523 resultados para Syncretic semiotics


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OBJECTIVE Identify resources that support learning mediated by technology in the field of neonatal nursing. METHOD Systematic review with searches conducted in MEDLINE, LILACS and SciELO. Titles and abstracts were independently evaluated by two experts. RESULTS Of the 2,051 references, 203 full-text articles were analyzed, resulting in the inclusion of nine studies on semiotics and semiology, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, general aspects of neonatal care, diagnostic reasoning and assessment of pain. Only two articles addressed the development of educational strategies and seven papers described the assessment of these strategies by experts and/or users. CONCLUSION Distance education is an important resource for education, and its improvement and updating, and it particularly adds advantages for neonatal nursing by approximating teaching and real-life situations and by minimizing the exposure of newborns for teaching purposes. The lack of educational initiatives mediated by technology suggests the need for the development, evaluation and dissemination of educational resources focused on nursing care of newborns and their families.


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Cette thèse propose de passer en revue les modalités de la représentation écrite de l'oralité en français. La pratique littéraire constitue le matériau et l'horizon de la théorisation. La problématique - comment l'écrit représente-t-il l'oral ? - est d'abord située et reformulée dans le cadre de la linguistique de la parole (I). Les rapports entre oralité et scripturalité sont ensuite étudiés sous trois angles. L'angle biotechnologique compare la matérialité et l'affordance des signaux graphiques et des signaux acoustiques (II 1). L'examen sémiotique reconnaît dans le français écrit un système dit phonographique dont la fonction est de représenter l'expression des signes du français oral. Sont analysées alors les relations entre les systèmes de signes impliqués, la diversité des actualisations possibles du système phonographique (effets d'écoute), ainsi que diverses sémiotiques analogiques (II 2). On étudie ensuite le rôle de la prosodie dans la lecture. La position adoptée est la suivante : bien qu'elle soit facultative dans l'activité de lecture, la prosodie est spécialement sollicitée par des écrits qu'on peut caractériser linguistiquement. L'interprétation prosodique apporte à ces écrits un surcroît de signification en même temps qu'il produit un mode spécifique de représentation de l'oral appelé effet prosodique (II 3). L'angle sémantique est esquissé finalement : il conduit à dégager deux modalités de représentation supplémentaire. Pour la première, l'oral se situe sur le plan sémantico-référentiel de l'expression écrite (écrire à propos d'oral) ; pour la seconde, l'oral est un extérieur discursif modalisant le dire écrit : l'écrit est reconnu comme énoncé à la manière de l'oral (effet de style oral). - This PhD thesis attempts to review the modalities of orality in written representation. Literary writings act as the material for theorization. First of all, the thesis statement - how does writing represent oral - is situated and then, reformulated within the frame of linguistique de la parole (the linguistic field of speech) (I). The connections between orality and writing are then studied under three angles. The biotechnological angle compares the materiality and the affordance of graphic signs and acoustic signals (II 1). A semiotic examination acknowledges, in French, a phonographical system whose function is to represent the expression of French oral signs. Thus, the relationships between the systems of implicated signs, the diversity of possible actualisations of the phonographic system (voice effects), as well as various analogical semiotics are analysed (II 2). Furthermore, the role of prosody is studied within reading. The stand taken is the following : even though it is optional during a reading activity, prosody is especially sought-after by linguistically characterised writings. The prosodie interpretation brings to these writings a surge of signification while producing a specific mode of oral representation called the prosodie effects (II 3). The semantic angle is finally drawn : it leads to two additional modalities of representation. For the first part, speech is located on the semantic and referential plan of the written expression (writing about speech); as for the second part, spoken language is a discursive exteriority : writing is recognised as an oral-like utterance {oral-like effect).


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L'àmbit de formació universitària és idoni per recuperar de forma més modesta i autocrítica les tesis de la semiòtica i les teories de la comunicació en la seva relació amb els processos del disseny.


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The study examined how religious beliefs and practices impact upon medication and illness representations in chronic schizophrenia. One hundred three stabilized patients were included in Geneva's outpatient public psychiatric facility in Switzerland. Interviews were conducted to investigate spiritual and religious beliefs and religious practices and religious coping. Medication adherence was assessed through questions to patients and to their psychiatrists and by a systematic blood drug monitoring. Thirty-two percent of patients were partially or totally nonadherent to oral medication. Fifty-eight percent of patients were Christians, 2% Jewish, 3% Muslim, 4% Buddhist, 14% belonged to various minority or syncretic religious movements, and 19% had no religious affiliation. Two thirds of the total sample considered spirituality as very important or even essential in everyday life. Fifty-seven percent of patients had a representation of their illness directly influenced by their spiritual beliefs (positively in 31% and negatively in 26%). Religious representations of illness were prominent in nonadherent patients. Thirty-one percent of nonadherent patients and 27% of partially adherent patients underlined an incompatibility or contradiction between their religion and taking medication, versus 8% of adherent patients. Religion and spirituality contribute to shaping representations of disease and attitudes toward medical treatment in patients with schizophrenia. This dimension should be on the agenda of psychiatrists working with patients with schizophrenia.


