917 resultados para Syphilis, Congenital, hereditary, and infantile.
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
O câncer colorretal é um grave problema de saúde pública na região norte, sendo a 3a neoplasia mais frequente entre os homens e a 2a entre as mulheres. Cerca de 10% destes tumores são hereditários e a polipose adenomatosa familial está entre as principais causas destes. Mutações no gene APC são responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento de tumores nestes pacientes e estão presentes desde a fase mais precoce na carcinogênese, além disso, existe uma relação entre o tipo de mutação e apresentação clínica da doença. Até o presente momento não existe uma publicação com o perfil de mutação do gene APC na região norte do país. Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal, identificar o perfil de mutações no gene APC em famílias do estado do Pará. Um total de 15 pacientes foi analisado provenientes de cinco famílias, todos atendidos no UNACON do HUJBB. Foi realizado a extração de DNA do sangue periférico e realizado um sequenciamento direto em um membro de cada família, obtendo desta forma um screening molecular e os demais membros da família foram genotipados pela técnica ARMS. A análise estatística foi realizada pelos softwares que acompanham o próprio produto. Neste estudo foram encontrados mutações nos 15 membros estudados (provenientes das 5 famílias), 40% das quais eram do tipo frameshift, 35% silenciadoras e 20% nonsense. Sendo que 60% de todas as mutações ocorreram na região MCR. Entre as três mutações mais frequentes na literatura, neste estudo foram encontradas duas: códon 1309 (em 40% dos indivíduos) e no códon 1061 (em 10% dos indivíduos). Estes números foram bem diferentes dos encontrados na literatura, reforçando o papel da miscigenação na frequência das mutações. A mutação c.3956delC foi a única encontrada em todas as famílias analisadas, o que pode comportar-se como um forte biomarcador desta síndrome. A avaliação clínica dos pacientes confirmou a correlação genótipo/fenótipo, sendo um fator determinante para o direcionamento clínico e aconselhamento genético. A plataforma confeccionada para análise de mutações pela técnica ARMS será de grande utilidade, já que conseguiu detectar mutações no 15 indivíduos estudados a um custo bem inferior que o sequenciamento direto por PCR.
OBJETIVO:Relatar o caso de um lactente com citomegalovírus congênito e disacusia neurossensorial progressiva, analisado por três métodos de avaliação auditiva.DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO:Na primeira avaliação auditiva, aos quatro meses de idade, o lactente apresentou ausência de Emissões Otoacústicas (EOA) e Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefálico (PEATE) dentro dos padrões de normalidade para a faixa etária, com limiar eletrofisiológico em 30dBnHL, bilateralmente. Com seis meses, apresentou ausência de PEATE bilateral em 100dBnHL. A avaliação comportamental da audição mostrou-se prejudicada devido ao atraso no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. Aos oito meses, foi submetido ao exame de Resposta Auditiva de Estado Estável (RAEE) e os limiares encontrados foram 50, 70, ausente em 110 e em 100dB, respectivamente para 500, 1.000, 2.000 e 4.000Hz, à direita, e 70, 90, 90 e ausente em 100dB, respectivamente para 500, 1.000, 2.000 e 4.000Hz, à esquerda.COMENTÁRIOS:Na primeira avaliação, o lactente apresentou alteração auditiva no exame de EOA e PEATE normal, que passou a ser alterado aos seis meses de idade. A intensidade da perda auditiva só pôde ser identificada pelo exame de RAEE, permitindo estabelecer a melhor conduta na adaptação de aparelho de amplificação sonora individual. Ressalta-se a importância do acompanhamento audiológico para crianças com CMV congênito.
