956 resultados para Swartz, Christian Frederick, 1726-1798.
The term ‘jurisprudence’ is derived etymologically from the Latin juris, meaning law, and prudentia, meaning wisdom. So jurisprudence simply means the wisdom of the law, or, as it has come to mean in scholarly legal circles these days, the theory of law. It asks fundamental questions regarding the nature and definition of law. And so, the question I wish to pose to us today is what does a truly “Christian” theory of law look like? One that is faithful to, as taken from the conference brochure, the “historic Christian faith” in its “principles and practice”. To contextualise this question, I must give you a deceptively brief and superficial overview of prevailing theories of law – and for those of you who know more about the topic, I apologise for the crass nature of my summary – time prevents me from doing any more...
The study attempts a reception-historical analysis of the Maccabean martyrs. The concept of reception has fundamentally to do with the re-use and interpretation of a text within new texts. In a religious tradition, certain elements become re-circulated and thus their reception may reflect the development of that particular tradition. The Maccabean martyrs first appear in 2 Maccabees. In my study, it is the Maccabean martyr figures who count as the received text; the focus is shifted from the interrelations between texts onto how the figures have been exploited in early Christian and Rabbinic sources. I have divided my sources into two categories and my analysis is in two parts. First, I analyze the reception of the Maccabean martyrs within Jewish and Christian historiographical sources, focusing on the role given to them in the depictions of the Maccabean Revolt (Chapter 3). I conclude that, within Jewish historiography, the martyrs are given roles, which vary between ultimate efficacy and marginal position with regard to making a historical difference. In Christian historiographical sources, the martyrs role grows in importance by time: however, it is not before a Christian cult of the Maccabean martyrs has been established, that the Christian historiographies consider them historically effective. After the first part, I move on to analyze the reception in sources, which make use of the Maccabean martyrs as paradigmatic figures (Chapter 4). I have suggested that the martyrs are paradigmatic in the context of martyrdom, persecution and destruction, on one hand, and in a homiletic context, inspiring religious celebration, on the other. I conclude that, as the figures are considered pre-Christian and biblical martyrs, they function well in terms of Christian martyrdom and have contributed to the development of its ideals. Furthermore, the presentation of the martyr figures in Rabbinic sources demonstrates how the notion of Jewish martyrdom arises from experiences of destruction and despair, not so much from heroic confession of faith in the face of persecution. Before the emergence of a Christian cult of the Maccabean martyrs, their identity is derived namely from their biblical position. Later on, in the homiletic context, their Jewish identity is debated and sometimes reconstructed as fundamentally Christian , despite of their Jewish origins. Similar debate about their identity is not found in the Rabbinic versions of their martyrdom and nothing there indicates a mutual debate between early Christians and Jews. A thematic comparison shows that the Rabbinic and Christian cases of reception are non-reliant on each other but also that they link to one another. Especially the scriptural connections, often made to the Maccabean mother, reveal the similarities. The results of the analyses confirm that the early history of Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism share, at least partly, the same religious environment and intertwining traditions, not only during the first century or two but until Late Antiquity and beyond. More likely, the reception of the Maccabean martyrs demonstrates that these religious traditions never ceased to influence one another.
The rapid disruption of tropical forests probably imperils global biodiversity more than any other contemporary phenomenon(1-3). With deforestation advancing quickly, protected areas are increasingly becoming final refuges for threatened species and natural ecosystem processes. However, many protected areas in the tropics are themselves vulnerable to human encroachment and other environmental stresses(4-9). As pressures mount, it is vital to know whether existing reserves can sustain their biodiversity. A critical constraint in addressing this question has been that data describing a broad array of biodiversity groups have been unavailable for a sufficiently large and representative sample of reserves. Here we present a uniquely comprehensive data set on changes over the past 20 to 30 years in 31 functional groups of species and 21 potential drivers of environmental change, for 60 protected areas stratified across the world's major tropical regions. Our analysis reveals great variation in reserve `health': about half of all reserves have been effective or performed passably, but the rest are experiencing an erosion of biodiversity that is often alarmingly widespread taxonomically and functionally. Habitat disruption, hunting and forest-product exploitation were the strongest predictors of declining reserve health. Crucially, environmental changes immediately outside reserves seemed nearly as important as those inside in determining their ecological fate, with changes inside reserves strongly mirroring those occurring around them. These findings suggest that tropical protected areas are often intimately linked ecologically to their surrounding habitats, and that a failure to stem broad-scale loss and degradation of such habitats could sharply increase the likelihood of serious biodiversity declines.
