909 resultados para Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems.
An optimal day-ahead scheduling method (ODSM) for the integrated urban energy system (IUES) is introduced, which considers the reconfigurable capability of an electric distribution network. The hourly topology of a distribution network, a natural gas network, the energy centers including the combined heat and power (CHP) units, different energy conversion devices and demand responsive loads (DRLs), are optimized to minimize the day-ahead operation cost of the IUES. The hourly reconfigurable capability of the electric distribution network utilizing remotely controlled switches (RCSs) is explored and discussed. The operational constraints from the unbalanced three-phase electric distribution network, the natural gas network, and the energy centers are considered. The interactions between the electric distribution network and the natural gas network take place through conversion of energy among different energy vectors in the energy centers. An energy conversion analysis model for the energy center was developed based on the energy hub model. A hybrid optimization method based on genetic algorithm (GA) and a nonlinear interior point method (IPM) is utilized to solve the ODSM model. Numerical studies demonstrate that the proposed ODSM is able to provide the IUES with an effective and economical day-ahead scheduling scheme and reduce the operational cost of the IUES.
Essa Tese apresenta um framework para implementação de redesenho urbanístico de assentamentos informais no contexto da corrente atual do planejamento urbano integrado aos dos recursos hídricos, focado na conservação da água e na sustentabilidade ambiental. Entre outros, sugere-se a implantação do desenho urbanístico de forma participativa e colaborativa. Apresenta-se, de forma ilustrativa proposta de redesenho para a comunidade da Vila Cascatinha localizada na Baixada de Jacarepaguá, Rio de Janeiro, região de expansão da cidade, que serviu como objeto de estudo. A área do assentamento é de indefinição fundiária e atualmente é ocupada por aproximadamente 900 famílias. O framework baseia-se na corrente do urbanismo de baixo impacto, sobretudo do Low Impact Urban Design and Devolopment (LIUDD). Os dispositivos são implantados na escala local, de forma descentralizada para a conservação e manejo das águas pluviais no meio urbano. A pesquisa está inserida no Projeto HIDROCIDADES, desenvolvido dentro dos princícpios da metodologia de pesquisa-ação proposta por Thiollent. Foi realizado trabalho de campo e entrevistas guiadas, tendo sido identificado um percentual expressivo de moradores descendentes de antigos pequenos produtores agrícolas. Na pesquisa, moradores elencaram os principais problemas do assentamento. Além disso, foram diagnosticadas potencialidades dos moradores, dentro do conceito de Tecnologia Social. A prospecção entre os moradores também procurou verificar, em um contexto de colaboração, o conhecimento e a aderência dos moradores às estruturas urbanísticas praticadas no contexto da corrente Desenho Urbano de Baixo Impacto. Ao final deste processo foi gerada proposta de reurbanização sustentável do assentamento estudado, bem como proposta de moradias coletivas sustentáveis. Guardando as devidas especificidades, espera-se que a proposta apresentada possa ser aplicada a outros assentamentos de paisagem similar.