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Objective: To evaluate the growth pattern of low birth weight preterm infants born to hypertensive mothers, the occurrence of growth disorders, and risk factors for inadequate growth at 24 months of corrected age (CA).Methods: Cohort study of preterm low birth weight infants followed until 24 months CA, in a university hospital between January 2009 and December 2010. Inclusion criteria: gestational age < 37 weeks and birth weight of 1,500-2,499g. Exclusion criteria: multiple pregnancies, major congenital anomalies, and loss to follow up in the 2nd year of life. The following were evaluated: weight, length, and BMI. Outcomes: growth failure and risk of overweight at 0, 12, and 24 months CA. Student's t-test, Repeated measures ANOVA (RM-ANOVA), and multiple logistic regression were used.Results: A total of 80 preterm low birth weight infants born to hypertensive mothers and 101 born to normotensive mothers were studied. There was a higher risk of overweight in children of hypertensive mothers at 24 months; however, maternal hypertension was not a risk factor for inadequate growth. Logistic regression showed that being born small for gestational age and inadequate growth in the first 12 months of life were associated with poorer growth at 24 months.Conclusion: Preterm low birth weight born infants to hypertensive mothers have an increased risk of overweight at 24 months CA. Being born small for gestational age and inadequate growth in the 1st year of life are risk factors for growth disorders at 24 months CA. (C) 2014 Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.
Balanced X-autosome translocations are rare, and female carriers are a clinically heterogeneous group of patients, with phenotypically normal women, history of recurrent miscarriage, gonadal dysfunction, X-linked disorders or congenital abnormalities, and/or developmental delay. We investigated a patient with a de novo X;19 translocation. The six-year-old girl has been evaluated due to hyperactivity, social interaction impairment, stereotypic and repetitive use of language with echolalia, failure to follow parents/caretakers orders, inconsolable outbursts, and persistent preoccupation with parts of objects. The girl has normal cognitive function. Her measurements are within normal range, and no other abnormalities were found during physical, neurological, or dysmorphological examinations. Conventional cytogenetic analysis showed a de novo balanced translocation, with the karyotype 46,X,t(X;19)(p21.2;q13.4). Replication banding showed a clear preference for inactivation of the normal X chromosome. The translocation was confirmed by FISH and Spectral Karyotyping (SKY). Although abnormal phenotypes associated with de novo balanced chromosomal rearrangements may be the result of disruption of a gene at one of the breakpoints, submicroscopic deletion or duplication, or a position effect, X; autosomal translocations are associated with additional unique risk factors including X-linked disorders, functional autosomal monosomy, or functional X chromosome disomy resulting from the complex X-inactivation process.
To establish benchmarks and study some sonographic characteristics of the thyroid gland in a group of euthyroid children aged up to 5 years as compared with age-matched children with congenital hypothyroidism. Thirty-six children (17 female and 19 male) aged between 2 months and 5 years were divided into two groups - 23 euthyroid children and 13 children with congenital hypothyroidism - and were called to undergo ultrasonography. In the group of euthyroid children (n = 23), mean total volume of the thyroid gland was 1.12 mL (minimum, 0.39 mL; maximum, 2.72 mL); a homogeneous gland was found in 17 children (73.91%) and 6 children (26.08%) had a heterogeneous gland. In the group of children with congenital hypothyroidism (n = 13), mean total volume of the thyroid gland was 2.73 mL (minimum, 0.20 mL; maximum, 11.00 mL). As regards thyroid location, 3 patients (23.07%) had ectopic thyroid, and 10 (69.23%) had topic thyroid, and out of the latter, 5 had a homogeneous gland (50%) and 5, a heterogeneous gland (50%). In the group with congenital hypothyroidism, 6 (46.15%) children had etiological diagnosis of dyshormoniogenesis, 3 (23.07%), of ectopic thyroid, and 4 (30.76%), of thyroid hypoplasia. Thyroid ultrasonography is a noninvasive imaging method, widely available, easy to perform and for these reasons could, and should, be performed at any time, including at birth, with no preparation or treatment discontinuation, to aid in the early etiological definition of congenital hypothyroidism.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Thyroid hormone action is required for normal cone opsin expression during mouse retinal development
PURPOSE. The expression of S- and M-opsins in the murine retina is altered in different transgenic mouse models with mutations in the thyroid hormone receptor (TR)-beta gene, demonstrating an important role of thyroid hormone (TH) in retinal development. METHODS. The spatial expression of S- and M-opsin was compared in congenital hypothyroidism and in two different TR mutant mouse models. One mouse model contains a ligand-binding mutation that abolishes TH binding and results in constitutive binding to nuclear corepressors. The second model contains a mutation that blocks binding of coactivators to the AF-2 domain without affecting TH binding. RESULTS. Hypothyroid newborn mice showed an increase in S- opsin expression that was completely independent of the genotype. Concerning M-opsin expression, hypothyroidism caused a significant decrease (P < 0.01) only in wild-type animals. When TR beta 1 and -beta 2 were T3-binding defective, the pattern of opsin expression was similar to TR beta ablation, showing increased S- opsin expression in the dorsal retina and no expression of M-opsin in the entire retina. In an unexpected finding, immunostaining for both opsins was detected when both subtypes of TR beta were mutated in the helix 12 AF-2 domain. CONCLUSIONS. The results show, for the first time, that the expression of S- and M-opsin is dependent on normal thyroid hormone levels during development.
