributes to increase the spins' localization and finally promotes an antiferromagnetic-metamagnetic transition.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)