O crescimento da população e dos núcleos urbanos durante o século XX, sobretudo nos países em desenvolvimento, contribuiu para o aumento das áreas impermeáveis das bacias hidrográficas, com impactos importantes nos sistemas de drenagem urbana e na ocorrência de enchentes associadas. As enchentes trazem prejuízos materiais, na saúde e sociais. Recentemente, têm sido propostas práticas conservacionistas e medidas compensatórias, que buscam contribuir para o controle das enchentes urbanas, através do retardo do pico e amortecimento dos hidrogramas. Modelos matemáticos hidrológicos-hidráulicos permitem a simulação da adoção destas medidas de controle, demonstrando e otimizando sua localização. Esta dissertação apresenta os resultados da aplicação do modelo hidrológico Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) à bacia hidrográfica de estudo e representativa do rio Morto localizada em área peri-urbana em Jacarepaguá na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, com área de 9,41 km. O processamento do modelo SWMM foi realizado com o apoio da interface Storm and Sanitary Analysis (SSA), integrada ao sistema AutoCAD Civil 3D. Além da verificação da adequabilidade do modelo à representação dos sistemas hidrológico e hidráulico na bacia, foram desenvolvidos estudos para dois cenários como medidas de controle de enchentes: cenário 1, envolvendo implantação de um reservatório de detenção e, cenário 2, considerando a implantação de reservatórios de águas pluviais nos lotes. Os hidrogramas resultantes foram comparados ao hidrograma resultante da simulação nas condições atuais. Além disso, foram avaliados os custos associados a cada um dos cenários usando o sistema de orçamento da Empresa Rio Águas da PCRJ. Nas simulações foram adotadas a base cartográfica, e os dados climatológicos e hidrológicos previamente observados no contexto do projeto HIDROCIDADES, Rede de Pesquisa BRUM/FINEP, na qual este estudo se insere. Foram representados os processos de geração e propagação do escoamento superficial e de base. Durante o processo de calibração, realizou-se a análise de sensibilidade dos parâmetros, resultando como parâmetros mais sensíveis os relativos às áreas impermeáveis, especialmente o percentual de área impermeável da bacia (Ai). A calibração foi realizada através do ajuste manual de sete parâmetros do escoamento superficial e cinco do escoamento de base para três eventos. Foram obtidos coeficientes de determinação entre 0,52 e 0,64, e a diferença entre os volumes escoados e observados entre 0,60% e 4,96%. Para a validação do modelo foi adotado um evento pluviométrico excepcional observado na cidade em abril de 2010, que à época causou enchentes e grandes transtornos na cidade. Neste caso, o coeficiente de determinação foi igual a 0,78 e a diferença entre volumes foi de 15%. As principais distorções entre hidrogramas observados e simulados foram verificados para as vazões máximas. Em ambos os cenários as enchentes foram controladas. A partir destes estudos, pôde-se concluir que o melhor custo-benefício foi o cenário 2. Para este cenário, foi observado maiores amortecimento e retardo da vazão de pico do hidrograma, igual a 21,51% da vazão simulada para as condições atuais da bacia. Os custos de implantação orçados para os reservatórios de lote ficaram 52% a menos do que o do reservatório de detenção.
As a result of urbanization, stormwater runoff flow rates and volumes are significantly increased due to increasing impervious land cover and the decreased availability of depression storage. Storage tanks are the basic devices to efficiently control the flow rate in drainage systems during wet weather. Presented in the paper conception of vacuum-driven detention tanks allows to increase the storage capacity by usage of space above the free surface water elevation at the inlet channel. Partial vacuum storage makes possible to gain cost savings by reduction of both the horizontal area of the detention tank and necessary depth of foundations. Simulation model of vacuum-driven storage tank has been developed to estimate potential profits of its application in urban drainage system. Although SWMM5 has no direct options for vacuum tanks an existing functions (i.e. control rules) have been used to reflect its operation phases. Rainfall data used in simulations were recorded at raingage in Czestochowa during years 2010÷2012 with time interval of 10minutes. Simulation results gives overview to practical operation and maintenance cost (energy demand) of vacuum driven storage tanks depending of the ratio: vacuum-driven volume to total storage capacity. The following conclusion can be drawn from this investigations: vacuum-driven storage tanks are characterized by uncomplicated construction and control systems, thus can be applied in newly developed as well as in the existing urban drainage systems. the application of vacuum in underground detention facilities makes possible to increase of the storage capacity of existing reservoirs by usage the space above the maximum depth. Possible increase of storage capacity can achieve even a few dozen percent at relatively low investment costs. vacuum driven storage tanks can be included in existing simulation software (i.e. SWMM) using options intended for pumping stations (including control and action rules ).