El estudio El Chayote (Sechium edule Jacq-Swartz): Una alternativa de comercialización no tradicional, consistió en la identificación de la cadena de comercialización, el cual estuvo dirigido a siete comunidades: El Hatillo, Jamaica, Aguas Frias, San Miguel, El Molino, La Labranza y Jumaikí, ubicadas al Este del municipio de Sébaco, del Departamento de Matagalpa. Este se realizó en el período comprendido entre el1° de enero al 31 de Diciembre del 2000. La cadena de comercialización encontrada en la zona de estudio está formada por cuatro eslabones, productor, mayorista, detallista y consumidor final. En el detallista se encontró a cuatro diferentes tipos: Canasteros, ubicados en el Mercado Oriental, pulperos, camioneros y supermercados. En el consumidor final, existen dos tipos: el consumidor final perteneciente a las unidades familiares y el consumidor final empresarial, que venden alimentos elaborados (comideras). Los márgenes brutos de comercialización (MBC) reflejan que el productor participa con un 25.55% y el resto de la intermediación con el 74.45%. En cuanto a los márgenes netos de comercialización (MNC), el productor 1 mayorista, es el que obtiene el mayor margen neto de comercialización, con un C$ 53.96 por cada 68.20 kilos, equivalentes a un saco con 200 frutos, esto es debido a la doble función que el mismo realiza en la cadena, obteniendo las utilidades del productor y del mayorista. Se determinó que la zona de estudio posee ventajas agro ecológicas que la convierten en un área adecuada para la producción del chayote, con rendimientos que superan el promedio nacional. Sin embargo, esta producción no logra abastecer el mercado local, debiendo realizar importaciones de origen centroamericano. En general, se determinó que los diferentes eslabones que conforman la cadena de comercialización del chayote no afectan los márgenes de comercialización del productor.
El presente trabajo se realizó para determinar variación fenotípica en un muestreo in situ en pataste o chayote [Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw.] existente en la comunidad El Castillito, municipio de Las Sabanas, departamento de Madriz. Se muestrearon 35 accesiones de chayote, y se midieron 34 variables cuantitativas y cualitativas, en las que se pueden mencionar el tamaño de fruto y semilla, forma y color del fruto, presencia de espinas y cantidad de fibra, entre otras. Se utilizó un análisis descript ivo, análisis de correlación, análisis de componentes principales y análisis de conglomerados. Se muestrearon frutos de coloración crema hasta verde oscuro, frutos de forma redonda, ovoide o alargada, con presencia de espinas. Se determinó correlación entre las variables cuantitativas, y mediante los tres primeros Componentes Principales se aisló el 60% de la variación total. El análisis de conglomerado mediante el método Ward y la distancia de Gower agrupó a las 35 accesiones recolectadas en 6 grupos sobresaliendo la longitud, espesor y peso de fruto, así como el peso de semilla, forma del fruto, presencia de espinas , costillas en el pericarpio, y el color del fruto. Se concluye que los materiales muestreados presentaron variación en muchas características cuantitativas y cualitativas.
El estudio se realizó para determinar variación in situ en chayote o pataste [Sechium edule (Jacq.) Swartz] en la comunidad El Castillito, Las Sabanas, Madriz. Se muestrearon 35 accesiones de chayote, y se midieron 34 variables cuantitativas y cualitativas como tamaño de fruto y semilla, forma y color del fruto, presencia de espinas y cantidad de fibra, entre otras. Análisis descriptivo, componentes principales y conglomerados se aplicaron a dicha variables. Los frutos fueron de coloración crema hasta verde oscuro; redondos, ovoides y alargados; y con presencia de espinas. Los tres primeros componentes principales aislaron el 60 % de la variación total. El análisis de conglomerado (método Ward y Gower) agrupó a las accesiones en 6 grupos. Los materiales muestreados presentaron variación considerable en muchas características.
Resumen: El Museo de Ciencias Naturales de La Plata, Argentina, posee una colección de piezas cerámicas provenientes del asentamiento egipcio y de la iglesia de Aksha, y de las tumbas nubias de Serra Oeste, sobre la margen izquierda del Nilo en la Baja Nubia, que pertenecen a las culturas meroítica y del Grupo X. Esta colección es producto del reparto después de las excavaciones realizadas por la Expedición Franco-Argentina en Sudán entre 1961 y 1963, como parte de las campañas de la UNESCO para salvar los monumentos de Nubia.
Progress report for the Early Christian Lives, Digging into Data Challenge round 3, project.
CRO dedicated this issue to Christian Champagnat with the view of attesting his important role in the development of African fisheries oceanography.
Penaeus monodon (Fabricius, 1798) is a popular cultivable species and valuable foreign exchange earning item among all the fishery commodities in Bangladesh. At present with semi-intensive and intensive shrimp culture practices, disease is a problem. Protozoan infection, caused by the Zoothamnium sp. is one of the causes of damage in the total production by growth retardation and mortality. No work has yet been done on shrimp disease in Bangladesh. The present account therefore, constitutes the first report on it from the shrimp culture ponds of Cox's Bazar. The present work includes the occurrence and prevalence of protozoan disease, its seasonal variations and level of infestation in different length groups in Penaeus monodon.
University of Pretoria / MA Dissertation / Department of Practical Theology / Advised by Prof M J S Masango
This recording is part of the Marsh Chapel Audio Collection.
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