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Albert Lewin, conocido director de cine de Hollywood influenciado por el movimiento surrealista, une el mito de Pandora con la leyenda del Holandés errante para crear una historia de amor ejemplar, una historia de amor loco que va más allá de los límites de la racionalidad. Y, como que para creer en este tipo de amor no es la razón stricto sensu la que nos ha de guiar, construye un mundo de signos, un mundo semiológico complejo que este artículo ayuda a descifrar.


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Albert Lewin, conegut director de cinema de Hollywood influenciat pel moviment surrealista, conjumina el mite de Pandora amb la llegenda de l'Holandès errant per crear una història d¿amor exemplar, una història d¿amor foll que va més enllà del límits de la racionalitat. I, com que per creure en aquest tipus d'amor no es la raó stricto sensu la que ens ha de guiar, basteix tot un món de signes, un món semiològic complex que aquest article ajuda a desxifrar.


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Albert Lewin, a well-known Hollywood cinema director who is significantly influenced by the surrealistic movement, brings together the myth f Pandora and the legend of the flying Dutchman in order to create an exemplary love story, a crazy love story which goes beyond the limits of human reason. Bearing in mind, then, that if one wants to believe in this sort of love story must not be guided by human reason stricto sensu, he builds a world of signs, a semiologic world which this article aims at helping to interpret.


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En aquest treball es descriuen i analitzen els usos del marc social de referència i del marc específic de referència com a mecanismes semiòtics que apareixen en el discurs dels participants en la interacció. Aquests mecanismes acompleixen funcions relacionades amb l"establiment inicial d"un corpus de significats compartits, la seva ampliació, i la resolució d"incomprensions i malentesos. En concret, l"estudi d"aquests mecanismes implica la comprensió de com l"ús d"experiències que suposadament són compartides entre els participants en la interacció intervé en el servei de la construcció d"esferes cada cop més amples d"intersubjectivitat. Els conceptes proposats per a referir-nos al corpus de coneixements suposadament compartits, recurs en el marc social de referència i recurs al marc específic de referència, provenen de diferents estudis (Pla, 1989; Coll et al. 1992, 1995, 1996) dirigits a la seva delimitació conceptual i empírica. En aquest treball s'il·lustren aquests mecanismes semiòtics mitjançant els resultats d"una investigació sobre influència educativa en la interacció entre mare i fill. Aquests resultats s"inscriuen en un projecte d"investigació més ampli dirigit a l"estudi dels mecanismes d"influència educativa en diferents situacions educatives (escolars i no escolars) que, prenent la concepció constructivista com a marc teòric de referència, ha permès l"elaboració d"un model d"anàlisi de la interactivitat (Coll et alt. 1992, 1995).


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How communication systems emerge and remain stable is an important question in both cognitive science and evolutionary biology. For communication to arise, not only must individuals cooperate by signaling reliable information, but they must also coordinate and perpetuate signals. Most studies on the emergence of communication in humans typically consider scenarios where individuals implicitly share the same interests. Likewise, most studies on human cooperation consider scenarios where shared conventions of signals and meanings cannot be developed de novo. Here, we combined both approaches with an economic experiment where participants could develop a common language, but under different conditions fostering or hindering cooperation. Participants endeavored to acquire a resource through a learning task in a computer-based environment. After this task, participants had the option to transmit a signal (a color) to a fellow group member, who would subsequently play the same learning task. We varied the way participants competed with each other (either global scale or local scale) and the cost of transmitting a signal (either costly or noncostly) and tracked the way in which signals were used as communication among players. Under global competition, players signaled more often and more consistently, scored higher individual payoffs, and established shared associations of signals and meanings. In addition, costly signals were also more likely to be used under global competition; whereas under local competition, fewer signals were sent and no effective communication system was developed. Our results demonstrate that communication involves both a coordination and a cooperative dilemma and show the importance of studying language evolution under different conditions influencing human cooperation.


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El libro de Lluís Payrató, El gest nostre de cada dia, es un estudio escrito en catalán de los gestos de la categoría de emblemas de la cultura catalana. Los emblemas constituyen un recurso comunicativo autónomo de la palabra, en el sentido de que expresan un mensaje que equivale a una palabra o expresión. El autor incorpora a la investigación el repertorio gestual que elaboró Joan Amades en 1957. La tesis central de la obra es la naturaleza cultural y contextual de los emblemas, de modo que pueden tener un significado mundial en algunos casos y un significado local en otros. La contribución del ensayo es una descripción de los gestos según su función comunicativa y la confección de un repertorio de 108 emblemas catalanes. El gest nostre de cada dia [Our daily gesture] is a study written by Lluís Payrató in Catalan about the Catalan culture. It deals with a type of gestures called emblems. The emblems are gestures that correspond to a word or expression. The author analyzes the gestural repertoire that developed in 1957 Joan Amades. The central thesis of the work is the cultural and contextual nature of the emblems, so that may have global significance in some cases and in other local significance. The contribution of the paper is a description of gestures by communicative function and the production of a repertoire of 108 Catalan emblems.