O crescimento desordenado das cidades tem gerado muitos problemas de infraestrutura e impactos ao meio ambiente. No que se refere aos recursos hídricos, problemas de abastecimento, poluição e enchentes são cada vez mais constantes. À medida que a cidade se urbaniza e se impermeabiliza, vários são os impactos que vão atuar no sentido de provocar ou agravar as enchentes urbanas. No caso da drenagem urbana é preciso repensar o que vem sendo feito, buscando soluções alternativas às atualmente apresentadas, uma vez que estas não têm se mostrado eficientes. Uma possível solução para estes problemas é a aplicação de medidas de controle do escoamento na fonte, dentre elas o microrreservatório de detenção. Baseando-se na busca de soluções para os problemas citados, este trabalho tem o objetivo geral de verificar experimentalmente o funcionamento de microrreservatórios de detenção no controle da geração do escoamento superficial. Para isso foi construído um módulo experimental nas dependências do IPH, composto por um microrreservatório de 1m3, monitorado através de linígrafos que registram as vazões de entrada e saída, recebendo contribuição de uma área de 337,5m2. O período de monitoramento iniciou em agosto de 2000 e se estendeu até janeiro de 2001. De posse dos dados coletados foi possível fazer uma análise da eficiência deste dispositivo no controle do escoamento superficial, bem como estudar a real necessidade de manutenção da estrutura. Também foi feita uma análise do impacto da presença de sedimentos (folhagens) na água de escoamento nas estruturas de descarga. O trabalho também deixa uma contribuição no que se refere a critérios de projeto e dimensionamento de estruturas desta natureza. Finalmente foi possível concluir que o sistema é eficiente no controle da vazão de pico, porém o reservatório não permitiu um aumento no tempo de resposta da bacia.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In the past, the focus of drainage design was on sizing pipes and storages in order to provide sufficient network capacity. This traditional approach, together with computer software and technical guidance, had been successful for many years. However, due to rapid population growth and urbanisation, the requirements of a “good” drainage design have also changed significantly. In addition to water management, other aspects such as environmental impacts, amenity values and carbon footprint have to be considered during the design process. Going forward, we need to address the key sustainability issues carefully and practically. The key challenge of moving from simple objectives (e.g. capacity and costs) to complicated objectives (e.g. capacity, flood risk, environment, amenity etc) is the difficulty to strike a balance between various objectives and to justify potential benefits and compromises. In order to assist decision makers, we developed a new decision support system for drainage design. The system consists of two main components – a multi-criteria evaluation framework for drainage systems and a multi-objective optimisation tool. The evaluation framework is used for the quantification of performance, life-cycle costs and benefits of different drainage systems. The optimisation tool can search for feasible combinations of design parameters such as the sizes, order and type of drainage components that maximise multiple benefits. In this paper, we will discuss real-world application of the decision support system. A number of case studies have been developed based on recent drainage projects in China. We will use the case studies to illustrate how the evaluation framework highlights and compares the pros and cons of various design options. We will also discuss how the design parameters can be optimised based on the preferences of decision makers. The work described here is the output of an EngD project funded by EPSRC and XP Solutions.
A successful urban management support system requires an integrated approach. This integration includes bringing together economic, socio-cultural and urban development with a well orchestrated transparent and open decision making mechanism. The paper emphasises the importance of integrated urban management to better tackle the climate change, and to achieve sustainable urban development and sound urban growth management. This paper introduces recent approaches on urban management systems, such as intelligent urban management systems, that are suitable for ubiquitous cities. The paper discusses the essential role of online collaborative decision making in urban and infrastructure planning, development and management, and advocates transparent, fully democratic and participatory mechanisms for an effective urban management system that is particularly suitable for ubiquitous cities. This paper also sheds light on some of the unclear processes of urban management of ubiquitous cities and online collaborative decision making, and reveals the key benefits of integrated and participatory mechanisms in successfully constructing sustainable ubiquitous cities.
Monitoring urban growth and land-use change is an important issue for sustainable infrastructure planning. Rapid urban development, sprawl and increasing population pressure, particularly in developing nations, are resulting in deterioration of infrastructure facilities, loss of productive agricultural lands and open spaces, pollution, health hazards and micro-climatic changes. In addressing these issues effectively, it is crucial to collect up-to-date and accurate data and monitor the changing environment at regular intervals. This chapter discusses the role of geospatial technologies for mapping and monitoring the changing environment and urban structure, where such technologies are highly useful for sustainable infrastructure planning and provision.