To compare clinical and laboratory findings between patients with primary antiphospholipid syndrome (PAPS) versus secondary APS due to rheumatic fever (APS-RF) (according to Jones criteria). Seventy-three APS patients (Sapporo criteria) were enrolled, and demographic, clinical, and laboratory data were collected. Exclusion criteria were heart congenital abnormalities and previous infectious endocarditis. Patients were divided into two groups: PAPS (n = 68) and APS-RF (n = 5). The mean current age, disease duration, frequencies of female gender, and Caucasian race were similar in APS-RF and PAPS patients (P > 0.05). Remarkably, the frequency of stroke was significantly higher in APS-RF compared to PAPS patients (80% vs. 25%, P = 0.02). Of note, echocardiogram of these patients did not show intracardiac thrombus. No significant differences were found in peripheral thromboembolic events (P = 1.0), pulmonary thromboembolism (P = 1.0), miscarriage (P = 0.16), thrombocytopenia (P = 0.36), arterial events (P = 0.58), and thrombosis of small vessels (P = 1.0). There were no differences in the frequencies of comorbidities such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, smoking, and hyperlipidemia in both groups (P > 0.05). The frequencies of lupus anticoagulant, IgG, and IgM anticardiolipin were similar in two groups. APS patients associated with rheumatic fever without infective endocarditis may imply a high stroke risk as compared with PAPS, and future studies are needed to confirm this finding.
Introduction: Toxoplasmosis is usually a benign infection, except in the event of ocular, central nervous system (CNS), or congenital disease and particularly when the patient is immunocompromised. Treatment consists of drugs that frequently cause adverse effects; thus, newer, more effective drugs are needed. In this study, the possible activity of artesunate, a drug successfully being used for the treatment of malaria, on Toxoplasma gondii growth in cell culture is evaluated and compared with the action of drugs that are already being used against this parasite. Methods: LLC-MK2 cells were cultivated in RPMI medium, kept in disposable plastic bottles, and incubated at 36 degrees C with 5% CO2. Tachyzoites of the RH strain were used. The following drugs were tested: artesunate, cotrimoxazole, pentamidine, pyrimethamine, quinine, and trimethoprim. The effects of these drugs on tachyzoites and LLC-MK2 cells were analyzed using nonlinear regression analysis with Prism 3.0 software. Results: Artesunate showed a mean tachyzoite inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 0.075 mu M and an LLC MK2 toxicity of 2.003 mu M. Pyrimethamine was effective at an IC50 of 0.482 mu M and a toxicity of 11.178 mu M. Trimethoprim alone was effective against the in vitro parasite. Cotrimoxazole also was effective against the parasite but at higher concentrations than those observed for artesunate and pyrimethamine. Pentamidine and quinine had no inhibitory effect over tachyzoites. Conclusions: Artesunate is proven in vitro to be a useful alternative for the treatment of toxoplasmosis, implying a subsequent in vivo effect and suggesting the mechanism of this drug against the parasite.