Urban settlements, with their role as economic and governance nerve centres, are rapidly expanding in size and in consumption of resources, and consequently have significant impacts on the environment. The transition to an ‘eco-city’ - an urban settlement that adopts the goals and principles in the urban metabolism model - needs to occur to meet the challenges posed by a multitude of pressures including population growth, climate change and resource depletion. Thus, the adoption and integration of ‘sustainable development’ into the management of urban growth is one of the most critical governance issues for urban settlements. A framework in which sustainable development can be achieved is through the lenses of the established theoretical concept of ‘urban metabolism’. The key facet of the proposed ‘Integrated Urban Metabolism Framework’ is the provision of a platform whereby different fields can appreciate, absorb and learn from other areas, to increase the understanding of where each and every one of the pieces fit together in order to create a larger, holistic approach to the currently stagnant problem of unsustainable development.
For many years, drainage design was mainly about providing sufficient network capacity. This traditional approach had been successful with the aid of computer software and technical guidance. However, the drainage design criteria had been evolving due to rapid population growth, urbanisation, climate change and increasing sustainability awareness. Sustainable drainage systems that bring benefits in addition to water management have been recommended as better alternatives to conventional pipes and storages. Although the concepts and good practice guidance had already been communicated to decision makers and public for years, network capacity still remains a key design focus in many circumstances while the additional benefits are generally considered secondary only. Yet, the picture is changing. The industry begins to realise that delivering multiple benefits should be given the top priority while the drainage service can be considered a secondary benefit instead. The shift in focus means the industry has to adapt to new design challenges. New guidance and computer software are needed to assist decision makers. For this purpose, we developed a new decision support system. The system consists of two main components – a multi-criteria evaluation framework for drainage systems and a multi-objective optimisation tool. Users can systematically quantify the performance, life-cycle costs and benefits of different drainage systems using the evaluation framework. The optimisation tool can assist users to determine combinations of design parameters such as the sizes, order and type of drainage components that maximise multiple benefits. In this paper, we will focus on the optimisation component of the decision support framework. The optimisation problem formation, parameters and general configuration will be discussed. We will also look at the sensitivity of individual variables and the benchmark results obtained using common multi-objective optimisation algorithms. The work described here is the output of an EngD project funded by EPSRC and XP Solutions.
Low density suburban development and excessive use of automobiles are associated with serious urban and environmental problems. These problems include traffic congestion, longer commuting times, high automobile dependency, air and water pollution, and increased depletion of natural resources. Master planned development suggests itself as a possible palliative for the ills of low density and high travel. The following study examines the patterns and dynamics of movement in a selection of master planned estates in Australia. The study develops new approaches for assessing the containment of travel within planned development. Its key aim is to clarify and map the relationships between trip generation and urban form and structure. The initial conceptual framework of the report is developed in a review of literature related to urban form and travel behaviour. These concepts are tested empirically in a pilot study of suburban travel activity in master planned estates. A geographical information systems (GIS) methodology is used to determine regional journey-to-work patterns and travel containment rates. Factors that influence self-containment patterns are estimated with a regression model. The key research findings of the pilot study are: - There is a strong relation between urban structural form and patterns of trip generation; - The travel self-containment of Australian master planned estates is lower than the scholarly literature implies would occur if appropriate planning principles to achieve sustainable urban travel were followed; - Proximity to the central business district, income level and education status are positively correlated with travel containment; - Master planned estates depend more on local and regional centres for employment than on the central business district; - The service sector is the major employer in and around master planned estates. It tends to provide part-time and casual employment rather than full-time employment; - Travel self-containment is negative correlated with car dependency. Master planned estates with less car dependent residents, and with good access to public transport, appear to be more self-contained and, consequently, more sustainable than the norm. This research is a useful preliminary examination of travel self-containment in Australian master planned estates. It by no means exhausts the subject. In future research we hope to further assess sustainable travel patterns with more detailed spatial analysis.